HomeMy WebLinkAbout022687 Min Packet PORT 'TOWNSEND,, WASHINGTON. 98368 - i , { Port Tovmsend Planning .. CITY OF PART TOW I S E D "- - ; • ' MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 26 198? I* Opening Business Chairman Oarmian called the meeting to order at ?:30 .M': - Members +present were Don Hoglund, Jim Tavernakis, Ron K6sec, Donald McLarney, Alan, Oaxan, Bob Grimm and Nancy .ater. + City Planner, Michael Hildt was present also. Nancy 'Slater. moved that .the minutes ,of February 12, 1987 'be approved as.written. Bob Grp seconded the . otion' and the vote was unanimous. Il. Application No. 1 �01 George Prindle i - Variance request .. 616 Van Buren -- - Port .Townsend, iia. The applicant proposes ,a 576 sq. f 'addition to ars existing 1538 q* ft,. single-. a .family residence. 'The present structure is "grandfathered" under present R- zoning- due to.,-Its 11 f t. front setback , the -existing covered carport which ex- tends to withinF'14 deet of the rear- lot -1'ine, and the existing less than required - + distance from the carport to the adjacent. dwelling (which i feet . The F-proposal would extend to within 10 feet of the near lot. line, --regir ,ng a variance + from the required 20--foot setback. Michael. Hildt presented the.staff findings.. A copy of the staff report is ":file . +� ' Mr. Pr ndle told ,the c m is ion that ' .ethe addition was kept within the legal limits they would bead mi ted,to 15 feet -which.+wta ,not',practical for thein heeds,, . He requested that:the:1 ommission use Mr. Hi dt's draft "V.' that states Development within twenty'.feet of*.the rear lot line shall be no higher, than. fifteen feet above the average grade at, the east lot, line." : 'stated they were cramped for space and wanted t0- i,1`add 1 at,bathro M,- bedroom ahda' m ly o m'. It was pointed out that the original no . r'fo mit would a not.be enlarged, upon: The addition would.be on the other side of,,the house.-. k ;. , t The committe �: f Tav rhakis and Hoglund, felt the request was not offensive. -Mr. ' = ' av rnakis asked: the.-applicant wrhy. he could , w of be -thin required limits and was told .they had pared{ l_ -;down t what they felt was minimal already. f Th committee recommended i f b '}a roved i.. t 'he commission-,reviewed .the criteria f r- a : aria. ce in" regard to the proposal. -Mr. Hildt stated.*that-,.he'.--felt an addition would block t,l ght and air from. the neigh bens, but at the same,-(time it was the neighbors .. r� y rd and they could build within five feet of� l� ire ropert4 line. , ; . -:a. 4 4 + y �I Jim Tav rnakismov d--to recommend• t the city Council ,:approval f Pri'd.le:Applie ion , -No. 187-01 a +tt-conformed to the criteria contained in Chapter 17. 60' f the Zoning rdin .nce,,co.n erning a variance including the findings of fact of Draft B oft the staff e o nand• the, condition that development within.-twenty feet of the rear (east) lot linea shall''be ho higher than fifteen 15 feet above average grade at the east lot line Don i Hoglund seconded the -motion and the vote 'was unanimous* 4P,' Y 5 S I 4 F � i '. Application Ido. ' 287-01 + Bud VanDerVorst Variance Request t 15 26th Street Port Tdwnsend, a. . The applicant proposes 640 square foot gauge within . feet of the existing 1300 squ ae 6foo ily residence thus requiring ,a variance from the l foot space between u l ngs.6 Michael Hill d the Staff report a coe o file + - 3 II Jy5 • F • T • +, � - ' y. y, i +'ty! # 4ii+;f lf� y rRy��{„+ 4rt�.+ ♦ i'!" ar ♦ �� d-. 11' Mr. Vain Der forst .stted'that when the.,bought the property' they -had no idea o the traffic on Discovery Road. - They constructed the bean to cut- down on the . pact from the road.- The only-place on the lot large enough to build on is that corner#where requested. The-proposal will be a garage and a st range unitA fire truck could not get around that side without a building there. The committee of Slater and McLaimey asked. about the installation of the berm. Mr. McLamey saw the floor and footing in already and., inquired about them to the applicant. The commission learned that he haat put inc-a parking'pad and hoped to aid the garage if variance was approved. ' The berm had been positioned like t is 5 because -of a five. foot drainage easement. his. Slater. had not felt appl cation , met criteria. 2. and 3--t .but the drain 'easement changed the facts.` . Y . The co�ssion agreed that the.five foot d rag ea .emen r u �emer t on odd s cvey b aided as nbe � �. n i`ndi gs of Fact ion the staff report and the drainage easement b 'added"t 'Conclusions 2. ,+ Fancy Slater moved to recommend to the City Council approval of Variance Application No. 287mOl with the added Findings of Fact 5. Plat requirement of five feet drain- age e .s meht on old.Discovery road and' Conclusion 2. :have added-`drainage easement" after "Because of the combined effects imposed on -the subject property by the .rregularly shaped lot,' then finding request in compliance with the criteria set ' forth in the zoning ordinance concerning a variance.--4 Donald McLarney seconded the - motion and the vote was unanimous.• - + � + 1 . New Business . Hauser Street Vacation No. 287- d",*-Committee of Grimand Losec Tadashi ar .a.nce No. 2 ­03w-- Committeeo" of Tavernakis and Hoglund Both applications will be heard on March 2,6 1987* V• Adjournment ' Chairmian barman adjourned the meeting apt' 9:00 P.M-0 + + F 5 t • 4 i y r 5 I ' r Virginia Mulkey p Secretary , . , + F s i IL r To: Planning Commission Members '�. From: Michael Hildt Exec. Asst,,/Planner- Date: sst./PlannerDate: February 12, 1987 Re: variance Application 187 - 01 George D. Prindle: Proposed addition to existing single-family residence, resulting in less than required rear setback. Location 616 Van Buren, N. E. corner of van Buren and clay Background Applicant proposes a 576 sq, ft. addition to an existing 1538 sq, ft, single-- . -� -- - - fami l.y -reside ce. -- The -present-s xu re i -legal, non-conforming '#grandfathered" under current -I zoning clue to its X11 t. front ems , the existing covered carport which extends within eft. of the rear lot line, and the existing less than required distance from the carport to the adjacent dwelling (7 112 ft. . The proposed addition would extend to within 10 ft, of the rear lot line, requiri Rk s AF )3 F IMINGS of FACT AND CONCLUS I ONS OF THE pLANNING COMMISSION Date: February 12, 1987 Re: Variance Application 187 - 01 George D. Prindle After respectful consideration of the above referenced application including -site inspection of the subject property, and after timely notification n hearing,,, the Fort Townsend Planning Corrmission hereby submits to the City Cunc i t the f l l owing findings and conclusions: F indi of Fact 1. Applicant proposes a 576 sq. ft, addition to an existing 1538 sq, ft* single-family residence. The present structure is legal, -non-conforming o "grandfathered" under current zoning. There are three non-conformities under the requirements of the existing -I zoning applicable to the property: A. An 11 ft, front setback; a. 20 ft. setback is required. B. A covered carport which extends to within 4 1/2 f t. of the rear (eas t lot line sum to be the east fence line) ; all buildings must be a minim of 5 ft. from side and rear property lines (PTMC 17a20,020) . O. An existing separation from the adjacent single-family dwelling to the east of 7 1/2 ft; a n=mum of 10 ft. is required ( TG 17.2 0. 2 0 . The proposed addition would extend to within 1.0 ft., of the rear (east) property line, requiring a variance from the required 20 ft, setback, 2. The gear, (east) lot lime of the subject property abuts the + est sideyard of the adjacent single-family residence. 3. The north sideyard of the su3eot property abuts the south wall of the Pacific Northwest Bell facility at Van Buren and Lawrence. The Douse faces west to Van Buren; Clay street borders the south sideyard* 5 ` . The proposed addition would leave a 16 ft. north sideyard and the existing 26 ft. south sideyard. The the total building footprint (including the carport) would Doze 2114 sq. ft. , completer filling,, the allowed 3 lot coverage of this 55 ft. X 11.0 ft. lot. 4 " r ■ I } ti Conclusions I* The proposed variance would not amount to a rezone and constitute change in the district boundaries Shawn on the official zoning map4, . Because of the combined effects imposed on the subj ect property by the abutting con ercial buildi i ,r N i r To: Planning omission Members From: Michael Hildt Exec. Asst„ /Planner Date: February 17, 1987 Re: variance Application 287 of Hud and Sunnie Van Der vorst: construction of detached garage, resulting in less than required separation from house. Location ,. 415 26th (SE corner of 26th and Discovery Rd. Background Applicant proposes a 640 sq. ft. garage within 5 ft. of the existing 1300 sq. ft. single-family residence, requiring a variance from the required to ft. separation between buildings. f The proposed garage would be constructed in the southwest corner of the property; Discovery Road is to the west; there is a vacant lot to the south. The east property line abuts ars existing single-family dwelling; 26th St.+ borders the property to the north. ; The property is impacted by traffic noise from heavily-travelled Discovery Road and, dine to the diagonal orientation of Discovery Road, the lot is irregularly shaped. These two conditions make construction of the garage within the separation requirements of the zoning code impassible Without removing substantial section of the noise-bufferi .r Date: February 26, 1 9 Re: Variance Application 287 01 Bud and Sannie Van Der Vorst After respectful consideration of the above referenced appli atio including on-site inspection of the subject property, and after ti.,.r el notifi tion and hearing, the Port Tc rnsend Planning Commission hereby submits to e city Council the following findings and conclusions: Findings of Fact w w �nr�wrwf 1. Applicant proposes construction of a 640 sq. ft. garage within 5 ft, of the existing 1300 sq. ft. single-family residence at 415 2 t t., requiring variance from the 10 ft. separation between buildings required by the -I zoning. The proposed garage would be cons tru southwest corner the property; Discovery Road is o the west; �e is vacant lot to the south. To the east s an existing single-family 11, 2 ,h t. borders h property the north. . The property is i . The variance requested would not confer a special priviledg to the subject property that i denied t other lands in the sage district. . The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the lis welfare r or injurious too the � tyor .mproverentsn the vicinitt and o in which the subject property is situated. , The reasons set forth in the above ref ended application justify the granting of the variance and the variance i i variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land. 7 6, pause the granting the variance would in harmony with the general purpose and intent of title 1 (zoning) of the rt �se� Municipal bode, the Port Townsend Planning Commission re o nen that the above referenced variance be GRAN Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Planning Commission, y WWi1Y�� �:::�:s��� Alan S. Carman,, Chair I. 3Et^st iSt Do you wish to NAME please printf ADDRESS present testimony . YES NO � a a o ±5"LA YL C'. G K�1 �4.,��r�o,sd— yes cla �`''� El El er /yU EJ 1:1 C2 IZ o El 0 0 D El O O O EJ a EJ ❑ El