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Port To n + annirf9 Co '' ion
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I. opening Business and Roll Call # F
Chairman Carman {called the meeting t order at 7:34
' embers present were Ron Kosec, Bobr'imm, %iron Tavernakis,*and Chairman
.Alan Carman. Chairman. tarman declared a quorum. Also present was City
_planner Michael. Hildt. t i
moved. the minutes of February. II 1988 be approved. s distributed. Mr.
Mr. .cosec . �
Taernakis seconded and the motion passed 4-0. _
Il. communications
r M
There were none■
Ilia old Business
a. Application No. 387-01 Union Wharf
Mr. Hildt
_ I
ted the staff report. (attached) The request is to wave the parking
requirement or a multi-use cor�nirr ercial acilit to a de elop from the existing
a * •
Union Wharf. lir.. ildt outlined six options available to the comm' fission for
dealing with the request. He recor rhe ded. option #3: to grant partial variance,
reducing the requirement to `aces, but. require that t ie Historic Preservation
y 4 9 , i y,
oar mission certify compliance of the construction of -any portion of the _.
development with applicableK i I n i . tie S r`y of the Interior-' Standards
. €.
for rehabilitation and Guidelines for' rehabilitating` Historic buildings. This saves
the applicant the trouble of going through--another permitting loop, that of being
found to contribute to the Histokic"District, in order, o get the reduction to 51
spaces, and yet gives some guidelines,to the Historic Preservation Commis5ion. and
retains control over compatibility. of design. �
.s -
' Chairman Carmah`opened the public hearing. '
"Janet Marcou a -,and Union Wharf Assoc., stated they -r: � a
were satisfied with Mr. Hildt's recommendation.
The public hearing was closed.
Committee Report: -Mr. Ta ernakis said he had. no, problem. with,the6pplication
,n A r r m m ori ri ri i r of Dnti n ... '
40 +
,,Mr. Grimm suggested that the corn mission somehow express its support of the
project In addition to simply granting the partial variance.
Chairman Carman suggested that a statement could be added to the findings of
fact concerning the support of the Planning Comrnio3ion.
Mr.. i dt said he would modify conclusion and merge it with #7 to recommend
the granting of a partial variance with conditions. He will add a statement to the
draft conclusions concerning the perceived value of the project to the community.
Mr. Taverna is moved to recommend approval of Application No. 3897-01 for a
variance as conditioned, including the modifications to the draft conclusions. Mr.
Grimm seconded and the motion passed -0.
b. Application No.. 01-02 Sharon Barrea .
Street vacation
Mr. Hildt presented the staff report. (attached) The request is to vacate unopened
Virginia Place and the western portion of Fowler's Park Addition Plaza between
Cook Ave. and Peary Ave. The applicant's property abuts the areas proposed for
vacation on all sides. Mr. Hildt noted that Virginia Place was also known as
Jefferson Place. Any final documents will reflect this discrepancy. The request i
made in order to enhance the salability of the property.
Chairman Carman opened the public hearing.
I . Barrea spoke in favor of the request.
Chairman Carman closed the public hearing.
Committee Report: Mr. Grimm recommended in favor of the request. He moved
o adopt the draft findings of fact and conclusions as prepared by staff and
recommend a ro al of Application leo. 8801-02 for a street vacation. fir.
Tavernal is seconded and the motion Passed 4-0.
c. Application No. 01-04 Peter Albrecht & Mary Lynn Anderson
Street vacation
Mr. Hildt presented the staff report. (attached) The request is to vacate a portion
of Copper St. extending 147 feet southwest of the established (pavement
right-of-way of Umatilla Ave. The applicant's property abuts both sides of the
area requested for vacation. Copper St. is unopened to Umatilla and the slope is
too steep to male it likely that the street will ever be constructed through to
Umatilla. Silver St. provides adequate access from neighboring streets to Umatilla,
and the Elliston property will continue to be accessed through the remaining
Copper St. right-of-moray. Puget Poorer has requested an easement on the
northwest side of the requested vacation for their overhead electrical facilities.
Chairman Carman pointed out that the request did not include the remainder of
Copper St. at its intersection with Umatilla but only the portion that abuts its
existing established pavement. Umatilla is not located in the center of its
right-of-way. �hairman Carman felt that a more precise legal description of the
))eginning point of the vacation was needed, perhaps from a monument in the ,
Mr. Grimm clarified that no portions of Umatilla were requested to be vacated.
He asked who was obligated to provide a legal description of the requested
Mr. Hildt said the applicant would reed to provide this.
Chairman Carman opened the public hearing.
Mr. Albrecht said granting of the request would enhance the restoration of the
r Coleman-Furlong house.
The public hearing was closed.
Committee Deport: lir. Kosec spoke in favor of the request, though he pointed out
that, in general, the commission did not life vacating portions of streets,
Chairman Carman said that the topographer, specifically the gradient of the portion
of the right-of- ray in question, justified vacating a portion and not the entire
street. He suggested a second condition: The applicant's surveyor will drag up a
proper legal description of the area requested for vacation for final action by the
City Council. +
Mr. Losec moved to recommend approval of Application No. 8801-04 for a strut
vacation as conditioned, including condition 2 concerning the legal description, and
that the draft findings of fact and draft conclusions as prepared by staff be
adopted. Mr. Grimm seconded and the motion passed 4-0.
Iv. New Business
01 a. Application No. 8802-03 Wm- and Laura M dlicott
Conditional Use
The hearing was scheduled for March 31, 1988. The committee will be Mr. Hoglund
and Mr. McLarr ey.
V. Announcement
The next scheduled meeting is lurch 10, 1988. on the agenda will be Short Plat
Application leo. 02-01 by John Sudlow and .Juelanne Dalzell, variance Application
No. 8802-02 by the First Presbyterian Church, and the nomination of officers.
Election of officers w111 be March 311 1988.
I. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8.25 P.M.
Alice King,. Se etary
t �
To: P lann ing Commission
From: Michael. Hildt
City Planner
Date: February 7, 1938
Res. variance Appl. 387-01,, Inion Wharf Associates
Backaromd Wharf Associates proposes to demolish and
redevelop Union Wharf into a multiple-use facility. A variance
is. sought to waive parking requirements for the proposed
redevelopment, stating; "It will xiot be possible to redevelop
Union Wharf in compliance with the requirements of Shoreline
Management Master Program and the Standards for Rehabilitating
Historic Structures without a waiver of the parking
requirements. .# Applicant states further that waiver is sought
rather than a reduction in requirements because it ,is not
possible to locate any long term parking on Union Wharf.
q Although the application for variance was received on March
18, 1987, -the Planning--Commission has, with the expressed
concurrence of the applicant, postponed its recommendation until
after consideration of downtown parking policies and passage of
Ordinance 2093, amending parking requirements in the Downtown
Parking District.
Based on the planned uses of the facility, the parking
requirements prior to ordinance 2098 passu Mast December were
114 off-street spaces. Applying the reductions for the Downtown
Parking District -enacted in Ordinance 2093, the project is now
required to provide 85 spaces 5% of 114) . If the applicant
were to apply for a finding by the Port Townsend Historic
Preservation Commission that the buildings as designed are
contributing to the Port Townsend Historic District, and the
Commission were to make such a finding, the requirement would b
further reduced to 51 spaces 5% of 114) .
The Commission could conclude that the unique site, together
with the extreme cost of reconstructing the wharf itself and the
virtual al impossibility of providing off-street parking adjacent to
the property, justifies granting the variance ►s requested; i.e. ,
waiving parking requirements altogether. This conclusion could
be bolstered by a finding that the importance to the Historic
District in saving the wharf (site of the first corporation in
the state and last wharf left of the old Victorian seaport) and
the economic - boost the new attraction is expected to bring to
surrounding retail establishmen s, outweighs the increased
parking congestion.
2. Because the applicati
commission could grant a partial variance which provides the
reductions available in that ordinance without requiring the
applicant to apply to the Historic Preservation Commiesion for a
finding. This would save the applicant the time, uncertainty and
expense of yet another permitting loop. It would, however, run
the risk that the project design turn out to be incompatible with
the historic District, thus lackingjustification for that
parking reduction '
. A variation on alternative 2 would be to add a condition
that the Historic Preservation Commission review the design to
the standards to which the applicant has already committed: -
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for RehabiIitation and
Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings. This would
gain control over the compatibility of the design, yet give the
Commission a set of standards to which the applicant has already
. The Commission could grant a partial variance to reduce the
requirement to 45 spaces, concluding that the hotel rooms are
likely to bring one additional oar per room, yet the additional
retail. space. ,will be .accommodated-,through ,informal Joint use . .
parking as shoppers park and stroll around the downtwn without
respect to any single destination.
5. The Commission could find that the hotel use is primarily a
..nighttime use" as defined in Section 17.28.060 PTMC, allowing up
to fifty percent of this requirement to be met through joint use
parking arrangements. The joint use arrangement could be either
assumed or contractual and could reduce the requirement to 2
spaces if the historic compatibility finding reduction is also
granted 51 - 23
. Finally, the commission could find that the reductions and
fee--in-lieu options now afforded the applicant through ordinance
2093 make the variance no longer necessary and justified_ The
variance would be denied under this alternative, l. avi,n,g the
applicant with a requirement of 35 spaces, subject to reduction
through the Historic Preservation commission and/or payment of
fee-in-lieu by application to the Council.
Alternative 3 is recommended in order to follow the decisions
made in ordinance 2093 in a manner which respects the timing and .
commitment of the application, while giving the Historic
'reservation Commi6sion a set of standards with which to make a►
timely determination. o atndr ' he as yet been adopted
for the Commission's review under ordinance 2093. )
41 Draft Findings and Conclusions are attached for your
,� 2
. 1
Date: February 11, 1988
Variance Appl. 387-01, Union Wharf Associates
After respectful consideration of the above referenced appli-
cation including on-site inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following
findings and conclusions
Find;Lngfs of Fact.
1. Applicant proposes to redevelop the existing Union Wharf rf as
ak multiple-use commercial facility, including a passenger ferry ..
terminal, a public fishing pier, transient boat moorage,
terminal 'for tour or cruiEse boats, a forty-five-room inn,
maritime museum, a restaurant, a marine hardware stone and other
retail space.
2_ Union Wharf is in the C-I11 zoning district within the Port
Townsend Historic- District and the Downtown Parkes Di8trict.
The site is described as a portion of Tideland Districts 51A and
51B within Block 9 of the Port Townsend original Towns to and the
adjacent Taylor Street right--of-way, all within Section 11,
Township 30 North, Range I West, WM. The property is owned by
the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, and the Washington
State Department of Natural Resources.
3. The .present Union Wharf is structurally unsound and ifs
slated for demolition by the Department of Natural Resources
which has, however, agreed to postpone demolition as long a
there is a viable redevelopment proposal. pending.
4. The applicant proposes to demolish and reconstruct the
e istA g wharf, including the existing building of approximately
11,00,0 square feet. The reconstructed wharf would have an area
.of 58,550 square feet of which 26, 020 square feet of decker is
to be open to the public for active and passive pursuits. Three
new, two-story buildings are to be constructed on the wham to
house the inn, restaurant, marine museum, retail stores, public
circulation areas and rest rooms. These total approximately
0,000 square feet.
Applicant seeks variance from (:hapten 17.28 Port Townsend
Nunicipal Code to waive parking requirements for the proposed
redevelopment, stating, "1 t will not be possible to redevelop
Union Wharf in compliance with the requirements of Shoreline
* A
Planning Commission, 3 -01 Page 2
Management Master Program and the Standards for Rehabilitating
Historic Structures without a waver of the parking
requirements. " Applicant states further that a waiver is sought �
rather than a reduction in requirements because it is not
possible to locate any long term parking on Union Wharf.
. All construction on the project is proposed to comply with
the Secretary of, the Interior"s Standards for Rehabilitation and
Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings.
The City Council determined on March 3, 1987, that the
proposed project will not have a significant effect on the
environment and issued a declaration of nonsignificance pursuant
to the State Environmental Policy Act.
. On May 21, 1987, the City Council .issued a Shoreline
Substantial Development Permit with variance from certain
performance standards and policies of the Jefferson-Port Townsend
Shoreline Management Miter Program.
9. The WaBhington State Department of Ecology denied the
substantial development permit and variance on June 15, 1987.
Applicants, together with the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson
County, appealed the denial to the Washington State Shorelines
Hearings Board on July 13, 1987. Hearings are scheduled on the
appeal in early lurch, 1983.
1 . On December 1, 1987, the City Council enacted Ordinance
2093, which made several modifications to the parking
r-e ►irements of Chapter 1' .28, including reduced requirements in
the Downtown Parking District which now apply io the proposed
redevelopment of Union Wharf.
11 . Although the application for variance was received on Manch
3, 1987 , the Planning CommisBion. has, with th6 expressed
concurrence of the applicant, postponed its recommendation until
after consideration of downtown parking policies and the above-
mentioned amendments to Chapter 17 .28.
Tanning Commission, 387-01 Page
12. Under current provisions, the proposed project is required
o provide off-street parking as follows
Use. Area (Fin - Parkinff Requirement
5 Hotel Rooms 25,000 1/room x .751 33.75 spaces
Restaurant - 49000 1205 .75 = 45 spaces ..
Marine Museum 4,1000 1/2 0SF x .75 = 15 spaces
Marne Hardware 3,000 i 1/80F x .75 = 8.75 spaces
Other retail. 4,1000 1 0 0 F x .75 = 1 o spaces
Passenger Ferry
Office & WaitinO 12000 1/100SF x .75 = 7.5 spaces
TOTAL 85 spaces
13. ordinance 2093 provides a► further reduction in parking
r-equirements . for proposed downtown uses which are to be
established in a building' the design of which has been found, to
contribute to the Port Townsend Historic District. In such
cases, parking requirements are forty-five percent of the parking
requirements which would otherwise apply (i.e, outside of the
Downtown Parking District) . Accordingly, if the proposed
redevelopment of Union Wharf were to- b found by the Dort
Townsend Historic Preservation Commission to be so contributing,
the parking requirement would be reduced tofifty-one 51 off-
ff-street spaces.
14. Union Wharf is bounded on three sides by Port Townsend Bay
and by the Front Street and Taylor Street rights-of-way on the
_ northwest end. Taylor Street, in the vicinity of Union Wharf, is
a congested retail and residential street with inadequate parking
to meet the peak demands of existing uses in the area.
10rdinane 2093 reduced parking requirements for the
Downtown Parking District to 75% of the requirements which
otherwise apply.
No specific requxrement listed in the fort Townsend
Municipal Code; assumed 1 space per 100 square feet.
4Pi Planning commission, 387-01 Page
The proposed variance would, not amount to a rezone nor
constitute change in the district boundaries shown on the
official zoning map
2. The prohibition placed on parking on the wharf imposed by
the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, together with the
absence of feasible sites to develop additional parking adjacent
to the site, constitute special circumstances which do not result
from actions of the applicant and which are peculiar to the
subject property and are not applicable to other, lands in the
district. Accordingly, literal interpretation of the provisions
of Title 1' Zoning Port Townsend Municipal code would deprive
the applicant of the rights commonly enjoyed by other properties
olmilarl.y situated .in the district.
. A variance o asubstantially. lesser degree than the parking
waiver requested i would not confer a special privilege to- the
subject property that is denied to other lands in the same
. The benefits which are likely to accrue to properties in the
vicinity from the public areas and complementary retail
attractions proposed by the applicant, outweigh the degree o
increased street congestion and parking demands likely to result
from a substantially lesser variance than the parking waiver
requested by the applicant. Accordingly, the granting of a
partial variance would not be materially detrimental to the
public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in
the vicinity and zone in whish the property is situated
. Although the reasons set forth in the application do not
justify the granting of the variance requested and the variance
requested is not -the minimum variance -that will make possible the
reasonable use of the property, a substantially lesser variance
is justified and necessary.
. Because granting of the variance requested, waiving parking
requirements on the proposed project, would not be in harmony
with the general purpose andintent of Title 1 (zoning) of the
Port Townsend Municipal. Code and could be. injurious to the
neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare, the +
Planning COMMiBSion recommends that the variance as requested be
7 . Because the granting of a substantially lesser -variance would
be in harmony with the -general purpose and intent of Title l
(zoning) of the Port Townsend Municipal Code and would not be
injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the
public' welfare, the Planning Commission recommends that
Planning Commission, 387-01 Page 5
variance from the requirements of Chapter 17.2 8, (Parking) Port
Townsend Municipal code be GRANTED AS CONDITIONED:
1. Fifty-one 1 off-street parking spa es shall be
provided within or immediately adjacent to the Downtown Parking
District. The dimensions of up to fifty percent of such parking
spaces may be reduced to compact car standards_
2. Each building constructed on the project shall comply
with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for
Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic
Buildings. Prior to issuance of any building permit for
construction of any porton of the project, the Port Townsend .
Historic Preservation Commission shall certify compliance with
the applicable guidelines contained therein.- The applicant in
designing the buildings, and the Comm i s s ion in its determination,
shall pay particular attention to theDistrict/Neighborhood
Standards, especially the recommendations concerning replacement
of an entire feature of a biuilding and construction of new
additions to historic buildings when required by the new use
. If using the same kind of material is not
technically or economically feasible,' -then a
compatible substitute may be considered.
b. New work should be compatible with the historic
character of the district or neighborhood in terms
of size, scale, design, material, color, and
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Pont Townsend Planning
Nancy Slater, Chr. , Review Committee
Date= February 25, 1988
Re: Street Vacation Apps. 8801- 2, Sharon Barren,
The John Doll Estate
respectful consideration of the above referenced appli-
cation i.nc lud ing on-site inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following
f ind Ings and cone lus ions
1. The applicant requests vacation -of unopened- Virginia Place-
and the western portion of Fowler"s Park Addition Plaza between
_ cook Avenue and Peary Avenue. The application incorrectlyy .
tlfles Jefferson Pl. for vacati
Planning Commission, 8801- 02 Page 2
. The portions of Virginia Place and Fowler's Park Addition
Plaza proposed to be vacated do not abut on a body of salt or
fresh water. .
. Because the proposed street vacation conforms with the goals
and policies contained in the comprehenB ive plan and satIL13f ies
the review criteria for street vacations sat forth is Section
12.2 . o o PTMC, the Port Townsend Planning Commission recommends
• than the above referenced application be GRANTED.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
Bob Grimm, Chr. , Review Committee
# y
Date: February 2 , 1988
Re: - Street vacation pl. 8801-0 , Peter H. Albrecht
Mary Lynn Anderson
After respectful
consideration of the above referenced appli-
ppl-cation including on-s le inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning
commission hereby submits the CIty Council the following .
findings and conclusions
1. Applicants request vacation of a portion of Copper Street
extending 147 feet southwest of the established (pavement) .
right-of-way.-of Umatilla Avenue. The portion of copper Street to
vacated lies between Plock 10 and Block 2 , Plat of Dundee
Place Supplementary Addition to the Hastings 3rd Addition to
Townsend, Vol. 2 of Plats, See. 3, Twp. 30N. , Rge. 1W. 0 . .
Theapplicants' property, entirely within the R-I zoning
district, abuts both sides of the area to be vacated.
The portion copper Street proposed be vacated s
� - the Copper street
unopened Umatilla Avenue. The slope from p�
right-of-way down to the established Umatilla Avenue roadway i
too steep to build satisfactory streetto Umatilla Avenue. The
clooeproximity of opened and established Silver Street provides r
a uate present and future vehicular access to Umatilla Avenue µ
from.nei.ghborimg streets.
3. Access to the- neighboring Elliston property at .3311 coppe r
would continue through, the remaining copper Street right-of-way
from Corona Avenue 4O vacation of the requested portion of copper
Street would consolidate
. under s ingl ownership a cont ous...r.. ,
tract of property on which the Coleman-Furlong house has been
under restoration by the applicants
4. Puget Power & Dight Company owns existing overhead electrical
facilities within the area to be vacated. Py, letter dated
February 9, 1988, addessed to the applicants, Puget Power has
requested an easement to retain, operating rights for these
facilities. (Puget File No. -185.
Pacific northwest has responded by note dated- 2- -8 yd
5.that the proposed easement appears to be adequate for future
telephone service ne dem
i r
Planning Commission, 8801-04 Page 2
1. The proposed street vacation is in compliance with the goals
and policies of the comprehensive plan. -
2. The portion of Copper Street proposed to be vacated is not
required for current or anticipated overall area,circulatlo .
3. The effectiveness of fare, law enforcement, medical or other
emergency services will not be impaired by the proposed vacation.
4. Retention of a twelve-foot utility easement on the northwest
side of the portion of Copper Street to be vacated will assure
that any future utility corridor needs will be accomod ted.
. The portion of Copper Street proposed to be vacated is not
_ required as a current or antic*p ted bicycle, pedestrian or
equestrian trail corridor.
. The portion of Copper Street proposed to be vacated does not
abut on a body of salt or fresh water. +
' : Because the proposed street vacation conforms with the goals
and policies contained in the comprehensive plan and satisfies
the review criteria for street vacations set forth in Section
12.20.060 PT C, the Fort Townsend Planning iomm iss ion recommends
that the above referenced application be GRAFTED AS CONDITION :
. Vacation is subject execution of the easement
requested by Puget Power and Light Company, by letter addressed
to the applicants dated February 9, 1988 (Puget File No. -155) .
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
Commission, -
Ron Kosec, Chr. , Review Committee
f r 4 y4
+ r+
f �}
February 9, 1988
Mr. Peter H. Albrecht
Ms. Mary Lynn Anderson _
. Post Office. Box 1026
Port Townsend, Washington 98368
Re: File No. D-w165
]ear Mr. Albrecht and Ms. Anderson: -
The enclosed Easement is being submitted to you for your execution .
and approval to cover Puget Power's existing overhead electrical
facilities Lying within platted Copper Street, as shown on the
attached sketch. If the vacation is approved, the electrical
system will be on private - property....-.-.The easement is needed
to give Puget Power .adequate operating rights. A copy of this
+ - letter is being seat to the City Planning ,Department with the
request that the vacate be approved subject to your executing
this document
Please date and sign the original before a Notary Public. Return
the original only in the stamped, self-addressed return envelope
provided for your convenience. The copy and sketch may be retained
for your property records. _
If you have questions or wish additional information, please
call rye at 478-7607 or toll free at 1-800-562-6422, extension
, in Bremerton.
Thank you for your cooperation. _
H, will ler -' Harris-
Assistant Real Estate Agent +
Western Division
HWH rw
cc: City of Port Townsend
Planning Department
The &7Starts Here
Puget Sound Power&Light Company 1300 Sylvan Way P. . Sox 2188 Bremerton,WA 08310 (206)377-3931
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