HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD02-116 W""""''''KolzBIlil.w" 181 Quincy Street. Suite 301 Part T.......... WA 98368 ."""." (38l) 319-3208 Fox' (360) 31l5-767S CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call 385-2294 for Ins ion . Permit Number: BLD02-116 Issued: 06fOS/02 Parcel Number: 989 703 907 Job Address: 1004 Water Street Zoning: C-III Type: V-N Occupancy: NfC Total Occupant Load: N/C Location: Palace Hotel BuildiRlz Nature or Work: Masonry reoair to oarkin!! lot (rear) side orbuildin!! - renlace soalled brick on two chimney's at !!Utter line. !!rind out mortar ioints and tucknoint 100%. Remove downspouts. pressure wash area so it is moss free. replace spalled brick at !!Utter area. repair mortar ioints as needed. install one new 3 inch PVC downsDout. Owner: Post Gair. Inc. Contractor: Olvmoic Masonry Restoration (360) 385-5757 GENERAL CONDmONS APPLY - SEE LAST PAGE NOTE: Any change in exterior paint colors is subject to Historic District Design Review .approval PRIOR to beginning any paintwork (application required). If the new exterior 'Paint colors are selected from the City's Historic Paint Palette, please complete an Exterior Paint Registration form available from BCD. REOUlRED INSPECfIONS APPROVEDIDATE SEDIMENT CONTROL Sweep Concrete & Paved Surfaces during construction as needed PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION - Install barrier around area of work to prevent pedestrian access. Provide Protection per UBC as required. Inspection required prior to beginning work. . MASONRY All masonry repairs per attached scope of work. FINAL Building Number Final- Building . Can 48 houn before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 ofZ Permit # .BLD02-116 GENERAL CONDmONS . 1. Contracton workinll on this project are required to have a Labor & Industries contractor's retdstration number and a City business license. Failure to provide proof of this documentation prior to work may result in job shut down while this is accomplished. 1. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures sbllll be instaBed on-site and inspected prior to beginninll construction; caD 385-2294. Measures shllll include instaUation of silt fencinll and vaveled construction entr8llce (see attaebed details). Adjacent ripts-of-way shall be kept free of dirt debris. Soils exposed durinll construction shllll be temporarily stabilized with mulchina, plastic sbeeting, etc. Soils shllll be permanently stabilized with seedinll, plantinlll, sodding, etc. once construction is complete. Applicant is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. 3. AU elements of engineerina incIudinll naiJina, boldowns, sheathina, and lIItemate braced wllll p8llels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. Owner or owner's aaent sbllll review 8IId oversee correction of any and lIII deficiencies noted by required inspections. 5. Re-inspection is required after inspection report corrections are completed. . 6. The Buildinll Department is unable to pass finlll inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For Public Works inspection cllll385-2194. A minimum of twentv-four hours notice is reduired. Public Works annrovlll must be received nrior to scheduliDl~ the Buildin2 DeDartment's finlll inmection. -e 7. Final Inspections are required prior to occupancy; A Certificate of OcCUP8llCY is required for a non- residential project. 8. AU buildinll permits expire if no proaress has been made within siI months, or if no inspections are done by the Buildinll Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 9. Revisions require review 8IId approvlll Drior to makinll cbanllel in the fJeld. Contact the Buildinll Department at 379-5086 prior to makinll cbanaes to the approved plans. 10. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WlTII THE APPROVED PLANS. . Call 48 houn before you dig for utiJity line locates 1-800-414-5555 Page 2 0(1 . - -