HomeMy WebLinkAbout122889 Min Ag i PORT TOWN SEND 1 9 , N 9536 � a a •a� J .r Port ' omasend Plauning ' ii osion . CITY OF PORT TOWNSENO *. Minutes of December 2 , 1989 ' r Le Roll Call Chairman Tavernakis called the meeting to order at 7:,35 p.i.m. Other members present were Dols Sherwood, Ron Kosec, Karen Erickson, Alan Carman, Sally ' c o e and Bob Grimm. Also present was Assistant Planner Kevin O'Neill. II., Reading Sand' Approval of Previous ,- inutes . Ms. Sherwood moved to approve the *,minutes o f December .l , 1989. Mr. Carman seconded and the motion carried. unanimously. N III. Communication's None '.I We old Business f Amended Short Plat 90 -0F HaroldGruver ,- f 1. Staff Presentation and Review ' x Mr. " e i l l confirmed that all membe'r' s re ce i v d a copy of letter from' r. Gruver dated Deceibe t 198 9.;,� He thea reviewed the proposed short plat. The -Ra licant proposes a short .subdivision of approximately ,a into three lots,e The proposed short plat is boundedb ,� mots '1-44,, H. 'Pink Is Addition, to the south; Cleveland street ;� c the west, 25th Street to the, north; and Lots 11 3, and , , ;Ware short, Plat, 'to the east. 2. Public Te t i m n ' -a 4 Julie Bondy, representative .for the licant `� stated that she and the applicant concurred wi th ig the i r fted ,cond it i ons. She requested that Mr. Gruver be required to pay only a proportionate i cost for the required Installation of the utilities. �Y r ded that-.the one-way ' • Gruver, applicant, JY portion on Cleveland tre et go from South to- North. `. Mr. Grimm asked 'the applicant to -clarify his recommendation on the one-way traffic flow. t Some d scussion followed over the` access to the proposed short plat ' . f Public Testimony was closed F Commute Report ar an Kosec , 9 Planning Commission--December 28, 1383 Page 2 of 5 . Mr. Carman stated that it might be necessary to supply a turn- around to accommodate traffic that runs up against the one-way portion of the street. He stated that the utility plan was adequate but felt the hydrant might ht better serve the plat if it were centrally located. some discussion followed over possible access plans. Mr. Kosec concurred with Mr. Carman. He stated that he was not in favor of requiring all of Cleveland Street to be a one-way. He was in favor of requiring the northern portion of Cleveland Street to be one-way with a turn around where the one way meets the two way. Some discussion followed over the sharing of the cast of the installation of utilities and the fire hydrant. Mr. Carman stated that if the applicants are able to get neighboring property owners to contribute to costs that would be possible. Some discussion followed over the location of the fire hydrant. Mr, Carman recommended to amend Condition Number faux to not specify the location of the hydrant. The applicant stated that he was concerned over the requirement f a turn around and the direction of the one gay access. Discussion continued over possible access plans. . Findings and Conclusion M . Kosec moved to approve the Findings of Fact and Conclusions s amended. The amendments include: the revision of condition number four to read, "A fire hydrant shall be installed by the applicant in conformance with city specifications and the Uniform m Fixe Code. " ; add condition number nine prohibiting parking on the one -way portion of Cleveland Street adjacent to Lot 1; add condition number teen designating the portion f Cleveland street adjacent to Lot 1 as a one way street running Forth to South; add condition number 11 requiring that traffic flow be reviewed by City Department heads prior to final plat approval. Mr, Carman seconded. Discussion.. Some discussion followed over the requirement of a turnaround. The C m i si n considered the possibility f requiring that the two-way portion of Cleveland Street be graveled to 22 feet. some discussion also ensued concerning a possible L. I .D in the neighborhood. a Planning Commission--December 28j 1989 Page Mr, Kosec i proposed an amendment to his previous motion to add condition number 12 requiring the two-way portion of Cleveland Street to be developed to a minimum standard, gravel, 22-foot road. Mr. Carman suggested that condition number 12 be added requiring the portion of Cleveland Street abutting Lots 2 and 3 to be brought to a 22-foot minimum gravel standard a approved by the City Public Works Director; and that the applicant agree to participate in a future . I.D. Mr, Kosec and Mr. Carman agreed to amend the motioni vote was taken on the amended motion and it carried #1 In favor of approval with DF. Tavernakis dissenting. . Variance 8911-02 , Judith and Kurt Dobs insky 1. staff Presentation and Review Mr. O'Neill stated that the applicants were not present. He stated that Draft A of the Findings of Fact and conclusions recommends the application be denied while Draft B recommends approval. 2. Public Testimony No testimony was taken. , committee Report (Sherwood/Carman) Mr. Carman moved continue the hearing until the next available meeting I. Ms. Erickson seconded and the motion passed unanimously. C, short Plat 8911- , Carlos Quintana Mr. Car man left the room due to a possible conflict in interest, 1 . staff Presentation and Review Mr. O'Neill reviewed the application for a short plat. The applicant proposes a short subdivision of approximately 1 acre into four lots in the vicinity of platted Cherry and L streets. The applicant also requests a variance from the road standards in the subdivision code, Some questions of clarification were asked of staff concerning the vicinity map. 2, Public Testimony t Planning com issl -Deoember 28l 1989 Fe 4 of Duke Rhoades, applicant, stated that the subject area had previously been thought to have been platted. No further testimony was taken. 3 . Committee Report Erickson/Grimm Ms. Erickson stated that the road width variance did not appear to be a problem since it was a private road. She also stated that the fire hydrant location should be stipulated by the fire department. Mr. Grimm concurred, Some discussion followed over the modification of condition number 3 and the location of the fire hydrant. . Commission Recommendation Mr. Grimm moved to approve Short Flat application 8911-03 adopting the Findings of Facts and Conclusions and conditions as t prepared by staff. Ms. Erickson seconded and the motion carried unanimously, VI, New Business A. Lotion to initiate rezone of Lots 1- , Block 20, and Lots 1- and Lot 8, Block 11 , California Addition Mt Grimm moved to initiate the rezone. Ms, Grimm seconded and the motion passed unanimously.. Short Flat 8912- 4 , Glenn Wood scheduled for February 22, 1990 with Erickson/Grimm on committee. C, Street vacation 8912#0 , Robert and Jacqualine Rickard , scheduled for February 22, 1990 with Kosec/McDole on committee. D. Rezone 8912-06, City of Fort Townsend scheduled for February , 1990 with Sherwood/carman on committee. VI, Announcements 11gry4. 1990 Workshop on proposed sign code update Janugr�11 , 19901390 Street vacation 8911- 4 , Arne Willenha Kosec/Sherwood) Conditional Use 8911-0 , Discovery View Associates (IcDole/Carman) i i Planning co=fission-De ember 28, 1989 Page 5 of 5 Conditional Use 8911-06 , James and Linda Dornan (Erickson/Grimm) Draft ordinance relating to binding site plan review February 1990 + Variance 8912-01, Admiral arise Works- Koseo/ oDole Amended Conditional Use 8908-01, Sperry/Little Conditional Use 8912-03, Pamela Bird and Richard Lloyd (Sherwood/Carman)dr . * VII. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. .Darlene Bloof ied Planning Commission Secretary PORT TOW SE D• WASHIN N 98368 Port To send P1 g Commission 4 CITY C3F PORT TOVIID � .F A,C-7 E M D Al (Revised) Business Meeting December 28, 1989 1. ROLL CALL -------------------- 7. 30 P, Iii. . READING AND APPROVAL of MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 3 , COMMUNICATIONS: r . current mall , OD BUSINESS a. PUBLIC HEARING: Amended Short Plat Appl . 8908-0.3,, Harrold Gruver 1. Staff Presentation and Review to V-0 . 2 . Public Testimony 3 , Committee Report - Carman/Losec) WWN�Iv� 4. Findings and Conclusion b. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance Appl, 8911-02, Judith and Kurt Dobink 1. Staff Presentation and Review 2, Public Testimony 3, Committee Report - Sherwood/Carman) 4. Findings and Conclusions C&v w-we� -W kkAv-%� �a lk- . C, PUBLIC HEARING: Short Plat Application 8911# 3 , Carlos Quintana ' 1. Staff Presentation and Review C) , Public Testimony As 3 , Committee Report - (Erickson/Grimm) 4. Commission Recommendation r r r NEW BUSINESS: a. Motion to initiate rezone of Lots 1-8, Block 20 , and Lots 1-6 and Lot 8 , Block 11, California Addition . Short Plat Appl . 8912-04, Glenn mood Schedule Hearing: February-- -2-2_, . 1990 Committee. Erickson&rimm r r.�rrr-+r ■r rte. r r C, Street Vacation Appl , 8912-05, Robert and Jacqualine Rickard Schedule Hearing: February 22 , 1990 Committee: Kos oDole d. Rezone Appl, 8912-0 , City of Port Townsend Schedule Hearing: February�� 199 Committee: SherwoodZCarman 40 F>c7q5 S OAQ 4 6 , ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings: January 4 , 1930 a Workshop on proposed sign code update January 11, 1990 a, Street vacation Apple 8911-04, Arne Willenhag Committee: Kosec/Sherwood . b. Conditional Use. Appl . 8911-05,, Discovery view Associates Committee: NcDcle/Carman C, Conditional Use Appl , 8911-06, James and Linda Dornan I Committee: Erickson/Grim d. Draft ordinance relating to binding site plan review C, 2 _ February , 1990 a* Variance Appl , 8912-01, Admiral. Marine Works Committee: Koc/ oole Amended Conditional Use Appl. 8908-- .1 , Sperry/Little Committee: Carman/Sherwood C, Conditional Use Appl, 8912-03 , Pamela.,Bird and Richard Lloyd Committee. herwood/Carman 4 / , ADJOURN 4 AMM 3 r PORT TOWNSEN09 WA93HI013N 983158 Port Townsend P1 ing Coirminigsion. CITY OF PORT TC3WNS ND %0 City CoMcil�Acton on nggember 1 , 1989 Conditional Use Permit, Sperry-Little Remanded to Planning commission Conditional Use Permit, Cook (Elevated Ice Cream) Approved Variance, Cunningham Denied Final Plat, Bay Vista Condominiums Approved Parking and Loading ord i nark e Continued to January 2, 1990 Schg4mle-d-Sguncil Hearingg.-JgDgary 2j, 1990 Street Vacation, wood Conditional Use Permit, Port of Port Townsend Parking and Loading ordinance Continued DB 12/21/89 or Guest L ist NAME (pease print) ADDRL'SS Do you wish to If yes, indicate present testimony? topic. .�� i YES NO 0/0000 z U o Q- � 13 47Y ,CS)9/rJnto El Cl. 0 El ' D D D D D D D b El Cl D O El D ❑ C7 El . a 1:1 ir d a