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Port To send,
Plannmg Co ssion
1. opening Business and Roll Call. L
Chairman Carman called the. meeting to order at 730 PO'M.
Members present were Don McLarne ,:Ron l osec,. Bob GrimM Nancy Slater, Don
Hoglund, .Jinn Ta ernakis, and Chairman Alan Carman. . Chairman Carman declared
a quorum. Also present-eras City planner Michael Hildt. . .s
Mr. McLarney moved the minutes of January 27, 1988'., be approved-as distributed.
Ms. Slater seconded, and the motion passed -o. t
II, Communications
Chairman Carman gave information on the current 'status of the budget' to the
treasurer., There was a letter- from TAAS Survey,-reg rding the Monte Matthews
Short Flat application. .;
III. old Business
a. Application No. 8801-01 Richard' Glauban
Variance 4
Mr, Hildt presented the staff report and went over the draft -findings and draft
conclusions. (attached) The applicant proposes to add a"bedroom to a single family
dwelling. The a is i g building has a legal,nonconforming setback of 12 feet, This
is not uncommon in the neighborhood; in fact, -other properties have lesser front
setbacks. The proposed addition could be set .back 14 feet.
Chairman Carman opened the- public hearing.
Mr, Gl aubman said he would attempt to have-the proposed addition conform with
the existing architecture. k;
Mr. Harry pollard had no objections. �; +
" r.
Chaff man Carman closed the publicbearing.
mittee Report: Mr. McL rne r said he was in favor of the request. He asked
that maps provided al with applications ha a proper notation of all streets and
alleys, all buildings on the property, and Indicate,'compass points.
`Mr.. McLarney roved to recommend approval of variance Application No. 8801-01
and adoption of the findings and conclusions as submitted by staff. Mr.
Tavernakis seconded. The motion passed 7-0. The accompanying map will be
improved for the City Council's use.
Application No. 8801-03 Parker Buck
Conditional Use
Mr. Hildt presented the staff report. (attached) The applicant proposes to establish
a clothing manufacturing business on the third floor of the mit. Baker Block, This
is a legal nonconforming structure with respect to parking; however, a parking
requirement may be imposed as a condition of approval. The City Council will
review the environmental check list 2/16/88. Mr. Hildt reviewed the draft findings
and draft conclusions as well as the draft conditions of approval. As the
conditional use is not a primary use in the -ill zone, #4' requires that employees
of the business park outside of the downtown business district during the peak
tourist season.
Mr. Hildt reported that Bart Phillips, EDA, advised against including draft
conditions numbers l and 2 as the concerns to which they refer are already
covered by existing laws and ordinances. Their inclusion casts doubt concerning
aspects of those laws and ordinances not specifically included as conditions of
Mr. Grimm asked homer the conditions and specifications set forth for a --III zone
related to the building code.
Mr. l iildt said you could not obtain a bullding permit without meeting the
requirements of the Unified Building Code.
Mr. Hildt compared fire code requirements for the storage of flammable materials
and zoning code requirements regarding permissible noise levels to the draft
conditions. The city is concerned with the amount of noise that will reach outside
of the building. It is up to the building orner to deal with conflicts among
tenants. The proposed use is not likely to generate a great deal of noise nor to use
flammable material to an extent greater than an average home. Each machin
creates to decibels of noise, however the effect is not a - iti e, six machines will
not create 60 decibels.
Druce Tipton clarified that the sound level doubles for every three decibels.
Paula Amell thought that the sound would not carry outside of the building.
Mr. McLarn y thought perhaps the commission needed an expert opinion -on the
amount of noise that would be generated.
Ms. Slater suggested thought it would be sufficient to refer to the fire code and the
nuisance code under findings of fact, indicating that the commission sion eras aware
that the business should meet these requirements. The finding could also refer to
the Washington Administrative Code and local zoning code.
Mr. Kosec asked how the parking restriction would be enforced.
r�, Mr, Hildt said that if complaints were received, the conditional use permit could be
revoked and an order to vacate issued.
Ms. dater Mould like the prohibition on parking to apply year round.
Chairman Carman opened the public hearing.
Mimi Henley stated that she would personally see that her employees did not park
downtown all year round if that was what the commission desired. She wishes t
locate in this particular space because of the natural light and hopes to have 5
employees by the end of the year. The equipment is new and designed to be
quiet. She asked if she would need to reapply yearly for a conditional use permit.
Mr. Hildt said that as the ordinance was currently drafted, she would not.
Ms. Henley said she might in the future wish to operate two shifts, and wishes to
be able to offer flexible hours. A wide span of permissible hours is desirable.
Ms. Ancell asked what right the commission had to regulate the hours of a
business. she asked if anything definite had been done on the parking ordinance.
Chairman Carman responded that the reason for the regulation of hours was so as
not to infringe on the rights of neighbors. Renters have certain expectations,
having rented under certain zoning criteria, and have a right to expect protection
under the zoning code.
Ms. Amell asked if such restrictions would apply to all businesses requesting a
conditional use permit.
Chairman Carman explained that each application is subject to a review and is
looked at individually. The use is tailored to the specific situation by means of the
conditional use permit
Mr. Hildt clarified that the parking ordinance was passed in September 1987 and i
now law. The "fee-in-lieu" is an option open to the developer. There is no parking
requirement for this particular building because it was legally established prior to
the effective date of the zoning code. The city may lay impose a► parking requirement;
however, he has suggested that the employees park elsewhere instead.
Jonathan Dudley, Hastings Estate Co., was strongly in favor of the proposal.
Bruce Tipton thought the noise issue would take care of itself depending on
whether or not there were any complaints. He questioned where the employees
were going to park outside of the downtown district. He questioned the ability of
the applicant to meet the fire safety regulations. He thought $20,000 for a fire
escape was not unreasonable if it would save lives. He thought the conditional use
permit superfluous, the real issue being the meeting of the code requirements.
Chairman Carman clarified that the conditional use permit was necessitated by the
zoning code. He assumed that the applicant would comply fully with all applicable
saf ety codes.
0%!.0 !et a -I_
1i . lildt pointed out that a conditional use permit did not grant permission to
occupy the building. He assured Mr. Tipton that the commission took fire safety
very seriously.
Chairman Carman closed the public hearing.
Committee Report: Mr. Ta ernakis suggested that condition 2 could refer to the
OSHA requirements. #3 should offer a wide spread of hours as accommodating
part time employment is a valid concern. , the parking restriction, should be
year round. Fire safety will need to be addressed. He recommended approval of
the application.
Mr.. Grimm thought permissible noise level needed to be clarified. He was in favor
of the parking restriction and had no problem with hours ranging from :00 i. I.-
1 :00 P.M.
Mr. Hildt said that the noise level might be addressed from a zoning standpoint by
siting the state regulations which corms closest to zoning concerns. The nuisance
ordinance sets no specific level of permitted noise and is therefore judgmental. It
applies, however, whether or not it is cited. This is also true for the state
regulations, He suggested the following wording: "Noise levels shall comply with all
applicable local, state. and federal laps and regulations."
The applicability of the UBC and UFC codes could be made a finding of fact rather
than a condition, since it refers to codes with which the applicant must comply in
any case. Draft condition #1 will be deleted and a finding of fact #8 added.
i ir. Grimm moved to recommend approval of Conditional Use application No.
8801-03 based on the findings of fact as amended and conclusions as prepared by
staff. lair. 'Ta erna is seconded. Chairman Carman suggested the following
wording for finding of fact : "It is understood that the. Uniform Fire Code and
the Uniform Building Code apply and must be met by this project prior to
Chairman Carman read the five conditions of approval as amended:
1. Noise levels will comply with all local, state and federal statutes.
. operations shall not commence earlier than 7:00 A.M. or continue later than
io,00 P.M.
3. During working hours each employee or lessee shall be required by the lessee
or applicant to park outside of the Downtown parking District.
. No change.
. No change.
The motion passed 7-0.
c. Application No. 387-01 Union Wharf
The Attorney General's notion for summary judgement was denied. A public
hearing is scheduled for March 1st and 2nd in port Townsend. As the applicant
was not present, leis. Slater moved to postpone the hearing to February 2 , 1988,
Mr. Grimm seconded and the motion passed -o.
01141 100 o--%b-
di , Application No. 987-01 Moate Matthews
Short Subdivision
Chairman Carman read into the record a letter from James Pearson, TAAS Survey
Assoc., indicating that lir. Matthews is pursuing discussions with the City of Port
Townsend Fire Department and Public forks Department regarding the possibility
of purchase of the property by the City. He requested a continuance not to exceed
six months.
Mr. Grimm moved to continue the hearing for six months from the date of the
letter, February 9, 1988. lair. Kosec seconded arid` the motion passed -o. Chairman
Carman did not Grote. The application will be brought back by request of the
applicant and will be readver is d at that time.
IV. New Business
a. Application leo. 8802-01 John Sudlo n & Juelan a Dalzell
Short Subdivision
The committee will be lair. Kosec and Mr. Tavernakis. The hearing was scheduled
for March lo, 1988. This was necessary dine to the requirement of publishing the
application in the Leader.
b. Application No. 8802-02 First Presbyterian Church
The committee will be Ms. Slater and heir. Tavernakis. The hearing was scheduled
for March lo, 1988.
iV Announcements
The next scheduled business meeting is February 25, 1988. Hearings are scheduled
on Street Vacation Applications No. 8801-02, Sharon Barrea, and No. 8801-04, Peter
Albrecht and Mary Lynn Anderson s well as for the Uhion Wharf Variance
Application No. 387-01.
vl. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9: 0 P. I.
Alice King, Secret yv
TOAs . . SUR RY ASSOCIATES (206_)385-0633
February 9 , 1988
Mr. Michael Hildt
City of Port Townsend
Port Townsendp Washington
Dear Michael :
Be: Matthews Short Plat application
At this time, Mr. Monte Matthews is interested in persuing
further discussions with the City of Port Townsend Fire
Department and Public Works Department concerninq the possiblity
f purchase of the subject property by the City. Since such
action would not require short plat approval, I am requesting a
continuence of not to exceed six months on action by the City
Planning Commission reqardinq the proposed Matthews Short Plat.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me,
i erely,
name Pearson, MPA
TAAS Survey Associates
Lawrence Street
Port Townsend, Wshnqton
(206 ) 385-0633
Date: February 11, 1985 -
e= Conditional Use APPI. 8801-03, Parker Buck
After respectful conBiderat on of the above referenced appli-
cation includingon-site inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the fort Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following
f indings and cone lus ions
Findinas of
Applicant proposes to establish a clothing manufacturing �.
business on the third floor of the Mt. Baker Block at 910 Water
Street. Although light manufacturing uses are - not permitted in _
the C I I I' zone in which the building iB located,- a draft
ordinance expanding the uses permitted in the C-III zoning
district has been recommended by the Planning Commission and
scheduled for hearing before the City Council on March 16, 1988.
Inasmuch as the draft -ordinance would allow clothing
manufacturing as a conditional use in certain historic buildings,
including the Mt. Baker Block, the above-referenced application
s in anticipation of its passage.
2. The Mt. Baker Block i fou r-s ort' masonry building which
was completed in I890. It was classified as a primary historic
structure in the designation of the fort Townsend Historic
District. Although the building is almost one hundred years old,
the upper two floors have never been finished aid occupied.
Several retail shops occupy the street-level floor of the
building and the second floor houses a feu apartments and
_ Built prior to the enactment of the zoning code, the Mt.
Baker block is a legal, nonconforming structure with respect to
parking ing requirements, although parking requirements may be
., imposed as a condition to a proposed use which requires a
conditional use permit. .
5. The applicant proposes to occupy approxiLmately 1,600 square
feet of the third floor with a small, specialty clothing
manufacturing operation. The entire floor is approximately
10, 000 square feet in gross floor area. The proposed business,
Scream in" Mimi Enterprises expects to employ five to ten persons
and will produce limited runs of specialized garments, The
portion of the third flor to occupy the business is to be
renovated and improved to meet the needs of the business and
building code requirements. The renovations will not alter any
Planning Commission, 8801-03 Page 2
of the architecturally or historically significant features of
the building.
. The applicant states that the business intends to use six
industrial sewing machines, each of which is powered by a► one-
horsepower, ,e .ectric motor with an operating noise level of lees
than ten decibels. vibration is to be dampened by rubber coaster
mountings. The work space is to be insulated to reduce noise
transmission t.o other areas of the building.
. The applicant states that the Mt. Barrer floc is a highly
desirable location for the business because of the pleasant
surroundings in which to work in contrast to the typical
industrial setting. The natural light available within the
building is also required. Although other commercial and
industrial facilities were sought, none were found to have the
qualities or characteristics required by the company.
Cong 112 Ft
l_ The City Council found at its meeting of that
the proposal would not have any significant adverse environmental
2. The proposed clothing manufacturing use of the subject
property will not endanger the public health or safety, nor will
a nuisance be created.
. The proposed use will be required to meet! all of the condi-
tions and specifications set forth in the C-ill zone in which the
property is located except for those legal, nonconforming condi-
tions which were in existence prior to the enactment of the Port
Townsend zoning code in 1971.
The proposed use will not be .inurious or detrimental to
adjoining or abutting property.
+ 5. Because the proposed use will provide a necessary economic
use within an historic building without altering the historically
or architecturally significant features of the building, the
location and character of the use will be in harmony with the
area in which it is located and will be in general conformity
with the Comprehensive Plan.
. The proposed use will not occupy street level space which is
better suited for retail sales or services
7. As evidenced by nearly a century of vacancy, as is the case
generally in upper floors within the fort Townsend Historic
District, the uses permitted in the -Ill zoning district do not
Planning Commission, 8801-03 Page
provide sufficient financial return to make use of the upper
floors of the Mt. Baker Block.
In con5ideration of the aforementioned findings and conclusions,
the Planning commission recommends that the application be
1. No flammable materials shall be stored In unsafe
containers or in quantities in excess of one
2. operating noise levels shall not exceed 20 decibels.
. 3. Operations shall not commence earlier than 7:30 AM or
continue Later than 10: 00 PM.
. Each employee shall be required by the applicant or
les see to park outside of the Downtown Parking District
during the months of May through September.
. The proposed use shall not occupy more area than the -
third floor of the building without express approval b
amendment of the conditional use permit by the Board of
. The proposed ordinance allowing the proposed use as a
i conditional use in the e--III zoning district must first
e passed by the city council and become effective in
the time and manner provided by law before the
conditional use permit is granted.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Fort Townsend Planning -
James Tai erna. is, Chr. , review committee '_
Date: February 1 , 1988
Ike: variance Appl. 8301- 1, Richard Glaubman
After respectful consideration of the above referenced appli-
cation including on-site inspection of the prop rt y, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following
findings and conclusions:Findings of Fant
1. Applicant proposes to add a 348 Bq. ft. bedroom to an
existing 1350 Bq. ft. single-family dwelling at 819Cass Street.
With the proposed addition the structure would cover
approximately 21% of this 811250 sq. ft. lot. The existing
dwelling has a legal, nonconforming front setback of twelve fMet.
Because the proposed addition would be fourteen feet from the
front property line, extending the nonconforming setback, a ,
variance is required.
2. The subject property is zoned -1 and is surrounded on all
. sides by single-family development. It is on the corner of Cass
and Lincoln Streets.
. Although the existing residence is eight feet closer to the
front property line than the twenty feet required by the Port
Townsend Municipal code, it is setback deeper than the other two
houses on the block which face Casa Street. Nonconforming
f ont setbacks are not uncommon throughout the surrounding
. The proposed addition, though proposed to be constructed with
leas than the required front' setback, will have a greater front
setback than the front of the existing dwelling.
I. The proposed variance would not amount to a rezone nor ,
constitute change in the district boundaries shown on the
official zoning map.
2. Because of the legal, nonconforming front setback of the
existing dwelling, special circumstancesexist' Crich do not
result from actions of the applicant. +ecause other properties
adjacent to the subject properties have Iesser.' front setbacks
than would occur if the variance is granted, literal
in commission, 1-0 . Page 2
interpretation of the provisions of Title 17 Port Townsend �
Municipal bode would deprive the
applicant of the rights
commonly enoyed by other properties similarly situated in the
. 3. The variance requested would not confer a special privilege
to the subject property that is denied to other lands in the same
4. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the
public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in
the vicinity and zone in which the property is situated.
. The reasons set forth in the above. referenced application
justifythe granting of the variance and the variance is the
minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of
the land.
. Because the granting of the variance would be in harmony with
the general purpose and intent of Title 17 zoning of the Port
Townsend Municipal Code, the Port Townsend Planning Commission
recommends the above referenced variance be GRANTIM.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
Donald F. Mohrney, chr. , Review committee
P Gust 1_ ist 1 2�1I � I�j
Do you wish to
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