The Regular Meeting was held at the Gael Stuart Building. The meeting started at 3:40
p.m. Members attending were Mark Welch, Julian Ray, Tom Opstad, Theresa Percy,
Gary Nelson and Karen Nelson. John Watts had a scheduling conflict and Secretary,
Kitti deLong, was unable to attend due to her granddaughter's illness. James Fritz and
Paul Gottlieb attended during the public comment period, as representatives of the Port
Townsend Producers Guild.
Mr. Welch moved to approve the Minutes from the 9-25 Special Meeting. Mr. Nelson
seconded. The motion passed and the Minutes were approved.
Ms. Nelson noted the presence of Mr. Fritz and Mr. Gottlieb. She stated that after she
had been elected Chair of the PEG Committee in July, she had immediately notified the
Port Townsend Producers Guild that she would no longer be in a position to serve as its
President, since there might be a potential for a conflict of interest in the future. During
the October 2 meeting of the PTPG Paul Gottlieb, commentary editor of the Peninsula
Daily News, was elected president of the PTPG.
James Fritz, a PTPG member, submitted a written statement that the broadcast quality
for the Public Access channel # 97 had "severely compromised" PTTV and caused the
loss of many viewers and members, including the Jefferson County Department of
Health. The PTPG resolved during its October 2 meeting to submit a formal complaint
to the PEG Committee that the broadcast quality for channel 97 was inadequate and that
the PTTV membership fees should not apply for the 6 month period during which PTTV
was without a station manager and suffering from substandard technical quality.
Mr. Gottlieb stated that as President of the PTPG he would work hard to steward public
access for all members of our community. Mr. Gottlieb noted that he understood that the
PEG Committee was preoccupied with restructuring PTTV. The key issue for Mr.
Gottlieb is that first impressions are everlasting and he was not pleased at the report he
had received from Jeff Chew, the Port Townsend editor of the Peninsula Daily News,
who had been watching the live broadcast of the Peninsula Daily News Show at 2:00-
2:30, just prior to the PEG Meeting. During that program Mr. Gottlieb interviewed Port
Townsend City Council member, Laurie Medlicott, and Port Townsend City Council
candidate, Richard Wiener. Mr. Chew watched the program from the PDN headquarters
and reported that the broadcast was not stable, but was moving up and down. Mr.
Gottlieb stated that any viewer who watched would not last past the first five minutes
because the broadcast was of such poor quality. Mr. Gottlieb wanted to know exactly
what could be done to solve this problem. PTTV Technical Supervisor, Julian Ray stated
that some of the poor broadcast quality was due to old tape decks and recycled VHS tapes
and that all tapes for programs should be new. Ms. Nelson left the meeting for a minute
to check with Steve Emery to find out whether the PDN program had been recorded on a
new tape. He said that the S -VHS tape had never been used before and that, at any rate,
the live broadcast would not be effected by the tape quality until the program was
rebroadcast. The Peninsula Daily News Show was a live broadcast at 2:00 that
afternoon. Ms. Nelson reported this conversation to the group. Mr. Ray stated that he
would come in and work on the problems that could be fixed without a complete systems
analysis, but that repair issues relating to the cable itself would need to wait until a more
thorough assessment was performed after the Production Manager was on the job.
Ms. Nelson stated in response to Mr. Fritz and Mr. Gottlieb that the PEG Committee had
decided that any equipment upgrades were on hold until a Production Manager was able
to meet with an independent IT consultant, so that the Production Manager would be in a
position to give input and feedback regarding a new system. She also stated that the
AGENDA included an item relating to a systems analysis by an independent IT
consultant as soon as possible after October 22 and that the technical problems should
be resolved quickly, once the new Production Manager was on board, the systems
analysis was complete and the new upgrades were installed. Mr. Gottlieb stated that he
would like some assurance of the capacity to fix the serious technical problems before the
election coverage. Mr. Ray responded that he would do what he thought he could do, in
light of the circumstances.
Ms. Nelson reported the results of the Finance Subcommittee's findings:
Available funds in the PEG Budget as of 9-30 for the remainder of 2007 are
approximately $30,893.28, minus wages paid Steve Emery after 9-30 and miscellaneous
expenses that should not total more than $2,000 .
The amount of $5,670 for "furniture, Machinery, and Equipment" had been mistakenly
charged to the PEG account in 2007 and would be added to the 2008 PEG Budget. Also,
an amount of $3,041, reflected a carryover from the 2006 PEG Budget that had not been
included in the 2006 Budget plus an excess charge to the PEG account for "operating
and office supplies". As a result of the October 2 meeting between City Controller
Michael Legarsky, John Watts, Kitti deLong and Gary Nelson, it was determined that the
two above amounts, i.e., $5,670 and $3,041 would be added to the 2008 PEG Budget, a
total amount of $8,711.
The projected amount of Revenue for the 2008 PEG Budget will be $56,250. The
addition of the $8,711, will provide a total amount equal to $64,961.
Nelson stated that she wanted to wait to discuss this until John Watts was available and
would ask him by email what the PEG Committee needed to do in order to comply with
any City requirements relating to submitting a request for 2008 funding.
Port Townsend School District: Mr. Opstad stated that he would place this on the
PTSD School Board Agenda for Wednesday, October 24 at 7:30 and that the concept for
the non-profit proposal could be submitted to the Board for review at that time. Ms.
Nelson will attend that meeting.
City of Port Townsend: Mr. Welch stated that he would place this on the City Council
Agenda for October 15 on a "first touch" basis: i.e., a review of the concept for the non-
profit proposal .
Ms. Nelson mentioned that the Jefferson County Democrats had scheduled a six member
panel discussion for Wednesday, October 10 at 2:00 p.m. Among the scheduled panel
members are the Washington State Secretary of State, Sam Reed, and various Jefferson
County officials. This would require advance technical preparation, especially since only
four wireless lavolier mikes were operational. Mr. Welch, Mr. Ray and Mr. Nelson
stated that they would assist with the set-up. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson will operate the
Ms. Nelson reported that the Leader, through Fred Obee , had requested that PTTV cover
the Candidate Forum on Thursday, October 11. Each year Gary Lemons, as station
manager, had performed that service for this widely viewed program. She stated that she
thought it was important that a professional videographer cover this event so that PTTV
appeared in a good light. During a meeting with Mr. Watts, Mr. Welch and Ms. Nelson,
one local videographer quoted an amount of $600. He mentioned that another
videographer might film the Forum for $300 and gave Ms. Nelson the name and number
of that videographer. Mr. Nelson stated that he would do it for $200. Mr. Opstad asked
if this would be a conflict of interest. Ms. Nelson said she would check with Mr. Watts,
but that a professional videographer would be required for Thursday night, since no
Production Manager was available to shoot the Forum.
Mr. Ray stated that in light of the continuing problems with the old VHS tape decks, it
seemed necessary to go ahead and purchase two new dvd decks. He estimated their cost
to be around $600 each. A motion was made by (?), seconded by (?), and unanimously
approved. Mr. Ray stated that he thought the two new decks could be available for
installation early next week and that this would help with the broadcast quality during the
pre-election period.
4:10, the Committee was in executive session for approximately ten minutes to finalize
the details regarding the choice of Production Manager.
Mr. Welch moved to offer Jonathan Stratman the position of Production Manager for a
period of approximately 3 months beginning on October 22 and ending on January 31.
Mr. Stratman will be retained for 35 hours per week. Any extra time should be
authorized by Ms. Nelson, as Chair, and brought to the PEG Committee for final
approval. Julian Ray seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Ms. Nelson suggested that Steve Emery continue to work at the studio for thirty hours
per week for a three month term (October 22 through January 31) under the direct
supervision of Mr. Stratman and Ms. Nelson. This allocation of labor would maximize
the ability of Mr. Stratman to perform highly skilled functions and for Mr. Emery to do
the daily tasks required for operational consistency and efficiency. The allocation of
tasks would be decided by Mr. Stratman and Ms. Nelson and discussed with Mr. Emery.
No more than 30 hours per week would be authorized without Ms. Nelson's and the
Committee's approval. Mr. Welch stated that since Mr. Emery is a City employee that
no formal action needed to be taken. Ms. Nelson stated that she would speak with Mr.
Emery as soon as possible about these terms to see if he would agree to them.
Ms. Nelson stated that she will notify the other candidates in person of the PEG
Committee's decision.
Ms. Nelson stated that Mr. Stephen Jacobsen, an independent IT consultant,
would be available at $25 per hour to meet with the Production Manager, Mr. Welch
and Mr. Ray soon after October 22, when Mr. Stratman indicated he could started
working as Production Manager. Mr. Ray stated that he thought there should be a
preliminary cap on the hours authorized for Mr. Jacobsen to bill and recommended 5
hours maximum for the initial review, subject to later authorization for more billable
hours. Mr. Welch made the motion related to the above and it was seconded by
Motion to retain Mr. Jacobson for a first meeting was unanimously approved