HomeMy WebLinkAbout062890 Min Ag ho� city 0wl'os s - M Planning Commission 540 water St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 2061385--3000 x i Meeting o ,*Tune 2 , 1990 I . Roll Call chairman Ron Losec called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Other members present were Sally McDole, Jim Tavernakis, Karen Erickson, Alan Carman and Bob Grimm. Also present were Planning and Building Director Michael Hi ldt, Planner Rick Sepl er and Planner Dave Robison, II. Reading and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting Ms, Mcdole moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of June 141 1990, Ms. Erickson seconded and all were in favor. III . Communications Mr. Hildt ,introduced Mr. Sepler and Mr. Robison to the Commission. IV, old Business A. Letter requesting reconsideration of Short Plat Appl . , 8912- 04, Glenn Wood I. Commission Discussion Mr, Hildt reviewed Mr. Wood's alternatives. The Planning Commission had previously denied the request for a short plat. Mr. Wood has asked the Commission to reconsider. The commission may decide to hear the application again and renotify the hearing, or the Commission may decide not to reconsider the application, in which case Mr, Wood may appeal to the City council.. t, Mr. Tavernakis reviewed the issues surrounding his decision to recommend the short plat application be denied. Some discussion followed over the SA requirements. Ms. Erickson moved to reschedule the short plat application and asked that the applicant come prepared to address the concerns discussed at the previous hearing. Mr. Kosec read Article XXII of the Planning Commission's Policy and Procedures concerning reconsideration. Some discussion planning Commission - June 28, 1990 Page 2 of followed over the difference between resubmittal of an application and postponement. Some discussion followed over the completeness of the application submitted by Mr. mood. a Mr. Carman stated the City Counci �+ Pring Commission - June 28, 1990 Page 3 of Ellen Wood stated that the applicants are willing to do what i necessary. And commented on past land use activities in the neighborhood of the proposed short plat. vote was taken on the Motion on the floor. The motion passed 4-3 to deny the request for reconsideration with Mr. Ternaki , Ms, McDo .e and Mr, Carman dissenting. B. Conditional Use Permit Appl . , 3005 -04, Laraine Dover 1. . Staff Review The Commission' received two drafts of Findings.. and conclusions a well as 4 letters commenting on the application. Mr. Sepler reviewed the draft findings and conclusions. Draft A recommends the tourist home be approved with conditions while draft recommends the application be denied. The applicant proposes to establish a one-room transient accommodation (tourist home) in an existing single-fa il.y dwelling located at 1726 Franklin Street. Public Testimony I Ms. Laraine Dover, applicant, stated that she would like t establish a tourist hone in her home. She also stated that she felt her driveway would accommodate all parking needs. Charles Hani ord, an adjacent property owner, -.stated that h would like to find out how many tourist domes ",and bed and breakfast inns had been issued since the first of the year. He stated that there is a tremendous parking issue with the proposed unit because of the proximity of its location to the courthouse. He questioned ,the meed to change a family neighborhood to a mixed use zone, He also stated that he shares his sewer service line with the Dover house and stated there has been problems with blockage of the sewer line in the past. He stated that if the Commission recommended approval of the application. that he would ask that a fence be required for a► buffer between the two properties. ` Ms. Doegal , of 1740 Franklin, stated that the surer line was a concern. She also stated that the height of the curb in the neighborhood makes it difficult to open car doors. She told the Commission that the upstairs room would invade her privacy. She feels there is already adequate transient accommodation facilities in the City. Mary Mcuillen, 442 Cass Street, stated the applicants have done a great job in remodeling their home. She stated that she would like the area to remain residential and feels that it is a short step to a bed and breakfast inn from a tourist home* She stated that the business may have an affect on her taxes. Planning Commission - June 2 , 1990 Page 4 of Public Testimony was closed. . Committee Deport McDole/Grimm Ms. McDole asked the applicant if a fire escape would be required. - Mr. Hildt responded that the fire department would have to review the residence prior to occupancy, Ms. McDole clarified that one of the applicants vehicles is currently parked across the street on a neighbors property. Mr. Grimm stated that the bed and breakfast Ordinance which was adopted was designed to include the neighborhood comments' in the application process. Ms, McDole stated that a bed and breakfast in the neighborhood does have an impact on the neighborhood. Some privacy is lost when tourists walk around the neighborhood. Ms, McDole moved to approve draft B of the Findings of Fact rid Conclusions and recommend denial of conditional use application 9005-04 Laraine Dover. Ms. Erickson seconded. Discussion. Mr. Grimm suggested that the Commission take the comments of the neighboring property owners into account when making a decision on a transient accommodation applications, He stated that if neighbors do not want the unit in their neighborhood than there are grounds to deny the application. M . Tavrnaks stated that he is in favor of the restoration of historic buildings. He stated that a tourist home may help t finance renovation of these structures. Mr. Grimm stated that a conditional use permit can be reviewed b the City Council if complaints are received. In this particular case the neighbors do not want the project. vete was taken on the motion on the door. The motion carried 5-2 in favor of denial of the tourist home with Mr. Tavernakis } and Mr. Carman dissenting* C, Variance Appl, 9005-07, Mary and Gary Kaiser 1, Staff Review Dare Robison reviewed the materials and the findings of fact and conclusions e. Draft A recommends denial while draft B recommends approval with conditions. The applicants propose to build ,000 square foot building on water street on Block 2, ' portions of Lots l and 3 . They have requested a variance from the parking. a 4 Panning Commission -- June 28, 1990 Page 5 of requirements to be allowed to supply no parking spaces* r. Grimm left the room due to a co f l ict in interest. 2. Public Testimony Cary Kaiser, applicant, stated that they have an interest in preserving the characteristic of the historicdistrict and have voluntarily submitted drawings to the Historic Preservation Commission. He stated they were unable to acquire an easement from Seafrrst Bank to access the property, Mr., wiser stated that the applicants are not responsible for the conditions on the lot. A past owner of the property received a variance on a passed application on the same lot. He stated- the only other option would be to go over the sidewalk on water street. He stated the parking crisis is over stated, and the parking requirements are arbitrary. Union wharf was .ranted a variance for parking. fir. Kaiser stated that the fee in lieu of parking spaces would be $68,000 which would hurt a project of this size. Mr. Kaiser asked the Commission to continue the hearing to the next available date., Bob Rickard stated that the project is appropriate and would be in the character of the downtown. He questions whether buildings meeting the downtown character should be required to meet parking, He stated that another business downtown may not contribute to the overall traffic downtown. 4 Ann Reardon stated that the Kaiser's plan to establish a quality building and that the parking concerns can be mitigated. I Jonathan Dudley stated that he recommends the -variance be denied and that some other options be pursued in order to comply with the ordinance. Committee Report (Sherwood/Tavernakis) Mr. Tavernakis clarified with the applicant that an easement was not an option with neighboring SeaFirst Bank. The applicant stated he would verify that the bank would not be willing to sale the easement. Mr. Tavernakis asked Mr,Hildt if a curb cut was possible. fir. Hildt stated responded that it would be a question for the City Attorney, Ir. Losec asked the applicant- about the possibility of a joint use agreement for parking. Anything in the downtown historic district can be used as joint use. Mr. wiser stated that the downtown does not have many night time uses to share space with. Ms, Sherwood stated her mixed feeling for the project* She stated that a curb cut on Nater street is not desirable. She r x Planning Commission - .Tune 28, 1990 Page 6 of 7 would lake to have other options pursued further as specified in draft B.. Mr. Tave na is roved to continue the variance application to August 30, 1990 Ms'. Sherwood seconded. Di scu�ss ion, Mr, Tavernakis suggested that if an earlier date becomes available the Kaiser's application will be heard at that time. Mr. Carman suggested that the hearing be continued to the night of the sign code workshop on August 16, 1990. Mr. Hildt responded that the Commission would need the entire meeting for the sign code. D. Conditional. Use Permit Appl . 9006-061 , William and D anna Wolcott 1 . staff Review The applicants wish to convert two apartments units to motel rooms at 936 Water street. 2. Public Testimony Ball Wolcott stated that the applicants have decided not' to use the building for a motel unit. Mr. Wolcott stated that there i ars area of concern near the proposed parting area. They would life to pursue the application in order to reserve the applications approval for a later date. 3 ., Committee deport - Carman/Eric son Ms. Erickson stated she had no concerns with the application. some discussion followed over the parking problem behind the building. Ms. M Dole stated that she dick not like to. see apartments being transferred to transient accommodations, Mr. Carman stated that he also has reservation about converting apartments to overnight accommodations. Mr. Carman moved to recommend approval of Conditional Use Permit ppl , 9006-01 , William and Dyanna Wolcott, adopting the Findings of Fact and Conclusions as drafted by staff. Mr, Grimm seconded. Discussion. Mr. Tavernakis clarified the parking requirement. He also asked Planning Commission June 28, 1990 Page 7 of 7 if the Council could grant an extension on the Conditional Use. Ir. Hildt responded that this is an option. The motion passed unanimously. V. New Business none VI . Announcements - Next scheduled Meetings July 12: 1990 a. Conditional Use Permit, 8912-08, Douglass and Nancy Lamy (McDole/Carman) 1 . Variance Appl, , 9005-01, Jean Anderson Carman/Grimm ucut__ 1 9 9 . Draft Ordinance Sign Code Workshop The meeting was adjourned at 10:10. 4 -City of Port owes r Planning Commission � = 540 Nater St., fort Townsend, WA 98368 206/385..3000 (Proposed) Regular Meeting Jure 28 , 1990 1 . ROLL CAL __---- ----�__�__�_��.� �k"�.L� ���A�F�li ��i�F�� • 0 .Iii. 404 S W-A ALj%%N 6V8 2 . READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING COMMUNICATIONS: a. current mail OLD BUSINESS: a{. Letter requesting reconsideration of Short Plat Applal 8912- 4 , Glenn Wood beA t�h it Commission Discussion 4 -3 1>1 sin ej C% 2, Planning Commission] Decision (-nweZAAS., McbOl6WMAN) b, Conditional Use Permit Appl. , 9005-04 , Laraine Doer be4q Y 11 Staff Review (-TA VCF­�S, CAeA&a�) Public Testimony Committee Report - cDole Grimm 4 . Findings and Conclusions c. variance Apel. 9005- , Mary and Gary Kaiser Cow-mvvE:0 7-0 e130190 1Staff Review 2 .. public Testimony ■■■ Committee Report - (Sherwood/Tavernkis . 4t Findings and Conclusions d. Conditional Use Permit Appl. , 9006-0I, William and Dyanna Wolcott )k p>[�G: 1 . Staff Review 2. Public Testimony Committee Report -- Carman/Erickson 4 . Findings and Conclusions NEW BUSINESS: F r 0 0 &1 • 9 a. None ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Scheduled Meetings: July 12 , 1990 a. Conditional Use Permit, 8912-08, Douglass and Nancy Lamy Committee: Mc ole/Carman bo Variance App1 . 9005m-0 1, Jean Anderson Carman/Grimm August 16 1990 �• • • i + # a S + t y a. Draft Ordinance Sign Code Workshop I . ADJOURN y I + 4 ■ w i City Townselfil Planning Commission 540 Water St., Fort Townsend, WA 98368 Z06/385-3000 To: Planning Commission From: Darlene Bloomfield Administrative Assistant r Date. June 22, 190 ,. Subject: Council Update City Co -Action on-June .19. 1920 City Council adopted an ordinance expanding and strengthening the City's substantivie authority under SEPA, Sche& d Co in Conditional Use Permit, Pacific Oil Conditional Use Permit, City of Port Townsend Historic District Design Review Ordinance LeVVI VARIA%K�or,- led Council. 1 90 Street Vacation, Ca ` er/Ta er a l Street Vacation, Hamilton DB 6/22/90 i est List • NAME iplease printl ADDRESS 0o you wish to If yes, indicate present testimony? topic. YES NO U w 0 c��r se.�� J -Pw Ip-SAD 74o 61J K Ll t,-) S- RA)v icL N U lQ'i"k-d rt i 0 elp ` a a" (7 �(2) "PP f-Of Kc t2.. . D El 1:3 a a a 0