HomeMy WebLinkAbout050787 Min Packet PORT TOWNSEN09 WASHINGTON 919368 - . 3 Port Tow send i Planning CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ' MINUTES OF MAY 7g . 1987 5 I• Opening Business F R Chairman Carman 'called the meeting to order- t 7:30 F,-Mo ` Members- present were Nancy Slater, Donald I cLarney, Ron Kosec, Bob Grimm, and Alan Carmano Il# Conditional Use Permit Application No. 03 ;; Joan and David Deering 1208 Franklin Ste Fort Townsend The request for a Bed and Breakfast establishment- from May through-September by Joan and David Deering was unable to be reviewed as' the applicants missed the environmental revi w with the City Council. 4 f s Donald Mo .rn y -moved to continue the preview to May 28, 1987 regular meeting. Bob Grimm secorided the motion and the vote was ,for{�l abs t rrti (Slater). Y y Jefferson General Hospital was scheduled.. to be heard,! a 2 (but will not be as- later s-later learned)* ` l Variance Pexin.t lioati -Non j87-01.- •Paul Marcou C familiarization review. 401 Second Ave S. ;x Suite #200 Seattle o Wa. 98164 µ Michael Hildt explained to. the bomm'is ion that- this review was td familiarize • everyone with the project.-' Where arema or steps for t project o his type. 1. They need a Substantial Dewe lopment.4 rmit and a Variance issued by the local go ex=ent -ad then i (The!'Shorelind I an g dent Advisory Committee were favorable 2. The Department of- Ecology has to give its approval and. thea: - . The City has to issue 5 Parking .v r ice.' 'there are 114 parking 'spaces required without a variance, There is a no parking over water requirement. The plarns allow for loading . ncf unloading spaces There needs to be a responsible response.` t at"w ll address,,°the parting concerns for the whole downtown areae. The June 11 workshop meeting the ommissi n_should'•work?can the parking problem the whole meeting witki'recommendation for the City Council on theJune 25. 19$7 regular meeting. The applicant, Paul `Marciou c sh w' ed' the commission his sketches of whathe would like the pier to look like. He stated that his interest started a,year ago.: He had Michael Shreve, as the architect draw up,the plan's, keeping in mind ghat was there a ICo years a.go+. Ther were ,three oAginal-.b i ldiW with 2 of them -sitting side by side these cannot sit side by side now because of the need for fire lames . Marcoux expla' in'ed the diagram. He poiht d out that ,they are staying inside of harbor line for the hotel and outside the har o in for the meting rooms. They planned o use . attached to cement pile and have shortened the original length because of the expense. ''here would be transient moorage which would mean a stay of.no more than two weeks. They would not want l .veaboards. For the moorage there would b ..�,pump out facilities and rest rooms. The height limits was 35 feet at high tide- ,mark. Thep'ten .al public area was 26,020 uare � ee : There would a mix ed use .o the facility. *{They planned retail, space, tour boat facility of some kind, -ticket ; office and gaiting room. ' At the' 'end of the dock there would be a r staura'nt. On the second floor of the large building only 2 useable levels as'.the `third floor will .b6 an atrium level for light) there Nou ld be rooks. of'f of a central- court. The,',other buildings rooms' would be drmeed- in the New England style as port Town-' send. The lower level will be f'or' the shops: office 'pace, ticket office and 'mixed use, He stated that �they had access`' to some of the originalnglheer n drawings s nd agood sense of history. The wharf is the only place �.e of what you -can walk ' out on.i They tried to -limit retail to What the town can handle. They didn't want to over,.do it. The big problem, is parking. They don. t know where to put it. e-felt the ordinance {needs revision.. It' would be nice to cone up with something workable as this ,Will not .be the last project the city will have presented t "I fi . He said that he attended the city workshop and some ideas were thrown out. What .are we going to- do about the parking " 1 ' Mr. Marcoux answered .theommissioi with{ :tie ' facts e. There would be no more than 45 guest rooms. They would be putting inIstet lights through the pier network. They would, wipd out only 1 ,parking space with, the loading and unloading spaces. The curve in the turnaround id 'What would eliminate 'the one space. e told the commission h had sough{ parking and there;were',po sibilities. At the workshop there eras r a suggestion that there be .bd1kheading and parking Where the pathway leads u the hili. Possibly.'makingr� 40-50 spaces. He said that . 'he would be interested sed in having another workshop as 'there ,were good suggestions at the last one. David Kahle said that the parking meter lady told him.:, that employees use the downtown parking. . 'Where was a need,for patkiftg" If.apil,ity for employees. The meter lady estimated that 25% of the parking was used by Employees 4 — s * d ; The commission discussed ways to increase the parkingavailable, Bart Phillips said that he thought a compromise could' berorked otxt. . There needed ` to be.,a broader soluti n to prepare for other projects. r David -Kahle said the Main Street Board lent the project its approval,. They were 3 5 not sure of the. specifies and parking was ria j ncern, They would like see " the developer and eI ty work toge thea. He said he would help in any way, , Jonathan Dudley$ representing the Hastings Estate. started that they would like to see the -Wharf sacred. - He-said.that they shared the same parking problems. The parking problems' need to b oured* on,,,and:f.drlal].-.J.-w.I a Im i now. He said that he { would -like to see Onion Wharf saved- because once it's, gone it's gone. Michael Hildt asked Marcoux eince-, er s .a d.that .it--would of-v a it ' t -wi , { p. * Dolt it or .ng coder and he had looked at it for his own selfish retirements' for his own require- ments, how many, would he prepare fox? 1 1 I Mir. Marcou.x said that they were doing thie because they might- like to live here. They were more concerned with long term. They have talked to developers elsewhere and' they were told this- was not such a hot market. . 'This p .arned development should 4 be a shot In the arm. They have to go to the lender : and get return on their F money so the bottom line- is hoer to make it work. There has been a lot of support Brom the town which is the only real reason they have. Dept going. He wanted to see it through. The other side of the fence is if you lure here you can't come down- town, and find parking. There-'are no signs for off street parking. By 1990 this ill be a de tina:ti n for tourists. These things create `pa rking problems. The .parking ordinance is way out of whack. I a ' 5 Chairman Carron said that., 45 units bring in 45 cars. 7 Marcoux -felt- 0% world come by water and that being a"' conservati ,e e t mate. Mr. Hildt- asked if Port Townsend did not- have a. parking requirement, wouldhe produce the spaces? _ II Mr. Marcx said no. - e w' ould•provide four50%. He would find property ,t .use as valid parking, fence it in aid not worry about the rest. Mr. Marcoux stated that he was shooting for an executive conference centers pla,nning for 2 to 100 people. He -said that people tend to walk around this town. `I i Mr. Hildt said that studies show that if a project does not owe to need for additional pairking the project is not needed. t Y r Nor,s Kahle stated that there was .a continual focus on things out, of town. There needs to be lots of reasons to come downtown. Give people other reasons to come. downtowns Some retailer feel threatened but this would, helpOidraw peoples 'M Ir. Marcoux stated that tourists want to walk through, but the residents want to park in front* Mr. Hildt said that if it is a passel to come downtown they will go some place else. The businesses that "survive have to serve the local people as well. People who get out of the habit don't come back in the winter. Chuck Wallis stated that it was' good to discuss the : things. u said that he liked the -solutions come Mr.. Marc o . out the workshops., i' Nancy Slater roved to continue the hearing to the 2 thf June, 1987. Bob Grimm seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. + Y i ' lv. Hew Business + + 'k Michael ' Hildt t discusse- d, briefly with the commission the up and coming Conditional Use and Street vacation submitted by Jefferson Gener'al Hospitale He said that they were trying to make sure all questions- were answered. Mr. Hildt discussed the Skotdal fence problem- and the comms s .ons requirements keep them from- h ens again. He planned o sake out checklist where the � p pp � applicant will do all the work ve Adjournment Chairman ad ourned the meeting at sCC P.M. • , 1 Virginia Mulkey, Secretary -F 5 f i I, .+•► • f - A NP Keith CHarper ' `. . Attomey at Law f + + _ + *ry .• +. 4 1206 Water,Suite B +' P.O.Box 104 Port Townsend,WA983 8 ' J = t Y y■ .+ } � , + ' f ' ' � . 0 }385'6400 , + t ! ' f l tk t Memoranut To M e 1 r l dt Minutes 'y�■J�iJ `/�} f��fy yJ�i�[//•��J] }�kk+y�� ■ �} + + [/�h■-�/�J' .*�+■ � r yi•yi+}` �/'-+�' [/�Y�]� •{* Re: + #i++F# H Y ArA 4/V i i i# +l iR ti/ iM ion.: ##• Y i �"7 •.. i{ 1 _f { • ■+ . + .' f �r , _ - r•:.* + r ■ rt y r,'tea. 5 4 / � , Y y { 1 4r IL y 1 I • + 1 3-,r view d the , ir�u s you-�� �ues�t d, o c 'rin ng,r-th r' + + accuracy. n page -'two; . the- next to` the last paragraph, 'the minutes. indicate that 'Mrs:. i Deering- stated' that she, consulted _ ' Y public works , director, Ted tri k]. rid an4 d was given oral" ` t } approval for use - the. up l tarsunit- f +I,,tra nt 1 drgi"ng. !, I may -be may-bemi s taken, .hu't it was' my t co 1 16C tion,--.that she asked • t Ted whether she could rent-the unit; -- d .was "given 6ral approvalW. t '• •, '} or that period. I soundea.. to me 'as though Tech did not know the" "rental was, ' transient. l'odgin ►, bi t�`r tY er' perhaps' `sY�- 4 'j .' + for, dw l ling pU'rp s s _ori . a month : o month or+__" t e ! 'basis. ' k Other +,than that, ' theL-minu Of the mee ting appear* accurate .. far �I''.ca re.calwl . .Lb's" e know i ; yoix havears q e do s. fIL oncer Ing.: the above, the *tape. f ,course i t elari fy the. .. + ' K " tC. Ha per City. A t • _ • torney k + IL to . i'r " • 1 yf t t w ' ,, 4 I } i 4 {, y 4 y WN OF II '