HomeMy WebLinkAbout030890 Min Ag Packet .. -• . City sen Planning Commission 540 Water r St., Tort Townsend, WA. 98368 1385-3000 Meeting of larch 8, 1990 1. Roll Call Dr. Tavernak s called the meeting to order T ,r . other members present were Lois Sherwood, Ron Kosec, Karen Erickson, Alan Carman, Sally McDoie and Bob Grimm. Also present was Kevin O'Neill, Planner. .Dr. Tavrnakis announced that, dine to a conflict in interest, M . Erickson would be joining the Commission following the f first item of old business, I. Reading and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting Mr. Kc moved to approve the minutes of February 22 , 1990 . Ms. McDle seconded and all were in favor. III. Communications Ms, Sherwood received the treasurer's report; The Planning Commission received the following items: A letter from Gary Coard withdrawing his application for Conditional use Permit; A letter from Bob Little requesting the application for Conditi Vim. Planning Commission--Mardi 8,, 1990 Page 2 of . O'Neill reviewed the application. The applicants propose to construct a seven-unit hotel building as an expansion of the James Swan Hotel, a tourist motel operated by the applicants. The applicants have previously received three conditional use applications. Ms, McDole asked for clarification of progress made on past conditional use permits, lir. Grimm asked if the application in front of the Commission was complete. Ms. McDole asked the applicant some questions of clarification concerning the site pian. 2. Public Testimony Doug Lamy, applicant, expressed his disapproval of the parking requirements in the draft findings and conclusdons. Richard Symms, Point Hudson Company, stated he had no objections to the project, but stated his concerns for the lack of parking provided on the proposed site plan. Public Testimony was Closed. 3. Committee Report McDole/Grimm) Bob Grimm stated that he would like to see a site plan of the project in its completed form including any other revisions to the site the owners may rake Later, Mr. Grimm also felt the parking plan submitted was inadequate. Nis. McDole stated that the property has improved since the La y's took ownership. She questioned the overall impact of the entire project on the site, She also would lire to see a site plan, elevations and comprehensive parking plan for the long range plan. Ms. McDole stated that she did not have enough information to mare a decision at this time. Ms. McDl mored to continue the hearing to a date specific to allow the applicant time to prepare the requested drawings. Mr. Grimm seconded. Mr. Grimm clarified the need for further information. The Commission would life to see a fall site plan showing all proposed uses, an elevation of total development and a parking plan that meets the requirements of the ordinance. Mr, Kosec asked the applicant for clarification on his parking requirement. Conditional Use, 8912-07, Douglass and Nancy Lamy will be rescheduled for the meeting of March 29, 1990. } Planning Commission--March 8. 1990 Page 3 of The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Erickson joined the commission at this time, Be Rezone 8912-02, Philip Hassrick, e . al . 1 . Staff Presentation and Review Mr. O'Neill reviewed two draft Findings of Fact and Conclusions. The applicant proposes a rezon.6 of Lots 1-8, Block 283 , Eisenbeis Addition, from R-IA to -11 l . Mr, O'Neill reviewed the neighboring zoning. Draft A recommends denial while Draft recommends approval . 26 Public Testimony Stafford Decker, representative of the applicant, stated that reasonable housing is hard to find in Port Townsend and that the applicant's proposal will help to relieve this situation. He stated that the applicant proposes no new structures on the property but has remodeled the existing buildings. Carl Dierich recognized the need for multi-family housing in Port Townsend but also stated that the applicant knew the property was zoned as single family when he remodeled for the tenants, He felt the application should be denied. Katherine Dierich, neighboring property owner, stated that the subject neighborhood is already congested with an increasing number of rental houses. she was opposed to the application. Public Testimony was closed. 3 . Committee Report (Erickson/Sherwood) Ms. Sherwood stated that the proposal i s an encroachment on the -1 zone. she stated the neighborhood has already been substantially encroached upon and some property owners on the proposed block are opposed to thepplication. . Erickson stated that there is a possibility of more apartments. She stated there is a need for aditional' --1I1 zoning but this is not the place, . Sherwood stated that rezoning this property not only opens the area up to multi-fAmily but to other uses as well, Ms, Sherwood mored to recommend Draft A of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions for rezone application 8912-02, Philip Hassrick, recommending denial . Ms, Erickson seconded. Planning Commission--March 8. 1990 Page 4 of Discussion. li . Carman stated that the addition of the proposed rezone would acid to an existing -III zone. He stated that 'it is diff icult to grant a rezone for a project that has already been established where it is non-conforming, Mr. Grimm stated that the proper way to rezone is to identify the proper locations in the city for the R-III zones and have the . city rezone those location. vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. C. Conditional Use 9001-02, Mary Anne and George Nien nen I . staff Presentation and Review . O'Neill reviewed the application. The applicant proposes t establish a one-unit motel on the second floor" of ars existing building located at 918 Washington. The subject property is currently a legal non-conforming use as residential, . Public Testimony Mary Anne I leminen, applicant, stated that there is a meed for transient rentals. Committee Report Kosec her rood) Mr. Kosec asked Mr. O'Neill for clarification concerning the existing non-conformity of the apartment. Ms. Sherwood asked for clarification on the needs of the applicants and the need for a conditional use permit. Mr. O'Neill stated that the project most closely fits the definition f a "motel" , and a motel is allowed by conditional use only. Mr. George Nieminn stated his concerns over losing the grandfathered rights of the apartment. Keith Harper, city Attorney, joined the meeting at this time. Mr. O'Neill asked Mr. Harper to clarify the issue of whether or not the existing dwelling was a legal, noon-conforming use. Mr. Harper stated that it was. 4 Mr. Ko s e c meed to approve Conditional Use 9001-02 . s. Sherwood seconded. Ms. Erickson stated that after the motel is in existence for• 141 Planning Commission--March 8, 1990 Page 5 of months it may not return to an apartment. The motion passed unanimously. D. Draft Ordinance relating to binding site plan review (Continued from February 8 , 1990 Mr, Harper presented the third draft of thebinding site plan. The draft proposed that a general binding site pian first be approved by the City and then when the developer began preparing to develop the individual lots certificates of segregation would e required. The Commission agreed that some revisions should be made to the draft. The City Attorney will draft the final ordinance for the March 29, 1990 meeting, New Business A. Street Vacation, 9002-0 , Lisa Enarson and Randy Kr• xberger was scheduled for May 10, 1990 with Carman/Erickson on committee. B. Variance, 9003-01 , Marcella Younce was scheduled for May 10, 1990 with Grimm/Ko en on committee. VI. Announcements Ms. McDoie announced that she. will not be present for the Sign Code Workshops. Mr. O'Neill distributed copies of the revised sign code updates. Jim Tavern kis announced that he will not be able to attend the meeting of April 12, 1990, Mr. 'Neill announced that officer changes take place in the second meeting of March. There was some discussion concerning nominations for officers. Officers were recommended and approved by the: commissioners. Ron Kosec, President, Bob Grimm, vice President and Lois Sherwood Treasurer. Text Scheduled Meetings: March 1 , 1990 Sign Code Workshop Ngrch 22., 1990 1. Conditional Use, 8912- 7 , Douglass and Nancy Lamy Planning Commission-March 8, 1990 Page 6 of (McDole/Grimm) 2. Final Short Plat, Harold Gruver 3 , Final Short Plat, Q.E.D. Builders Apr i ... 129.0 Variance, 9001- 7, Dennis and Paulette O'Rourke (McDole/Sherwood) Conditional Use, 9002-01, Dennis and Paulette O'Rourke (Sherwood/Kosec) . 3 * Street Vacation, 9001-08, H. Donald Bliss (Carman/Erickson) Anril . 2Q 11 Short Plat, 8912-04, Glen Wood (Erickson/Grimm) 2, Rezone, 8912-a-06 , Conditional Use, 9001-03 , City of Port Townsend (Erickson/Carman) 3 . Conditional Use, 9002-02 , Doug and Meg Mason (Grimm/cosec Conditional Use, 9002-03 , Jefferson General Hospital (McDole/Sherwood) 1 . Street Vacation, 9002-0 , Lisa Enarson and Randy Kraxerger (Carman/Erickson) 2 . Variance, 9003-01, Marcella Y un a (Grimm Kosec Amended Conditional Use, 8908-01, Sperry/Little (Carman/Sherwood) The meeting was adjourned at 10:05. Darlene Bloomfield Planning Commission Secretary { - Townsend Job IF Planning Commission o Water St., Port Townsend, NA7A 98368 206/385-3000 _+ , (Revised) Business Meeting March 8 ,, 1990 1 - ROLL CALL ----------------------- ------ o iii, 2 . READING AND APPROVAL OF MINIJTES FROM PREVIOUS TI 3 . COMMUNICATIONS: a. current mail 4 . OLD BUSINESS: a, PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Appy_, 8912-07 , Douglass and Nancy Lamy l . Staff Presentation and Review . Public Testimony I 3 . Committee Report I c ole Grimm 4T,:�Findings and Conclusions b, PUBLIC NEARING: Rezone Appl . 8312-02 , Philip Hassrick, et. al . wka� 11 Staff Presentation and Review � rv� 2 . Public Fest-. on r 3 . Committee Report (Erickson/Sherwood . Findings arra Conclusions C, PUBLIC Rf :, Con itiona1'U e ►ppl . 90' 01-02 ., parr Arne and George Nieminen 1 . Staff Presentation' and Review 2 . Public Testimony Committee Report - (Kosec Sherwood 4 . Findings and Conclusions d. Draft ordinance gelating 4o binding site plan review (Continued ued frox February 8 , 1990) r i WNESS: a . Street Vacation C pl, 9002-04 , Lisa Enarson andRandy raxrr Schedule Hearing: _ May 10 , 1990 ..._ ..� committee: CarmanZ, Erickson . Variance Appl . 9003-01 , Marcella 'bounce Schedule HearingO, Ma Y .1. o ' Committee: GriLimZKggec, . ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled retic March 1 , 1990 a, Workshop on draft update to the sign code March 29 , 1990 a, Amend Conditional Use App �. 8908-01 , Sperry/Little (Request t0.QQStj2QnPo a 10 . 199 Committee * Carman/Sherwood b, Condi iona . Use Appl . 9001-05, Garr Coate { ' at i oma_ x..�Lthd rawn).-,, Committee: Carman/Erickson t ` C, Variance Appl . 9001-06 , Richard Sheffer. Committee. rickson Ko e Apr i ' 1 , 1990 a., Variance Application 9001-0 , Dennis and Paulette O'Rourke Commit e : is ole Sherwood h. Conditional Use Appy. . 9002-01 , Dennis and Paulette O'Rourke Committee: Sherwood/Kose Street Vacation Appl. 9001-08 , nal lis r y kf Committee: Carman/Erickson April 2 ', 1990 - a . Short Plat Appl . 891204 , Glen Wood Committee: `io o / ri ra i Rezone Apel • 8912-06, Conditional e Ap l • 9001-03 iter of Port Townsend Committee. Erickson/Carman Conditional Use Appy. . 9002-02 , Doug and Meg Mason Committee: rimm/Koseo d. Conditional Use Appl . 9002-03 , Jefferson General Hospital Committee: McDo l e Sher oed 7 . ADJOURN } 3 Guest List 3Ig/Cfo Do you wish to If yes, indicate . . AME Iplease Print) ADDRCSS present lestirnony? topic.. YES NO � Cl a ssp/e-k' R e.) n 3 r Cl O . a000.0, 04(4 � l a a . a a a a a Cl a a D ❑ a a 0 0 D D a a D D . 0 0