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Port w send.-Plan
io .
t� • * .
MINUTES A CT T ' 30, 1.987
ie , opening Business 4 ' ` r
Chairman Carman called the meeting to rde ts ,;M-
;M.Members present on'4Ioglun Iarcy> la. , Zonad Mcarney, Alan Carman
Ron Losec, Bob Grimm, arid'ji Tav rna is�* f- There was :a quorum. Also present
was City Planner Michael Mild . ,
Minutes of May -28, 1987 were amended to add on v page {2, second to the last
paragraph and deleting the-last_sentence "In the summer of +1985 they started rent-
ing it monthly,rweekly }}da' r 4wha tever ` ,could get. Before starting
this, they. went to Mr. Stricl in to see if there was tarry. permitting-that was
needed,for. doing this. Either for some misunderstanding or whatever, she continued,
t the started. to•rent ."
he said, o, 'g •a.hed, it his the right zoning.",_ ,� t
BobGrimm moved 't approve ,the May 280 1987 Minute amended, ion cosec
seconded the motion and the vote. was sf r-� -1 abstained (Slater).+
The Minutes} of;July 23, 1987 were amended on page 2,-,underSection' III, third
paragraph should -read "permit plio ti ' published-,-in reader instead of" ull'
text," Also-.amended in last paragraph of Section III a commercial .corridor
.and use r view"%in to d- of "some commercial ct rridoi"•. Bob Grimm mowed that the
' r .i
minutes of July 23, 1987 be approved written. Donald I cLarney the
motion and .the vote9 was+ 6 for and 1 abst .ned Tave ha is . '++
lie Amended 'Zoning' ordinance Request Ord. 1 . 2. o
Restoration of Damaged building F
+ ' •' The need fornthis ordinance to be amended was'brought.to th6 attention of the
Pl nn.ing Commission several months ago by Barbara Bogart. : 'The amendment would
alto •a damaged ,building g or structure which had been: lawfully, established on
x a. non-conforming:lot to be-rebuilt according td a. plan approved by the Board
of Adjustment: Michael Bildt presented the draft of the proposed ordinance
change a copy is 'attached to the official. minutes),..
After.'.a br e ' dis ussion- -and.6, Bari isat ;on- of .:the dr�a *i. Mrs. Slater moved to
re on end ,to• the City Council approval of the .change: to Ordinance 17-52.070t
regarding they#restoration of damaged buildings or structures. -Donald Mcl arney
seconded the`-:motion - nd the vote- was unanimous.
i 111. Amended ordinance .F egfiest (Ord. 1 .2 . 20
Relating to-epar i n-g-requirements n-the ,downtown -parking district.
Michael Hildt, City Planner, explained t {all present that this was the third
hearing to. r ce .ve public pinion concerning. the downtown parking. He explained
that there had, been -sveral past' studies clone of this problem, r•; :}; ..,, .: ::. •..'_
Mr. Hildt review d- the- proposed zoning amendments wi th the commission. These
amendmentsc.-would- Implement the regulatory improvements included in the m-
/• i • is
mendations discussed at the Public Foru'm' conducted by'i the'+' omiiss on on June •111 1987
(a copy of these proposed-amendments .are attached to the',officinal .mint tes t
Mr. +Hildt explained that thebli review of- the the
pu proposed -coning amendments
relating 'to downtown parking has raised the question ' "grandfather" pro-
visions pertaining to buildings in existence -prior to- enactment of the Zoning
code. After review of past interpretations and de .sios, city Attorney arida .
ldt believe -that the corjrect interpretation of '1 To 28:030, i #that the
,portions of buildings existing prior to August 13, 1971, are not sub ect t
, rking reirements due to change of use the ordinance drat and al ,, proposed
amendments and additions to this od .nance are attached to the -off ficial minutes.
ha .r an Carman opened the meeting to pubis test mon r.
" a
Robert Ad , Exalted Ruler of Elks, said the Elks were concerned with the e -
tie parking tickets. Somet,tunes they have daytime eventsOn qccasioru§ they
' have:. made arrangements* with the police department' o allow loner.parking so
out of town guests will not be-ticketed. . if there is: diagonal parking from Taylor'
to' Monroe,. which side of street? (fir.,- Hi ldt.answered that~;it ouldobeon,one..side
or the other," but there would be a futir~e.hearing on this
Chairman. Carman explained' that this ordinance change ,..would just. begin.•th :process ..
to-. start'.d plan for tie- c o nt n district. '
The X alfins wanted to know if there` was any chance of turning Memorial Field into
parkin as an engineer had suggested at .one of the pLiblic meetings? The answer
was no. , x a
Mr: Parker-..-Buck.,, stated 'that he-'represented' ten property owners. in the downtown
district.} He said that the a u' beeir4 arkii jf-oblems since the 1890's and- its
finally come �to a head. The property.-owners were not paying attention and they
do 'not and rstand the impact of buying parking space;and how it would relieve
their lease . The business owners are` beginning complain that their customers
drnot #come in*' 'They l are• using up jarking ,by, the employees.and owners. They.
would-like the*commission to give them time oto,get batter;-o i ed and have'±Mr;
If ldt e e t� w :t i,,'them. and,-dis u s.}tie-.o�rd .nance.'amendment� ,. .They; would like Mr*.
ildt -to*-come* and address all•the-problems -and the Impacts -of..the propose ordinance
change-,- They have trouble-,with. uriderstandi.ng the proposal,, they do not want .to
*. hold it up,' ib t the. change -would ,be better, with their full cooperation.. �: r�'b x�
asked how much'time.would they need, Mr. Back said that h did not wart to drag it
out, but they needed to understand it and did n t, wart a time put on it.
Mra Sullivan said that since *ordinance chane does not have as much impact on
large development. With grandfather clause he was not opposed to the change.,
Barbara Bogart asked about the enforeemnnt of this proposal. Whatever is er' e t d
should be enforceable. a
v :d Kahle )- aid_~.that th6 basic.;requirement ire the,,downtown parking district
pis 5% of, coning code.:kequirement and for those proposals- contributingto the
historic distt r
* o ict .their- rciu�remeri be reduced per cent. -
. Julie McCulloch. Mated as a downtown business owner that she appreciates the
city lookin . or ars answer to the pkin .problsmsShe said 'she is in favor
F f the nu.mbex�s mentioned by Mra 'Kajileyto make it possible for the owners 'to restore
downtown properties. '� r
{ ,
Chairman carman read a letter from DavidGoldsmith 0. r n; County Planning
Dep rtment Director, stating his support. of the- proposed charges to the•parking
requirements found in the r ir
Townsend Com e en �
,' �rd�.r� � e* He staffed
.0 that these changes "presentpo iti eg pro-active approach to the •parking issue."
David Kahley shored the commission a drawing. of the proposed new parking signs
for the downtow- n district
Chairman Carmanosed the meeting to public testimony.
The commission was in agreement with delaying the recommendation until Mr. Hildt
could meet with the downtown property owners as they'had requested. They wanted
time also to consider the proposal Mr. Kahley had made and did not grant to rush
recommendation through without cosi+dering all suggestions.
y 4
•l "
Jim Tavernaki moved thai the rdview of Amehdng City Parking ordinance be
continued' until the September 2 , x.987 regular meeting n order for the down-
town property owners to--meet w thY I' o Hildt s they requested in order to get
their m t the August � , 19 . meeting. Nancy Slat r' seconded the motion
y .
and the note was unanimous.
► •,
I . Old Business
Mr. Hi.idt stated that Port Townsend 1amb a 1)61 ct d r ttt r e a" yet with
their Variance aid requested the commission to delay: it.
Bob riCompany
"s moved -to delay the Port Townsend Lumber Co pan " Variance .No. -01
until the October 299 1987 regular meeting. ,dim Tavernakis seconded the motion
and the vote was unaim .
V. Appointment of Secretary
Mr. Hildt recommended that dice King be appointed secretary for the Planning
Commission. Mr. Hildt told the commissi.on .that she -.was highly recommended by
David Goldsmith she is the Planning Commission and ,Shoreline Management Adv i y.
Comnitt cre a for;� ie County .
Nancy Slater moved to accept Alice King as the n ' Planning Commission Secretary.
Bob Grimm seconded the motion and the vote ,was unanimous.
VI. Applications for Review
, a
Variance Application No. 887-Ol--Wterbury Management Inc.- .Committee of Tavern kis
and Losec--Review on August 2 , 1987.
The commission will also preview on August 27o 1987 the Lutgring Variance Application
Noe 787-Oi
# ..
The Time Oil Variance Review will be on Septem ber'2 , 1987 with Slater and Hoglund
s the comimi.ttee.
VII. Workshop
scheduled workshop .with the Council for the Commercial Corridor land use is
7�9 on August 25, 1987 t 3130 P.W. commission requested that the time be set at
5:00 Pand they could attend. Mrs Hi.ldt hoped io have it at Fort Worden.
viii s Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 900r P.i ..
.•. .0 _ �
� &.0
Ordinance No.
1 ' AN ORDINANCE relating to i , providing for the reconstruction
2 of nonconforming buildings damaged by fire or other calamity and
amending Chapter 17 , Section 52. 070, of the Port Townsend _
4 Municipal Code.
7 S,ectl- ---1,`. Section 17 .52. 070 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code
is hereby amended to read as follows
a u. _ A noncon form]Lng
10 building or structure having been damaged or,,,-.pa-rtia11y
11 destroyed by fire, or other calamity, . o -a.n extent not
12 exceeding f-ifty percent of its real value, e €e uslve-o
16 foundations; at that time, may+ be restored to its
14 --immediately previous occupancy- or use- existing at the time
15 of such partial destruction, may be continued or be resumed,
16 provided the work of construction is commenced within one
17 . year of the date of such partial. destruction. Whenever
18 nonconforming building or structure is damaged in excess of ..
19 fifty percent of its real valuation, eelusve-e
20 foundations T at the time, the repair or reconstruction of
21 such building shall conform to all of the regulations of the
22 district in which it is located and it shall be treated as.
23 new building; rcv d-ad. that_any such damaged. , il. _J_ or
24 structure - e
2 rfgrajag lotm st e
t tm u a. ..
. ,
f �
1 apprQved bV the Board if it f i ndG_jjjat the PrQnosed
3 this title. Jur_io' us to adjagQnt _pxQ��Iles an iu
damage. may
5 thal which existed pr3or to the
10 whgmneYQ w ..
11 uses mfifty
12 va o s
roaulations gf the district in which
14 it is _Icat-ed a hall - treatod
1 -�-
n o
16 raut with the buildina of f•
1' o --tho- buildi
1 t' t
19 the ent r r- exclusive u . 'ons
20 In addition, if such building is moved for any reason for
21 any distance whatever, thea in any such event, the building.
22 and the land on which the destruction or moving is located
_ 2
! r i-y. 'y+l' • r i•;t #". w4 V'ED Cr
{ � f
shall be subject to the regulations specified in this title
2 for the district in which such land and buildings are
SQtiQn 2, _ In the event any one or more of the-
provisions of this ordinance shall for any reason be held to be
invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or invalidate any other
provision of this ordinance, but this ordinance shall be
construed and enforced as if such invalid provision had not been
contained therein o provided, that any provision which shall for
10 any reason be held by reason of its extent to be invalid shall be ,,..
11 deemed to be in effect to the extent permitted by law.
12 Section.--_ Effective_ Date. This ordinance shall become
18 effective five days after its passage and publication. rt_
14 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend,
15 Washington, at a regular meeting thereof, held this
18 day of 1987.
17 Signed ,
18 Brent Shirley, Mayor
AT -
2 David A. `Grove, City Clerk
Aper form:
- Keith Harper, City Attorney
` MH:7-22-87.
1 AN 'ORDINANCE relating to parking requirements, defining a►
2 Downtown Parking District, amending Section 17-. 28 . 020 of the Fort
Townsend Municipal, Code to extend the area in which the off-
street parking required for a particular use must be located,
reducing certain parking requirements in the Downtown Parking
8 District, encouraging retention or creation of on-street -par ing
spaces, and permitting payment of a fee in-lieu-of-parking- spaces
8 in satisfaction of certain parking requirements.
9 WHEREAS, past studies of parking i
1 Townsend, and;
2 WHEREAS, the Port Townsend Planning Commission has conducted
8 a public forum and hearing and submitted on
1987 , recommendations for certain changes to the Fort Townsend
Municipal Code relating to parking, and;
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that downtown Port Townsend
presents unique parking concerns, including but not limited to
the following
(1) Available parking is not evenly distributed throughout
18 the downtown area, nor is parking supply generally located in
11 close proximity to peak demand locations,
12 2 Present and anticipated parking shortages indicate an ...
13 increasing need for additional ori- and off-street parking spaces,
l 3 Because many redevelopment opportunities are within
15 existing historic buildings, and because available downtown land
16 area is so constrained by the bluff and the waterfront, desirable
17 future development may be thwarted by parking requirements which
18 no longer serve the orderly redevelopment of downtown Fort
19 Townsend, and
2 Certain park ing improvements may be more efficiently
•+'f`' .1 #' {''�.' '!F, ;,fix i��1'� r=,*rx,'� � s
1 made through the f lex ibi l ity afforded by a fee-in-lieu of parking
2 spaces alternate, and;
8 WHEREAS, the City Council finds that there will be no.
signif.i ant adverse environmental impact as a result of -these
8 amendments, now therefore,
2ectior 1, A new Section 1 ..08._ 148 is hereby added to the Port
09 Townsend Municipal-Code--to read as follows:
. 'T . 08. 148 Dowd in District. ..Downtown Parking
11 Districtee means that area included in the C-II , C-III and P-
12 _, . I- zoning..,d istricts from Admiralty Inlet o Van Buren Street .
18 between Port Townsend Bay and Jefferson Street, excluding
1 -- , . the -I zoned block bordered by Van Buren, Jefferson, --
15 Harrison and Washington Streets.
18 Section 1 .2 . 020 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code
17 is hereby amended, as follows
17.28. 020 . Off7Btreet parking f cilitles shall be
d }
I located as hereinafter specified; where a distance is
2 specified, such distance shall be the walking distance
measured from the nearest point of the parking facility to
the nearest point of the building that such facility is
required to serve: ;.
(1) For one and two family dwellings : on the same lot with
the building they are required to serve;
(2) For multiple dwellings: not more than one hundred
1 - ._ (3) For hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged, rooming
11 and boardinghouses, fraternity and sorority houses: not
12 more than three hundred feet;
ih13 (4) Fnr uraes-w U
14 Q r --imm e d i ate ly a d i a r.ent -to- the,-.Down:town Fa rk ing D i a t r-1'c t
1 ,� For uses other than those specified above: not more
16 than five hundred feet.
17 Soolion _ A new Section 1 .28. 100 is hereby added to the Port
18 Townsend Municipal. Code to. read as follows
10 For uses
20 within the Downtown Parking District the parking
21 requirements prescribed in Section 17 .2 . 080 are reduced to
22 sixty percent of the requirements which would otherwise
23 apply, provided that for uses within a building which i
24 - certified by the United States Secretary of the Interior as
1 a property which contributes to the Port Townsend Historic
2 District and the rehabilitation, restoration of
reconstruction of which complies with the becretary of the
Interior's Standards for rehabilitation, twenty-five percent
5 of the requirements which would otherwise apply to. such use
within the Downtown Parking District is further subtracted
7 from said requirements.
Section 4. A new Section., .17.28. 1 9 is hereby added to the Port
9 Townsend Municipal Code to read as follows :
. .,,. 19. 17,28-A-10- _ On-atreet Farking Zparms._ If the proposed
4'1 . parking area plan submitted pursuant to Section 17.2 _090
2 woUld require elimination of. one or more existing oxo-str•eetr.
13 parking spaces, the parking requirements prescribed in
.4 Section 17.23.080 are increased by two off-street spaces for
15 eachon-street space to be eliminated,, provided than such
16 requirements are reduced by two off-street parking spaces
17 for each on-street parking space created or restored by said
19 Plan.
19 Section 5. A new Section 17. 28. 120 is hereby added to the Port
29 Townsend Municipal Code to read as follows:
21 Within the Downtown
Paring District, the Board of Adjustment may waive all or
1 part of the parking requirements prescribed in Section Ok
2 17 .28 .080 upon request by the applicant to pay a fee into
3 the Parking Improvement Fund pursuant to Section 1 . 28. 130
in-lieu-of furnishing the required parking spaces. 1n
making its determination on the request, the Board shall:,.
8 consider:
7 1 The extent to which the parking requirements which
apply to the proposed development impose a particular
hardship upon the applicant;
1 (2) . Whether granting the request would be unreasonably
11 burdensome to ether property owners in the Downtown Parking a
12 District; and
i 8 Whether the granting of the request would lead to a '.
14 better overall result in order to encourage appropriate land -=
15 uses, improve pedestrian circulation and achieve better
16 parking design, than would strict adherence to the parking
17 requirements of this Chapter.
18 The fee-in-lieu of parking spaces shall be $4,270 per* space
19 required or such other amount as the City Council shall
28 hereafter set by ordinance.
21 Seat ice , A new Section 17 .28 . 130 is hereby added to the Port
+ r
1 Townsend Municipal Code to read as follows
2 17.7-8 - 130 Tn-linij�Parking Fomes_-;Fug Created--Park iniz
Plan. There is hereby created in the_ city
4 {'` treasury a special fund designated the 'Parking Improvement
5 Fund" into which in-lieu parking fees shall be deposited to
be expended only for public .improvements listed In an
Parking Improvement Flan adopted by the City Council. The
6 City.-Council- may from time to time direct that other monies
be- transferred into the fund to be used for the purposei3. of -
10 the fund.
11 The fund sham. be used exclusively for planning,
2 acquisition, design, development, construction, financing,
13 maintenance and operation of off-street parking facilitieB
14 within or immediately adjacent to the Downtown Parking
15 District, all consistent with the specific project
16 priorities set forth in the Parking Improvement Plan as
17 hereafter adopted or amended by the City Council..
18 Sects Several. In the event any one or more of the
19.. provisions of this..,ordinance sha..11 . Tory any reason be held to b
20 invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or invalidate any other
21 provision of this ordinance, but this ordinance shall be
22 construed and enforced as if such .invalid provision had not been
OWcontained therein; provided, that any provision which shall. for
1 any reason be held by reason of itB extent to be invalid Bhall be
2 deemed to be in effect to the extent permitted by law.
3 Scolion_ This ordinance shall become
effective five gays after its passage and publication.
5 PASSED by the city council of the city of Port Townsend,
Washington, at a regular meeting thereof, held this
clay of 1987 .
10 Brent Shirley, Mayor
12 David A. Grove, City clerk
18 Approved as to form - - ---
14 Keith Harper, city Attorney
15 MH:7-21-87
P O INT TOW S S Do WAS H I OTO N 9 8 3 6$
To: Downtown Parking Participants
.. From.: Michael Hildt
City Planner
Public Hearing: Thursday, August„ 13, 7:30 PIS,
Basement, City Ha11
Date; August 5, 1987
The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on proposed
zoning amendments dealing with downtown parking- on August 13.
'hese amendments would implement the regulatory improvements
included in the recommendations discussed at the Public Forum
conducted by the Commission on June ll .
The a et o 'the proposed -amendmerits would b dis' o11 Wrs':
1 . Define a "Downtown Parking District., ��- area included in the
-I i , C-III and P-I mooning districts from Admiralty Inlet to van
Buren Street between Fort Townsend Bay and Jefferson Street,
excluding the P-I zoned.bloc fwbordere by .van_ Pur. n,_ Jefferson, . ..,..,n,..
Harrison and Washington Streets (Post- Office) .
2. Allow downtown parking requirements+ to be met anywhere in or i
adjacent to the downtown parking di trict--..-.:, The current ,
requirement is within five hundred feet of the development
. Reduce parking requirements within the Downtown Parking
District to sixty percent of the. requirements which would
otherwise apply. For uses within a building which is certified`
by the United ed States Secretary of the Interior as a property
which contributes to the Port Townsend Historic District and the
rehabilitation, restoration of reconstruction of which complies
with the Secretary of the Interior'ja Interior' Standards for
rehabilitation, twenty-five percent of the requirements which
would otherwise apply to such use within the Downtown Parking
District would be further subtracted these reduced parking
. If the proposed development would require elimination of one
or more existing ori--street parking spaces, the parking require-
ments would be 'increased by two off--street spaces for eachon-
street space to be eliminated and, conversely, the requirements
would be reduced by two off--street parking spaces for each on-
street parking space created or restored.
. With-in the -Downtown Parking District, the City Council would
be empowered to waive all or part of the parking requirements if
the developer chooses to pay a fee into the Parking Improvement
Fund in-lieu-of furnishing the required parking spaces. In
making its determination the Council would consider whether the
parking requirements .impose a particular hardship upon the
proposed development; whether granting the request would be
unreasonably burdensome to other property owners; and whether the
request wound lead to a better overall result than would strict
adherence to the parking requirements of the zoning code in order
to encourage appropriate land uses, improve pedestrian
circulation and achieve better parking design
The fee-in-lieu of parking spaces would be $4, 270 per space
required. The Council would be 'able to change the fee amount b
. A "Parking Improvement Fund" would be created into which in- . .
lieu parking fees would be deposited. These funds could be
expended only for public ,improvements listed in an adopted
Parking improvement Plan for planning, acquisition, design,
development, construction, financing, maintenance and operation
� ... -of off-street!parks:ng- ►ci i esf---wib3Ln, or- immediately-adjacent
to the Downtown--Park J_ g._District._
Copies of the draft ordinance and the discussion paper on
downtown parking are available at the Clerk-Treasurer's office in
City Hall. Please give me a call on 385-3000 if you have
The Commissioners hope to have the benefit of your comments
before making their recommendations to the City Council
Thank you.
' *' y
' r
To: Planning Commission
S +
From i Michael Hildt �
City Planner
e: Proposed amendments relating to downtown parking.
Date: August 13, 1987
Public review of the proposed zoning amendments - relating.-. to.
` downtown parking has raised the question of "grandfather..
provisions pertaining to buildings in existence prior. to
enactment of the zoning code. After review of past
interpretations and decisions, city Attorney Keith Harper and I
believe that the Correct interpretation of 1 _2 . 030 is that the
portion' s of buildings existing prior to August 13, 1971-, are not
subject to parking requirements due to charge of use.
Mr. Harper will convey his .interpretation in wrJiting.
Accordingly, the reductions in parking requirements included in
the recommendations which relate to existing historic buildings
are moot and the following amendment the draft ordinance is
neer Section 17.28. 100 is hereby added to the Port
Townsend Municipal Code to read as follows
For uses
within the Downtown Parking Distract the parking `.
2 requirements prescribed in Section 17 . 2 . 000 are reduced to
sixty percent of the requirements which would otherwise
apply, provided that for uses w thin -a-bt d!ng-which-!B
... eertifled-by-the-Ignited-States--Seeretary- =the- me a -as
a-property-whieh-contributes-to-the -Port- Townsend- !ste e
7 District-and-the-r-ehab'tlitatn y-restoration-of
reeenstreetien-of-wh eh-e mpli s-with-t ie. eeretar -of-the
Inter er-L s-Standards-for-rehab aL I itat ion) )
to in--a Propoued buildina or building e p .nsi n .the_ .sign of _
11 lihich is foundy the P rt ' w .-Historic Eregiervation.
12 Commission -to QontribuIQ to .the-Fort To nsend ist rte.
13 Di t_r ., twenty-five percent of the requireme ts. which
14 would otherwise apply to such used within the Downtown
15 Parking District is further subtracted from said
16 requirements .
The intent is to provide a bonus reduction for future projects
which are compatible with existing historic buildings.
In addition, there are a feu technical and conforming changes
1. Page 6 line 13; subsection .3 would read better as followS:
(3) Whether the granting the request would lead to a better
overall result than would strict adherence to the parking-
re uir ment of this Chapter for the purposes of encouraging
appropriate land use, improving pedestrian circulation and
achieving better parking design.
2. Page 6, ilne 20. 5; add;
Any such agreement shall be made in compliance with
applicable state laws. ..:
. Page , line ; delete "an" .
r r a
Thank you.
Dat, em .3on : Downtown Parking
. Reduce parking requirements downtown
60% of zoning code requirement
2. Allow an additional bonus reduction of 25% of parking
requirements for developments within an existing historic
building, or restoration of ars historic structure
- i.e. , zoning code formula result X . 60 X .75 for
qualifying downtown project.
3 . Reduce parking requirement by two spaces for eachon-street
space created by the development. Increase the requirement '
by two spaces for each on-street space eliminated by the
. Eliminate the proximity requirement.
would allow developments to meet parking regrjirements
anywhere in downtown; current requirement is within
500 feet.
. Permit payment of a► fee in-lieu-of �' 'arking spaces .
- developer~ given the option to pay a fee into the
parking improvement fund in-lieu-of providing parking
spaces (est. fee $4270) _
- funds go to City's Parking Improvement Program.
. Adapt Parking Improvement Program
Near term within next three -years) :
- Improve signage.
- Pave-and strip existing' lots for better- efficiency,_
- Reserve Jefferson Transit lot for RV's and employees.
-- Develop "'pair, ing/pedestrian streets" diagonal
parking) . Consider:
Mad pori
�- Tash-ington--(_-Taylor- to. Monroe
- Monroe
Establish employee parking program
- designated free employee parking areas
- employee parking stickers
merchant discounts?
Strengthen parking enforcement
Shuttle bus loop from Boat Haven to RV lot
Long Term (beyond 1990)
- Develop municipal parking lot against bluff. '
Reserve property for future multi-level gar-age
7. Remove parking from street ends south of Water Street.
S . Establish Parking and Business improvement Area.
Assessment of businesses to help support parking .
improvement program_
t ,
-'I-)A R
t P0. Box 1220
Ort `� r1 �]( c sh i ton 98368
.[[ ,:•
M a`• R •�.
# � - 385-1427
'alt•, Telephone (2 )
August 1 , 1987
Port Townsend Planning Commission
City Hall
540 water Street
Port Townsend, Washington 98368 '
1e: Public Hearing, August 18, 1987
Dear Commission Members and Staff:
This letter 'is in support of the proposed changes to the parking
requirements found in the Port Townsend Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. The
ordinance, now twenty years old, does not adequately address the needs or
realities of the community dealing with parking in the downtown core, while the --
proposed changes will not generate parking spaces, they are a major component t
a series of policy considerations aimed to manage parking in the downtown core.
Having been involved with this issue over the past several years, the
proposal before you, and other policy and implementation strategies before the
council, present a positive, pro-act-live approach to the parking issue. At tie same
time, the proposed changes address development a rid redevelo ment constraints
apparent in the downtown core clue, inpart, to zoning limitations.
I support these changes and respectively request you affirm their necessity
and pass a favorable recommen6ation on to the city council.
San a ..
CC. Mayor Brent Shirley
Port Townsend City Council
G�;:st List
Do you wish to
NAME 1please print) ADDRESS present testimony?
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