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PortTow nPlannin�gComildission
1. Opening Business and Roll- Call +
Chairman 'Taver akis called the meeting o order at 7:35 P.M.
Members present were Don McLarney, ,I on Losec,' Bob GrHm n, Nancy--Slater, and
Acting chairman Jinn Tavernakis. Chairman Tavernakis declared- a quorum. Also
present was City Planner. Michael l ildt.
Ms. Slater moved the minutes of January 14, 1987.be approved as distributed.
- Mr. Losec seconded and the motion passed -o.
ll. Communications
Chairman Tavernakis mentioned, the letter from the Economic Development council
which had been mailed to commission merx ber .
III. old Business
a. Application No. 1287-02 Douglass and {l a Lamy
conditional Use
The applicants using the building at 222 Monroe as persnal residence. Burgle
familyd yelling are not permitted in a c-Ill zone. The Lamys' will manage the
cabin rentals from their residence. They ,have requested that their application be
amended to include the existing building at 222. Monroe.,Street as a resident
manager's office. y..
On January 19, 1988 the city council amended its prior environmental decl ration
to include the building at 222 Monroe. lair. I ildt pro i ed the commission with
amended draft findings and draft conclusionss well as an amended condition o
approval requiring- one of f-street parking space .f or each of the four units and he
resident manager's office. •
Mr. Grimm moved to recommend approval 'of Application No. 1287-02 for a
conditional use permit and f r a d it to,the Cit' council along with the draft
findings of fact and conclusions, including the proposed- condition of approval. Mr.
osec seconded and the- -motion passed 5-0. #}
b. Application No. 387-01 Union Wharf Assoc. ,
The hearing will be postponed to Fel ruar _r,.'1 1, 1988 s Mr. Paul M c x i unable
to return from Chicago in a line for this m i g'.. '
c. Application No. 9871. Monte 1 latthei s
Short Plat
Mr. HildtR has requested a lettef from Tass Survey on;how to proceed. in view -of +
the fact that the soil will not perk. He'r c mmend d an indefinite postponement.
FChairman Ta rerna is postponed the hearing to February 11, 1988 at which time
determination will be made as to its status. If d letter has not been received by
then the application will be cancelled.
d. Proposed ordinance expanding uses permitted in the -III zone.
Mr. I ildt reviewed a memorandum dated 1/22/88 suggesting five amendments to
the proposed ordinance in response to the public testimony received at the hearing
of January 14, 1988. Copies of the memorandum were sent to all citizens present
at that hearing. The following changes were proposed: 1. InCidental. Assgm!?1y i
included as an "accessory use", a use which Is "subordinate to and incidental to the
permitted uses'. 2. In order to avoid making conditional those uses which are now
permitted outright in other zones, the Table of Permitted Uses will be revised t
show conditional uses in an Historic District on a separate line. 3. Public or
private colleges or universities will be a conditional use in historic buildings in a
C-III zone. 4. [ander criteria to be net, 3, "usurp" will be replaced b "occupy".
. In view of the overriding goal of preserving and restoring historic buildings in
the downtown area, the final amendment outlines three gays buildings may be
considered historic. A building may either be individually listed on the National
Register, identified as pivotal, primary or secondary when Fort Townsend was
certified an Historic District in 1976, or certified by the Secretary of the Interior as
a contributing structure. A list of buildings identified as pivotal, primary or
secondary was included. Mr. I ildt reminded the commission that the goal of
historic preservation is hopefully one that will ,justify the toleration of problems
that will arise from the expansion of permitted uses.
Mr. Kahle r passed out a memorandum to all commission sion members on "historic
property designations". The National Register of Historic Properties evaluates
buildings according to uniform standards. Basically it is an identification process,
structured to be of use at a local level for planning purposes. There are two
classifications: "Individuall listed" and `certified as contributing to the district."
Dort Towns nd's system of historic classification which has five catagorles can b
interpreted under the two newer classifications recognized by the National Register.
Mr. Iahler included a list of buildings individually listed on the rational register
as of January 25, 1988. He said he would give the commission a list of uses in
downtown ntown buildings when the commission told him homer they wish it to be broken
Chairman Tavernakis pointed out that there will be a public hearing on the
proposed ordinance before the cit} council.
Bo Sullivan said that substantial changes had been crude in the document since
the previous hearing.
Mr. Hildt said the changes were in response to the public testimony received.
Mr. Sullivan asked whether the current conditional use process did not already do
what the ordinance proposed.
Mr. Hildt said that under the current ordinance, manufacturing uses are not
allowed in a commercial zone as conditional uses but are simply prohibited.
Paula Argyll mentioned an historic building, the "cracker Factory". which was not
on the list presented by Mr. Hildt. Mr. I ahle r will check into this and get in
touch with Ids. Amell.
Patti Sullivan asked about the "]Historic preservation program" mentioned in the .
introduction to the draft ordinance.
Mr. I Ildt said this program was created in 1986, not by this ordinance) to help
owners of historic buildings apply for certain tax benefits.
. * Ids. Sullivan was concerned that all the talk about historic preservation would
block the restructuring of the downtown and lead to the establishment of an
"historical review board" which would%dictate what property owners could and
couldn't do with their property. She was against special.rights being given to
special buildings and felt the expanded uses should apply to all buildings in the -III
Mr. lildt responded that the ordinance does not reduce anybody's current use or
development rights. The proposed inclusion of incidental assembly as an accessory
use applies to any building in the -III zone. The ordinance itself establishes no
program. The references in the introduction to the historic preservation program
refer to an already established program.
Cal McCune felt the ordinance was unfair as proposed and should be extended to
include all buildings in zones -II and -III. All references to the Historic District
should be dropped. He had concerns about historic buildings being earthquake
Chairman Tavernakis said that he shared the concern about earthquakes. He
thought someday earthquake proofing might be federally mandated. The district
will become extinct if not given some latitude to deal with this problem.
Ids. Slater asked if there was a definition of "incidental' -in the ordinance.
The god is not defined in itself, but is used in the definition of Accessory Use
which Mr. Hildt read; "a use incidental and subordinate to the principle use and
located...in the same building."
Ids. Slater asked homy a building would be determined to have been "significantly
Mr. Hildt said this would be an administrative determination. The conditional use
would come before the planning Commission where a concern about its having
been significantly altered would be raised. The property owner would have the
right of appeal to the City Council and could still apply to the Dept. of Interior for
an evaluation. }
Ms. Slater said that the amendments as presented by staff had basically
responded to the testimony presented at the hearing on January 1 , 1988. She
moved to recommend to the city Council adoption of the proposed ordinance a
amended by the staff report dated January 22,, 1988.
Chairman Tavernakis clarified that the proposed ordinance will be carefully
reviewed by the city Council where further public testimony will be taken,
Mr. McLa rney seconded the motion which passed 4-1 with Mr. Kosec Opposed- Mr.
Losec stated that he disagreed with the emphasis on historic buildings and felt
that there were other things that should be looked at instead of focusing on one
area of town.
Chairman Tavernakis stated that Mr. Losec could add minority comments to Mr.
Hildt's report.
IV. New Business
a. Application No. 8801--0parker Buck
Conditional Use
Mr. Hildt said that the commission could mare a recommendation on the request
prior to the City Council acting on the ordinance) in as much as the commission's
actions are advisory. The permit can be crude conditional upon the ordinance
. * #becoming effective, The hearing was scheduled for February 11, 1988. The
committee will be Mr. Tav rnal is and Mr. Grimm.
b, An application for a variance is anticipated from Dr. James McCarron. This
could not be scheduled as the-application has not yet been received. The
committee will be Mr. McLar-ne r and Mr. Kosec.
c. Application No. 8801-01 Peter Albrecht, Marr Lynn Anderson
Street vacation
The hearing was scheduled for February 2 , 1988. The committee will be Mr. Kosec
and Mr-. Grimm.
V. Announcements
a. The next scheduled business meeting will be February 11, 1988. Application leo.
387-01 from Union Wharf Associates for a variance, Application No. 8801-01 from
Richard Glaubman for a variance, and Application No. 8801--03 from Parker Buck
for a conditional use permit ill be heard at that time.
. Mr. Hildt updated the commission on the status of the Union Wharf proposal.
The rejection by DoE of the variance for an oerwater- residential facility was
appealed to the Shorelines Hearings Board. The Attorney General's office has filed
a motion for Summary Judgement, which would mean the case would be decided
simply as a matter of law without any arguments about.the facts of the case. I
the Summary Judgement is granted, there will be no shoreline permit. Possible
rays of proceeding would be either to amend the local master program or seek
another development.
c. Mr. HIldt said that the planning commission meetings may be moved to the
council chambers after the meeting on February 11, 1988. The move is necessary
because the elevator project is going forward.
d. The Cit} Council has approved a proposed reorganization of the planning and
building functions. A full time entry level planner will be hired along with a part
time secretary/receptionist. The building permitting functions will be consolidated
with the planning function, freeing the Public Works Department gent to work on other
V1. Adjournment
Mr. McLarney moved to adjourn the meeting, Ms. dater seconded. The meeting
was adjourned at 9:06 P.M.
Alice King, Secretary
,. Planning commission
From: Michael. Hildt
City Planner r
Bate: January 22, 1988
Re: Proposed ordinance `epad'ing uses permitted in the
C-III zone.
Rescheduled meeting
Wednesday, Janua ry 27, 7:30- P
Because Union char Associates is unable to attend on
January 27, we have postponed the hearing on their variance
request until February 11 and scheduled the proposed- commercial
uses ordinance for Wednesday, January 27.
In response to the hearing held on January 14, below are
suggested amendments to the draft ordinance:
11 On page 4b, add the following sentence to the statement o
purpose for the Community Commercial - c-I I zone
Incidental assembly or modification o
R- roducts fQr retail Rale, inalliding- but n
limited."tom clhing, flmerr arr
1PJC&ure fyamIne_and iphntn _prgcueing, inal
peirm ed ,as accessory use to.a^Re-rmi t nd
Rationale: Allow truly incidental uses such as -shirt
stamping, -flower arranging, etc. as accessory uses as defined i
section 17.08.015_
2. . - on- pages 4c through 4m UBetabies , show on a separate line . , . ..
those uses to be added as a conditional use in historic
buildings "H" in use tables) , duplicating the use
description to avoid making conditional those uses 1.ow
permitted outright in other zones.
1 will prepare the table in this format for your review on
January 27.
. n page 4L, make public or private colleges or universities
. ... conditional use in historic- bu ld .rigs-- Ijin the a-II -
. On page 6, line 9, amend criteria 1 to read as follows:
(1) The proposed use is to be established within
building which is
Individual 1-v liated on the- National
Ilegiett-ar of Zi Fitoric P1 aces„
(b) -identi f i tabd as eitheir a yQtAl Rrimiarx
car lary bn on the Man which
TOEMBend r
-Rtn-rin DiRtrint on May 17.- 1Q7
the naMeg of which hnildinguL am-- I i ated na
(c), IajB bppn certified- hm the SecretarX,
the.,-IntArior to be a, contributing structume
to tbe Port rntniri n- Di Fitri-e-t
Rrnv i d ed that ;
• r * r
f..th n
nff hns
S r requ►ire that the hnildin be re-certified -by the.
nff a Conditional Una
permit. an -to this subs ion;-
Rationale: This would cut some red tape by indentiing
through the earlier nomination of the Historic District most o
the buildings that would be separtately certified as contributing
to the historic district without the necessity of a separate -
application to the Department of Interior.
5. on page 6, Line 15, delete "usurp" and replace with
occup �",
Please give me a call on 385-3000 if your have questionB.
r 2
r T*#
4 1 '
TTS' A, -R page I
..Name CIassification
Kuhn Building Primary .
Pioneer Building Primary
Capt. Tibbals Building Primary
Old Lytle Building (western 1 only) Secondary
Dight House Cafe Building h H Cafe only Primary ..... _
James and Hastings Building Primary .
Water Street Deli Building Secondary
Alley Building 922 Mater t_ Secondary
Sterming Block/Lido restaurant Primary.
Zee Tai Building _ _..4�...: Secondary .. .., .-
Nt. Baker Block Primary
Admiralty Apartments Building Secondary
He urdy Building Primary
I The Rational Register of Historic Paces definitions o
these. three classes are as follows
Pivotal - Buildings which were the Landmarks. of the
district, hallmarks of architectural or historical distinction;
on their own merits, these buildings are eligible for National
Register Listing.
Primary - Buildings which have strong architectural or
historical. •dualities and which maint-a• n good integrity but which
may not be individually eligible for Nation i i Register listing.
Secondary - Buildings which have moderate historic or
architectural dualities and which have maintained good but not
perfect integrity.
T, A page 2
ast ngEs Building Pivotal
Fisenb is Building Olympic Hardware) Primary
Bart lett Bu i ld ing Primary
Siedenbaum..Building Primary -
Kinney"B Closet Building Secondary
First National. Bank Building 810 mater Street Primary
C, F, Clapp Building Primary
Waterman and Katz Building -story section) Primary
Waterman and Katz Building (1-story addition) Secondary
Alaska Power and Telephone Building Primary
N. D. Bill Building i Primary
Fr lin Bose Primary
Fred Lewis Building - Primary
Elevated Ice Cream Building Secondary
Port Townsend Police Station Secondary
Port Townsend City Hall Primary
Public Defender's Building Secondary
Terry Building Primary
Washington Street Cafe Building Secondary
Washington Street Garage Secondary
Bishop Block Primary
Eagles Hall Secondary
Miller and Burkett Block Els Lodge Primary
First National. Banff Building (334 Taylor Street) Secondary
Showhoue Building Secondary
227 Taylor Street Building Secondary
The Duplex Building (632 Water) Secondary
Athletic Club Building i Secondary
Fowler Building (Leader) Primary
Union Wharf Wharf only Primary'
Union Wharf (Building) Secondary
Marine Park Building Secondary
Aldrich's Building Secondary
Sunshine Cafe to Co-op Complex Secondary
F .bre arts Building Secondary
Printery Building Secondary
Waxen Windows Building Secondary
Jack and Jill Building Secondary
Odd Fellows Mall (Theater) Secondary
PU 4
Date: January 2 , 1388
e: Conditional Use Appl. 1287-02, Douglas' s Nancy Lamy
After respectful consideration of the move referenced appli-
cation including on-Bite inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits the city Council the following
findings and cone lus ions
1. Applicant proposes to renovate four cabins at Water and
Monroe Streets and convert each from residential to tourist motel
use. A conditional use permit is required to establish a motel..
in the c-III zone.
2. By letter dated January 18, 1988, the applicants asked to
emend the application ion t include a small, existing building a
222 Monroe Street as pant of the proposed mote.. The applicants
plan to use ;this building, located .immediately north of the
cabins' 'a' a resident manager ff s- office.
_ The cabins are located at 430-444 Water Street and are in
need of substantial repairs.. To the east is the Landfall
restaurant, to the north -are small-scale-commercial office
buildings, to the south across Water Street is the Thomas oil
Company, and across Monroe Street to the west is the American
Legion Hail.
. The cabins each have approximately 280 square feet of floor
area. The existing size and building footprints are to remain
unchanged. The lot measures 110 X 55 feet.
5. The applicants intend to retain the existing driveways for
off-street park ing.
_ At its meeting of January 5, 1988, the City Council issued a
declaration of nonsignificance after review of the environmental
checklist submitted with the application.
} _ At its meeting of January 14, 1988, the Planning Commission
conducted a hearing on the application and recommended that a
conditional use permit be granted_
. SubBequently., on January 19, 1988, the City Council amended
la .ng Commission, 1287-02 Page 1 of
its prior environmental declaration to include the building at
222 Monroe Street as a -resident motel office.
1. Theproposed motel use will continue size and placement of
the four cabins, upgrading their condition and appearance. off-
street. pari.ng will continue at one off--street space per unit.
2. The proposed motel use of "the subject property will not
endanger the public health or safety, nor will a nuisance be
3. The proposed use will be required to meet all, of the condi-
tions and specifications set forth in the a-III zone in which the
property is -located.
. The proposed use will not be injurious or detrimental to
adjoining or abutting property.
. The location and character of the use will be in harmony with
the area in which 'it is located and will be in general conformity
with the comprehensive Plan.
In consideration of the aforementioned findings and conclusions,
the Planning Commission recommends that the above referenced
application be GRANTED AS CONDITIONED: .-
minimum of one off-street parking space shall be retained
for each motel unit and for the resident motel office.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
Commission, .
* Bob Grimm, chr. , Review committee
Planning comm is B ion, 1287-02 Page 2 of 2
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