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City of Port Townsend
Pla n n9
and Building Depagent
540 Water Street, Port Townsend,WA 98365 206!385-3000 � ��►
Meeting of March 29, 1990
1, Roll Cali. r
Chairman Kosec called the meeting to order at 7: 35 p.m. Other
members present were Lois Sherwood, Karen Erickson, Sally McDole
and Alan Carman. Also present was Kevin O'Neill, Planner and
Keith Harper, City Attorney., `
II, Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
Mr, Carman moved to approve the minutes of the, March 8, 1990
meeting as distributed. Ms, McDole seconded and all were in
III , Communc ation
Mr, OfNeill distributed an update of City Council actions
regarding land use oases.
Ve old Business
Conditional Use 8912-07, Douglass and Nancy Lamy Continued
from March 8, 1990)
Ms. Erickson left the meeting due to a conflict of interest,
Mr, OfNeill distributed a letter to the Commission from the
applicant, The letter requested that the hearing be postponed.
Ms, McDole mored to continue the hearing to the May 31 , 1990
meeting, Mr. Carman seconded and all were in favor.
Mr. Taverna} is joined the Commission at this time. Ms, Erickson
returned t the meeting.
Draft ordinance relating to binding site plan review
Mr. -.Harper reviewed the changes made to the last draft of the
binding site plan.
Mr, O'Neill started that Bill Toskey had relayed some concerns to r
panning department: Mr, Toskey felt the schedule of
improvements were very agreeable. He felt there may be a
contradiction between the schedule of imp �ove ennts and the time
Planning Commission--March 29, 1990
Page 2 of
line on the performance bond.
Mr, Harper stated that the performance bond and the schedule of
improvements do not conflict or contradict. Instead the
developer can choose one option or the other.
Mr. Harper suggested changes to the ordinance. "The applicant
with approval of the City Council may request and post
performance bond. Within a stated period as determined and
approved by the City Council -" The Commission agreed to the
Mr, OtNeill stated that Mr. Toskey also was concerned about the
screening requirements. Mr. O'Neill suggested a change to the
draft to provide screening to "all adjoining and abutting
properties" , Mr. Harper suggested that the option of screening
e left to the discretion of the City Council.
The Commission agreed with the changes.
Mr, Carman moved to recommend approval of the draft ordinance of
the binding site pian. Ms, McDole. seconded and all were in
C. Darold Gruver Final Plat
Mr, O'Neill distributed copies of the f .nal. Gruver Short Plat and
memo from Ted Str ickl in, Public Works Director, concerning the
Plat, Mr.. o'Neill reviewed the final plat and findings and
Mr, Carman stated that the final plat checklist is not available
to give to developers.
Mr. Carman stated the Gruver final, plat complies to the
conditions recommended and moved to approve. Ms. Sherwood
seconded. All were in favor.
D. Q,EaDe Builders Final Plat
Mr, Carman left the room due to a conflict in interest.
Mr. O'Neill distributed a mento from Ted Stricklin, Public Works
Director-, concerning the Q.E.D. short plat; Findings and
Conclusions for the final plat; and a copy of the final short
plat and attachment which includes the drainage plan. mr,
O'Neill reviewed the Final Plat. The storm drain plan must b
approved by the Public Works Director prior to the Councils
Ids. McDole asked for clarification as to why a drainage plan was
Planning Commission--March , 1990
Pace 3 of
required. Mr. O'Neill stated that this requirement was placed on
the prelimi
Citillilly of Port Townsend
Planning Commission -} rt
540 later St., Fort Townsend, WAS 98368 20613$5-3000
Business Meeting Ma d 29, 1990
1 . ROLL CALL -----l----i-----
--ii----i---- 7 : 30
a. current mail
a. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Apple -8912- , Douglass and
Nancy Lanny (Continued from Mardi 8 , 1 9
1. Staff Review
2 , Public Testimony
. Committee Report - McDole/Carman
Findings and Conclusions
Draft ordinance relating to binding site plan review
(Continued from March 8 , 19 90)
C, Final Plat, Harold Gruver
d, Final Plat, QED Builders
Next Scheduled Meetings:
April 12, 1990
a, Variance Application 9001-07, Dennis and Paulette O'Rourke
Committee: McD 1 e
b. Conditional Use Appl. 9002-01 I-Dennis and Paulette O'Rourke
At L Z:�O L(E/ EW I C tc S 0 ej
Committee: S i
C, Street Vacation Apps . 9001-08f H. Donald Bliss
Committee: Carman/Erickson
April 2 , 1990
. Short Plat Apps , 8912-- , Glen Wood +
Committee: Erickson/GriMM
b. Rezone Appl, 8912-06, - Conditional U e Apple 9001-,-031 City
of Port Townsend
Committee:: , Erickson Car an
CIS Conditional Use Appl , 9002-02 , Doug and ' Mason
Committee: Grimm / a rernaki •
d. Conditional Use Apps , 9002-03., Jefferson General Hospital
Committee: cDole/Sherwood
May 10, 1990
a. Street Vacation Appl , 9002-0 , Lisa Enarson and Randy
Committee: Carman/ Erickson..
b. Variance Appy. . 9003-01 , Marcella ella 'ounc
Committee: Grimm/ a e -nakis
o. Amended Conditional Use Appl , 8908-01 , Sperry/Little
Committee: _. Carman/Sherwood
i +
Port Townsend
Planning and Building
540 Water Strut., Port Townsend.,WA 98368 2061385-3WO
To : lanni Commission
From: Kevin C`fi e; l l , Planner
Re: City Council Update
Date: March 29, 1990
At the City Council meeting on March 20 , 190 , 'the Council took
the following actions regarding' land use oases
Conditional Use A pl . 8910-03 , Port of Port Townsend-
Next Council Meeting: April 3 , 1990
Street vacation A pl , 8912-05, Rickard
Rezone Ap 1 . 8912-02 , as ric
Conditional Use Appl. 9001-02, I ieminin
oy G est List
r Do you wish 1a � If yes, indicate
NAME (please Printl ADD�L=SS present 1estlmony7 topic.
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CI'pty of Port Townsent
Planning Commission
= +
540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 2061385.3000 •"
A G; IE Iq D 0
(Proposed) aCON\
or} hop Meeting March 27 , 1390
Roll Call i ii..i.i i. .i.!i i i i i i..i 7 : 30
II , Communications
A. Current mail
'III , old Business: Draft ordinance updating the sign code,
A. forr D* St 1 Des ' Reviewon-,aigns
1 . Staff Presentation and Review
a, All signs reviewed by IUPC
b. Any sign larger that 12 SF reviewed by IUPC
co Signs reviewed by IUPC only if the total sign
area is over 24 SP
d. No design review of signs
2. Public Comment
Comment Period Closed
4 , Commission Discussion
Commission's Tentative Decision
B, Monument sLcmg. in Gatewaye ; other freestanding
signs (pole signs, sandwichboard signs) prohibited
(pp, 24-25, Draft 2 s
1 . Staff Presentation and Review
Public Comment
Comment Period Closed
4 . ' Commission Discussion
Commission's Tentative Decision
C. o n or 'n g sians p- 4 - 1 Draft 2 .
1 • Staff Presentation and Review
a. Perpetual "grandfathering" of nonconforming
b, Time certain amortization schedule for
C, Formula for amortizing nonconforming signs
Combined amortization schedule; time certain
schedule followed, but formula applied to
request for extension
Public Comment
Comment Period Closed
` '. Commission Discussion
.• o missionts entative Decision
D. Consider amendments to text of staff draft revised t
reflect tentative decisions made on four policy fissures.
IV. Next meeting: Thursday, March i 2 , PM
V. Adjourn