HomeMy WebLinkAbout041290 Min Ag Packet i Y6' 0 CIO_' '__ToPort Townse ty Planning Commission 540 Water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385,3000 r Meeting of April 12, 1990 I . Roll C 11 Mr, Kosec called the meeting to order at 7: 30. Other members present were Karen Erickson, Sally Mc ole and Alan Carman. Also present was Kevin � eill, planner. lI. Reading and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings Ms. Erickson moved to approve the minutes from the workshop meeting of March 21 , 1990 and the regular meeting of March 29, 1990. Ms. I cDole seconded and all were in favor. III. Communications The commission received a listing of recent city Council Actions on land-use related business. The commission received a memo from Mr. O'Neill outlining SEPA x procedures. the ommission received a handout regarding a Earthquakes and Historic Buildings r rk hop to be held May 5. 1990 by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. IV, old Business Aa Street vacation 8911-0'41 Arae Wi l lenha (Continued from January 11 , 1990) Ms. Mcle left the room for appearance of fairness. 1. Staff Review Mr. O'Neill reviewed the application. Draft A recommends denial, Draft B recommends approval, The application was not amended since the Commission's last review. The applicant proposes t vacate the portion of 33rd Street from Haines Street east to McNeill Street. Mr. Willenhag, applicant, stated that he would like the street vacation to be granted. Bjorae Lunde stated that he is in favor of the street vacation. He stated that he owns land in the neighborhood and hopes to develop, He stated that the application supports the project that he will be proposing. r 0 Planning commission Meeting -- April 12, 1990 Page 2 of Tinker Cavailaro, a neighboring property owner, stated that she was in favor of the vacation. Joshua sage stated that having the brand taken care of by the City may not accomplish the long run affect desired. He stated that the applicant's idea is to have the strut -remain as open space and possibly a pedestrian way* He stated his fear that if the City owned the land it could possibly be developed as a street at some later date. Mr. O'Neill stated that many of the department heads recommended against the vacation basing their evaluation on the possible future use of the roads, Mr. Lunde stated that by adopting Draft ,` recommending approval of the street vacation, and requiring a 15-foot easement the department heads' needs would be met. Mr. Carman stated that placing a condition on the street vacation requiring a 15-foot easement and the department head's review may address the concerns of the department heads. Ms. Erickson stated that it was her understanding that the street 10 vacation had previously been continued so the ,applicants would have time to consult with the Park's Department and develop plan. Some discussion followed over the possibility of granting the vacation. Ms. Erickson stated that she could not agree with the vacation with the department heads recommending against it. Ms. Erickson stated that the Commission relies heavily on the expertise of the department heads. . Erickson moved to ipprove Draft A recommending denial of the street vacation. Mr. Carman seconded. Discussion: Mr, Carman stated that the department heads may have based thein recommendations on the future use of the road, He stated that their needs for future use of the read may be net by requiring 1 -foot easement. Ms. Erickson referred to Mr. Lunde's proposed project. she stated that it is diff icult to base a decision on the future use of the road on a proposed project that may be developed in the area in the future. r 4W Planning commission Meeting April 12, 199 t Page 3 of Mr. carman stated that it is possible to send the application back to the department heads to review the suggested revisions. He suggested that the department heads reriew ..Draft B with the revision of requiring a 15-foot easement to provide for use by pedestrians, equestrians and utilities and emergency services. The motion and the second were withdrawn. Mr. Carman moved to refer the application back to the department heads with the amended conditions. The department heads will review and the hearing will be continued to a .,date specific. The hearing was continued to May 31 1990. Ms. Erickson seconded. All were in favor. Ms. McDole returned to the room. B. variance 9001-071 Dennis and Paulette O'Rourke 1 . staff Review Mr. O'Neill distributed a letter from neighboring property owners, Richard and Lucile shel, dated April 6, 1990. The letter stated their support for the variance and the conditional application. Mr. O'Neill also distributed some photographs of the subject site. Mr. O'Neill reviewed the variance application. The applicants propose an expansion to an existing single-family dwelling located at 411 Fillmore Street. The proposal is to extend a non- conforming setback. 2. Public Testimony Dennis O'Rourke, applicant, stated that addition would be used a part of the applicant's residents. Mr , O'Rourke described the proposal in detail. 3 . Committee Report Ms. McDole asked some questions of clarification. Some discussion followed over the requirement for fire separation between buildings. Ms. Erickson stated that she could see no problems with the application. Ms. McDole moved to recommend approval of the variance and adopt Findings of Fact and Conclusions as drafted. Ms, Erickson seconded and the motion passed unanimously. C. conditional Use 9002-0 , Dennis and Paulette O'Rourke NI -0 Planning Commission Meeti Manning Commission Meeting -- April 12, 1390 Page 5 of application. Mr. Carman stated that the matter of the trade-off in rade- in cost for the appraised land would have to be addressed by the City Attorney. Mr. Carman moved to recommend approval of the street vacation. Ms. Erickson seconded and all were in favor. V. New Business a, Conditional Use 9004-01, Paul. and Gail Greenhalgh was scheduled for May 1 , 1990 (Erickson/Sherwood) Variance 9004-02 , Bertram Levy was scheduled far May 31, 1990 Tavernakis/Carman) C* Conditional Use, 9004-03 , Bjorn and Gunda' Lunde was scheduled for May 31, 1990 (Erickson/Grimm) . 1, Announcements Mr. O'Neill distributed a letter relating to the Sperry/Little application. With the Planning Commission's approval the letter will be sent to the applicants. The Planning Commission felt the letter was appropriate. The letter will be sent, Mr, O'Neill distributed packets for the next two Planning Commission meetings. Ms, McDole stated that if department heads have a problem with an application that they should come to the meeting to present their position. some discussion followed. The Commission requested that department heads include a complete explanation of their recommendations on future applications* . oril 2 , 1990 . Short Plat 8912-04 , Glen Woad Erickson/Grimm) , Conditional Use 9002-02 , Doug and Meg Mason (Grimm/Tavernakis) ce Conditional Use 9002-03 , Jefferson General Hospital (McDole/Sherwood) My 1 a. Street vacation 9002- , Lisa Enarson and Randy Iraxberger (Carman/Erickson) b. variance 3003-01, Marcella Younce (Grimm/Tavernakis) C, Amended Conditional Use 8908-01, Sperry/Little (Cannan/Sherwood) d, Conditional Use 9004-01, Paul and Gail Greenhalgh (Erickson/Sherwood) • Planning Commission Meeting -- April 12, 1990 Page 6 of 6 s May 310 1290 a. Street Vacation 8911-04, Arae Willenhag be Conditional Use 8912-08, Douglass and Nancy Lamy (McDole/Carman) , variance 9004-02, Bertram Levy Tavernali /Carman) d. Conditional Use 9004-03, Bjorn and Lunda Lunde (Erickson/Grimm) Ms. Mc ole will not attend the May 10, 1990 meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 15, Darlene Bloomfield Planning Commission secretary C/P)4AT7CW 1 S F � Enaron 1541 29th S . Port Townsend , WA 98368 Mr. Kevin O ' Neill City Planning Department City Hal l 540 Water St . Port Townsend , WA 98368 April 11 , 1990 Dear Nix'. OINOill , This letter is to confirm our conversation on Tuesday, April 9 . I asked you to withdraw our street vacation request for Hancock Street between Hastings and 2.9th streets . I am doing so reluctantly but it does seem a waste of the planning commission ' s time to proceed given the fact that the city street department head Mr . Strickland and the fi s Washffigton I*e ice of Archaeologyand --Istori'c Preservation Department of Community Development i Amual Conference I- -d May1990 Port Townsend Washington Sha ng LL rt. in Our Boots. '• Earthquakes "How Historic Buildings Behave During Quakes and Seismic Reinforcement Technologies" Barry onouye and Andy vanags, staff, Dept. of Architecture, university of Washington, Seattle. "Revising the Building Code" Todd Perabix Building Code Council Architects Putti, Parr , & Clark; Seattle. 11 ities o Retrofitting" any Desner and Scott Baker, Developers,. DESKOBA Inc., Olympia. "Planning for the Big one: Lessons Learned from the California Quake" John Merritt, Director, California Preservation Foundation, Oakland, California. Location: Jefferson County Courthouse, Jefferson and Cass Streets, Port Townsend, WA. Time: 9 am. to 4 p.m. May 5, 1990 A di* n e: Local government preservation program staff and commission members, preservation consultants, and interested public. Registration: Pre-registration by phone requl*red. space limited. Staff and commission mer bers have priority however every effort will be made to accommodate.those desiring to attend. Fee: $10.00 (payable at the door)--consultants, walk-ins, and interested public. No change to pre- registered local government preservation staff and commission members. Contact: For information and pre-registration, Kay Austin, 20 53-9109. r+ 1 a City of Port Thownsend Planning d BuBding Depa ent Z. 540 Mater Street, Port Tow=nd,STA 98368 20&38.5-3000 To: Planning Commission ion From: Kevin O'Neill, Planner Re: City Council Update . r Date: April 12, 1990 At the City Council meeting on April 3 , 1990, the Council took the following actions regarding land use cases: Street Vacation Apple 89122-0 , Rickard--Approved Rezone Appl , 8912-0 , Nassrick--Denied Conditional. Use Appl. 9001-02, Nie inin--Approved Final Plat, HaroldGruver--Approved Next Council Meeting: April 1 , 1990 Final Plat, Carlos Quintana Ko 1 1 City Townsend Planning d Buildmg 540 Water Street, Port Townsend,WA 98368 206!385-3000 To: City Council, Planning Commission, Staff From: Kevin C"Ieill , Planner Re: SEPA Procedures r Date: April 1 , 1990 As you are aware, I have been the staff person most responsible for helping to coordinate the Cityfs review of projects pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act SEA . As such, 1 have spent much time over the past couple of years reviewing the SEPA rules (Washington Administrative Code 197-11 and speaking with staff from the Washington State Department of Ecology, Therefore, I feel that it would be appropriate for me to outline and clarify SPA procedures which should be undertaken when making a threshold determination on a proposed project. Io ACTIONS The environmental review process u'nder SEPA generally begins when someone. submits a permit application to the City, or when the City or some other agency initiates some activity, plan, ordinance, or regulation. These activities are considered "actions" under SEPA see WAC 197-11-704) . Actions fall within one of two categories: "project" and "nonpro ect" . ErgiectAct i project action involves an agency decision on a specific construction project which will modify the environment, or the lease or transfer of natural resources. An agency decision in the City's case would include a building permit, a land use application, a grading permit--any project on which the City is issuing some kind of permit or approval . A project action requires SEPA review Mnlgaa the scope of the proposal falls within the categorical exemption levels listed in WAC 19 -w-11-800. To be exempt, the proposed project action must be smaller than or equal to the following . the construction or location of any residential }. structures of four dwelling units; b. the construction of a barn or similar agricultural structure dovering 10,000 square feet, to be used only by the property owner c. the construction+ of an school, commercial, service, or wok w ' Fb y { } " 1 a SPA Procedures April 10 , 1990 Page 2 f storage building with 4,000 square feet of gross floor area, and with parking facilities designed for 20 automobiles; d. the construction of a parking lot designed for 20 automobiles; or e• any landfill or excavation of 100 cubic„ yards. The S PA rules also list a number of actions classified as "minor new construction" which are exempt from SEPA review., These are listed in Attachment A. The City has the authority to raise these exemption levels if it chooses to do s (WAC 19' -11- 0lc - Project actions are not exempt when the proposed project is located in an environmentally sensitive area. Environientally sensitive areas in Pont Townsend are designated in the Comprehensive Plan and Section 19.04 . 160 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code see Attachment Any action thich takes place in a designated environmentally sensitive area must be reviewed under SPA. H ,p oie goip: Ionproject actions involve agency decisions on policies, plans, and programs. Ionproect actions subject t SPA review include: a. the adoption or amendment bf ordinnces: that contain standards controlling the use or modification of the environment; . the adoption or amendment of comprehensive land usep lans or zoning ordinances; c. the adoption of any policy or program that will govern the development of a series of connected actions see WAC 197-11-060) ; d. the creation of a district or annexations to the City; el capital. budgets; and f: road, street, and highway plans. These nonproject actions require the preparation of ars r environmental checkl-ist and review under S PA. Furthermore, nonpro ect actions also require that supplemental checklist form be completed and attached to the checklist (see Attachment C . EPA Procedures April 10 , 1990 Page 3 , II. THRESHOLD DETERMINATIONS If 'a proposed project is not categori EPA Procedures April 10, 1990 Page A, When is the fifteen-day comment period necessary? WAC 197-o ].-3 o(2) (a) states that an agency shall not act upon a proposal for fifteen days after the date of issuance f a DAIS if the proposal involves any of the following: (i) Another agency with jurisdiction, defined as an agency with authority to approve, veto, or finance all or part of a nonexempt proposal . For example, the Department of Ecology would be an agency with . juri SEPA Procedures April 10 , 1990 Page (5) Placing notices in appropriate regional or trade journals; and/or (6) Publishing notice in agency newsletters. There is no process for undertaking public notice when required currently outlined in Title 19 . Currently, all DDSs which require notice are sent to the Port Townsend LEADER, The City may wish to consider expanding its process for notice of SEPA determinations, or clarifying the process formally in Title 19. C. Response to Comments Any person or affected tribe or agency can submit comments to the City within fifteen days of the date of issuance of a DNS, SEPA rules are somewhat vague, however, on how the i responsible official should act upon these comments, The Council should consider the comments and decide whether the DNS should be modified or withdrawn based on the comments o new informati S PA Procedures April lo , 1990 Page handbook Provides a good deal of helpful information and is also available at City Hall, However, the handbook4should be used for information purposes only. if a technical or procedural question arises, the SPA rules should be referenced, not the handbook. Finally, there are two staff people at the Department of Ecology, Barbara Ritchie and Don Bales, who can provide -information and clarification on S PA procedures. l have called both of them frequently over the past two years and have found them to be extremely helpful. Their phone number is 206 459-60256 Ko � F ATTACHMENT A EXEMPTIONS FROM SEA REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FILING OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST The following minor construction activities, except for construction wholly or partly on lands covered by water: - The construction or location of any residential structure of less than four dwelling units. The construction of an agricultural structure less than 10,000 square fe t in size. The constructi ATTACHMENT B ARTICLE V. ENVIRONM.ENiLTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS ESQ l9 o 04 .160 Defined. "Environmentally sensitive areasel (ESA) are those areas that are designated and ma city that rr�a � c_ ped b� the e severe limitations to development or where development could severely impact the area. The i rclude areas that exhibitondin highly compressible s� Ie soils, un- stable and steep slopes, former and/or active landslides, flood hazard zones, critical wildlife habitats, and signifi- cant marshes, wetlands, and historical areas . These are designated on maps filed in the Port Townsend City Hall. These raps include sub-area characteristic maps , the { ton State a. p � Washing- ton Atlas and the Flood Insurance Rate Maps FIRM and are adopted by reference, ESA's are identified where the following conditions exist: Site Condition Map Source Slopes 15 greater City p comprehensive lan Within 100 feet of an' Coastal "one atlas unstable percent or old slide area Highly compressible sods Sub-area. ma p Ponding area Sub-area, ma ps 100-year-flood hazard area Flood Insurance Rate Neap (FIRM) Marsh or wetland area Sub-area maps . FIRM ria Critical wildlife and Sud area maps and coastal marine habitat zone atlas • i rational historic district National ,Trust for Historical Districts Preservation., Ord, 2005 S6 ,100 1984) . 147-112 Port Townsend 3/85) 19 , 4 .170 19 -04 .170 Environmental sensitive area goals and Policies, The following goals and policies shall, apply to all nonexempt proposals located within ESA areas, Project approval shall evaluated against these goals and policies , a well i those listed n Section 19 .04 . 240 . A. Goals , 1 . To protect life and property from flooding, uneven settlement, landslides, erosion, and other disrup- tions that may be associated with environmentally sensitive areas; To recognize the unique natural constraints and characteristics of sensitive areas and to maintain or en- hance the quality of such areas; . . To avoid needless public and private costs from actions within environmentally sensitive areas resulting in negative impacts such as damage to life and property; welfare.f are.4 . To promote pubs,is health, safety, and genera. • B. Policies. In addition to the cltl policies identl' fief, in Section 19 - 04 . 240 , all nonexempt projects cts located within an shat. � l be reviewed for compliance with the following policies : 1 . Proposed actions within environmentally ensl- tive areas should be managed according to the severity of natural characteristics and constraints; Property owners, prospective property owners, and the general public should be informed about thepoten- tial hazards in environmentally sensitive areas; . The existing vegetative cover should be main- tained on all project sites to the greatest extent feasible. Where removal of vegetation is necessary, a reasonable effort should be rade to replant vegetative cover, stabilize the soil, and prevent erosion; 4 . Site restoration should be provided if land sur- face modifications violate these adaptedpolicies or if con- struction does not ensue within a reasonable period of time; 5 . All possible efforts should be made to ensure that land surface modifications would not induce excessive erosion, destabilize adjacent lands, or scar the landscape; 6. The use of cluster design, proper 'Surface water drainage, and other mitigative techniques should be used in an effort to avoid unsuitable lands and minimize hazards to life and property: 7 . The watershed boundaries of publicly owned water supply systems and significant marsh and wetland areas should not be . subjected to potential pollution sources; 8 . The modification of marsh and wetland areas should be avoided; . Significant wildlife habitats designated as en- vironmentally sensitive areas should be protected from de- leterious effects of proposed actions ; 147-11 (Port Townsend 3/85) 146 4 .180--19 .04 .200 10 . Special consideration for project design shout be given in areas of ponding, highly compressible sible soils or steep slopes; 11 . In areas of former or active landslides and along slopes determined to be unstable no land modification or related activities should occur without a , favorable geologic investigation demonstrating that hazardous conditions do not exist or that mitigative techniques can be used to en- sure safety to life and property. The geologic investigation should be prepared by a qualified soils engineer or engineer- ing geologist. (Ord, 2005 §6 ,20 ,. 1984) e 19 .04 .180 Environmental) sensitive area determination. A. The responsible official shall determine whether a pro ` poral is located in an ESA using the maps cited in Section 19.04 .l o Site-specific information concerning soils , geology, hydrology, and other relevant data may be required of the applicant in making the determination. The applicant shall e responsible for the accuracy and vali ATTACHMENT SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS This column reserved far agency evaluation: Proposal : 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of no i e Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: " r How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible under study for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, loodplains, prime farmlands Proposed measures to protect such resources of to avoid or reduce impacts are: 51 How would the proposal be likely to affect lana and shoreline use,' including whether it would allow or encourage lana or shoreline uses which are incompatible with existing plans . Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land impacts are t Supplemental Sheet, page How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand are 7 . Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. 5 i ■ F • SEPA PROCESS FROM SEPA RULES-P CHAPTER 197-11; NUMBERS LISTED REFER TO WAC'-SECTIONS PERMIT APPLICATION RECEIVED; PLAN OR REGULATION DEVELOPED 055 M4 INFORMATION INCOMPLETE; RETURN REVIEW FOR COMPLETENESS TO APPLICANT FOR COMPLETION AND EXEMPTION TO S P PROSECT EXEMPT; SEPA SATISFIED 060 305 80 NOT LEAD AGENCY; 5END COPY OF APPLICATION TO LEAD AGENCY DETERMINE LEAD AGENCY WITH OOVEI LETTER 050 060 1 924 LEAD AGENCY; APPLICANT COMPLETES ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST WITH/WITHOUT AGENCY ASSISTANCE 315 EVALUATE CHECKLIST IF RESPONSE T "REQUEST FOR EARLY 100 330 335 NOTICE" INDICATES SIGNIFICANT DETERMINATION POSSIBLE, APPLICANT MAY ALTER PROPOSAL TO ADD .MITIGATING MEASURES IF REQUESTED, RESPOND TO TO REi1EST FDP, EARLY NOTICE 150 MAKE THRESHOLD DETERMINATION 460 080 310 O IF THERE ARE PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT IF THERE ARE NO PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACTS ADVERSE IMPACTS, I S5UE DETERMINATION 360 OF NONSIGNIFICANCE ISSUE DETERMINATION of SIGNIFICANCE/SCOPING NOTICE PROPOSAL DOES NOT I NVOLVE� PROPOSAL DOES INVOLVE ANOTHER AGENCY WITH ANOTHER AGENCY WITH .JURISDICTION$ "MITIGATED". JURISDICTION$ '11ITIGATED" DNS OR A DNS ISSUED AFTER DNS, OR A DMS ISSUED CIRCULATE D !SCOPING NOTICE; DS WITHDRAWN AFTER DS WITHDRAWN GIVE "PUBLIC NOTICE" (ALLOW 340 It I PREPARE DRAFT EIS I 1 DAYS FOR WRITTEN COMMENT; FOR EXPANDED SCOPING ALLOYS UP TO 30 DAYS) 4i- _AZ7�4ZO-44 360 4Ud 410 UIV 340 AGENCY DEC 191 I Ohl CIRCULATE D115 FOR 15 DAY COMMENT PERIOD ( ) SEND COPY OF DIES TO DISTRIBUTE DE1S FOR 30 DAY COMMENT ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL PERIOD; "PUBLIC NOTICE" REQUIRED REVIEW GIVE "PUBLIC NOTICE" A 1 340 SPECIFIED IN PROCEDURES ` REVIEW, EVALUATE, RESPOND TO RECEIVE, EVALUATE COMMENTS - DE I S COMMENTS; PREPARE FINAL E I S 560 DISTRIBUTE FEIS WITHDRAW MODIFY RETAIN DNS DNS DNS WAIT 7 DAYS . O START AGENCY AGENCY PROCESS DECISION DECISION AGENCY DECISION OVER 390 AGAIN 0 O Ulu _390__ 660 • Guest L ist • . Oa you wish to If yes, indicate NAME (please printl ADDRL'SS pr8sent,testlmcny? topic• YES NO E v�t�.tFr��t-�, � o• �o�c ss �Jo LuNqe � T. v/-}-cA-77 � �'C COVJOAuX-n � D. �rtcc�.t�d rt./ P. 0 I/e, Er 0 'bC-'Nj&j Is O'r4 Umt F( 0 'm 0 7jZ D O � a a o n a a a 1:1 0 D D 1:1 0 D El D . D 0 { ity of Port Townsen Planning Commission r' 540 Water St,, Port Townsend, WA 98368 2061385,3000 2SI,c3r, IST n A (Revised) Business Meeting i April 12, 1990 1, ROLL CALL i� __iii. ________�.��__�_ .�___ _�.__�____�__ '. 0 P, M, 2. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 3 . COMMUNICATIONS: # , current mail t , OLD BUSINESS. . PUBLIC HEARING: Street vacation Appl. 8911-04 Arne LTi l lena►g Continued from January 11, 19 90 1. Staff Review PC, 311 jqq& 2 . Public Testimony corzr. NA � Committee Report - (Kosec/Sherwood) 4 . Findings and Conclusions b. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance Application 9001#07, Dennis and Paulette O'Rourke 1 . Staff Review 2* Public Testimony 1# 3 • Committee Report - (McDole/Erickson) 4 . Findings and Conclusions i C, Conditional Use App1 , 9002-01, Dennis, and Paulette O'Rourke 11 Staff Review 2 . Public Testimony , Committee Report - McDole/Erickson) 4 . Findings and Conclusions d. Street vacation Appl. 9001-08, H, Donald Blass 11 Staff Review 2, Public Testimony 3 , Committee Report - (Carman/Erickson) 4 . Findings and Conclusions 1 t Qf r t . NEW BUSINESS: a Conditional Use Appl , 9004-01, Paul and Ga*11 Greenhalgh Schedule Hearing: - � May 10-,.,..-1.990 Committee: =:K22njn� \Sherwood, , variance Appl. 9004-02, Bertram Levy ScheduleHearing:.,�,. !iay�.... .1 ,, 192Q . ._ . Committee. averna is arman C, Conditional Use Appl. 9004-03 , BjornGunGunda Lunde Schedule Hearing: May Committee: gric . ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ne.xt Sc_ e u led Meetings * a S April 2 , 1990 } a. Short Plat Appl. 8912-04, Glen good Committee: Erickson/Grimm . Rezone Appl . 8912-06, Conditional Use Appl . 9001-03, . City +of Port Townsend 0. po�-r PoAtE Committee: Erickson/Carman CIO Conditional Use Appl. 9002-02 , Doug and Meg Mason Committee: Grimm/ aver na s Conditional Use Appl. 9002-03 , Jefferson. General Hospital Committee: Mc ole/Sherwood } ah eivo alb, r may lo, 1990 a. Street Vacation Appl, 9002-04, Lisa Enarson and Randy Krerger A*\i A)i7746gi4emaAl Committee: Carman/ Erickson Variance Apel . 9003-01, Marcella Younce Comml.ttee: Grimm/Ta erns is c• Amended Conditional Use Appl. 8908-01, Sperry/Little Committee: Carman/Sherwood . May .1 ,, 1930 a. Conditional Use App l. 8912-08, Douglass and Nancy Lary Committee: McDol.e/Carman .' ADoUI