HomeMy WebLinkAbout091489 Min Ag Packet CRT TOIII NSE' OP WASHINION 9836 � � . • •- +! �• r oriPlannmg: mission CITY OF PGRT TOWNSE D F • Meeting of September .1 , 1389 I. Roll Call Jinn Tavernakis called the meeting to order- at ',7: 3 0 p.M Pther . members present were Lois Sherwood, . Karen Erickson, Alan, Carman. and Ron Losec, Assistant Planner Kin "Nei ll was also present. 11. Approval of Minutes .Mr, Kose -Moved to app' rove the nuts of the �:r eeta.ng . August` 31,p 1389 . Ms, Sherwood seconded 'and the motion carried unanimously. w r III .. -Communications i Corresponde' n'ce was -distributed by Kevin O'Neill: -a biochure for _ the AWC Planning Institute-: a letter concerning Point Hudson from Michael Hildt, Director, Planning and Building Director to ! Richard Symits, Point Hudson Company; 'and letters from Arron and Cathie Von Awe and Mildred Erickson' c nce nin Logue Home Occupation Permit* , We Old Business 4 A. Rezone �.kation 8907- 4, Ted., rid- Robin shoulber I 1, Staff Presentation and Review- - Mr. Ofiei-11 distributed a letter addressed t lthe Planning Commission %'written by Judith Tavenn r, Community Action Council, stating support of the application. He also distributed "Draft 11 which- recommended denial of the rezone. Mr. O•Neill 'thin reviewed the Draft Findings and Conclusions. The a►pplican #propose rezone o -e ,ots 1-8, Block 1 , Eiser�beis Addition, from -IA R-IIS.. 'The applicants ..:pro 6 o construct a - hr+ee-building apdrtm'6 t. complex the site should the rezone be approved. Draft A recommends ,a prova'l of the rezone Chile- Draft . r�ecommends deni " 2 . ubl i c- Testi mond Ted Shouibrg, a►ppllant tolid} the Commission'-that he proposes t F 4 { # „ a 1 k f Planning Commission--September 14, 1989 Page 2 of build 14 three- bedroom units. The proposed project was designed to preserve the large trees in the area, He brought to the attention of the Commission the letter from Ciallam Jefferson Community Action Council which stated that there is a great need for multi-family housing in Port Townsend. The development of the proposed project would be privately funded. JoAnne Askari , a neighboring property owner, feels there will be concentration of apartments in one area which will increase parking, noise and traffic problems, she also stated her concerns about an absentee owner and lack of a resident manager on the site. Nor, shoull erg stated he will manage his own building. Norm Taylor, stated that the area is too congested for this project. Teresa Gillett, manager of the neighboring Nor.'West village, stated her concerns about possible increases ire vandali s Planning Commission--September 14, 1989 Page 3 of 7 consider neighboring property values as a criteria to their decision on the Rezone. Mr. O'Neill stated that the Commission should determine if the rezone is in the public interest. Linda Larson, realtor, stated that Mr, Shoulberg is a conscientious developer, David Bell asked the Commission what responsibility the City has in tr ff ic, safety and street improvements. Dr. Tavernakis responded that road improvements must be dealt with through normal Public Works channels. Some discussion followed over the exits to the proposed site. Public Testimony was closed, 3 . Committee Report--Erickson/Sherwood Nis, Sherwood stated that the site seemed to be a good location for the rezone, The property is near bus limes and schools and is consistent with the neighborhood. she stated her concerns about traffic congestion in the area. . Erickson concurred with Ms, Sherwood saying that this seems to be a good location for a -III rezone. She stated that safety for the children is a parents responsibility. Mr. Losec stated that living next to an apartment without a res Went manager can a chaotic. Mr, Tavernakis stated that R-III is most logically located next to exi t f Planning Commission--September 14, 1989 Page 4 of 7 that the site plan be reviewed for visibility and safety by the City Engineer; a designated child play area be located on the site; and a resident manager be designated. Ids. Erickson seconded. Mr. O'Neill asked if the Commission intended to propose contract rezone. He stated that if the Commission would like to recommend the rezone for this specific project a contract must be drawn up by the City Attorney. Ms. Sherwood and Ms. Erickson amended the motion to require contract rezone. The motion carried 4-0 with fir. Kosec abstaining. Street Vacation Application 8908-02, Barbara Williams 1, Staff Presentation and Review Mr. O'Neill distributed the City Department Heads' review sheet for the Williams' Street vacation to the Commission. He then reviewed the Findings and Conclusions. The applicant requests the vacation of a portion of unopened Cosgrove Street, 2, Public Testimony Barbara Williams, applicant, stated that she originally asked for a 60 feet easement then amended the application to 30 feet and now is asking for the rest of the original 60 foot. She intends to build on the vacated property. Jim Mathias a neighboring property owner stated his general support. He stated his concerns over the sewer lure installation expense, and a concern over the loss of a view to the west, He suggested that the sewer lines should preserve: the large trees on the lot. ' Public Testimony was closed. , Committee Report--K /Erickson Mr. Kosec stated that the vacation application - is reasonable. Some discussion followed over the location of a possible sewer easement. The Commission concluded that the sewer easement is a civil matter between the two property owners. 4 , Findings and Conclusions } r*. Kosec moved to recommend to Council the approval of the application, Street vacation 8908-02 Barbara Williams, accepting the Findings of Fact and Conclusions as presented by staff. Ms. t Planning Commission--September 14, 1989 Page 5 of Erickson seconded. Some further discussion ensued concerning the sewer line easement. All were in favor -0. C. Conditional Use Application 8908-01, Bill Sperry/Bob Little. 1, staff Presentation and Review Mr, O'Neill distributed "Draft B11 recommending denial. He then reviewed the Finding of Fact and Conclusions. The applicants propose to construct a four-building complex located across and to the north of Washington Street from the Port Townsend boat haven. "Draft All recommends approval . ' Draft- Bll recommends denial. Bob Little, applicant, discussed the proposed off-street parking spaces. Bill Sperry, applicant, told the Commission that many of the cars which are parking at the site now are on long-term boat trips or live aboard there boats in the harbor. Bob Maginnis, a shop owner at the port, stated his opposition to the project; there is very little public waterfront that is not developed; this space is actively used by the public; the project is not in harmony with itself do to the combination of manufacturing and office space; and traffic safety. Mr. Sperry, addressing the usage of the building, detailed who will be in the building sections. The Coast Guard and the Port intend to occupy most of the office space, Mr. Maginnis stated that if the Coast Guard were located on the proposed site it would be too far from the Coast Guard vessel. Mr. Little stated that the Coast Guard had approved the proposed new location for the Coast Guard office. Some discussion followed over the Part being the applicant and whether or not the Port supports the application. Ms. Sherwood asked the applicants if the buildings were handicapped accessible. The first floor is handicap accessible. Mr, Carman was concerned with parking, but was in favor of the application* Some discussion followed over the time frame of the building of I i� 1 f a Plannl.ng Commission.-September 14, 1983 Page the protects. . Sherwood stated her concern about open space and the public interest. Mr. Kosec stated that he was uncomfortable with giving conditional use permit for spaces that are not specifically designated uses. The applicants told the Com-mi Planning Commission--September 14, 1989 Page 7 of 7 There was some discussion between the applicants and the Commission over the reasons why the application was denied. There was some discussion over the possibility of reconsideration. There was no motion for reconsideration, V. New Business-none V , Announcements Next Scheduled Business Meeting September 28, 1989 A. Draft ordinance relating to off-street parking. October 12 , 1989 A. Variance, 8907-06 , Kenneth Shelton Ksec/Grimm) Short Plat, 8908-03 , Harold Gruber (Carman/Kosec) C, Conditional Use, 8908-04 , Keith Jackson/ Water Street Corporation, Inc. (Sherwood/Grimm) Ms. Erickson moved for adjournment and Mr.. Carman seconded. The meeting was a 3ourned at 11: 35 p.m. Darlen6 Bloomf1'eld Planning Commission Secretary 4 F PORT TOWNSEND, WASHING 983 SS 7 Port Tom.send Planning Y �F PORT TOWN S E D (Proposed) Business Meeting September 14 , IA-989 1 . ROLL CALL7 : 30 P. M. 'IN � � MEETING 2. REA NG AN APPROVAL � 3 . COMMUNICATIONS : a. current. mail 4 ,, OLD BUSINESS: . PUBLIC HEARING: Rezone A 14gat or 8907-04 , ' Sholer 19 to f Presencation and Reviaw 2 . Public Te s�i � ��- Committee e or - (Erickson/Sherwood) 4, Findings ana Conclusions e PUB 'C 1 EAR N Vada . A 1 . Barbara W i 1 ; ms 1 . S-C-aff Presentation and Review 2 , Public Tes�imcny 3 . Committee Revort - K ec/Erickson 4. Findings and conclusions C. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Apple 8908-01 Bi l l Serr�r Bob Lit�1 e 1 . Staff Presentation and Review 2, Public Testimony Committee evo -l'." - Crmanherwood 4, Findings and Conclusions i \ t NEW BUSINESS: 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Business Meetings September 28 , 1989 a. Draft ordinance relating to off-street parking October 12 , 1989 Variance Apps. 8907- 8, Kenneth Shelton Committee: Kose / ri m b. Short Plat Appl , 8908-- , Harold Gruber Committee: Cannan/Kose C* Conditional Use Appl, 8908-04, Keith Jackson/Water Street Corporation, Inc. Committee. Sherwood/Grimm 7. ADJOURN C 2 JON est List P V NAME [please printl ADOFi[SS Do you wish to If yes, indicate present laelhnony7 topic. YES NO TCjTT_ oN BCf�6Rriz, i iQ�Ytf ar^ To1,5, o�c� �`] o Sd�v �..� 6\qv 3�3S v�Au-mil � ❑ O 2, tO � . 1QEh St 9L o � CA.`� 421 WtArj -ST, �zl � O aur saw- •. est List • Do you wish to If yes, indicate NAME (please printl ADDRESS present leatlmony? topic. YES NO TreSctG�'I le�-t q,2-1 SherrnaAvSf.# PP y as;M A OY i/+,s /z3 r J-zc s m-t � � �-. y � lltlAllf 6�� 89z C-1 �' o par � Cl o 1:1 o ❑ o o ❑ 0 0 D 10 O O O O . O ❑ d ❑ .r Port Townsend City Council Fort Taensend planning Ummi ssi ori ity Hall art Townsend, Washingtonn 78368 = ` August 18, 1987 Bear Ladies and 8entleen, The glome Occupation Permit recently granted by the Planning Coneissian to Kristina H. Logue (appl,ication No. 8944-01) is a eager of grave concern to the hose owner5 in the imaediate vicinity. The business authorized by the permit would } be located directly across the street frog our home in a private residence at 4I0 Quincy Street. It is stated in the application that the business will consist of a total of 32 children in a preschool setting to be held in two sessions between the hoars of 9:00 a.s. and :00 p.a. The parents are responsible for bringing and picking up their children. This means a,total of an additional 64 cars a day will be using the small, one-way round-about road located only 14 feet in frost of our hale, At present about two to four cars generally use the road, these are mainly sueser tourists iho case to look at the view. During the fall and vinter the traffic decreases. The traffic iapact will be about 1.8001 increase to our neighborhood. Activities included in the preschool are singing, dancing, playing musical instruments and sone time will be spent playing outside syringing, riding tricycles etc. The noise level in the lemediate neighborhood can't help but be affected by these activities. Added to the noise level will be the traffic congestion before and after each session, According to the Hose Dr upa#ion Ordinance No. 1 .O . i 5 the activities. should have little i spac t in terms of traffic a generation, noise or other factors affecting the use and enjoysent of properties within the neighborhood, and shall saintain the character o4 the area in which they are located. 17.64.045 No. 9 also 5ta#es noise levels generated shall be consistent with the existing noise levels of the surrounding neighborhood. We believe that banging such a large usiness into a private residential neighborhood would violate all of the above terms of the Home 8ccupation Permit. We have no objection to neighbors working from their homes as long as it doesn't disturb the tran'quillity ve have enjoyed over the years by living in this area of town away from the bossy main streets. The character of the neighborhood is also in jeopardy if the city allows business of this'size cooing into residential areas. This could only set a precedent for future businesses cooing into our neighborhood. Five or six children a day at the Logues home would be reasonable, however a business of 32 children is too large'af an impact. We hoienitners are also concerned'because of the potential economic impact of a business of this type, Obviously our properties will not be as �esira.ble to 'prospective homebuyers granting to live in a quiet residential neighborhood with a views The revenue earned by such -a big business should be enough to alloll Mrs. Logue to operate her school in a suitable baildingg properly zoned, where the impact will not be injurious to the quality of 1,ife of those already luring there. Ve believe she provides an important' service to the community, however it is equally important that me preserve the aesthetic and economic values of our residential neighborhood. We are not alone in opposition to big business moving into this area. Ben and Betty Worford, John and Marily Staples and hildred Erickson have also voiced .their concerns to us. In consideration of the above, .ye urgently ask that the Planning Commission and City. Council review and overrule the administration decision involved and that this application be denied. . Sincerely, Cr I* alm%.. Aaron and Cathie Yon A (jopied to Ouncll 19 Quincy Street i 2�1 3 y t R 1 F i 40 Fort Townsend City Council Port Townsend Pl'anning Commission +*'City Hal ,'_ :. ' - - * R I 'FWashington 1 i • Port 'NTor nsond.+ 98368 r i August 19, �?89 t r i - T , Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, The Hone Occupation Permit recently granted by the Planning Commission t o K'r*i t i n a H. Logue (application No. 8904-01 ) is causing me great concern, I F ave' lived in this neighborood for many' years and would like to see it remain as it always has been, quiet and n residential . . ._.. . ., - It is my understanding that a Home Occupation Permit can only b granted by the PItinning Commission i f there is little impact of traffic, noise and shall maintain the character of the neighborhood. This large preschool would violate all of those conditions. By allowing a busi nems into our neighborhood now will set a precedent for other- people wanting to start more businesses and cause further~ impact r to our resi dont i i nei borrhoad in the future. M ' R I wish to point out that this area is now a number' one residential district, dept cted this way by the surrounding view of the Sound and Port Townsend Bay',+ i n one .grand sweep . This next yeas is proof---the taxes on all b l r_t f -frontage i s $600. 00 ,per foot ! With taxes like • #•* these and in this:-category do not want an encroachment of any big - 1 :,. . business to take ,over now or in the future I am also concerned about -the potential property yvai rtes going down. * : _--.Mah' y ' people who may. be int re st ed in purchasing homes in our ne g bo.rhood may .td c i de against it because of ., the noise and traf f l c -+ :congestion a b si,tress' would cau t"' been so ., eacef ul here on the _ +4 R r •i +' i off and I def i n'atel y WAnt to continue 'to enjoy :1that aspect of our t • r r .. r 'a a i ei.ghb ood _�aI sp �:do.�.hot..r an , to�,s c' ark�i n reale _of .tr .f i -o_ n - � • ► T� ,rF���"�'w �ry� - f*'R • i .,l+'+'► f , s • t Franklin' tneet# Due to y age must a ver c of l i1riving and the . . ewer the cars the better-: Please consider the impact tb i permit ill cause +or forall of us and � F overrule the Planning Commission' s decision by d hying the Lo ues application. Thank You, y 1p Mildred Erickson 7 S>124 + x . k V C'ioty of Part Townsend 4r Port Townsend,Washington 98368 385-3000 . . J To: City Council From: Kevin O'Neill, Assistant Planner Re: Letters received from Aaron and Cathie von Awe and Mildred Erickson concerning Rome Occupation Permit 8904-�01, Kristina Logue Date: August 29, 1989 In -April, 1989, Kristina Logue was issued a home occupation permit to operate a preschool in her proposed residence at' 410 Quincy Street. The residence is currently under construction. In your packets are two letters from adjacent property owners expressing concerns about the permit and asking that you deny the application. As you are 'aware, a home occupation permit is .issued administratively and does not receive review by the City council unless problems arise. The criteria by which a hone occupation permit is evaluated are listed in Section 17. 4 e*045 of the zoning code. After reviewing the application and applicants building plans, staff found that the application was consistent with the F criteria for a home occupation and approved the permit. The preschool would have two sessions, one in the morning and -one in the afternoon, each limited to sixteen children, and operate Wednesday through Friday. The applicant has been operating the preschool at her present residence at 829 Hendricks Street. Section 17.64.045 also contains a review provision for home occupation permits once they have been issued: "After issuance of the persalt, if the public works department/administrative assistant becomes aware. of the home occupation permit being operated in violation of the provisions of the permit, or that the home occupation is causing undue noise, traffic, swell or other objectionable impacts upon the neighbors, upon a written investigation by the public works department/administrative assistant (now assistantp lanner) , the home occupation. all reviewed in a public hearing conducted by the planning commissione" No such investigation has been dome, since the preschool has not yet begun operation at the Quincy Street location 0, Clearly the neighbors are concerned about the preschool and will .be �� 6e d t o ou w Memo to City Council, Logue Hoe occupation Permit August 29, 1989 Page 2 - monitoring whatever impacts may be created 'by the. use. should it become necessary to conduct a hearing on the application, the Planning Commission and Council will review the home occupation and determine whether the permit should be continued, further conditioned to mitigate any impacts, or terminated. Possible conditions which would be considered in that eventuality include further limiting the number of students per session or the hours of operation. i It is hoped that the Logues .and their neighbors can resolve any concerns or differences prior to the beginning of operation of the preschool. If you have any questions about the permit or the home occupation process, please let me knot. Thank you very much. KC cc: -Kristina and David Logue Aaron and Cathie Von Awe Mildred Erickson $ � �r r City of Port Townsend Port Townsend,Washington 98368 385-30M = , L September 6, 1989 Richard S. Symms President Point Hudson Company Inc. PO Box 1323 Issaquah, WA 98027 Re: Conditional Used Application 8907-01 Dear Mr, Symms, Although we still have not received the approval of the Port of Port Townsend, we would Ile to begin the process of considering your application in hopes the Pont Commission will ultimately approve. The City Council has scheduled a meeting -of its Legislative and Environmental Committee to consider an environmental determination based on the Environmental Checklist submitted with the application. The meeting has been scheduled for 6: 30 P , Tuesday, September 19, in the City Council Chambers, at City Hall. As I mentioned during our recent telephone conversation, a variance from Section 17. .03 0 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code will also be necessary. This section provides in -part that t . . . all proposed trailer parks shall abut an anterial street. . . 11 Th e closest arterial street shown 'in the Port 'Townsend Comprehensive Plan is Monroe Street, approximately one block from the proposed RV Park. Enclosed is a copy of Section 17. 44 and a variance application form. As soon as we receive the completed variance application and the City Council has made its environmental determination, both applications will be set for hearing before the Planning Commission. F# Richard S. symm September 6, 1989 Page Pease do not hesitate to ca norr l if you need further t.in. Sincerely, iii cha 1 Director, Planning and Building Department City Council Keith Harper Planning CO=If sion Y Attorney Bill o } e y, Port I ana Julie Bondy, fiI ger Bard Goldsmith, Jefferson Co. Planning and Bldg. Dept.