HomeMy WebLinkAbout042888 Min Packet . • it - # P.ORT TDW SE D,, WASHON13TON 9836E . Port Tow send ing Commission a A CIT` 13F PORT TOWNSEI' D L ' 1 1 MINUTES. of APRIL. 2 X988 I. ,Opening Business and loll Call }}M Chairman Carman called the"meeting -at 7.36 .M. - i Members present were Ron Kosec,, Bob Grimm, Don Aoglund,, and Chairman Alan Carman. Chairman Carman declared a quorum. Also present was City Planner Michael Hildt and Asst. Planner; Devin .0"Ne#l. i Mr, Kosec moved the mini tes-of April..,1 , 1988 be Apprbviad as distributed. Mr. Hoglund seconded and"the rrroti n'+passed - . ' ll. Communications ations w - F A • , w Chair-man Carman passed around a- Y of the American Planning Assoc. Magazine,- information from the Center for .Urban P611cy Research at Futers, and gave a financial report to the treasurer. He announced the receipt of his. Slater' resignation which he said he accepted w1th regret. i lll. old Business a. Conditional Use Application No. 8803- 2 John and Martha Foley Mr.. O'Neil presented the staff 'report. me reviewed, the draft findings of fact,. condlon , and conditions of approval. The proposal is to construct an office building at 3001.F Street, the southeast corner of F Street and San Juan Avenue. _• I' t • The applicant has expressed Concern over draft condition 2, which limits the height of the building to thirty feet. Mr. O'Neil ex'p�41ned that the maximum allowable building height in a pl zone is 50 feet, hoevr a professional office is a conditional-use in a lel -zone. He read -from Title 17 bf the zoning code which allows the "board of ad ustn ents" to impose dnditions on 'conditional uses . , hi h increase requirements established,in the policies. The height, limit is recommended because of the preponderance -of F1 zoning in the surrounding .area, and the proximity of the site. to the pond.' and golf y course. The public hearing was opened. - F Mr~. Foley gage Mr. O'Neil a 'copy of a soils report '-which indicated -that the soil mould support the proposed building. He has no problem with the 30 foot height limit. The building is 27 feet high. He said he did not plan to construct the vocational testing center right array, but had included it 'so' as not to have to reapply for another conditional use permit at a later date. He asked if draft condition regardin obtaining a building-permit Within bne year affected this plan. , r ;Mr. Hildt thought it did not. The condition asks only that "a building permit" be obtained and is not more specific. Chairman Carman had no objection to this. The permit allows the applicant to build. up to what is proposed but not more. Simply because the vocational center is a part of the application doesn't mean it must be constructed at the same time as the main building. 5 ' The public hearing was closed Committee Deport, Mr. Hoglund said he was in favor of the project and concurred with draft condition 1#2. Chairman Carman expressed a concern over storm water run-off going directly into the pond. Mr. Hildt said the Mr. Stricklin, DPW, thought that since the site was small, a storm serge would not accumulate, but that run-off would sit in the low part o the property and perk down or go to the ditch at F Street. The parking lot is not large enough to warrant an oil separator. Chairman arman said by not allowing the water to go directly into the pond he meant that it would be directed though a natural filtration process. The ditch at Street flogs directly into the pond F Mr. Hildt said that Mr. Stricklin had recommended that if anything were done, directing the flow to the F Street ditch could be acceptable. Mr. O'Neil said that draft condition 1 was meant to address the run-off by requiring buffering between the parking area and the pond.. Mr. Foley said the golf course had raised the tees making the lam higher than his property. There is no path for ,rater to get to the pond from his property at . present. He said there is a natural low point, a sump, on the property, and he thought the best plan was to leave the drainage alone. Mr.. Hoglund moved to recommend approval of Conditional Use Application leo. 8803-02 s it meets the criteria in Title 17 of the Municipal code, along with the findings of fact, conclusions, and conditions of approval as outlined by staff. lair. Kosec seconded and the motion passed -o. b. Conditional Use Application No. 8803- 3 John Clise Mr. O'Neil presented the staff report. (attached) The proposal is to establish a custom art and craft use on the top floor of ldrich's Building at 940 Lawrence Street. Mr. Grimm asked if the staff had considered requiring additional parking. Mr. O'Neil said that though the parking is not as much as would have been required had the building been established subsequent to the enactment of the zoning code, the current off street parking.is under utilized. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Clise saw no difficulty with the proposed conditions of approval. The public hearing was closed. i Committee Deport: lir. Kosec said he had no problem with the proposal now that the fire escape has been installed. He thou the parking had been addressed. rt Mr. Kosec moved to recommend approval of Conditional Use Application No. 8803-03 as meeting the criteria under Section 17.64040, and adoption of the findings of fact, conclusions, and conditions of approval as presented by staff. Mr. Grimm seconded and the motion passed -o. c. Gateway Project Report + lir. Hildt reported on the chaette, stating that it , as well attended and produced area goals along with an implementation plan. The City Council will consider adopting the recommendations in concept on May 5, 1988. Chairman Carman commented that the process had been enlightening and worthwhile as well as a very positive experience. IV. New Business . a. Street vacation Application leo. 8804-01 Barbara Williams Mr. O'Neil sent a letter requesting that Ms. Williams.contact--a-t le company and request a► title search in order to_ clarify the status of the property shO his requested for vacation. The problem is that some of the city property,may not be dedicated to street right-of-way and therefore could not be vacated. b. Short Subdivision Application No. 8804-02 James Daubenberger Mr. O'Neil recommended postponing the hearing to May 2 , 1988. The commission concurred. c. Short Subdivision Application No. 8802-01 John Sudlor Mr. Hildt reported that lair.. Sudlow continues to object to the dedication of street right-of-way as a condition of his permit and has the plat prepared without complying with that condition. A response to lair. Majhan's letter has been requested both from the Assoc. of Washington n Cities and from Keith Harper. lir. Harper will attend the hearing. Mr. Hildt suggested that the bearing on the final plan be scheduled for May 26, 1988 in order for copies of this material to b distributed to commission members and for them to have time to study the material. . variance Application No. 8804-03 Jack Javens The hearing was set for May 12, 1988. The.co mittee will be Ids. Slater and Mr. Taernali . V. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. 4 Alice ling, 'ecet ry .� . I.A.AF..1016.. _ � Di0 Rz%FT FINDINGS OF FACI An fMCLUSIONS QE M 24MING GMISSION Date: April 28, 1988 Re: Conditional Use Appl. 8803-02, John and Martha Foley After respectful consideration of the above referenced appli- cation including on-site inspection of the property, and after timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following findings and conclusions: . `ind n s_ of_-Fact .. . The applicants propose to construct on office building for their company, Career Directions Northwest, Ltd. The location of the proposed use is 3001 ' ' Street, which is at the southeast Conner of ' F' Street and San Juan Avenue. A pasture Lies at the southwest corner of the ;intersection; San Juan grocery is at the northwest corner; and two single-family residences are on the northeast corner. Directly to the east and south of the site is the Port Townsend Golf Course and Hastings Pond. 2. The proposed site, as well as the golf course area, is zoned F-I . A professional office building is permitted as a conditional use in the P-I zoning district. with the exception of a small C-I zone on the northwest corner of the intersection, the adjacent land to the north and the gest of the site is zoned - . . The applicants' plans call for an approximately 2, 000 square foot office building with a detached vocational testing center which will be approximately 400 square feet. The proposed building height is slightly less than thirty feet. These dimensions are well within the allowable bulk requirements for building in the --I zoning district. . Access to and from the site would be from 'F' Street, with driveway leading- to a parking--area which" id have- eight parking' spaces. The zoning code stipulAtes that a professional office use requires one off-street parking space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. The proposal meets this requirement. The applicants have also stated their intention to landscape around the parking area. . The site of the proposed use is directly adjacent to an area which the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan has designated as an environx entall'y sensitives area. The City--Cour it i u d a Determination of Nonsignificance, dated April 5, 1988, of ter review of the Environmental Checklist submitted by the applicant pursuant to the Washington State Enviroranental policy Act. Capon J Planning Commission Page 2 their own review of the checklist, the Washington State Department of Ecology has commented on the determination of nonsignificance. In a letter dated April 1 , 1988, Barbara Ritchie of DOE stated that peat soils, the soil type listed for the site, typically play important water quality filtration and ground water recharge functions, as well as providing a► poor building base. The letter suggests that the city give further consideration to the project prior to construction. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil survey of Jefferson county (August, 19' classifies the vicinity soils as San Juan soils, which are a black, sandy loam. Although there are potential hazards to ground waters should contaminants enter the soil from the subject property, the soil is considered suitable to support buildings such as that proposed. . The applicants' preliminary site plans show that the parking area will be located on the northern end of the site, while the buildings will be located to the east and south of the parking area, thus separating the parking area from the golf course property. . A letter dated march 1 , 1988 from David Goldsmith, Director of the Jefferson county Planning and Building Departments to the applicants, stated that the site does not fall within the jurisdictional boundaries of the 191 Shoreline Management Act. Conclusions . The proposed office building will not endanger the public health or safety, - nor will a nuisance be created. 2. The proposed use will be required to meet all of the conditions and specifications set forth in the E-I zone in which the property is located. . The proposed use will not be injurious or detrimental to adjoining or abutting property. . Because the proposed office building would be a low impact use, the location and -iaracter of the the use will be in harmony with the area in which it is located and will be in general conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. In consideration of the aforementioned findings and conclusions, the Planning Commission recommends that the above referenced application b GATED AS CONDITIONED: 1 . The parking- area--wi I 1—inc lue—landscaping. -as_ part -of - the lot design, and shall include tree and shrub plantings within and around the parking area ( 17 . 28. 090, Fort Townsend Municipal Code) . The Planning Commission Page applicants' final land'scoping plans shall 'be approved by the city Council,. particularly with regard to buffering the parking area a5 much as possible from the golf course and Hastings Pond, as is , indicated in the preliminary site plan. 2, Because of the close proximity of the site to single family neighborhoods and since some views of Hastings Pond will be blocked by the proposed development, the height of the office building and vocational testing center shall be limited to thirty feet. This is consistent with the maximum allowable building height in the neighboring -1 zoning district. . All future expansion of the site must stay within the same use class ificat .on, meet all the requirements and specifications of the -I zone, and conform to all conditions listed above. . if a building permit and/or occupancy permit is not obtained for subject property within one year from the date of the board' s decision, the conditional use permit shall be cancelled and automatically become null and void 17. .070, Port Townsend Municipal Code) . Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Fort Townsend Planning Commission, Donald Hoglund, Chr. , --review committee Old f 3 nrn- ANDREA BEATTY RINIKEi � � Director t+h4 w STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Marl Stop -11 Olympia, 1 as inglon 98504-8711 9 06 459-6000 April 1 , 1988 Mr. Michael Hildt City of Port Townsend 540 Water Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Dear Mr. ildt: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the determination of nonsignificance for the construction of an office building by John and Martha Foley, We reviewed the environmental checklist and have the following comments. Peat soils on the site indicate the potential presence of wetlands, at least historically. These sous typically made a very poor building substrata and play imp rtant water qual- ity filtration and ground water recharge functions, Further consideration should be given to the project prior to con- struction on this site. If you have any questions, please call Mr, Andy McMillan of the Shorelands Program at 06) 459-6774 , Sincerely, Barbara J, Ritchie Environmental Review Section BTR cc: Andy McMillan # • DRAFT FIM Ga o FA9LJ GOGUMIONS .of _TW-PLAMINra QMISSI ^^ - Data: April 2 , 1988 Re: Conditional Use Appl. 8803 -08, John H. Clise After respectful consideration of the above referenced application, including on-site inspection of the property, and after timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following findings and conclusion Find-ing,s of Fact 1 . -The appy.i.-cant-proposes to establish--custom-art and craft ---- --- use on the top floor of Aldrich' s Building at 940 Lawrence Street. The buildingeis located in the -III zoning district. Ordinance No. 2102, passed by the City Council on March 14 , 1988, amended Section 17 . 16. 010 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code to state that "Parti.al use as custom, art and craft work; and/or light manufacturing may be established as a conditional use. in certain historic buildings in the C-Ill district, subject re5trictions. These restrictions place additional criteria on the granting of such conditional use permits made grantable when the proposed site of the conditional use is an historic building. Custom art and draft wok is an allowable conditional use in certain historic buildings, including Aldrich' s (ordinance 2102) . 2. Aldrich' s is a three-story building which was built in 1889. The building is classified as a secondary historical structure i the designation of the Port Townsend Historic District. 3, The ground level of the building is used as a retail grocery store. There are offices and storage on the second floor. On the third floor acre an apartment and a large vaunt area proposed for arts and crafts use. 4 . Established prior to the enactment of the zoning code, Aldrich' s is a legal , nonconforming use with respect to parking requirements. 'There are currently sixteen off-street parking spaces for the property. Parking requirements- may be imposed as condition to a proposed use which requires a conditional use permit. 8. The applicant proposes to initially occupy approximately 1 ,000 of the available 3,'500 square feet of floor space on the third floor with a small custom art and craft business. The proposed business would employ one person full-time with two other people working there intermittently. A fixe escape has been recently installed for the third floor and some plumbing modifications may be necessary. the renovations will not alter any of the architecturally or historically significant features i Planning Commission Page 2 of the building. Custom art and craft uses may eventually be expanded to occupy additional space on the third floor. concla-s c ,... 1 . The City Council has issued a Determination of Nonsignificance, dated April 5, 1988, after review of the Environmental Checklist submitted by the applicant pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act. 2. The proposed custom art and craft use of the building will not endanger the public health or safety, nor will a nuisance be created.. 3. The proposed use will be required to meet all of the conditions and specifications set forth in the C-III zone in which the property is located, except for those legal, nonconforming conditions which were in existene prior to the enactment of the Port Townsend *zoning code in 1971 . The proposed use will not be in urous or detrimental to the ad i ging or abutting property. . Because the proposed use will provide a viable economic use within an historic building without altering the architecturally or historically significant features of the building, the location and character of the use will be in harmony with the area in which it is located and in general conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. . The proposed use will not occupy street level space which is better suited for retail sales or services . . The top floor location- of the proposed use makes the location impractical for the uses permitted in the c-I I I zoning district, as evidenced by the current vacant status of the upper floor. In consideration of the aforementioned finding's and conclusions, the Planning Commission recommends that the application b GRANTED AS CONDITIONED: 1 . Each employee of the custom arts and crafts business shall be required by the applicant or lessee to park in the currently designated off-street parking area provided for the building. 2. It is understood that the Un:iform Building Code and Uniform Fire code apply and must be net prior t occupancy. r Planning commission, 8803- 3 Page 3 3. custom art and craft uses shall not expand to areas other than the third floor. 4. if a building permit and/or occupancy permit is not obtained for subject property within one year from the date of the board' s decision, the conditional use permit shall be cancelled and automatically become null and void ( 17. 64 . 070, Port Townsend Municipal Code) . Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning Commission, James Taernais, Chr. , Review Committee