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# PORT TOWN S E D t wAs H I GTO 983613
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PortTo sendpaxmi "Y ' Commission
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MINUTES of OCTOBER'. 1987_. , 4C*x� *
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Opening l usi e s and Doll. Call
Chairman Carman called the m tin to'Aor:der+;aft , :
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Members present,were Nancy Slater�: or{,--M Larr� yRon I osecir%jlm Ta ernakis,, i
and Chairman Al rig;Carman. CY�airr ar�4 � rrx�an declared � iori ren. Also resent 4
was'City Planner Michael Hildt.
Ms. Slater- moved the minutes• of S �■`}.h.+ay�tem er 2 + 198.7, e " roved as distributed.-,,
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Mr.y I IcL.arne seconded' rid the rnoti i' a d x =o, ,: •�, , F +
IL Communications
Chair- ma nCarman assed around an announcement of, AWC -trainin ��rn Yakima,
and the August Washington Coastal Currents frog DOE, .'M s' Hildt pa.ssedout copies
of the budget submittal, copies of a legal opinion by Cite.Attorney Keith Harper on
ra dfathered p firkin g, ai nd' a list -of pr ject- Priorities resulting fro g - Council
III. Old Business
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Application No. +987-01�+ - µ . , .Moate Matthews -
Srt Plat Application i - {'* 360Highwa' 101 West +
Port, Ingle , IIIA 98362 !
Mr. Matthews has requested a continuance s he needs"'tirne to work out
engineering details on a suitable. method Of septic disp 1. The•pu li "..hearing was
continued to Novem er+19, 1987.
IV Consent Item 4 i
Application No. 987-04 - Loren Krieger
Summary Short Plat Appfi ation" = 930 "Roosevelt S -.
Fort 'Townsend, VISA 98368
chairman Carman" explai-ned+ that this was- a riew.of, the -final. short. plat' under
the., new short plat ordinance. He 'said there had leen .some confusion. as to the
need for reView by the. Planning Commission, but he felt- it would be prudent for
a ' the.c m' missi n to discuss it. He excused.-himself the, grounds of a possible
conflict �{/may+ rFy�,,
Yf i • i i I i F+ * + * • f '
Mr. Hildt said that under the summary approval process, the decision on the
preliminary plat approval had been handled administratively by the Director o
Public Works. The final plat approval goes before the Planning Commission and the
City Council. The commission is to determine whether the final plat approval
conforms to the preliminary plat approval.
Mr. Tavernak s asked for clarification on exactly what a 11consent Item" was and
hoer it was to be handled.
Mr. Hildt said by "consent" he meant at the item didn't require a recorded vote but
could be dealt with by acclamation or consent.
Mr. Jim Pearson, PWD, explained the summary approval procedure. When
short plat is being divided into two lots and water, sewer, and city streets are
there or available, a declaration of summary approval may be issued by the
Director of Public Works. Notice of the application has been published trice with a
fifteen day comment period. Adjacent property owner -have been notified and no
comments were received. Mr. Pearson assured the commission that the final plat
had changed in no way from the preliminary plat submitted to and approved by
Mr. Stricklin. There was some confusion as this is the fust time the summary
approval process has been used. The intent was to stre inline the process in cases
where there was felt to be no adverse impact to the public interest,, while
maintaining the public's right to comment and the Public Works Director's ability
to approve the project. However, Section 147- seas to require review by the
City Council, consequently a recommendation is needed from the Planning
Commission. A copy of Mr. StricklinI s summary approval was attached to the
short plat.
Ids. Slater moved to accept the summary approval and recommend to the City
Council that they approve the Krieger short plat in its final form as in compliance
with Municipal ordinance 1806 Section 1.203 . Mr. Kosec seconded.
Mr. Tavernakis was concerned about a possible precedent being set involving a
procedure whereby the commission was asked to approve something they had not
previously seer.
Mr. Hildt said the stern had been placed on the agenda in an attempt to satisf y
the requirements of the ordinance and move the process along. The only question
was whether the final plat was faithful to the preliminary plat. There ought to
be a statement from fir. Stricklin to this effect. Mr. Stricklin is out of town. if
this were a final decision he would ask that it be put of f until Mr. Stricklin could
Mr. Tavernakis asked whether the commission members were comfortable with
how this matter had been brought before therm. He asked if Its. Slater wished to
acid to her motion a statement concerning the procedure on such consent items.
Ms. Slater said she was comfortable, ho ,never she said that if the ordnance
worked as it was supposed to, itwouldn't come before the commission at all. The
commission voted on the motion and it passed 4-0.
. ' Mr. carman returned. He pointed out that there wa3 no mechanism for the
commission to knowabout these summary approvals ahead of time unless changes
were rade in the short subdivision ordinance.
Mr. Hildt said the commission probably ought to consider an amendment to clarify
the ordinance. There was no reason for something to come before the Planning
Commission that they had not previously seen. It served no purpose except to
dela} the process.
V. New Business
Application No. 1087#01 Nordland Construction
Alley vacation Application 59-A Garden Club Ind.
Iordland, WA
This will be a large commercial development across from Jackpot. lair. Hogland
and Mr. Tavernakis were assigned to the committee. The application will come
before the commission November ber 19, 1987.
V1. Announcements
The next scheduled business meeting is October 29, 1987. on the agenda are the
downtown parking amendments, Variance Application No. 687-01 by Port Townsend
Lumber on sign area, and variance Application No. 987-03 by Lunda and Bjorn
V11. Adjournment
Ms. Slater roved the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Tavernais seconded and the
meeting adjourned journed at 8:30 P.M.
Alice Ding, Secretary
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Do you wish to
NAME (please printl ADDRESS present testimony?
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To: Mayor and cityCouncil
From: Michael Rild '
Exec. Asst./P er'
Re: Project Priorities
Pate: October 6, 1967
Listed below are the project priorities you selected at the
Council Retreat on September2
1. Regu I t i ni - Rnfo c ure t
2. First Phase Storm Sewer Improvements
3. Senior-Community Center
4. Zoning Code Improvements
5. Downtown Parking Improvements
6. Purchase- Property for Fire Training- Facility
. Library Salary Adjustments
. Equipment Replacement Reserves
.. Design Review ordinance
10. - Port Townsend Gateway Project ( Charrette(Char-rApproach
11. Purchase Property for dater Tank Drainage/Storage
12. -Renovate- and -Expand-Carnegie= Library-
ibrary-13. i dewa l .-Re s to ration +
These will help establish work program priorities and major
project funding efforts in the coming year.
Thank you for an enjoyable and productive day.
cc; Department Heads
Keith C. Harper
Attorney at LA
1206 Water,Suite B
P.O.Box 104 Fort Townwnd,WA 93368
September 4 , 1987 20W355-6400
TO: '- ichael* ildt; City lane r xecuti a Assistant'
RE: Off-street parking for buildings existing prior to
August 3 , 1971
Off-street parking is established by the table in Section
17 . 20 . 10 and also be Section 17 . 24 .010 in the zoning Code
Obviously there is not off-street parking designated for
vacant *buiId-ing.,_ and there-would---be no. ri-remen — or a .
vacant building not in use.
1n the case of buildings built after August 3,:, 1971, parking
requirements apply as the use is undertaken or for the uses
intended by the applicant at the time of construction,
For those built before August 3, 1971, under Section 17 . 28 .030 ,
nothing iii: that provision is to be construed so as to require
any off-street parking space for a building or part thereof
which existed on August 3 , 1971, as I read that section. No
distinction is made between whether the building was vacant,
what it was used for, or whether only part of it was in actual
Therefore, such buildings built before August 3 , . 1971 do not
require .off-street- parkin 9 by the plain language.--of -that -section
Also, note that the - section does not limit itself to the down-
town business district.
An exception may arise - however, where the building .or usere-
quires a conditional use permit, variance, S PA regrew, or
similar approval of the Council or some other body. In those
cases, off-street parking can be required as a -condition of ..
the permit or other action taken, if warranted in the circum-
stances, irc in-
The _foregoing is in follow-up upon our congers-ation on August.
nd supersede.§ any prior discussions or memoranda on the
t. Let know if there should be any' questions or comments.
City Attorney
cc Public Works Director