HomeMy WebLinkAbout121087 Min Packet f a ORT TOW ISE D, WASHINGTON 98 r e • } f � r J tiw + � PortToimsend:'*-'P1a3[MUiL9 CT or .. CITY OFoPORTTOWNSEND if t r ' 1 MINTS OF DECEMBER 10, 1987 _ 1. ope ling Business and. Roll Call r 4 Chairman Carman called the n eetffig to order at 7.35 P.M. Members ,present were'Don McLarne , Ron lose , Bob Grimm' and Chairman Alan Carman. Chairman Carrnar declared a quorum., Also present was City Planner Michael Hildt. r Mr. Kosec moved the minutes of Nov'e' mber 1 , 1987 be approved as distributed. Mr. Mcl..arne r seconded and the motion passed 4-0. - 11., Communicati6ns * ChairmanCarman passed around Copies of Environmental outlook and an application for membership in the American Planning Association. iii. old business a. Application No. 10 87-02 James P. McCarron M.D. Street vacation i fir. Hiidt presented the staff report and read the draft findings. (attached) The request is to vacate the no tl est ri110feet of the 73 footvide Fillm� ore fit. right-of-way between Iter and Washington Streets. Jhe vacation is sou t in order to provide parking and an access ramp for a planned addition to the existing medical clinic. - r. McCarron has submitted -a.signed s .a'ternent of concurrence from Bob Harper, o-o herf the abutting property with Dr. McCarron. Puget Power has no objection to the request. They LL have no facilities in, the area proposed for vacation. if the vacation were to be extended south to Hater St., easements would meed to be secured. . � Chairman Carman opened the public'hea ing portion of the meeting. ' Dr. McCarron pointed out that the property:is owned by his professional service corporation of which he is tie sole: share holder:= He stats ` � the porton of Fillmore St. requested for vacation i ,bluff for the most, dart. He is not interested in vacating the remainder of the. sorestas it is used for aiccess to the clinic and 5 parking. They are planning W c nstt ct roof top parking on-the planned addition and will probably provide 15--16 spaces.wh r r nor-mall y there would be only 5. i - / + Chairman Carman closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Committee Report: Mr. Grimm said that normally parking is a concern in connection with a vacation request, however this case Is ars exception as the request is made in order to provide increased parking. He does not object to the partial vacation in this instance and finds the request in conformance with the goals of the Comprehensive Flan. Chairman Carman said this was a unique situation. The portion of the street that is improved is being used for parting and access. The remainder does not warrant development due to topographical features. Chairman Carman read the draft conclusions. Mr. Grimm moved to recommend approval of Street Vacation Application No. 10 87-02 in that it meets the review criteria, and to adopt the findings and conclusions as submitted by staff, including the statement from Mr. Harper. lir. Kosec seconded and the motion passed -o. b. application No. 1187-01 James M. Mathias M.D. Street vacation Mr. Hildt read the staff report and draft findings. (attached). The applicant requests vacation of the portion of Cosgrove St. which extends loo feet northeasterly from the intersection-of Cosgrove and Tyler Streets. The right-of-moray is 60 feet wide. The purpose of the request is to provide a more level area on which to build a single family residence. Chairman Carman opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. Dr. Mathias said he had spoken to the adjacent property owners, Mr. and Iters. Bradford, two years ago. They were not opposed to the request, but were not interested in vacating the portion of Cosgrove which abuts their property as they were not interested in paying taxes on I . Mrs. lathy Bradford said that Dr. Mathias had accurately represented her point of vier. Chairman Carman closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. He passed around two raps of the area which shored how far away the paved Cosgrove Street was from its platted right-of-moray. Mr. 1 c a ney gave the committee report. He agreed with the draft findings of fact as presented by staff and recommended approval of the request. Chairman Carman read the draft conclusions. Dr. Mathias asked where the utility easement would be located. Chairman Carman said that in general easements were situated on the center line. Mr. Hildt said that there were no utilities in the street end. He thought the PWD would agree to move any requested easement to the extreme Sather Park side of the right-of-way. ' Mr. McLar Bey moved to recommend approval of 6treet Vacation Application No, 1187-01 as consistent with the review criteria, and to adopt the draft findings and conclusions as presented by staff. Mr. l osec seconded and the motion passed 4-0. c. Application No. 387-01 Union Wharf Assoc. Variance As the parking ordinance has leen passed by the City Council, Mr. Marcoux has +requested a hearing as soon as possible on his variance request. The hearing was scheduled for January 28, 1988. IV. New Business a. The hearing on the proposed zoning amendment concerning cottage industries and light manufacturing in the C-III zone was scheduled for January 142 198 8. Ms. Slater and Mr. Carman were assigned to the committee. If Ibis. Mimi Henley requests a conditional use permit, the hearing mould be tentatively scheduled for January 28, 1988 along with the Union Wharf variance request and Monte Matthews' short subdivision application. . Application No. 1287-01 Jon 1 is & Elaine D. Johnson Variance Ms. slater and Mr. Hoglund were assigned to the committee. The hearing, was scheduled for January 1 , 1988. c. Application No. 1287-02 Douglass & Kathy Lam Conditional Use Mr. Grimm and Mr. Kosec were assigned to the committee. The hearing res scheduled for January 1 ,, 1988. V. Announcements { The next scheduled business meeting is January 14, 1988. Ali. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. ckm rkmv I Alice King, Secretary To: Planning Commission From: Michael Hildt City Planner Date: December 3, 1987 Re: Street Vac. Appl. 1087-02, James C. McCarron, M.D. Background The applicant requests vacation of the northwesterly 110 feet of the 3-feet-wide Fillmore Street right-of-way between Water and Washington Streets_ The applicants property, zoned C-11 and - 11 , is adjacent to and northeast of the area to be vacated. The adjacent property to the southwest, zoned -I , is owned by the Harper-McCarron Partnership. The vacation is sought to provide parking and an automobile access ramp for a planned addition to the existing Port Townsend Medical Clinic northeast of the area to be vacated. Recommendation The request is consistent with the comprehensive pian and meets the criteria for street vacations set forth on the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Because the ownership of the properties abutting the area to be vacated apparently involves partnerships and cor•por•ations, -it is recommended that the request be granted subject to the provision of signed statements of concurrence by others who have an ownership .interest in the abutting lots. In accordance with the CommiaBion's past reluctance to vacate segments of rights-of-way between streets, the Commission may wash to discuss the desirability of vacating the remaining portion of the Fillmore right-of-way within the block. Draft findings and conclusions are attached for Your consideration. 1h 5 ■■1 FINDINGS of FACT AOF-THEr.:PLANNING COMMI SS Date: December to, 1987 Re: Street Vac. Appl. 1087--02- James C. McCarron, M.D. After respectful consideration of the above referenced appli- cation including on-site inspection of the property, and after timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning _ Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following findings and conclusions: IF iridins 1. Applicant requests vacation of that portion of Fillmore Street described as the northwesterly 110 feet of the Fillmore Street right-o w way between Lot 8, Plock 38, and hot 2' Plock 3 of the original Port Townsend Township. The block In question is between dater and Washington Streets. The applicant's property is adjacent to and northeast of the area to be vacated. The adjacent property to the southwest .is owned by the Harper. McCarron Partnership. 2. Applicant seeks vacation of the entire 73 foot Fillmore Ztreet right-of-way. The applicant's property to the northeast is zoned -I l and R-11 . The property to the-southwest is-zoned zoned -I. 3. Applicant intends to construct an addition to the existing Port Tnsend Medical Clinic northeast of the area to be vacated. The area to be vacated is needed for -parking and an automobile access ramp. Conclusions 1. The proposed street vacation is in compliance with the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan 2. The portion of Fillmore Street proposed to be vacated is not required for current or anticipated overall area circulation. . The effectiveness of fire, law enforcement,. medical or other emergency services will not be impaired by the proposed vacation_ 4. Retention o ' utility casement is not required because the steep bluff at. Washington Street prevents the use of the area► to be vacated as a utility corridor-. .r Planning CommiB ion, 1087-62 Page 2 December 1 , 1987 . The portion of Fillmore Street proposed to be vacated iB not required as a current or anticipated bicycle, pedestrian or equestrian trail corridor. . The portion T of Fillmore Street proposed to be vacated does not abut on a body of salt or fresh water. ' _ Because the proposed street vacation conforms with the goalB and policies contained in the comprehensive plan and satisfies the review criteria for street vacationB set forth In Section 12.20. 060 PTMC, the Port Townsend Planning Commission recommends that the above referenced application b6 GRAFTED AS CONDITIONED: A. The applicant shall submit a signed statement of concurrence with the proposed vacation from each other . person, firm, corporation, partnership, sole -how 'F proprietorship union, or other entity' with an ownership interest in either Lot 2, Block 37, or Lot 8, Block 38. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning . COMM i s s loll, Bob Grimm, Chr. , Review Committee • } r+ 1 s To: Planning Commis+sn From: Michael Hildt City Planner Date: December 3, 1387 Re: Street vacation Appl. 1187- 1, James M. Mathias Background The applicant requests vacation of the portion of Cosgrove Street which extends 100 feet northeasterly from the intersection of Cosgrove and Tyler Streets for the full 60 ft. width of the Cosgrove Street right-of-way. The vacation is requested t provide a more level area on which to build a single-family res, dence and to minimize impacts of the dwelling on neighboring properties. The applicant owns the abutting property adjacent to and southeast of the area to be vacated_ The property is entirely within the -1 zonxng district. The City of Pont Townsend owns the abutting property to the northwest of the Cosgrove right-of- way. The City property is used for street and park purposes (Sather Park) . The application does not include vacation of the remainder of unopened Cosgrove Street between Taylor and Tyler Streets S Recommend tion k 1 The application meets the criteria for street vacations, is consistent with the comprehensive plan, and, inasmuch as the city owns the abutting property on the opposite side of the area to be vacated, the minimum two-thirds support from abutting property owners would be assured by the City's action, should the request be granted. The application does not include the remaining unopened area of Cosgrove between Taylor and Tyler Streets. In accordance with . theCommission's past reluctance to vacate segments of rights-of- way between streets, the commission may wish to- diu s requiring the remaining uno n d right-of-way within the block be vacated Attached are draft findings and conclusions for your consideration. ti [DRAFT 04FINDTHGS QF ___'NG C;OMHT55IQK .EACT AND CQNM,USTQNS QF THIR PI Date: December 10, 193' Re: Street vacation Appy., 1187-01, James 19, Mathias { After respectful considerat,�on of.. the above referenced app. - cation including on- site inspection of the property, and after timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following . findings and conclusions-: 1. Applicant requests vacation of the por ion of platted but unopened Cosgrove Street which lies northwest of and* adjacent t Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Pettygrove's First Addition. The portion to be vacated extends 100 feet northeasterly from the intersection of Cosgrove and Tyler Streets for the full 66 ft. width of the Cosgrove Street right-of-way. F 2. The. ppi icant_..owns the abutting property adJacent--to and southeast the area to be vacated. The Cit -of Port Townsend owns the abutting property to the northwest of the Cosgrove. right-of-way. The City property is used for street and park purposes Sather Park) . The application does not include vacation of the remainder of unopened Cosgrove Street between Taylor and Tyler Streets. #' Applicant intends to construct a single-family residence on the site which is entirely within theR-I zoning_district. The vacation is requested t provide more level area on which t i 'build and to minimize impacts of the dwelling on neighboring properties. QonclusionH 1. The proposed street vacation is in compliance with the goads - and po l is ie s of the comprehensive plan. 2. The portion of Cosgrove Street proposed to be vacated is not required for current or anticipated overall area circulation. . The effectiveness of fire, law enforcement, medical or other emergency services will not he impaired by the proposed vacation. . Retention of a twelve-foot utility easement will assure that any future utility corridor weeds will be accommodated. • Y Planning Com'ssion, 117- 1 Page 2 December 1 , 1987 5. The portion of Cosgrove Street proposed to be vacated is not required as a current or anticipated bicycle, pedestrian ox- equestrian trail corridor. . The portion of Cosgrove Street proposed to be vacated does not abut on a body of salt or fresh water. . Because the proposed street vacation conforms with the goals and policies contained in the comprehensive plan and satisfies the review criteria for street vacations set forth in Section 12.20- 060 PTMC, the Port Townsend Planning Commission recommends that the above referenced application be GRANTED. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning Commission, Donald H. NcLa ne , chr,. , Review iew committee ti 1 Gest 1_ ist Do you wish to NAME 1please print) ADDRESS present testimony? YES NO inAIVVI �Nt � u/�t , i e7 O I� r � • El D O ❑ El O ❑ o El ❑ El ❑ � o 0 D D