HomeMy WebLinkAbout082787 Min Packet ` PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINOTON 98368 LL
Port Tow send Pla=te
Commission' .
z ?
MINUTES OF AUGUST 279, 1987 ,r
I. Opening Business
Chairman Carman Called the meeting to order at .� fir.Mo
Members present were Don Hoglund, Nancy Slater, Bon McLarney, Alan Carman,
Ron- Kosec, and Bob Grimm. There. was a quorum. Also .present was City Planner
Michael Hil t. ;, +
There was a correction to the minutes of August 13, 1987. On page 3, Under Iv
first .paragraph after port Townsen4 Lumber Company was- .omitted. - Don I cLarney
moved that the'minut s be approved n
co rectedo Ron Xosec seconded the motion
and the Grote`was unanimous
Chairman Carman stated there was a letter to the com,mission from Keith Harper
concerning Bed and Breakfasts q Hotels and Inns.
Chairman Carman also mentioned the Trai. i■ng Semihar ,.at Seminar,. the Yakima Valley Inn i
Yakima .on 'October•23, 1987. He told the commission 'that the registration form
allowed your o pick 5 different areas- for.. preview that you would be interested in.
II. Application--No. . � l - , }4 Stephanie L tgring
Variance Request F- ti ., � P.O. Box 1172
•, -}' Port Townsend, Wa. 98368
The applicant wishes to upgxade the 'existing building in order to obtain a build-
inger it..and certificate - o u panty. i recent, survey know that h
structure violates the 20 foot set back in the front. It is 7 feet from the.
end St. right- -way. -The building. permit for ;they' dwelling is for a temporary
hobby building issued F in'Wovemb r of- 1977. �4
Michael H ldt reviewed the Findihgs of � ' c , and. Conclusions in Draft 1 of the
staff report..which recommends dil. He also"passed out to the commission
draft 2 which give the conclusions for a recommendation o approval■. Both..
drafts-are,.attached -to the official minutes. , ,
. Lutgringrstated, that the property was presented to her' being grandfathered
and the only thing needed to be dome was- hook 'up the water and sewer. When
applying toshave the hookups she discovered Rthe problems. She has been in contact
with the city building inspector and stands ready to p rf'orm the work he indicates
is necessary-.to •bri.ng the building up to code.. She It that there is unusual
circumstances because of the configuration of 'the lots -ncch resulted from
property settlement, in a decree of divorce. •The attached garage has-a concrete
slab floor which would preclude its beim moved. She felt that without a variance
she could .not have reasonable use of, her property. At present she was riot
planning an,ma jor- renovation, only aloin what was., needed to brim the dwelling
up to code;.-. ' Bridget Stewart •ha,s a five year- lease, ,bn the;-backt of lo t 2. She-1 s tated
she adds i■ nal.l .-purcba edL,.Lot Four. She Istat ed that. her, request -would riot set
a precedent-'as F all,. new building in the area had to have building permits and her
structure`. l eady, existed and the lot was of a strange figuration.
■+ r
v a,6
iaurie Stewart the previous owner brought'a map of the" .property inn.
t e ex l ,ined that the sewer and water hook,ups were p s ntly off of his former
Wife's lines,. 'He applied for a permit in 1977 and the City Eng neer suggested
the temporary hobby building.-.because it did not require a colic ete permanent--"
foundation. Fund i r��. n i l i ..� Calling i - temporary hobby building
was not based on h .s.statement. Eventually hooked up grater and surer for bathroom
and darkroom. After divorce he- moved Into the bui 1ding himself. Moving the
building would be possible, but not `inancially feasible.
Gary Kaiser; the listing agent, stated that the building was non-conforming, but
the original building had been there a long time. ,.did not think it would set
precedent. ' .
letter front Genevieve Cary to ted her approval of ope n i rig 32nd street (she had
misunderstood the notice she was seat). y
Bridget Stewart stated that 32nd Street at this section does riot look life a
. street, but a country driveway. It As difficult to tell where the property
lines are. -'.
Chairman Carman asked the applicant if she' would be willing to have the lot lines i
vacated. She stated-she would be in favor' of it. Chairm n Carman. said that
he felt this was relevant to parking and ,any farther development.
Bob Grim stated that he did "not think. that the 32nd ,Street would ever"-be developed
to its 60 foot right-of'-way, A variance- would not b putting the gaffe out into
the street. He said that he leans toward Draft two.
Chaffrmaan Carr n warted a Finding 6 added the Findings of Fact that should
state the existing garage existed prior t . 191-,
t li
Bob Grimm moved -to recommend to the City Council the Approval of Variance Request
Application -No. 8 -0 1 regarding front�setback including'Findings of Fact and
Conclusions in Draft. 2 and adding Finding"t Bois Kosec seconded the motion
and the vote was for and` 2 against Carman a i'Slater)
Chairman Camara heal wanted t . amend the motion to include the vacation of lot
lines to solve -p king and later development problems. The commission did not
feed, this should--.be done at this time the majority of, the commission).
Chairman Cana n said that -he.,would write- . minority report.
Ill. Application No. 887-01 Waterbury Management, Inc.
Variance Request c/o Fort Townsend Realty
{ P.G. Box 911
f i
Port'.# oend, Wa. 98368
In order to'.comply with the conditions and requirements of the City of Port own-
send and ma i i e landscaping the applidant is requesting a variance for compact
parking., They are requesting 12 compact parking spades to be allowed together
,with 19 full size spaces and I handicapped parking space.
Michael ildt- presented the staff Fihdings of Fact and Conclusions recommending
approval. - f.
Mr. Spindor said that- they could get fu12--.---Lsize#1p6xking1ron the site, but would
have to make changes in the landscaping. 'they were trying to make it as attractive
as possible.,, He contacted Pierce County and found that it did not address compact
parking, btitq:thr regular parking space was x2o against Port o�end's lxZC
r - -
feet. - nohomrsh County's parking allowed-up to 40% b6 -compact car arks
Their regular parking was, y 19 feet and their com ct parking spaces were
8 - 1 fie e t. t
x * , J ►
Chairman Carman -stated that e"felt that this was,.a perfectly'reasonable variance
request. i f, .`
After a brief discussion, Ron,cosec, moved to r'ecommend- to the City Council
-. approval of -Variance Applicati r r Request f No.' -0 + i meets the criteria
in the .'code•`and .inclixding the Findings of Fact and the onclusio �s and correcting
{ Fact i y:deIeting"and one half"-Nancy Slater_ seconded the- motion and the " rote
was unanimous.
IV* Miscellaneous-
iscellaneous Short Plant Application No. 887- 2--Monty & Pearl Matthews---Committee of
T vernakis. and Slater. To be reviewed on September 2.4, 1987.
The co=ission discussed the parking ordinance review' concerning A put from
Parker Buck;-iand--the -other. downtown, property ownersis The commission rescheduled
jW0ks '!. dU*,_-.t : low- Michael., '+to notify8' 18- the h ri gt ober"
• " ' Parker Buck- that his' gaup _would meed to have their suggestions and concerns
addressed ln..a letter to the' commission On 6r beifore September 24,' 1987 meeting,
Time Oil Review was scheduled for September,24, ' 1987,"
V. -Ad our rnment
Chairman airman adjourned the -meeting at-9:30 PX
P r
The commission gave the secretary a ."so long and good luck' party after the meeting.
. , She was suxpried and pleased and extends her heart felt thanks you, one an all.
(From instruction from Commissioner Slater, the cake 'said Thank. you Ginger, Good
luck.) r ,
f r 1 t
'Virginia Mulkey, 'Secretary
f •
r ` +
`+ -3 i
Date= August 27, 1987
Re: Variance Appl. 7-01 , Stephanie Lutgring, front
After "respectful. consideration of the above referenced appli-:#
cation including on-sate inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following
f ind Ings and conclusions :
1. Applicant has recently purchased the subject property for
use as a single family residence. The structure was built in �..
1977-78 under a permit issued by the City for a► "temporary hobby C.
bldg. at Conversion of the structure to residential use requires
extensive improvements to meet building code p ov is.ions .
building permit cannot be issued for these improvements without a
variance due to the existing, nonconforming front setback of only
seven feet.
2. North of the subject property, across the unimproved 32nd
Street right--of-way, is vacant property used currently as a
vegetable garden. Theme is a barn gust west of this garden,
northwest of the subject property. To the west is vacant lot 4,
beyond which are single-family houses. Adjacent to the east _}
property lime is a single-family house approximately 28 feet from ::
the subject structure. The nonconforming rear, yard of this house
(approximately 17 feet abuts the east side yard of the subject
property. To the south are single-family houses on 31st street.
. The existing structure is built on portions of sots 2 and 3,
the combined area of which is approximately 6,250 square feet.
The small appro . 650 square feet) , one story, wood-framed
building is well below the maximum 35% lot coverage four the R-1A
zone. The existing side yard setbacks are approximately 11.
,.feet on the east and 23.5 feet on the west. The rear of the
structure is approximately 31 'feet from the closest property line
to the south.
4. The building '.s currently vacant and consists of a 14" x 24'
garage-workshop connected by an apparent " x 14" bathroom-
h llwa to a 12' x 14' room. The structure is supported by pier
blocks with the exception of the garage-workshop which is built
on a concrete slab.
Planning Commission age 1
. Although the applicant states that parking requirements could
be met on an adjacent lot, the parking provisions of the Port
Townsend Municipal code require parking spaces be located on the
. same lot with the building they are required to serve (17 .28. 020
PTI The existing garage would accommodate a single space,
leaving inadequate area between the garage and the front property
line' for the remaining required space. Though it would be
possible to provide the required second parking space in the west
side yard, the 32nd Street right-of-way would be the likely
parking choice in actual practice.
. The proposed variance would not amount to a rezone nor
constitute change in the district boundaries shown on the
official zoning map.
2. Although the applicant cites the unusual configuration of the
lot lines, if the structure is moved back thirteen feet to
conform to front setback requirements, a rear yard setback of
eighteen feet would remain. It may be necessary to rebuild the
... garage to accomplish such a move, however. Accordingly, the lot
line configurations result in special circumstances which do not
result from actions of the applicant and which are peculiar t
the subject property and are not appliable to other lands in the
3. Because front yard setbacks appear to be conforming elsewhere
in the neighborhood and because sever-al nearby lots are as yet
undeveloped, the variance requested would confer a special
privilege the subject property that is denied to other lands
in the same district.
. ecause the existing front setback would serge as a precedent
for'.-tuture development nearby if allowed to continue with the
proposed change to residential use, the granting of the variance
would'=.'be--detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the
property-or- improvements.-in-the vic inity and zone r In which the
property is situated.
. -' The reasons st forth in the above-referenced application do
not justify the granting of the variance and, because the
,. nonconforming front setback could be corrected with a 'lesser -rear
yard variance, the variance requested is not the minimum variance
that will make possible the reasonable use of the land.
. While the cost of conforming to the front setback is
recognized, this cost does -not in this case outweigh the public ._. ..
detriment whiff Oh would result - from granting the - requested
l Sion Page 2
'S •X T Y'r y
7. Because the granting of the variance would not be in harmony
with the genera. purpose -a'n' d intent of Title I zoning of the }
Port Townsend Municipal. Code, the Port Townsend Planning
Commission recommends that the above-referenced variance b
E I E i '
. To permit correotion ' of the nonconforming front setback, a
lesser variance, permitting less than required rear setback, i
justified by the unusual lot line configurations cited in
conclusion 1 , above. This lesser variance is the minimum variance
which would make possible the reasonable use of the land and
would not, under these circumstances convey a special privilege
or be 'Injurious to surrounding properties . Ace, r .ingl , the
Commission further recommends that a lesser variance permitting,
rear- setback of eighteen feet, be GRAFTED AS CONDITIONED
1. Prior to occupancy, the structure be -made to conform in �-
all other respects with Chapter 17, zoning, and Chapter
16, building and construction, of the Port Townsend X
Municipal Code. + #'
f 11 f
f a
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
Ron Kosec, Chr. , Review Committee
Plaming Commissi Page 3
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Date: August 27 , 1987
Re: variance Appl. 787-01 , Stephanie ' Lurtgrin , front
After respectful consideration of the above referenced appli-
cation including on-site inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port 'Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the City. Council the following
findings and conclusions:
i d s_.of Fac-t
1. Applicant has recently purchased the subject property for
use as a single family residence. The structure was built in
177-78 under- a per-unit issued by the city for a "temporary hobby
bldg. " Conversion of the stricture to residential use requires
extensive improvements to meet buildifig code provisions . A
building permit cannot be issued for these impr.6vements without a
variance due to the existing, nonconforming front setback of only
seven feet.
2. North of the subject property, across the un improved .82nd
Street right-of-way, is vacant property used currently as a
vegetable garden. There is a► barn ,just west of this garden,
northwest of the subject property. To the west is vacant lot 4,
beyond which are single-family houses _ Adjacent to the east
property Line is a single-family house approximately 28 feet from
the subject structure. The nonconforming rear yard of this house
(approximately 17 feet abuts the east side yard of the subject
property. To the south are single-family louses on 31st Street.
8. The existing structure is built on portions of Dots 2 and
the combined area of which is approximately 6 , 250 square feet
The small (approx. 650 square feet) , one story, wood-framed
building is well below the maximum % lot coverage for the R-IA
zone- The existing side yard setbacks are approximately 11.
feet on the east and 23. 5 feet on the west. The rear of the
structure is approximately 31 feet from the closest property line
to the south.
. The building is currently vacant and consists of a 14 ' x 24'
garage-workshop connected by an apparent ' bathroom-
hallway to a 12' x 14' room. The structure is supported by pier
blocks with the exception of the garage-workshop which is built
on a concrete slab-
lab_Pl. ng mission Page I
. Although the applicant states that parking requirements could
be met on an adjacent: lot, the parking provisions of the Port
Townsend Municipal Code require parking spaces be located on the
same lot with the building they are required to serge 7 . 2 . 020
TMc _ The existing garage would accommodate a single space,
leaving inadequate area between the garage and the front property
line for the remaining required space. Though it would be
possible to provide the required second parking space in the west
side yard, the 32nd Street right-of-way would be the likely
parking choice in actual practice.
1 . The proposed variance would not amount to a rezone nor
constitute change in the district boundaries shown on the
official zoning map.
2 . Although the applicant cites the unusual configuration of the
lot lines, if the structure is moved back thirteen feet to
conform to front setback requirements, a rear yard setback of
eighteen feet would remain. It may be necessary to rebuild the
garage to accomplish such a move, however. Accordingly, the lot
dine configurations result in special circumstances which do not
result from actions of the applicant and which are peculiar to
the subject property and are not applicable to other lands in the
. The variance requested would not confer a► special privilege
to the subject property that is denied to other lands in the same
. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the
public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in
the vicinity and zone in which the' property is situated.
5. The reasons set forth in the above referenced application
justify the granting of the variance and the variance is the
minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of
the Land..
. Because the granting of the variance would be '.n harmony with
the general purpose and intent of Title 1' (zoning) of the Port
Townsend Municipal Code, the Port Townsend Planning Commission
recommends that the above referenced variance be GRANTED.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
Ron Kos ec, Chr. , Review Committee
r -
Planning Commission Page 2
August 27, 1987
Re: Variance p varil. 887-01 : Waterbury Management, Inc. ,
parking stall dimensions.
After respectful consideration of the above referenced `appli—
cation including on--site inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the City Council the following
findings and conclusions:
1. Applicant proposes to construct a thirty- two unit, three
and one-half story motel at Thayer and Washington Streets on Port
Townsend Bay. -- Immediately to the east of the site is a. vacant . ,
r.a Y
auto repair shop; to the west across Thayer Street is a fish
processing facility now in negotiation for a new processor;
the north across Washington Street is a small retail center,
including a► restaurant and other shops and services; and to the
south is Port Townsend Bay.
2.lb Thirty-two off-street parking spaces, including one meeting
parking-for-the-handicapped specifications, are to be provided on
paved and 'landscaped parking lot on the site# In order t -�+
comply with the parking requirements and provide Bignificant
landscaping, the applicant states that twelve of the thirty-two
parking spaces must be sized for compact cars. Inasmuch as the
Port Townsend Municipal Code does not make provision for compact
parking ar ing space dimensions, a� v i rnce is required.
3. Vehicular access will be from Thayer Street. The developer
will make the necessary street improvements as well as improve
the end of Thayer Street for public access to the tidelands' , rt
including benches, picnic area, access stairs and landscaping
. The gross floor area of the proposed motel structure is t
be less than the 24, 165 square feet lot area permitted in the
-H zone. The building is to be within the thirty-five foot
height limit. The two structures presently on the site are to be
removed_ 11
5. The City Council found on June 16 , 1987, " that that the proposal
would not have any significant adverse environmental .impacts
The Port Townsend Planning Commission recommended ended on r ��,
1987, that Conditional Use Permit 587-01 be granted subject t
certain conditions_ The Jefferson-Port Townsend Shoreline
Planning s ion Page 1
Management Advisory Commission recommended on July 1 , 1987 , that
subject to certain conditions, Shoreline Substantial Development
Permit Application SH7-87 be approved and a permit issued. The
Port Townsend City Council on August 4, 1987 , concurred with both
Commissions, granting the applicant a conditional use permit and
shoreline substantial development permit which authorize the
proposed motel under certain modified conditions .
1 . The proposed variance would not amount to a rezone nor
constitute change in the district boundaries shown on the
official zoning romp.
2. because of the constraints imposed by the streets and
shoreline, together with the setback , sidewalk and landscaping .
conditions imposed by the City Council, special circumstances
exist which do not result. from actions of the applicant and which
are peculiar to the subject property and are not applicable to
other lands in the district.
. The variance requested would not confer- a special privilege
to the subject property that is denied to other lands in the same
4. The grant=ing of the variance would not be detrimental to the
public welfare- or injurious to the property or improvements in
the vi
R- i
Respectfully submitted on behalf o the Port Townsend Planning
of .
Tavernakis, C r. ; Review Committee
Planning s ion Page
r .. GU,:st List
NAME Please printl ADDRESS Do you wish to
present testimony?
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