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Port "oma. la, coirnmusion.
Opening Business and ll.Call
Chairman arma � cabled ..the me ti '. .to+corder~ . ► a35 .M. -
;+ Q s ' P
7 Ir
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Members present were Nancy -Slater., Don _IMcLarney, Rory Kose , Don Hoglund, Oim
, 'a erna is, Boli Grim' m aid Chairman Alain Carman. Chairman Carman declared'a .
u of ur . Also present was V tY• 1ann r M1 c hazel H I Idt. - -
Mr. Hoglund moved the minutes of October 293 1987 be approved as distributed.
Ids. Slater seconded and the motion-.pass dL -0. ;5
II. Communications
Mr; Gartman passed around copies. of the-Local' Preservation Newsletter,
nv �ronnental Outlook, and City News.
F + • R t
lll. old Business
a. Application No. 987-01 �� -}, Monte Matthews
S ort plat
The application is still pending ,with the. Health Dept.-;4;' applicant - as.•re ue ted a
. a continuation o ' the hearing..,..,Ms. Slater moved a- i " -ring be'continued, to.
28, 1988. Imo . Hoglund-seconded and the m i n p
January. assed ,7-0.
f i
. Application 987- G nda� ,B �orn Lunde
'urian = "
Mr. Tiildt presented, the staff 'report. (attached). 'The, request is for a arian e from
= the setback portion o the zoning. ordinain . �. `kiter,. o�nstru 4'1 ' ; 1 4 1owof ► o osed
laundry room, the distance between. the"house*and garage.)Will_ e - 1/2 feet.
The zoning code requires ya' rninixx um wil ing .s parati , of to feet.
Asst-. Fire Chief Doren Kiie er has advisedane,has no o `e tin to -thy variance being
.: „
granted with the condition that+the existing hi �nney 4 t" replaced,with either
factory qhimney.or � m7chimney.y mney.
Mr. Hildt pointed.out draft conclusion-42 outlining special. on iti ns which justify
the request. There are drainage. problems .which .threaten the house the ,hot egrater heater
" diti i '.+. the . i t:ar ," .t , rn
urrentl� located under ,the cos 1 ,.
. and the garage Is a re- x1sting ,conditio'n'Which. is, peculiar Ao the n i h orhood:,
halrman "Carm' an opened •the, public hearing portion of*the eeting.
lf ..
Mr. Lunde, applicant,, said that he k had originally' designed a larger laundry room,
but. had shrunk the designs down t 'What h considered to be a minimum when he
+ learned a variance would be necessary. He .was .not able t6 design something that
F } * F +
would not require a variance. His only plans f or the garage are to repair it and
possibly put a foundation under it. It has electricity.
Mr. Ta ernakis asked if it would be possible to improve on the size of the laundry
room without encroaching on the passageway between the buildings, by moving ars
interior wall of the house for example.
Mr. Lunde said the galls in that area are structural, some are two stories high.
Mr. Tavernakis said he understood that this was an "original" neighborhood which
lead to the special circumstance of the narrow separation between the house and
the -garage.
Mr. Carman said the proximity of the garage to the house was typical of older
structures. He has no problem with the request and feels there is adequate access
for emergency vehicles.
M . Hoglund asked if the garage could be rotated 90 degrees.
Mr. Lunde said it could come apart. He will either repair it or take it out.
Chairman Carman closed the public hearing portion of the meeting.
Committee Report: Mr. Hoglund said that he had a problern with the distance
between the house and the garage in terms of fire protection. However, since the
Fire Dept. appeared to feel the situation vias acceptable with the condition of a
new chimney, he thought he could go along with their assessment.
Mr. Grimm said that 4 1/2 feet was s really not sufficient for emergency vehicle
access. He would be more comfortable if the garage were removed. He ,ranted to
make sure the "special condition" of the neighborhood was stressed so that a
precedent would not be construed to have been set.
Chairman Carman said this was an individual situation. It would only be a 15 foot
stretch where the width of the passageway would be 4 1 feet.
If the garage were attached to the house, lir. Lunde would be required to
construct a one hour fire gall and to observe a to foot separation to neighboring
While noting that in general 4 1/2 feet is inadequate for emergency vehicle access,
Mr. Grimm m thought the commission should recommend approval of the request
because of the special nature of the neighborhood.
Mr. Hildt pointed out that access for fire fighting equipment to Adams Street was
available from both sides of the garage. An additional finding of fact to be
numbered 3 will state, "Adequate access for fire fighting equipment is available
from both Adams and Clay Streets."
Mr. Grimm moved to recommend approval of Application No. 987-03 for a variance
to the separation between buildings as conditioned, based on the draft findings o
fact and draft conclusions in the staff report with the addition of the new finding
of fact . M . Tavernakis seconded and the notion passed -0.
c. Application No. 1087#0 Nordland Construction
Alley vacation
Mr. Hildt presented the staff report. (attached) The request is to vacate a platted,
unopened alley which transects a site proposed for commercial development. The
portion of the alley o be vacated extends westerly from the Olympic Gravity
Water System easement to unopened Howard Street. The environmental check list
1 1 11 r§/0 7 ",6
has been reviewed by the City Council and given a mitigated declaration of
nonsignificance. The mitigating measures are as follows:
1. Fire hydrants at two specific locations.
2. 6 inch diameter water supply lines from the vicinity water main to the
3. Existing trees not in conflict with the development to be retained.
!. Exterior siding to be mood products and stained to natural earth tomes.
. A single free standing monument style sign not more than 6 feet in
height above finished grade its base.
. Exterior landscaping or parking lot lighting to be hooded and shielded to
prevent hazardous glare to motorists.
Mark Johnson, applicant, said that he had approached the development with the
idea of meeting the goals for the area,
Mr. Grimm said he was generally not in favor of vacating a portion of an alley.
He suggested that other property owners could, be contacted with the idea of
vacating the entire alley.
Mr. Johnson said the property owner n the other side of the easement has his
property up for sale. He assumed the owner could be requesting a further
vacation in the future.
Mr. Carman agreed that if an alley was found to be of no useful purpose the
commission liked to vacate it in its entirety.
The public hearing portion of the hearing was closed,
Committee Report: fir. Ta rerna is agreed that it waspreferable to involve
adjacent cent propert r owners and vacate the entire alley. He saw no problem with
this request because the terrain is such that it would be highly impractical to put
an alley through. otherwise he would be hesitant to fragment the alley vacation.
Ir, Hoglund also had concerns about fragmenting the vacation, however in view
of the easement on one side and the street on the other he was in favor of
granting the request.
Mr. Carman said the easement for the Olympic Gravity Water system together
with the terrain effectively isolate this portion of the alley making this a unique
Mr. Ta ernal is moved to recommend approval of Application No. 10 97-01 with the
findings and conclusions as presented and with the understanding of the special
circumstance of the terrain. He also wanted to express the commission's feeling
that the fragmenting of vacations should be discouraged, The motion includes an
additional finding of fact concerning the mitigated declaration of nonsignificance
by the City Council. An additional finding #5 will be included to the effect that
although the commission has concerns about the fragmentation of alley vacations,
t feels the request is appropriate in this case because of terrain and the physical
isolation of the portion requested for vacation. Mrs McLarney seconded and the
motion passed - ■
1 . Neter Business ,
. Application No. 1187-01 James Mathias
Street Vacation
Chairman Carman offered to provide some surveys dome in the area of the
requested vacation for the commission's edification. The hearing was scheduled for
December lo, 1987. Mr. Mcl_.arne r and Mr. Kosec will be on the committee.
.l a a - i_
b, Mr. Hildt has had conversations with Farber Buck concerning a poible
conditional use application to permit a cottage industry owned by Mimi Henley to
locate in the Mount Baker Block building, However, clothing manufacture in not
permitted even as a conditional use in a C-III zone. Home occupation can be
locatedin C-II1, however the business mut be located in the person's residence.
This seems to be a -ase where the city's policy trying to help people use the
historic structures downtown is not well served by its zoning code. Mr. Hildt
suggested the commission consider an amendment to the zoning code concerning
cottage industries and light manufacturing in a C-1II zone. He suggested such an
amendment be considered in tandem with the conditional use application of Mr.
Buck. A condition of the conditional use would be that it would have no effect
until the City Council moved on the zoning amendment.gent. Time will not be
scheduled until Mr. Buck has assured Mr. Hildt that the project will go through.
The building inspector will go over the major health and safety codes in order to
ensure that these bases are covered. It also might make sense to address seismic
requirements.ents. He thought the zoning amendment should remain on the agenda
even if the proposed conditional use was not pursued.
Chairman Carman and Ms. Slater agreed that the issue -needed to be dealt with in
order to encourage multiple uses within the downtown historic district.
V. Announcements
The next scheduled business meeting will be December lo, 1987. At that time the
commission rill hear Application leo. 1087-02 by James McCarron for a street
vacation and Application No. 1187-01 by James Mathias for a street vacation.
VI. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Alice King, Secretary
TOO Planning Commission
FROM: Kathleen MacDonald
Administrative Assistant }
DATE: October 21 , 1587
E: variance Application leo. 8' -03
0 unda & Worn Lunde
The applicants are requesting a variance from the setback
portion of the zoning ordinance so that they may construct a
laundry room. There is currently a 31 foot 5 inch setback from
the property line to the house on the Adams Street side of the
property. There is currently a 6 building separation between the
garage and the house in the area where the proposed laundry room
would be constructed.After construction of the proposed addition
this would leave a building separation of 4 1/2 feet. Because the
zoning code Tc 17. 20 . 020) requires a minimum building
separation of 10 feet, a variance would be required.
A site inspection was done by Asst. Fire Chief Loren Krieger
who advises that the request may be safely granted with the
condition that the existing chimney in the addition area be
replaced by either a factory chimney or a masonry chimney.
Become Ati
After a site inspection and a review of the variance
criteria in Section 17. 64 . 060 84 . 060 of the Port Townsend Municipal code
it is recommended that this variance request be 0W with the
following condition;
That the existing pipe chimney i
the area of the proposed laundry
room be replaced with either a
factory chimney or a masonry chimney.
Draft findings and conclusions are attached for your
Date: november 19, 1.987 .
Re: Ariane App. No. 987-03, GUNDE & BJoRN LUNDE
Building. S para4t'ion
After respectful consideration of the above referenced appli-
cation including an ori-site inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the city Council the following
findings and conclusions:
Findings of ' _
1 . Applicants propose a 105 square foot laundry room addition to
their residence at 806 clay Street. with the proposed addition
the total lot coverage would be 25. 6% of this 10, 780 square foot
The current east side yard setback is 31 feet 3 inches and
would be reduced to 27 feet 6 'Inches.
The current buildin separation between- the garage and the
house is 6 feet and will be reduced to 4 1/2 feet instead of the
required 10 feet. A variance 'is requi red for two reasons 1 for
the wild separation 17 . 20. 020 and 2 for the expansion of a
non-conforming building (17. 52. 080) .
2. To the west is the Trinity Methodist Church and parsonage to
the north i s a single fanily residence and chiropractic office,
to the east and across the street is a v ctorian inn and single
family residence and to the south and across the street is a
vacant victorian single family residence under renovation. The
zoning of the subject property and immediate area is R-2 with the
exception of Block 136 which is c-3.
. The Fire Department made an inspection of the property and
has no objection to the variance provided the current pipe
chimney in the area of the proposed laundry room be replaced with
either a factory build chimney or a masonry chimney. Manufactured
and installed in compliance with the applicable requirements of
the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code.
1 . The proposed variance would not amount to, a rezone not
constitute change in the district boundaries shown on the
official zoning reap.
2. Because of the high water table and clay soil under the house
and lack of drainage there is concern for the flooding that
occurs under the house during the rainy season. The hot water
heater is located under the house and the flooding that occurs is
hazardous to the water heater. Also the existing close proximity
of the garage to the house there are special circumstances exist
which do not result from actions of the applicant and which are
peculiar to the subject property and are not applicable to other
lands in the district.
. The variance requested would not confer a special privilege
to the subject property that is denied to other lands in the same
. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the
public welfare or injurious to the property or improvement
n the vicinity and zone in which the property is situated.
. The reasons set forth in the above referenced application
justify the granting of the variance and the variance is the
minimum variance that will rake possible the reasonable use of
the land.
. Because the granting of the variance would be in harmony
with the general purpose and intent of Title 17 (zoning) of the
Townsend Municipal Code, the Commission recommends -that the
variance be GAS CONDITIONED:
That the current pipe chimney in the area
of the proposed laundry room be replaced
with either a factory built chimney or a
masonry chimney. Manufactured and installed
in compliance with the applicable requirements
of the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform
Mechanical Code.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
October 21 , 1987
RE:: Appl #catiori No. 987-03 - Variance
unda & Bjorn Lunde
o6 Clay St.
Upon a site inspection of the above reference property I have no
objection to the City granting a variance to her & Mrs. Lunde for
their proposed laundry room addition with the following condition:
That the existing ch i mney be replaced
with either a factory chimney or masonry
Loren Krieger
Asst. I re Chief ib
[D) D
Date: November 19, 1987
Re: Alley Vacation Appl# 1087-01, ordla d
Construction Company, Inc.
After respectful consideration of the above referenced appli-
cation including on-site inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following
findings and conclusions
1. The applicant proposes development of a m ltiple-building
retail complex across Sims Way from the Jackpot Gas Station and
Convenience Store. The area of the site is approximately 52,675
square feet and consists of lots 5 through 17 of Block 4 of the
National City Addition #1. Because a platted, unopened alley
transects the portion of the site proposed for development with
commercial buildings, the applicant requests that it be vacated.
2. The alley to be vacated extends westerly from the Olympic
Gravity Water System easement to unopened Howard Street. The
applicant owns the abutting property on both sines of the area to
be vacated
3# The comprehensive plan land use designation for the area is
industrial._ The property is zoned C-II .
onclus� � :
1_ The proposed street vacation is in compliance with the goals
and policies of the comprehensive plan.
2. The portion of the alley proposed to be vacated is not
required for current or anticipated overall area circulation.
. The effectiveness of f .re, law enforcement, medical or other
emergency services will not be impaired by the 'Proposed vacation.
4. The portion of the alley proposed to be vacated is not
required as a current or anticipated utility corridor.
5. The portion of the alley proposed to be vacated is not
required as current or anticipated bicycle, pedestrian or
Planning Commission, 1087-01 Page 1 of 2
equestrian trail corridor.
. The portion of the alley proposed to be vacated does not
abut on a body of salt or fresh water.
. Because the proposed street vacation conforms with the goals
and policies contained in the comprehensive plan and satisfies
the review criteria for street vacations set forth In Section
2. 2 0. o o PT C* -the Port Townsend Planning Commission recommends
that the above referenced-application a GRANTED.
Respectfullysubmitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning .
Commission,_ ..
Donald Hgiand, Chrmn. , Review Committee
Planning Commission, 1087-01 Page 2 of 2