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540 Water St., Fort Townsend, SVA 98368 2061385,3000
Minutes of May 31, 1990 i
1. Roll Call
Chairman Ron Kosec called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. Mr.
Kosec apologized to the audience for the delay of the opening of
the meeting due to the Special Council Meeting which was held i
the room previously. Other members present were Lois Sherwood,
Karen Er3Lckson, Jim Tavernakis, Sally Mc ole and Alan Carman,
Also present was Michael. Hildt, Planning and Building Director.
II. reading and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Pyr, Tavernakis roved to approve the minutes of May 10, 1990. Ms.
McDole seconded and the motion was passed unanimously,
III . Communication
Mr. Tavernakis told the commission that Mr, 'fed Simmons, who is
involved in seismic study, volunteered his services to the
Commission upon request.
Mr. Tavernakis stated he had a discussion with Andy Thurston
concerning his interest in developing a trail corridor from
Kearney and Sims Way to Fort Worden.
Iv, Old Business
A. Short Plat Appl, 8912- 4, Glenn Wood
1, Staff Review
Mr, Hildt reviewed the Findings of Fact and conclusions, The
applicant proposes a s,hort subdivision of approximately 14 acres
into six lots, The subject property is within the -IA zoning
district and is described as the west 467 feet of the SW 1/4 S
1/4 of Section 4 � 'township 3 ON. Range 1 West, W.M. , Tax 3, The
subject property is bounded by 25th Street to the north, Baker
Street to the east, and access easement to Jefferson County t
the south; platted loth Street to the southeast; and unplatted
property to the west.
Mr. Carman questioned the requirement for a fire hydrant, He
felt that the Fire Department request was not to Fire Code.
2. Public Testimony
Planning Comission--May 31, 1390
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Glenn Wood, applicant, stated that he had received preliminary
approval of on-site septic system and he should receive final
approval in the next few days.
S,al1y Mc ole cited a letter from the Fire Department dated
January 5, 1990. Mr. Wood stated that the road would be brought
to Fire Department standards.
M . Sherwood asked the applicant when the property was logged.
He replied that it was logged in September or October of 1989. He
also stated that it was not on tax roles as timber land.
The applicant stated that the name of the plat had been changed
from Sunshine Acres to Discovery Investments.
Linda Carson, a neighboring property owner, stated that Mr. wood
had indicated during a forest practices hearing that the land
would not be developed after it was logged but would be
Mr. mood responded that at the time of the logging there were n
definite plans for the property.
Cathy Beatty O'Shea, abutting property owner, asked what would be
done for the drainage problem that has existed since the land was
Phyllis Kvinsland, abutting property owner, stated that the
clear-cut has caused her property to have a drainage problem.
Charles Oshea, abutting property owner, asked how the City deals
with logging and short plats, and if the procedures are similar
to the County's.
Mr. Carman stated the City requirements are much more stringent.
Mr. O'Shea stated the buildings on the proposed plan are shown
directly abutting his property. Some gees on; his land have
blown over since the abutting property has been logged. He also
stated that the property lines should be clearly marled.
Some discussion followed over why the applicant had two surveys
done on the property.
Alison Hero stated that she felt a lot of tension could have been
alleviated by talking with neighbors prior to clear-cutting the
F3 . Committee Report
Ms. Erickson questioned some of the responses 'in the
Planning Commission--May 31, 1990
Page 3 of 8
environmental checklist, Some discussion followed over the
accuracy of the responses to checklist questions,
Mr. Hi ldt read a setter concerning the storm drainage system from
Northwestern Territories, Engineering firm. Some discussion
followed over the plans for a drainage system.
Mr,, Hildt stated that in the fire code the maximum of any plat
from hydrant must be 250 feet. Mr, Carman suggested that the
appl.ica t be required to meet the fire code, to be determined by
the Fire Department, Appendix 3A in the Uniform Fire Code.
Mr, Carman stated that condition number 5 be amended to add a
provision for a turn-around and suggested that a 100-foot
temporary cul-de-sac be constructed ax it such time as Baker
Street is pushed through to 25th street.
Ms. Erickson moved to continue application 8912-04, Short Plat
Application until more information can be supplied on the cutting
of the trees, drainage plan, road plan and fire hydrant plans.
Ms. McDole seconded.
Mr. Taver a is stated that it is not the Commission's role to
monitor the application for completeness but to act on the
application submitted. The burden of .supplying a complete
application should be on the applicant.
some discussion followed over the role of a preliminary inary plat.
The Commission discussed that the Commission makes requirements
t the time of the preliminary plat and those requirements are
met prior to the approval of the final plat.
Ms. Sherwood stated that she did not feel that the Commission had
an accurate application at this time.
some discussion followed over the drainage and septic systems.
Mr, Wood stated that 1TI had engineered the septic and drainage
system and submitted it to the health department for review.
Ms. Erickson withdrew her motion.
Ms. Sherwood asked if the Planning Commission could condition the
plat to require that water run-off be maintained at the level
prior to the clear-cut,
Ms. McDole withdrew her second,
Mr. Hildt stated that he would b6 willing to revise the draft t
include .requirements for: fire hydrants.; road standards; a cul-
de-sac; and a engineered drainage plan for the roads.
Planning commission--May 1, 1990
Page 4 of
Mr. Tavernakis moved to deny Short Plat Appl, 8912- Ms.
Sherwood seconded and the motion carried 4' with Mr. Carman and
Mr. K sec dissenting.
B. Conditional. Use 8912-08 , Douglass and Nancy Lamy
Ms. Erickson left the room due to a conflict in interest, Mr,
ildt reviewed the Finding of Fact and Conclusion and reviewed
the history of past applications on the site. The Commission
had, at an earlier meeting, asked the applicant to submit
complete f final design. The Commission received a new site plan
from the Lamys but final flour plans were not available, The
applicant stated that after the completion of this proposed
project there will be 16 units existing on the site. Mr. Hildt
stated that it is difficult to review parking requirements
without a complete floor plan and a finding from the Historic
Preservation Commission.
Mr. Tavernakis asked the applicant if the site would loose its
historic designation if the cabi
PlanningCommission-May1, 1900 '
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and Draft B of the Findings and Conclusions. Draft A recommended
denial while Draft B recommended approval* The applicant
proposes to remove a portion of an existing, legal, nonconforming
storage building to construct a larger garage at 403 U Street.
The applicant, Bertram Levy, presented the reasons for the
application. He stated that the additional space was necessary
in the garage and if the garage were constructed in the front it
would obstruct the neighbor's view.
Roberta Butler spoke in favor of the variance, she stated that
the proposed plan was the best alternative for the neighbors.
Public testimony was closed.
Mr. Tavernakis asked the applicant if he intended on establishing
an office at the proposed site, Dr. Levy explained that he does
intend to establish an office there at a later date, and will
apply for a home occupation permit at that time.
Mr. Carman stated haat he once lived at the subject residence and
found it a unique and delightful house. He moved for approval of
Draft B to grant the variance. Dr. Tavernakis seconded and the
motion carried unanimously.
, Public Hearing: Draft Ordinance Historic Design Review
1. Review of Ordinance
Pete Raab, president of the Historic Preservation commission
(HPC) , stated that any development that takes place in the C-- II
r P--I zone which is located in the historic district would be
required to submit plans to the Historic Preservation Commission
for design review. Development would include new construction,
exterior remodel or additions and demolition. Recommendations
coming from the design review would not be mandatory.
Anne Landes stated that it is important to have a place for
people to go to get information on how to rehabilitate historic
structures. She stated that the design review will be a resource
for the people, and i
Planning commission- Mai 1, 1990
circumstances under which design review would -become necessary.
Residential districts would be J indlu �e � only if conditional use
is required for project. i
Public Testimony.
Patti Sullivan asked .if the ordinance would alloy a building
permit to be held up if the recommendation i ' not met, Mr. Hi dt
pointed out that the recommendations are- made bit the HPC but are
not binding upon the applicant.
Ms. Sullivan asked what assurance the public had that the HPC
will not rake decisions based on preconceived ideas. Mr. Raab
stated that the HPC follows set standards.
Ms. McDole asked how the members of the HPC review committee were
selected. Mr. Raab stated that they were appointed by the Mayor.
Mr. Hi ldt added that members rust meet certain areas of
Patricia Warren, Director of the Historical Society Museum,
stated that the Historic Society Hoard had not yet met to discuss
the ordinance. She stated that she was speaking as an individual
and presented her letter to the Commission, ..Ms. Warren
suggested the Commission review the operation .!of the ordinance
after one-year. She would like to see if the .HPC recommendations
could be incorporated into the SEPA policies so the Council
could, when appropriate, use design review suggestions for S PA
determinations rid �conditions. She advised the HPC to adopt
specific historic district design standards for the city of Port
Townsend. M . Warren went on to suggested some further changes
in the draft ordinance. .
Ms. Erickson asked Ms. Warren to clarify her suggestion
concerning SPA. Ms. Warren stated that the City council would
t their discretion be able to use the recommendations of the
Historic district in their review under SEPA, .,but unless there is
change made in Title' 19 ni g the City C6uncil does not have
the adequate authority to do this.
Patrick Hartig, owner of private residence, stated that he would
like to have the HPC review residential properties as well .
Ms. Landes stated that this recommendation was a starting point.
Carolyn Niemeyer stated that the majority of people who attended
previous hearings on the Historic District Design Review
Ordinance were not against design review but granted mandatory
Mr. Tavernakis moved to recommend to city Council the adoption of
Planning iss ars- May 31, 1990
Page 7 of
the third draft of the Historic District Design Review ordinance
with the revisions made by the committee, staff, and Ms. Warren
Ms. Mcole seconded.
Ids. Erickson asked if the lotion intended to include the City
Council's power to use the recommendation of the HPC to condition
SEPA and other permits. She stated that at past hearings the
public was under the impression that the recommendations were
nonbinding. it i
Mr, Tavernakis clarified his motion, He stated that this draft
be recommended with the recommendations made by Ms, Warren, Mr.
ildt stated that SEPA had been included in the draft all along,
but must be included in Chapter 19,
Mr, carman stated the Department of the Interior Guidelines
should be used as standards.
Mr, K sec clarified that the Commission would review the
ordinance in a year to check its effectiveness.
roll call vote was taken on the motion on the floor and all
were in favor,
New Business
Street Vacation Appl. , 9005-03 Michael Hamilton for Isabel.
F. Hamilton was scheduled f or the June 1 , 1990 meeting with
Erickson and Tavernakis on committee.
b, conditional use Permit Appl, j 9005-04 Laraine Dover was
scheduled for the June 28, 19 9 meeting n with Grimm and
Sherwood on committee.
ce Conditional use Permit Appl. , 9005-05, Pacific Oil Products
Company was scheduled for June 1 , 1990 with Mcole and
Erickson on Committee*
d. Conditional use Permit Appy.. , 9005-06, City of Port Townsend
was scheduled for June 14 , 1990 with Tavernaki' s and Cannan
n committee,
e, variance Appl . 9005-07, Mary and Gary Kaiser was scheduled
for June 28, 1990 with Sherwood and Tavernakis on Committee.
1. Announcements
Ms. Mc le told the Commission that she had attended an
earthquake seminar- and found it to be very informative.
Planning Commission-May 31, 1990 +
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The Commission reviewed a memo drafted for Chairman K sec
signature. The memo addressed to the City Council addressed the .
need for enforcement on parking requirements.
Ir, Hildt distributed introductions and resumes from the recently
hired planners Dave Robison and Rick Sepler.
Upcoming Meetings
June 14 : 1990
Street placation App . , 9005-02 , Aaron/Hillary Carver and
Jim/Glenda ' avernakis (Sherwood/McDole)
Street placation Appl. , 9005-03 , Michael J, Hamilton for Isabel F,
Hamilton (Erickson/Tavernakis)
Conditional Use hermit Appl . , 9005-05, Pacific Cil Products
Company (McDole/Ericksofi)
Conditional Use Permit Apl. , 9005- , City of Port Townsend
( avernakis/Canaan) .
June 28, 1 _
Conditional Use Permit Appl . , 9005-04, Laraine Dourer
Conditional Use Permit Appl . , 9005-07, Mary and Gary Kaiser
Conditional Use Permit, 8912-08, Douglass and Nancy Lary
Variance Appy., 9005--01 , Jean Anderson (Carman/Grimm)
July 2
Sign Code Workshop
VII. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p,M*
Darlene Bloomfield
Planning Comiion Secretary
City of Port Townsend
Planning Commission
- t �
540 Water St., Port Townsend, SVA 98368 206/385-3000
21hG 10 Iq n 21h,
Business Meeting May 31, 1990
1, ROLL CALF, ----- . Me
. COMMUNICATIONS: 1z-Z- '6 COUIUC OP4 -2; tz--Tr
ru -�
a. current 'mail
. Short Plat Apple 8912-04, Glenn Wood
Committee: Erickson/Grimm �
bo donditio al Use ,App1. 8912-08, Douglass and Nancy Lamy
Committee: cDole/Carman -k6
CIO Variance Apple 9004-02, Bertram Levy
Committee: avernakis/Carman . cv*.e-d
d, Draft Ordinance Historic District Design Review Ordinance
a. Street vacation App , , 9005-03, Michael J.
Hamilton for Isabel F. Hamilton
Scheduled: June 14, 1990
Committee: rib son/ a erna is
be Conditional Use Permit Appl . , 900504 , Laraine
Scheduled: June 28, 1990
Committee: Grimm/Sherwood
C, Conditional Use Permit Apple , 9005-05, Pacific
Gi 1 Products Company
Scheduled: June it, 1990
Committee: cDole/ ric s n
d. Conditional Use Permit Apel. , 9005-06, City o
Port Townsend I*
Scheduled: June 46', 1990
Committee: Taverna is/Carman
. Variance Appl. , 9005-07, Mary and Gary Kaiser
Scheduled: , 1990 ) t,- 28
Committee: Sherwood/Tavernakis
. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings
June 14.,- 192Q
a. Variance Al. , 9005-01, Jean Anderson
Street vacation Al . . 9005-0 , Aaron/Hillary
Carver andJim/Glenda Tavernakis
July 26, 1990
Workshop on Draft Sign ordinance
C'10ty of Port Townsen!
540 Water St., Port Townsend, 'SVA 98368 206/385,3000
To. City Council
From: Ron Kosec, Chair
Planning Commission
Date: May 31 , 1990
Subject: Parking requirements placed on conditional use permits
Together we have considered and approved several conditional use
permits, most of which have included specific conditions for off-
f -
st eet parking. We have become increasingly concerned that these
conditions are apparently not being adequately enforced. Two
recent examples include the Port Townsend Athletic Club and the
Henry Bash House Bed and Breakfast Inn.
Although we appreciate that the planning and building staff have
been short-handed of late, lack of enforcement of these
conditions serves to undermine the effectiveness of our work on
these permits and .adversely effects neighboring properties.
We would appreciate your assistance in assuring' that these
conditions are net.
'hank you.
�uest List
Do you wish to = If yes, indicate
NAME 1please pr{nt) ADDRESSDo
testimony? topic.
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,*city of Port
P) ng an d Building ,
540 dater Strut, Port Tend,WA 98368 2061385- 000
May 29 , 1990
Jeff Porter
1706 Clay Street
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Fie; Summary Short Application, Lot 11 V.J, Gregory Short Plat
Dear ,'Ir. Porter,,
As we discussed on May 11, 19901 we have attempted to approve
your short plat application as a summary short plat pursuant to
Chapter 18. 38 of the Pont Townsend Municipal Code, Due to the
retirement of the Public Works Director and the resignation of
our staff planner, Sevin O'Neill , With whom you originated the
application, our decision on your -application was unavoidably
delayed.. .
As you know, the Gregory Short Plat was approved in 1984 with
principal access to the three lots provided by a twenty-foot-
wide easement. Unfortunately, this easement does not provide
sufficient right-of-gay under the design criteria for short plats
under today's code requirements. Consequently, we are unable to
approve the plat as drawn as a summary short plat.
If you wish to further pursue division of the property, please
submit a letter of appeal to the Planning Commission within
thirty days. 1 suggest that your letter also request a variance
with respect to the minimum right-of-way width for access to the
Again, I apologize for the delay in• responding to your
Sincerely, '10,. ,
} 14ichaels* ildt
Planning and Building Director
Planning Commission'
Keith Harper, City Attorney
CI7'Ii' Y1
• : i
Planning Commission
540 Nater St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 206/385.3000
To: Planning Commission
From: Darlene Bloomfield, Secretary
Re: City Council Update
Date: May 22, x,990
At the City Council meet i ng on May 15,, - 1990, the Council tools the
following actions regarding land use cases;
Conditional Use Permit Appl, 9002-02. Doug and Meg Mason -
Conditional Use Permit Appl , 9002- , Jefferson General
Hospital - Approved with additional condition that lot limes
e vacated,
Street Vacation Appl. 9001-0 , Don Bliss - Approved
Heat Council Meeting: June 5, 1990
Variance Appl, 9003-01, Marcella Younce
Conditional Use Permit Appl, 9004-01, Paul and Gail
Conditional Use Permit Appy.. 9004-0 , Bjorn and Lunda Lunde