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Coity of Port Townselr'
540 Water r St., fort Townsend, WA 98368 206/385-3000
Minutes of June 1 , 1990
I. loll Call
Chairman Ron Losec called the meeting to order at 7:40 p,m. Also
present were Lois Sherwood, Karen Erickson, Sally McDole and Jim
. Reading and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Mr, Taverna is Moved to approve the minutes of the May 31, 1990
meeting. Ms. Mc ole seconded and all were in favor.
11I. Communication
The Planning Commission received a copy of an agenda four the May
, 1990 and May 18, 1990 housing advisory committee meetings.
We old Business
A. Street vacation Appl. , 9005-02, Aaron/Hillary Carver and
Jim/Glenda Tavernis
Dr. Tavernakis left the room due to a conflict in interest.
, Staff Revi
1. ew
The applicants propose to vacate a portion of the entire 0-foot
width of the undeveloped v Street right-of-way extending' from
Spruce Street east to Ebony Street.
2, Public Testimony
Mr. Carver, applicant, stated that the street vacation was
requested to maintain an open space corridor and to maintain the
natural setting in the neighborhood.
Larry Johnson, representing Jim and Glenda T vernaki , stated
that he is currently involved in the development of land south o
the proposed vacation. Mr. Johnson stated that the applicants
are willing to work with the Fire Department to resolve any
questions concerning access. He described the proposed future
development on the property south of the subject street.
3. Committee Report herwood/IMcDole
Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1990
Page 2 of 5 de
Ms. Sherwood stated that it is 'difficult to grant a street
vacation based on a plan for a future development.
Some discussion followed over the location of the proposed
Ms. McDole stated that she was uncomfortable with vacating this
portion of V Street.
Ms. Sherwood stated that if the street were to be vacated it may
have a► negative effect on future circulation in the area.
Ms. Mcol.e stated that she was uncomfortable with approving the
vacation and felt that the Commission's past practice was to deny .
such vacations.
Some discussion followed.
Ms. Sherwood moved to recommend to the City Council the denial of
Street Vacation Appl, 9005-02, Aaron and Hillary Carver and Jim
and Glenda Tavernakis accepting Draft A of the Findings of Facts
and Conclusions, Ms. McDole seconded and the motion passed -o
to deny the street vacation*
Street Vacation Appl. , 90050-03 , Michael J, Hamilton for
Isabel F, Hamilton i
Mr. Tavernaki returned to the Commission at this time.
1. Staff Review
The applicant proposes to vacate the entire --foot width of the
alley ri ht-ofe-w y located in Block 24 of Hastings Third
2, Public Testimony
Mike Hamilton, applicant, stated that Isabel. Hamilton died after
the application was submitted. The applicant agreed with the
Findings and Conclusions as reviewed by the Planning Commission
Secretary. He stated that all future utilities will be in 30th
Public Testimony was closed
3. Committee Report (Erickson/Tavernakis)
Tarernakis asked if the Commission should set- a precedent of
vacating alleys in this neighborhood. He stated that a utility
easement in the alley may not be necessary.
Planning Commission Meeting -- June 1 , 1990
Ms. Erickson stated that the utilities should be located in the
streets. Ms. Erickson stated that she is in favor of vacating
the alleys to protect future purchasers from having alleys
developed through their back yards.
Some discussion followed over the location of the adjacent
streets location.
Marie Dressler, neighbor, stated that there is , a jog in 30th
Street. She stated that neighboring property owners would also
be interested in vacating alleys in there respective lots.
Ms. Mc ole stated that the vacation of the alley would not deny
access to any lot.
Ms, Erickson moved to recommend to City Council the approval. of
Street Vacation application 9005-03 , Michael J, Hamilton,
adopting the Findings of Fact and Conclusions as revised during
the staff review. Mr, Tavernakis seconded and: all were in favor.
CI Conditional Use Permit Appl. , 9005-05, Pacific Oil Products
1 . Staff Review
The applicant proposes to establish an office in a modular
building as an expansion to the Pacific oil Products Office
located at 2611 Sins way. The location of the proposed building
would be on Block 32, Lots 10-14 of the Railroad Addition in the
M�I zoning district, An office building is permitted in the M-1
zoning district with a conditional use permit,.,
John Barth, Operations Manger for Pacific Oil Products, stated
the modular will be 10a-feet away from the existing office space.
Ms. McDole asked for clarification o the location of the
proposed modular. The applicant stated it would be more than 10-
feet away from the existing building,.
Ms, Inc o 1 e moved to recommend to City Council the approval o
Conditional Use Permit, 9005-05, Pacific oil Products Company,
adopting the Findings of Facts and Conclusions as amended by the
Commission. Ms. Erickson seconded and all were in favor.
D. Conditional Use Permit Appl. , 9005-06, City of Port Townsend
1. Staff review
The City of Port Townsend proposes to establish a temporary
office in a modular building as an expansion " o the City of Port
Planning Commission Meeting June 14, 1990
Page 4 of
Townsend Nater, Sewer and Street shops. The location of the
proposed project would be on Blocks 60, 61 and -62, ettygrove's
2nd Addition where Redwood Street meets platted Beech Street in
the -1 zoning district.
. Public Testimony
Michael Hildt, representing the City of Port Townsend, stated
that the City has considered many sites for the location of the
new Public Works office. Because of complications on other
proposed sites the location of a temporary office became
necessary. placing the temporary office with the existing shops
was the logical choice.
Ms. I cDo .e asked if the house next to the sewer treatment plant
would def initely. be off ices at a► later- date. Mr. Bildt responded
that this could not be guaranteed since there are other
applications that must be obtained prior to the use of of f'ices.
Grace Pellum, a neighboring property owner, stated that her lots.
are up for sale and that the office would not enhance her
property values.
Ms* Mc ole asked the applicant how many additional vehicle trips
per day would be occurring on Redwood Street. The applicant
responded approximately 20 additional trips per day.
Ms, Sherwood stated that the new modular building night be more
attractive than the open bays of the existing sheds.
Mr, ' avernakis stated that the modular would be an enhancement t
the existing shops.
Mr. Tavernakis moved to recommend to City Council the approval of
Conditional Use Permit 9005-06, City of Port Townsend, adopting
the Findings and Conclusions. Ms. Erickson seconded and all were
in favor.
Some discussion followed over the length of time the temporary
building would be allowed to exist.
Ms. Sherwood stated that a condition should be added stipulating
that the Conditional. Use Permit was valid for one year only but
an extension could be granted by the City Council..
The motion passed, 4-0, with the above mentioned amendment.
V. New Business
# •
Planning Commis ion Meeting -- June l , 1990
Page 5 of
Conditional Use Permit Apple , 9006-01, William and Dyanna
Wolcott was scheduled for June 28, 1990 with Carman/Erickson
on committee.
vle Announcements: Next scheduled meetings.
June--2A R
a. Conditional Use Apple 9005-04, Laraine Dover McDole/Grimm)
h, Variance Appl. 9005-07, Mary and Gary Kaiser
C, Conditional Use Permit Appl.* , 9006-011 William and Dy nna
Wolcott (Carman/Erickson)
. Conditional Use Permit, 8912-08, Douglass, and Nancy Lary
he variance Apple , 9005-01, Jean Anderson (Cannan/Grimm)
►61 0
Sign Code Workshop
The Planning Commission will not meet for the regularly scheduled
meetings of July 2 , 1990 and August 9, 19904,
Ms. Erickson will not attend the meeting of July 1 , 1990.
.r. Hildt gave an overview of the ordinance on interim controls
for development ent n the shorelines management.
Mr. H l.dt stated that the Council considered the pros and cons of
placing interim controls n the shoreline.' The city ordinances
were not up date with the current development in Part y
Townsend, i All things considered, the City Council felt the
interim control was necessary to hest serve the City of Port
Townsend. While the interim control was regrettable it was
necessary to allow the community time to consider the 'issues of
shoreline development.
Mr. Hi ldt also told the Commission that recent resolution
adopted by the City Council set forth n outline f1the {work
program for the development of the shoreline plan.
The meeting was adjourned at 9.25.
City of Port Tlownsenl
540 Water St., fort Townsend, WDA 98368 206138.E-3000
Regular Meting June 14, 1990
1. ROLL-CALL ------------------------- 7: 30 PIM,
a, current mail
Street Vacation Appy, . , 9005-02, Aaron/Hillary Carver
and Jim/Glenda Tavernaki 7/1
Ie Staff Review
2, Public Testimony
Committee Report - (Sherwood/McDole)
4. Findings and Conclusions
b. Street vacation Appl. , 9005-03 , Michael J. Hamilton
for Isabel . Hamilton -r - 7 ► ,-
110 Staff Review
20 Public Testimony
3 . Committee Report - (Erickson/Tavernakis)
4 . Findings and Conclusions
C, Conditional Use Permit Appl. , 9005-05, Pacific oil
Products Company .C. - A?, V
1 . Staff Review
Public Testimony
3, Committee Report - McDole/Erickson)
4. Findings and Conclusions
d. Conditional Use Permit Appl . , 9005-06, City, of Port
Townsend -r 3 &p>ppow
1. Staff Review
2 , Public Testimony
3 , Committee Report Tavernaks/Carman)
4 . Findings and Conclusions
a. Conditional Use Permit Appl. , 9006-01William and
yaa Wolcott
Scheduled: June 28, 1990
Committee: Carman/Erickson
Next Scheduled Meetings
June 28, 1990
, Conditional Use Apel * 9005-04, Laraine Dover
Committee: M ole/Grimm
b. Variance Apel. 9005--0 , Mary and Gary Kaiser
Committee: Sherwood/Ta rerna} is
July 12, 1990
Condi `Tonal Use Permit, 8912-08, Douglass and Nancy
Committee: MoDole/Carman
Variance. Apel, , 9005-01 Jean Anderson Carman/Grimm
meq. I& bo C);?�1Srlsc--),P
a. Draft Ordinance Sign Code Workshop
79 ADJOURN Z �F 90
Z(" /Icio
Aug 01 1 Iqq c
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NAME Iplease print) ADDRESS Dv you wish to If yes, indicate
present testimony? topic.
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AN ORDINANCE enacting interim controls. for +
new development on the shorelines of certain
areas of the City of Port Townsend and
establishing an effective date
WHEREAS, the Fort Townsend Comprehensive Plan identifies the
central Business Distract, as the city's major retail
and service -center; and
WHEREAS, much of the Central Business District is within the
Fort Townsend Historic District listed on the Rational
Register of Historic Places; and
WHEREAS, the National Historic District is identified as an
environmentally sensitive area in Title 19 ,
Environmental Protection, of the Port Townsend
Municipal l Code; and
WHEREAS, much of the historic value of the district derives from
its authenticity as a Victorian-era seaport; and
WHEREAS, despite the existence of substantial 'mounts of vacant
space in the upper floors of existing downtown
buildings, recent unanticipated economic changes have
resulted in heightened interest in new residential and
transient accommodation development on the shoreline
uplands ofthe commercial areas: and
WHEREAS, this new trend threatens the future economic growth of
the Central Business District by usurping remaining
commercial properties with residential and transient
accommodation developments, and by diminishing the
historic maritime commercial authenticity of the
district; and
WHEREAS, large-scale residential and transient, accommodation -
developments may adversely affect neighboring
properties by obstructing important views of the water
and other natural features; and by reducing public
access to and enjoyment of the shoreline; an
WHEREAS, parking and traffic problems in the Central Business
District have demonstrated the need to consider
potential adverse public safety, cost and commercial
impacts which may result from current trends; and
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Townsend and the Washington Stag
Department of Transportation are seeking solutions to
severe traffic congestion frequentlyexperienced on
State Roue 20 Sins Way at the approach to the ferry
terminal, and shoreline residential and transient
accommodation development in the area may decrease
public safety: and
WHEREAS, public and firefighter safety is compromised when
buildings are built so closely to seawalls and beaches
that inadequate access is preserved for fire
suppression and rescue operations, and
WHEREAS, the City Council has the obligation protect the
general public safety, health and welfare of Port
Townsend citizens and visitors; and
WHEREAS, to promote the interest of health, safety and general
welfare of the public; and to promote the policies of
the Washington State. Shoreline Management Act RCW
90.58) ; immediate action is required to carefully
deliberate the future of the shoreline uplands of the
district and provide for a more orderly course of
development; and
WHEREAS, the City Council intends to undertake an immediate
review of the Port Townsend Urban Wate front Workbook
and other recommendations to consider appropriate
revisions to zoning and shoreline regulations in the
interest of the public health, safety and general
welfare, as stated more fully in the policies of the
Washington State Shoreline Management Act RCW 90 .58 ,
and Section 1 . 2 f the Jefferson-Port Townsend
+Shoreline Management Master Program; and
WHEREAS, in tunes of rapid change, the interests of the public '
are better served if elected representatives are able
to consider important policy decisions 'in-
deliberative, fully-informed manner. rather than under
extraordinary pressure of permit applications which may
be accelerated by public consideration .,of upcoming
regulatory changes; and
WHEREAS, the rules of the Washington State Environmental Policy
Act provide in WAC 197-11--880 for emergency exemption
in instances such as- the present circumstances faced by
the City; Now, Wherefore, _
section 1. . Title d' a ce. This ordinance shall be known
s the "' ommerci l Waterfront Interim Control Ordinance" and may
be cited as such.
(Port Townsend, 6/90)
L ] ._ .I This ordinance shall apply to the
following lands within the City of Port Townsend:
2 . 1 All lands within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline
' Management Act W 90.58) from the northwesterly
boundary of the Point Hudson property owned by the Port
of Port Townsend extending along the shorelines of
Admiralty Inlet and Port Townsend Bay to the extension
of Hill Street (Hill Street Waterway) ; which properties
Anclude but may not be limited to the Port of Port
Townsend property known as Point Hudson] all or
portions of Blocks 4 -22 , Blocks 27-36 and Blocks 45, 52
and 93 of the original Townsite of Pont Townsend, and
the Port of Port Townsend property known as the Boat
Haven; and
2.2 All of blocks 45, 52 and 93 of the Original Townsite of
Port Townsend.
Section.a. Interi controls, Notwithstanding any other
provision of any other ordinance or provision of the Port
Townsend Municipal` Code, for a period of one hundred twenty days
following the effective cute of this ordinance, the following
interim controls shall be in effect for all lands identified in
Section 2 of this ordinance, excluding any proposed developments
which have an approved Shoreline Substantial Development Permit
on the date this ordinance becomes effective
.1 No new , .
a artment condominium multi-family dwelling,
hotel, motel or inn use shall be established.
3 . 2 No new building or structure shall exceed a maximum
height of twenty-five feet ( 250 ) .
.3 A view corridor shall be maintained by setting back all
new buildings at least fifteen feet 15 from any
right-of-way lune of any street which is essentially
perpendicular to either Water Street or Washington
Street, which streets include but may not be limited to
Jackson Street, Monroe Street, Madison Street, Quincy
Street, Adams Street, Taylor Street, Tyler Street,
Harrison Street, van Buren Street, Pierce Street,
Calhoun Street, Wafer Street, Scott Street, Gaines
Street, Kearney Street, Decatur Street, Thayer Street,
and Benedict Street.
3 .4 A shoreline corridor shall be preserved for fire safety
and public shoreline access by setting back all new
buildings, at least twenty feet (2 01 ) from the ordinary
high water mark as defined in the Jefferson-Port
Townsend Shoreline Management Master Program.
. r
- 3 - Port' Townsend, 6/90
3 .5 In case of conflict with the provisions of this
ordinance and any provision of any other ordinance, the
provisions of this ordinance shall govern.
section 1.ty, In the event any one or more of the
provisions of this ordinance shall for any reason be held to be
invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or invalidate any other
provision of this ordinance, but this ordinance -shall be
construed and enforced as if such invalid provision had -not been
contained therein; provided, that any provision which shall for
any reason be held by reason of its extent to be invalid shall be
deemed to be in effect to the extent permitted by law. .
gctign �L. Effective date. This ordinance shall become .
effective five clays after its passage, approval and publication
as provided by law.
Read for the first time on ;:YuWXjm* /5!-gQ and for the
second and third time times and passed by t e City Council of the
City of Port Townsend, Washington, atjLegular ,meeting thereof,
held this ��' day 1990,
Brent S, Shirley, Mayor
David A, Grove, City Clerk
{ 17
Approved as to form: '-
Keith C. Harper, City Attorney
- Port Townsend, 6/90)
7 �
Wcity of Port
Planning Commission
540 water St., Fort Townsend, WA 98368 2061385-3000
To: Planning Commission
From: Darlene Bloomfield, Secretary
City Council Update
Date: Jure 6, 1990
At the City Council meeting on June- , 1990, the Council took the
following actions regarding land use cases
Variance Application, 9003-01 , Marcella Younce - Approved as
recommended by the Planning Commission
Conditional Use Permit App , 9004-01, Paul and Gail
Greenhalgh - Approved with the revised condition that
certificate of occupancy be fissured within 45 days.
Conditional Use Permit Appl 9004-03 , Bjorn and Gonda Lunde
O` Approved with amendments. The condition requiring three
off-wstreet parking spaces was deleted.
Next Council Meeting: June 1 , 1990
No land- ase cases scheduled
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FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1990
8: 30 .m. - 9: 30 a,m,
Basement Conference Roorn
1. Goal Setting - be specific
a. Weatherization. Kit - Wendy
2 . Grant Writer - Patty
. Fund Raising - Discussion of process and target prFo ects
Compile statistics for E. Jefferson County - Discussion
y s
• }
1. Safety standards/legal services - brochure distributed - Wendy
Discussion followed
2 . Publicity Report - Don
a. Daily News ran an article on the Committee
Feedback and interest coming in from Service Organizations
3 . Grant Writer .- Discussion
ACTION: Patty will coni tact Pat Harder and Patty Canedy in
search of a volunteer-. to help with -grant writing,
4 . CAC Trailers - Wendy - all occupied at this time,
NEXT MEETING: 5/18/90 8: 30 a.m.
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nin A3
jeffco committee
• k*4`la a y Y t t I
to reNiew h u
0 S
13V KIRBY NEUMANN-REATask Force on the Homeless. Its • .
* +
Peninsula Daily News purpose is to consider lad housing
•- . •
PORT T TWNSE — The Jcf- issues and develop solutions. The
fcr on County Housing Advisory corn mittce began meeting in
Committee will continue to look for Scpternber. 1 cmb rship includes • `
{ ` solutions to housing issues at its next representatives of Community Ac-
m etirig. - t ion,..Jefferson General Hospital,
Thi meetinj is schc uIed for+8:30 American Legion, Ministers'
a.m. Thursday in the conference Association, Commuhit r Counsel-
room of the Multi-Service Building. ing, City Council and County .
• '' '+ -'* �+' 802 Sheridan St..and is open to the ticalth Department.
a public. ;..
Chairwoman Patty Bclmoni said
The committee's activities include �' a
the committee will discuss an area educating the public about
housing plan, and establishment of homelessness in the county,
- ar shelter hodinc for short-terra developing more low-income nous-
{, err: rger cy housing. ing, increasing capacity in existing
a ` shelter programs and finding poter�- ,
Also on t he agenda will a discus-
.,•* +` :. •a `+. ', . . - •'=� tial -sites for -an additional cost
`' + sion of hiring a grant writer to help
(he committee acquire money for its cffecti�rc shelter. +
services, and-safety and legal tan- The cornmittc-c is now researching
` dams for housing programs, aceor- the number of individuals and
.. - ding to Belmont. families needing shelter, and • �+
The committee was formed in evaluating possible guidelines for
June 1989 by the Jefferson County shelter referrals and funding.