HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-11-07PEG Access Coordinating Committee
Meeting Minutes, 9/11107
3:38 PM at PTTV Studio. Member attending were Mark Welch, Gary Nelson,
Julian Ray, Karen Nelson, Tom Opstad and Kitti deLong. Teresa Percy arrived at
3:48 PM. Also attending were Steve Emery and Carl Nomura.
Steve Emery made a report on the status of the equipment:
There are seven original Sony VHS decks that were here at the start of
PTTV. If their mileage qualified for 'flight miles,' they could have traveled to the
moon by now. Of that seven, deck number two is already dead, number twelve
has tracking problems and number thirteen has an ejection problem. These last
two are exhibiting signs of looming failure. The last four of the original seven
seem to be working okay. But they do have plenty of miles on them.
Steve thinks there is one Panasonic VHS deck, number fifteen, which is
several years old, maybe five. It seems to be working okay.
There are four new JVC VHS decks in play. There are two more new JVC
decks still in the box that Steve has been asked by Mark and Julian to not hook
There are three DVD players. DVD decks number seven and eight are in
play. DVD deck number four is dedicated to PTTV public service
The PC that inputs the database for the router needs to be
hardware/software updated (it is slow and freezes up) and linked to the internal
network of PTTV computers.
The Leightronix router program needs updating.
The Mac computer that presents the slide show for channels 97 and 98
will be going back to the school district. We need to look for a computer to
replace it.
There should be studio monitors to view what is on cameras 1 & 2. When
using the green screen and running a video in the background, we are unable to
view what the studio camera has framed. We are flying blind.
The Globecaster switcher MUST be configured to be autonomous. That is,
we need to have the ability of producing live shows without having to "go -to -air."
Presently, we have to preclude scheduled shows in order to allow our talent to be
able to see themselves, graphics, video inserts, etc while filming. Steve
suggested that this part of the production system be configured to mainly be
`offline' until switched to live 'on -the -air.' There needs to be a DVD play deck
added to one of the inputs on the switcher. The Globecaster switcher should be
hardware/software diagnostic tested and updated as needed. It also has freeze -
ups and crashes frequently. It also should be linked to the internal network of
PTTV computers.
It is very important that PTTV has an autonomous dubbing station. What
we are doing now is dubbing when DVD deck #7 is not playing because the
Globecaster/DVD recorder is tied to the same input -to -air on the router. That
severely limits dubbing availability. The equipment needed to accomplish
autonomy consists of a DVD player and a DVD recorder with a Fire -Wire
input/output so we can connect to a computer.
Mark had volunteered to do the dubbing but he has been very busy and it
takes a while for him to get to it.
The Canon GL -cameras need to be professionally cleaned and serviced.
(There is dust inside the lenses.)
The ventilation system for the studio needs to be addressed.
Steve Emery left at 4:00 PM
Gary Nelson stated that he does dubbing for $5 per copy and would be willing tc
do the dubbing for the station. Mark said we will have Gary Nelson do that work.
The City charges $10 per dubbing, so this will create a $5 profit per dubbing for
Discussion on the protocol for hiring was moved to the next meeting because
John Watts was not present.
Equipment Analysis: Karen and Gary handed out a two page "Broadcast TV/Web
Studio Design/Layout Pre -Plan PTTV" prepared free of charge by IT Consultant
Stephen Jacobsen. They suggested that Mr. Jacobsen be authorized as soon as
possible by the PEG board to make a thorough assessment of facilities and
equipment to determine which equipment was salvageable, which equipment
needed to be upgraded and/or replaced, and a cost effective method of gradually
phasing in the upgraded system. Both Karen and Gary suggested that this be
done as soon as possible so that we could find out how much money would be
required to get the equipment we needed to produce programs and effectively
broadcast. We would then have an idea of how many hours per week we can
afford to pay staff and consultants. They also thought that it was important to
have a system in place that was not dependent on any one production manager,
since one of the criteria that came out of the long range planning sessions was
that we needed a system in place that is not individual specific. Mark asked if
Stephen Jacobsen had a CV and Karen said he did. Mark thought that it might
require a RFQ to proceed. Gary mentioned that Walter Brasfield, who had
originally set up the system was hired as an IT consultant without an RFQ. Mark
mentioned that the bidding process for the City is not required for contract
amounts somewhere under (approximately) $18,000, he thought.
Mark suggested waiting until we have the Production Technician hired before we
have the analysis done. Karen disagreed and felt that we need to do that soon.
Karen stated that we need to do this in a systematic way. The subcommittee had
a meeting with Michael Legarsky and we need to have agreement to bring an
independent consultant in to do the analysis. Mark asked if we need to do an
RFQ. Kitti stated that we have not needed to have an RFQ in the past which
gave precedence for just hiring him. Mark asked if we have a CV from Steven
Jacobsen and Karen said yes. Discussion.
Teresa asked where we are in the hiring process? Julian moved to set up an
interview schedule as fast as we can. Mark seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
Teresa suggested that we wait until that new person is on board to have the
analysis done. Tom felt that the person who is here 99% of the time should be a
big part of designing the system. Carl Nomura suggested having someone in
charge of the station and also hiring a tech guy. Gary Nelson recommended
having Steven Jacobsen come in to do the analysis next Tuesday. Kitti made a
motion that Steve Jacobsen would come in to do the analysis (tentatively on
Tuesday, September 25 at 3:00 PM) and to have him make a presentation to the
Board in the next two weeks. Gary seconded the motion. Discussion about
whether or not to have the interviewees attend the equipment analysis
presentation. Teresa asked if it wouldn't be an unfair advantage to have the
prospective interviewees attend. It was decided to not have the interviewees
attend. Discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Review of the PEG Budget:
Karen stated that there was a mistake in the 2006 budget of $5670 that was
charged to the PEG Budget which did not belong. Mark suggested that we ask
the council for that amount to be returned when we need a supplemental budget.
Mark stated that because we have a basic agreement on this amount, it will be
returned and will build points with the City Council if we don't ask for it right now.
Mark will make a note of this to David Timmons and he suggested that when we
need the money, we may be able to leverage that money to get more.
Karen asked why the reserve from 2006 that the PEG Board requested the City
Council carry over to 2007 doesn't show in this year's budget. Discussion. In
addition, Karen informed the Board that it appears that we were charged
$2223.50 for office supplies when we only purchased $189. This matter will be
moved to a later date.
PT Leader and Scott Wilson:
Mark stated that Scott's intention is to have a much larger web presence. Mark
stated that Scott told him that the in-kind services that the Leader donates to
PTTV for printing schedules amounts to about $20,000 per year. Mark stated that
the structure of his consultation with the Leader is still undeveloped and Mark will
be working with the Leader on the technical issues and at the training level. They
will do a program that will air on PTTV and also air on their website. Karen asked
if this wouldn't be more than just the Leader. Mark stated that yes, it would be
more. Discussion. Mark said that he will be paid as an independent consultant to
train Leader reporters to become Videographers.
Gary Nelson observed that the PDN also publishes our schedule for free and
pays PTTV membership fees. Discussion.
Satellite for Democracy Now:
Julian suggested putting this out to bid. Karen reminded Julian that this had been
voted on. Julian stated that he hadn't known that this was agreed on and then
stated that he can put this in but for the next two weeks, he is really busy.
Karen announced that the Peninsula College class that she and the PDN had
worked on setting up has been cancelled for lack of enrollment.
Kitti asked if we could vote to have Karen be the Executive Director. Mark stated
that Karen is in charge as the Chair person of the Board now, that he has faith in
her leadership and that she is already in charge of making the decisions. Carl
stated that someone has to be in charge and that we can't continue to have
these Board meetings to discuss small business items. Mark stated that this isn't
within our Charter to vote on an Executive Director now. Discussion. This matter
was continued until our structure changes to nonprofit status.
Julian stated that there were a number of technical things brought up today by
Steve Emery that can be addressed. Julian will work on the editing suite this
weekend. Mark will put the new decks in. Julian and Mark will do the cleaning.
Meeting ended at 5:06 PM. Karen will set up a date and time to interview the
candidates for the Production Manager's job.