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! MINUTES .JUNE .25, 19.87 . I
I p'ning Business.
Chaixman Carmancailled the -meeting,tor o d r -at .45 R's M,. _
F Members present were D n- iogl end', on ld.McLarn y, Alan Carmanr, .Ron Msec, and . .
Sim Tavernaki.s.' '.A. q orum was present-... • Also present Iwia' s City -Planner. Michae'l Hildt.
• - ai z.
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*Ron os c'moved .that' th& minutes, f April 30,= .1987.' bei,a�ppr v d,-xs written. Don
McLarney seconded the motion and the''vote ,was una u `he.minutes of May 28,
`• * 1987 were notLapproved until the secretary Could listen to the tapes of the'
meeting to' Verify what'-was said by `applicaLi t on 'page 209ninth paragraph, last
• { sentence,
jr}r ,.. '�. _ � r � nag me , In
o ppl cat on ' 587-0111Conditional Use -Request ".N.Y /o t. Townsend Reap � Inc-, -
' - y it L# i. Port T wnsend Wa,. 98368
city ti Janne -.Michael Hildt..reviewed with-tie -comm_i sigF
n'the - a. re o r a� c
w r p
a + ,,al es• the official minutes), The pp4canproposes construct a!
!..forty-one unit,,three• and one-half story motel at Thai er':and Washington Streets
on Port - ownsind Bay. Forty-two"'off -street :.parking.,spaces 'are .to be'pro�rided .on
a paved and landscaped- pa. king:l .t' n 'the site. Aco s will b46 fron Thayer Street.'
' the proponent-=will-make the 'necessary street improvements and also improve the
end of Thayer.{ i� � oar- u 11 ,.,acs o -r ti4elands. TO structures' pr sentl
r; #
On the sits wi ll -be' removed
RAchard Spindor;y xepsen ing,,-the `g li nt,.Ystgted t6at the -location had good A
access -and�wouldpro�rld , ogig .fo�r' more, people thaji? currently available. It
' wound be ins easy,�walking-di s tanc e of do rntow 0 -publi � transit' and etc. r' He s id
r a r that they trie-d-A include everything:o4h'.t -appliea.ttion. The planned landscaping
' will be, s erafIced, somewhat by`.there Ai' ed'.Side wal . - "hey. are conce=rned about
' the x� es d •�l #-f o ;,setback.-ori L he seaward. side and! wild like to.-keep. the
* F
distance n
ope ., ..Wd.hey xoul4do.{'-the..best': ;job p s.e.i le: •' hey`ha�d' to rebuild the
seawall with;; t&psi-d.o n; to � b i ;. rid =r i of`port,bur messes didt not
bother 'them. ., -#.. • .. .' _ ;'*,.` • 'i`.
r Yount,. •Part~;Mara ems' resen a! letter r ,
Ge o g : a p d 1 add s ng their concerns for the
` prosaLl.'_ #Ir,: . nt tated� that•,{thr;_p �ina:ry,do' ic was for precedent' setting.,
y r
#of- presidential:b sid , gin•IndiLstrial business -which wiu l have wnoi e..-ah 6d ors. The
P -has -lea ed`the�fish processing plant to the ' day fisheries which will have
late and eixly.4morn n' g hours all year. -The port has 'no problem with -the request
as long as�.the' a l nt can- live with the: fi h ribs-
fi f+a -
Chairman a Carman.rre d•the Port's letter'-for oar the,rcor �, stating the reasons aiready
mentioned a copy pfthe d letter is on ,file with-the 6fficial minute's),
# * ,
Mr. ,Spindori i old...nth ,. omriii sio i that the pro 4 ra � not zoned`_ manufa turi only
ommer lal,Ii.. ..the `processing plant is; per ba�bly gr n4f t eyed. They still see
:no robleml.with it
t Everything will -be feinted towards the bay.'
Ted Belgard stated that* h was in favor of ,the development requested,, He had
a -question regarding the sidewalks. It was his` opinion that the street right
of way went 10 feet beyond' the gutters,
Chairman Carman said that -the street was off*een tergd- to the s ut 6 as he recalled,.
in' order to miss the D Leo building. Ir. Yount said that there were certainly
some buildings that are in the right of way.
The commission questioned.,'the ap cants representative and learned these facts,
The proponent hays been in the motel business in excess of 15 years. The proposal a
would be f.'.wood . onstruction. A sign has •hot 4 been thought of as. yet. ,promenade
would create too much liability for applicant.
Ori.being questioned, Mr. Yount told ft cow" ission that the part ,had a master
` program, but that it Was Subservierit to the 'City's and County's Plans. Mr. Yount
told the colmission that the# New ,Day Fisheries had a -.1 ,yea.r levee with two five
year-renewal options. Ife saki' there were .operating hours restriction n them.
Michael i dt-„.told,the ;comm i Sion',that,d�hss 'would like :.'to suggest a, condition, int-
e i �:t � d scu n:.:* r _. :� Ott o i er � el lay ” ': o s ' •
The:resulting i.ningl,. . states: "*The Port of Part
' 1UnSend submitted a fetter dated
,Tune 22, 1987� stating` that the Port his recently ,entered into a long term lease
with New Day Fisheries,- Ind. to use the Port's fish processing facility immediately
gest of- the.proposed motel- across -Thayer -Street, The' letter5 d in pertinent,
pairt, "One + ho' uld understand that they (New' Day Fisheries)- will be operating sate
at right and early in the'morning almost all year around. There will be a constant
odor and noise consistent with the practice of Fish processing. It is our view
that--the encroachment o 'residential development into manufacturing/processing
areas is a dangerous precedent because it generates the d potential for conflict,
The Port desires to be good neighbors. However,,ver, the 'Vaterbury Management, Inc. -
should inform clients and potential clients that the �- ew Day operation could
affect thein living environment.#' The applicant stated during the hearing that
the anticipated impacts described by the Port are acknowledged and accepted."
, 4 ,
Chairman Cannan read the pertinent criteria for a Conditional Use Request. The
Commission hien reviewed the Sugg ste ,..-Findings o Fact.and including the above
added Finding tuber The commission then reviewed the suggested Conclusions
and accepted them -as submitted. The Conditions were reviewed and ,the charges
were }
+ dor dition 3. "Public beach access improvements the south end of
. . Thayer Street be constructed and" aint fined by the applicant,"
i . nd maintained by -the applicanVbeing added),
4 '
, .
Condition -4. Jim Taverna is- was concerned ."bot the fire protection access
to- the south. and-rernin'ded the commission of the conce'rn addressed
in Fa previous waterfront.proposal. The changed Condition 4.
reads "In order to Forestall storm water erosion damage to im-
provementsio' to assure' fire protection access to the south side
i `, of the'.building, to.' reserve and protect water quality, and t
Freserve public views of the shoreline,' the motel building shall
- be setback fifteen feet from the sea wall. The sea ,w ll shall
be reconstructed to meet engineering standards to the one hundred
year storm."' - The commission agreed that all these points should .
L be addressed{ in the condition, -
dridi i*io Condition 8. ,was changed beca�use�- i
the commission thou ht s
�� d g year
. was,too -long and they wanted a specific date. Condition 8.
reads '"The conditional{ use permit shall expire on December 34
1989, •unless construction has been cbmple'ted and final inspection
has been
- tipose prior to that dale
* 4 S
a '
Ron -Kosec moved, to recommend to the City Council approval of +Conditonal Use
App4cation No. 587-01= with the -am ngs,...Conclusions and Conditions
1-w8.as, the r' a ue meet nd :ti. nal ."Use,,, ri:t r i�l . . ° " iM4 -Tavernakis
} . seconded the motion and the vote. wars 'unanimous,
III. Application- o. 587-0 #, '' ` 4 ' i Friends of the Library
Variance Request 1220 Lawrence Street. -.
. . i ;• port Townsend Wa,, 98368
Thea licant aro uses erect a- t sign on the front lawn o the
pp p r' � fort
Townsend public Library to show progress on the community fund raising campaign
to renovate and expand the library building. The proposed sign Is-to be fif ty
r square Feet and depict a. Shelf of library books. 'A book back is to be colored
in for eve $25,000 raised so the '� publl cn..rea. l.ly:. see progress' toward, the
goal. The goal is hoped to be reached by the fall oft 1988. The campaign i
not to run longer than two years. Michael Hildt pares'e ted the staff findings
a copy is attached to the official} minutes).
Mr. Hildt told. the -commission that the city pian allows- for a temporary sign, but
it can only be sixteen square feet and bb up for no longer than 60 days. This
is why a variance is required. '
lariare, Floyd, ' representing the Friends,of the Library;, stated that she didn't
have anything to add, but was available to answer quebtions,
Don. NcLarney asked i the sign would tie lie full fifty square feet. Mrs. Floyd
stated that it'would most likely be smaller. He also wanted to know if the `
winds. of Port Townsend. would -be allowed for and what- 'about v ndali,sm' Ids.'+Floyd
stated that a contractor was putting It, up (Pete Robb)' aid it would be done
properly. The Friends of the Library would b responsible for the sign. Where
would be no lighting. . ,
Dr.. Tavernakis ,as ed, f the: Friends of the{Libra ry would want to 'pint a sign up
elsewhere when `there- would.be,more visability . Mrs*.. Floyd said that they had r
--decided against putting it up elsewhere'. They felt the library was the right
place for it -and they vt6ii1d.put posters up elsewhiare.,
Chaikman Carman read Variance Criteria 17-34 of the Fokt Townsend Municipal Code.
' The commission reviewed the Findings and, Conclusions,", They, approved the suggested
Condition and added .a second one to reads '"The Friends of -the Library shall ensure
proper installation; and continuing maintenance of the sign during the life of the
variances"' y
Don• McLarn y mored to recommend to the City Council' approval of Variance Request
No.. 587- with the Findings, Conclusions an' d the two. Conditions for approval,
as it 'the Variance Criteria in l '.34 of the. p.T. . . Dori Hoglund seconded the
motion -and the vote was unanimous.
Iv* New Business
Starlet . acat on Request No. 587-05-Loren & Lary Krieger-Committee of Slate r/Grimm
+ To be previewed July 23, 1987.
Variance Application No$- 687-01-lit. 'Townsend Dumber o.-Committee f,.M Larne /
Tavernakis-to be heard August 27, 1987a ` • . '
' V Adjournment
Chairman Carman ad Dunned.the meeting at 9:30 P.M. ,
GPM' _ Vf-rier n Mtil I r a V_ d rA=+2 ry
To: Planning Commission
From: Michael Hildt - y
Exec. Asst./P anner
Date: June i , 1987
Be: Cond .tional Use 587-01, WATERBURY HANAGEMENTs INC,,
41 Unit Motel in c-H zone.
Background: Applicant proposes to construct a forty -one unit,
three and one-half story motel at Thayer and Washington Streets
on Port Townsend Bay. Immediately to the east of the site is a
vacant auto repay' shop; to the west across Thayer Street is
fish processing facility now in negotiation for a new processor;
to the north -across Washington Street is a small retail center,
including a restaurant and other shops and services; and to the
south is Port Townsend Bay.
Forty-two off-street parking spaces ars to be provided on a paved
and landscaped parking lot on the sats. Vehicular access will be
from Thayer Street. The developer will make the necessary street
improvements as well as improve the end of Thayer Street for
public access to the tidelands, - including benches, picnic area
and access stairs. The two structures presently on the site will
be removed.
The gross floor- area of the -proposed motel structure is 17,500
square feet, well within th6 24, 16square feet lot area)
10 permitted in the -II zone. The building iB to,-be within the
thirty-five foot limit. '
The property is in the flood play and will have to meet the
flood damage prevention requirements of chapter 15. 08 PT .
ecw=ndaticn: Under appropriate conditions) ,- the proposed
development meets the conditional use criteria (1 7 .64.040 PTHC) .
For purposes of pedestrian safety and to encourage motel guests
to wad.k downtown rather than add further parking and traffic
congestion, a five foot sidewalk should be required on Washington
Street. In order to preserve public views of the shoreline,
forestall stormwater erasion damage to improvements, and to
preserve and protect water quality, the motel building should be
setback fifteen feet from the seawall.
Accordingly, it is recommended that the conditional use permit b
GRANTED AS CONDITIONED. Eight specific conditions are
recommended in the attached draft findings and conclusions for
your consideration.
Date: June 25, 1987
Re: conditional Use 587-81, WATERBURY MANAGMENT, INC. ,
forty--one unit motel in the c--H zone.
After respectful consideration of the above referenced appli-
ppl -
ca ion including on-site In pect ion of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Port Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the city council the following
findings and conclusions:
. Applicant proposes {to construct a -forty-one unit, three and
one-half Btory motel at Thayer and Washington Streets on Port
Townsend Pay. Immediately to the east of the :sate is a vacant
auto repair- shop; to the west across Thayer Street is a fish
processing facility now In negotiation for a new processor; to
the north across Washington Street yis a small retail center,
including restaurant and other shops and services; and to the
south is Port Townsend Bay.
2. Forty- two off--street parking spaces are to be provided on
paved and landscaped parking lot on the site. Vehicular access
will be from Thayer Street. The developer will make the
necessary street improvements as well as improve the end of
Thayer Street for public access to the tidelands, including
benches, picnic area, access stairs and landscaping.
2. The gross floor* area of the proposed motel structure is .
17,500 square feet, less than the 24, 165 square feet- (lot area)
permitted in the C-11 zone. The building iB to be within the
thirty-five foot height limit. The two structures presently on
the site are to be removed.
8. The proposed motel would provide needed lodgings for Port
Townsend visitors and would be well-located within easy walking
distance to downtown and the Boat Haven. vehicular traffic
generated by the motel would be easily .accommodated from SR 28
via Kearney and Washington Streets with immediate access via
Thayer- Street to be improved by the applicant. Guests visiting
downtown restaurants and shops on foot would not add to downtown
vehicular and parking congestion
4. The existing sea walk. Is heavily eroded and would be
replaced as part of the proposed construction. Current and
future public views of the. shoreline and bay would be reduced.
Planning Commission, 587-01 1 Page 1 of 3
The property s in flood plain zone B of the Flood Insurance
Study, Federal Insurance Administration 1981 .
. The Port of Port Townsend submitted a letter dated June 22,
1987, stating that the Port has recently entered into a long term
.ease with New Day Fisheries, Inc. to use the Port's fish
processing facility immediately west of the proposed motel across
Thayer Street.
The letter stated - in pertinent -part,--"one should-- nderst nd-----_..__
that they New Bay isheries will be operating late at night and
early in the morning almost all year around. There will be a
constant odor and noise conBistent with the practice of fiBh
"It is our view that the encroachment of -residential devel-
opment into manufacturing/processing areas is a► dangerous prece-
dent because it generates the potential four conflict. The Port
desires to be good neighbors. However, the Waterbury Management
Inc. should inform clients and potential clients that the New Darr
operation could affect their living environment. ;'
The applicant stated during the hearing that the anticipated
impacts described by the Port are acknowledged and accepted.
1. The city council found at its meeting of June 16, 1987, that
the proposal would not have any significant adverse environmental
2. The proposed motel use of the subject property will not
endanger the public health or safety, nor will a nuisance be
. The proposed use will be required to meet all of the condi-
tions and specifications set forth t.n the C-Izone in which the
property is located.
4. The proposed use will not be injurious or detrimental to
adjoining or abutting property.
. The location and character of the use will be in harmony with
the area in which it is located and will be in general conformity
with the Comprehensive Plan_
In consideration of the aforementioned findings and conclusions, .
the Planning Commission recommends that the above referenced
1. To encourage motel guests to walk rather than drive into
downtown and to preserve pedestrian safety, a- five-foot wide
sidewalk shall be constructed by the applicant along the south
Planning Commission, 587-01 Mage 2 o
Bide of Washington Street from Thayer Street to the east property
line in accordance with design and standards approved by the
Director of Public ior• s.
2. Improvements to Thayer Street for vehicular use shall be
constructed by the applicant to design and standards approved b
the Director of Public Works.
. Pubic` beach access improvements to the south end of
. Thayer Street be constructed and maintained by the applicant,
including benches, picnic area, landscaping and access stains to
the beach. Specific design of these improvements to be approved
by the Board of Adjustment (City Council) .
4. In -order to forestall storm water erosion damage to
improvements, to assure fire protection access to the south side
of the building, to preserve and protect water quality, and to
preserve public views of the shoreline, the motel building shall
be setback fifteen feet from the sea wall. The sea wall shall be
reconstructed to meet engineering standards to the one hundred
year storm.
. All required conditionB" and specifications of the a-
one shall be met.
6. All requirements and conditions of Chapter 18. 08 PTC,
Flood Damage Protection shall be met.
. All improvements and conditions shall be completed prior
to occupancy.
8. The conditional use permit shall expire on December 31,
1989, unless construction has been completed and final inspection
has been passed prior to that date.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
James Tavernakis, Member
Planning Commission, 587-01 Page 3 of 3
We Box 1180 -Row,
2539 Washington Street Port Townsend,Washington 98368 Phone; (206) 3815-2355 Seattle: 464-7207 SCAN: -7207
June 22, 1987
Port Townsend Planning Commission
Port Townsend City Hall
Port Townsend , Washington 98368
Commission Members
On behal"f ofthe Port Commission , this - is in response to the Public
Notice regarding the conditional use permit, App1ication Number 587-.
01 , for the construction of a motel located on Lots 5,, 6, 7, and 8 of
Block 26 of the L.B. Hastings 2nd Addition of Port 'Townsend within
Section 11 , Township 30 North, Range 1 West, Wei.
We have only one objectione It is located right next to the Pont' s
fish processing plant . New Day Fisheries Inc . has recently signed a
fifteen year lease to utilize our facility. One should understand that
they will be operating late at night and early in the morning almost
all year around ,. There will be a constant odor* and noise consistent
with the practice of fish processing .
It is our view that the encroachment of resident"ial development into
manufacturing/processing areas is a dangerous president because it
generates the potential for conflict * The Port desires to be good
neighbors . However, the Waterbury Management Inc . should inform
clients and potential clients that the New flay operation could affect
their living environment .
In summary , the Port does not object to the motel project as a
development . Howevert the Port noes not desire or intend to modify
its lease with New Day Fisheries with regard to its hours or methods of
operation .
or B. ou
cc . The Commission
B yrb
t +
Date: .Tune 25, 1987
Re: variance Application 7- 4, FRIENDS of THE BORT
TOWNSEND LIBRARY, temporary sign larger and for longer
duration than permitted.
After respectful consideration of the above referenced appli-
cation includingon-site inspection of the property, and after
timely notification and hearing, the Part Townsend Planning
Commission hereby submits to the Catty Council the following
findings and conclusions
1. Applicant proposes to erect a temporary sign on the front
lawn of the Port Townsend Public Library to show progress on the
community fund raising campaign to renovate and expand the
library building. The property is located at 1220 Lawrence
Street, a major arterial street, and 1s zoned P-I .
2. To the west is a single-family residence, to the east (side
on which the sign is to be erected) is the First Baptist Church.
To the south and east is the uptown C-III zoning district; to the
north and west is R-I zoning.
8. The Port Townsend Library is a 13 Carnegie Library
building. The renovation and expansion project has been
estimated at $800,000, half of which is to raised locally as
match for an anticipated Library Services and Construction Act
Title II grant. The City of Port Townsend has endorsed the
proposed project.
4. The proposed sign is to be fifty square feet and depict a
shelf of library books. A book back is to be colored in for
every $25,000 raised so the public can readily see progress
toward the goad. The applicant hopes to meet the goal by the
fall of 1988. The campaign is not to run longer than two years.
Chapter 17.34.090(J) provides for special purpose signs for a
purpose not anticipated by the chapter. A variance is required
because such signs are not permitted to be larger than sixteen
square feet .in area and are to be in use for less than sixty
1. The sign required by the applicant is nec ssar-y to achieve
Planning Commission, 587 -04 Page 1 of 2
an important public purpose which was not anticipated in the
adoption of Chapter 17.34 PT C, SIGNS.
2. Literal interpretation and strict application of the
provisions and requirements of Chapter 17.34 PTMC would cause
hardship because of the unique and unusual conditions of the
property and purposes for which the proposed sign is required.
3. The granting of the variance would not be materially
detrimental to the property owners in the vicinity and the
travelling public.
. The granting of the variance, limited to a two year period,
would not be contrary to the objects of Chapter 34. 17 PTMC
relating to the placement of suns and the reduction of clutter.
In conBideration of the aforementioned findings and conclusions,
the Port Townsend Planning Commission recommends that the above
referenced application be GRANTED AS CONDITIONED:
1. The proposed sign shall not exceed fifty square
feet in area and shall not be in use for Longer
than two years.
2. The Friends of the Library shall ensure proper
installation and continuing maintenance of the sign
during the life of the variance.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Port Townsend Planning
Donald F. McLarney, Oembe
Planning Commission, 8' -04 Page 2 of 2
To: Planning Commission demperB
From: Michael Hildt
Re: June 25 meAing * * 7:30 PH
Date_ June 16, 1987
Because John Clise has withdrawn his variance application and the
Union Wharf Associates application has been postponed, we will be
.able to start the meeting at the usual 7:30 PM time.
Attached are the following:
• Briefing and draft F & C an 587-01, Waterbury Management
Draft F 8c C on 587-04, Friends of the Library. Don McLarney
and Don Hoglund have agreed to serve as the committee
on this matter so Jim Tavernakie and Ron gosec will not
have to review both case. (A briefing seamed
redundant in this case as the F & C cover my
recommendations. )
Many thanks.
.. Keith C. Harper
Ani at Law
1206 Nuala,Suite B
P.O.Box 104 Pott Townwnd.WA 9830
i 2061385.6400
June 16, 1987
Micheal Hildt,, Ted strick l'i)'i
Re: Additions and enlargements to honconoring buildings.
In the past, in certain circumstances, citizens have requested
to make various additions and enlargements to nonconforming
buildings. The nonconformity norTnally has been with respect
to less than the minimum yard set back requirements . In those
circumstances we have normally advised that a variance would be
However, after discussing the .issue with Micheal Hildt and
reviewing the ordinance, I believe that a variance is not
necessary in the following cases,
First of all , the general rule set forth in section 17 . 52. 010
is that nonconforming buildings can continue as long as there
is no physical change to the building, except for maintenance
and repair-, Section 17 , 52.060 goes on to say only necessary
repairs and incidental alterations are permissable to a nonconforming
building and that the repairs and alterations cannot extend t-he
extent or the degree of nonconformity. Bowe Ver, section
17, 52 ,080 (B) further provides that buildings which are nonconforming
as to height or density regulations can be added to or enlarged
o lona as the addition or enlargement (treated as a separate
building) - conforms to applicable requirements*
Height regulations are fairly clear,, In the past, I have
construed density regulation., to mean those regulations pertaining
to lot size and lot,coverage. ' However,. urider section 17. 20 .0 20,
it is my opinion at this time that- density regulations . ncide
set/back yard requirements; maximumlot.-coverage -regulations-;
minimum lot size regulation; as well as the maximum hbight
restrictions. Therefore, for a building which is simply
nonconforming as to one of those -items, an addition or enlargement
could be made, so long as the addition or enlargement conforms.
In several cases the addition or enlargement extends an illegal
set back, or reduces the existing set back. In some of those -.
previous cases, variances should have been required 'in any evert.
� +
■ a f
Please let me ]snow{ if this should raise any additional questions
or comments. If you believe the ordinance .should be clarified, or
if in fact variances should be required for these types of
additipns or enlztrgementst let ane know if you could *wish to proceed
Vi h proposed endmenis.
Keith ce Barper
City Attorney
: file
A w. HCl
GuOst 1_ iF;t
NAME (please print) ADDRESS Do you wish to
present testimony?
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