HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-008 Joint resolution of JeffCo County Commissioners and PT city council providing composition, terms of office, and procedural rules for the housing action plan network committee
The Board of County Commissioners of Jefferson County, Washington and the City Council
of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do hereby jointly resolve as follows:
WHEREAS, In the Fall of2006, both the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson
County adopted the Housing Action Plan (HAP) to identify the need for housing in East
Jefferson County and develop a strategy for addressing needs (Resolutions 06-026 and 69-06
respectively). Forty-two housing strategies have been identified in Chapter 5 of the plan; and
WHEREAS, Action Item #1 is to establish a Housing Action Plan Network (HAPN)
to monitor performance and facilitate implementation of the action plan. The HAPN will
bring together representatives of all sectors of our community affected by the lack of
affordable housing; and
WHEREAS, On January 16,2007, the City Council appointed 14 members to the
HAPN committee (AB07-0l2); and
WHEREAS, On February 4th, 2008, the City Council made some new appointments
and replacements resulting in 16 members on the HAPN committee (AB08-021); and
WHEREAS, the HAPN, at its third regular business meeting (May 15, 2007),
expressed a desire to formalize rules of procedure; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 01-012 on March 19, 2001,
establishing general rules governing citizen advisory boards,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners
of Jefferson County as follows:
Section 1. Establishment
The City of Port Townsend City Council approved Formation of the Housing Action Plan
Network Committee on October 2, 2006 (Resolution 06-026) and by the Board of County
Commissioners on November 6, 2006 (Resolution 69-06). The Committee shall follow
applicable County and City rules pertaining to citizen advisory committees. The City
Manager and County Administrator shall jointly resolve any conflict that may arise between
applicable rules.
City Resolution 08-008
County Resolution_
Section 2. Purpose and Scope of Work
2.1 The Purpose of the Housing Action Plan Network (HAPN) is to serve as an advisory
group to the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County on housing policy and
programs. HAPN will have no formal decision-making responsibilities.
2.2 The principal role ofHAPN is to facilitate the implementation of the Housing Action
Plan with specific focus on increasing the availability of affordable housing for the
workforce, especially very low, low and moderate-income county residents. Forty-
two action plan strategies are presented in the Housing Action Plan. A number of
parties may be responsible for leading and managing, participating, and supporting or
permitting each strategy as described in the plan. HAPN will steward plan
implementation and be a "voice" for affordable housing coordinating efforts and
monitoring progress.
2.3 HAPN members shall review applicable portions of the county and city codes and
comprehensive plan to recommend amendments in accordance with the Housing
Action Plan strategies.
2.4 The HAPN will meet as needed, generally monthly. The Committee may create task-
oriented subgroups, as it may deem necessary or expedient to expand public process
and participation.
2.5 Participation as a HAPN member will not and does not preclude one's later
participation in any formal review or comment process before the City Council and/or
Board of County Commissioners.
Section 3. Committee Members, Appointment and Confirmation Process, Terms &
3.1 The Board of County Commissioners and the City Council shall each appoint an
elected official and a Planning Commission representative to the HAPN.
3.2 The Chair of the Board of County Commissioners and the Mayor, in consultation
with the County Administrator and City Manager, shall review letters of interest and
recommend individuals to serve on the HAPN, for appointment by the Council and
Board of County Commissioners. The committee membership may fluctuate but
should seek to retain an odd number of members to avoid the potential for split-votes.
The committee shall consist of a broad range of interests in affordable housing,
h' h . I d b t' t r 't d t
W IC may mc u e u Isno lIDl e 0:
Housing Providers (Jefferson County Housing Authority,
OlyCAP, Habitat for Humanity, Kitsap County Housing
Authoritv, Homeward Bound)
Green Building
City Resolution 018~e8
County Resolutlon_
Faith Based Organizations
Economic Development
Major Employment Sectors
Citizens at Large
3.3 Housing provider appointments shall have no expiration term. For all other
appointments, members shall serve a period of two-years.
3.4 Each person shall be deemed appointed and shall commence service after
confirmation by the Board of County Commissioners and City Councilor on the
effective date of the previous member's resignation or on the expiration of the
existing term for the position, as applicable.
3.5 For unexpired terms the Board of County Commissioners & Council shall fill any
vacancy in the same marmer as the original appointment. An appointment for an
unexpired term shall terminate at the end of the unexpired term. Any member may be
removed by Board of County Commissioners and Council action based on the
decision that removal is in the best interests of the citizens of Jefferson County/City
respectively. Removal should not occur for disagreement with an official
recommendation of the board or its members.
Section 4. Prcsiding Officcrs - Election and Dutics
4.1 The officers of the HAPN shall consist of a Chair and a Vice Chairperson elected
from the appointed members of the HAPN and such other officers as the HAPN may,
by majority vote, approve and appoint.
4.2 The election of officers shall take place once each year on the occasion of the first
meeting of each calendar year. The term of each officer shall run from that meeting
until the first meeting of the subsequent calendar year.
4.3 A Nominating Committee may be appointed for the nomination of officers.
4.4 In the event of a vacancy of the Chair, the Vice Chairperson would replace the Chair,
and the Vice Chairperson replaced by vote of the members of the HAPN.
4.5 The chair will sign documents of the HAPN and represent the committee before the
Board of County Commissioners and City Council. The chair is entitled to a single
vote and shall retain the right and responsibility to participate in all deliberations and
to vote on all matters. The vice-chair will act for the chair in the chair's absence.
Section 5. Mcctings
5.1 Regular meetings shall generally be held monthly at a public place at a regularly
scheduled time. All meetings of the HAPN shall be subject to all requirements of the
City Resolution 08-008
County Resolution 28-08
Washington Open Public Meetings Act Chapter 42.30 RCW, and shall be open to the
public, and shall be held at a public place.
5.2 All meeting dates and terms, shall be posted consistent with adopted County and City
policies No meeting shall be scheduled without at least 48 hours notice to the County
and City Clerk's offices.
5.3 Subcommittee work sessions may be scheduled as needed. At such meetings the
public is welcome to attend but shall not ordinarily be allowed to participate unless
specifically requested by the subcommittee chair.
5.4 Except as modified by these rules of procedure, the HAPN rules of procedure shall be
guided by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (1 at" Edition, Perseus Publishing), as the
same may be amended or updated.
Section 6. Attendance & Alternates
6.1 To achieve its greatest effect the HAPN needs the regular attendance of its members
at most or all meetings; the HAPN benefits greatly from full participation of each
6.2 In light ofthis, HAPN members are expected and required to notify the chair of
anticipated absence from any meeting of the HAPN as far in advance of the meeting
as possible. In the event that such notifications indicate that a quorum will not be
present, the chair will ordinarily cancel or reschedule the meeting.
6.3 If a member is absent for either three (3) consecutive regular meetings without
excuse, or if a member is absent for thirty-five percent (35%) of all regular business
meetings whether or not excused, in any six (6)-month period, the member's record
of attendance may be forwarded to the Mayor and Chair of the County
Commissioners for consideration of removal in accordance with RCW 35.63.030.
6.4 If the HAPN determines a need, it will recognize an appropriate designated alternate
in the event of a member's absence. An "appropriately designated alternate" will
have been recommended by the HAPN, forwarded to the Mayor and Chair of Board
of County Commissioners for their recommendation and approved by the Board of
County Commissioners and City Council. In the event of that member's absence, the
alternate can exercise the voting privilege of the seat that he/she represents.
Section 7. Quorum - Voting
7.1 The decision making approach of the HAPN will be by consensus. If consensus
carmot be reached, the HAPN will recognize a simple majority vote. Any dissenting
opinions will be recorded and included in the meeting summary.
7.2 A simple majority of the total of the members currently appointed to HAPN shall
constitute a quorum for the conduct ofHAPN business. No meeting shall occur
unless a majority of the appointed HAPN members are present. Voting is by voice
City Resolution 08-008
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vote, except where these rules or the HAPN itself may require a roll call vote.
Section 8. Conflicts of Interest
8.1 Conflicts of interest will rarely arise as a matter of concern for HAPN members;
however, in the discussion or recommendation of funding proposals for HAPN
projects it is possible that a conflict or the appearance of a conflict may arise. When a
conflict or appearance of conflict may arise, applicable state, county, and city policies
regarding Appearance of Fairness shall apply.
Section 9. Order of Business Meeting Procedure
9.1 Call to order, roll call and determination of quorum.
9.2 Agenda items
9.2.1 Minutes of previous meeting
9.2.2 Old business
9.2.3 Committee Reports
9.2.4 New business
9.2.5 Discussions of next meeting date and agenda
9.2.6 General Announcements
9.2.7 Community Member Comments
9.2.8 Adjournment
9.3 The chair may alter the regular order of business in preparing the agenda when
special circumstances and the efficient use of time dictate.
9.4 All meetings of the HAPN shall be conducted pursuant to the Open PublIC Meetings
Act (RCW 42.30).
Section 10. Minutes and Records
The Advisory Board shall provide for the taking of minutes and maintaining the records of
all regular and special meetings. Any Advisory Board may establish standing or ad hoc
committees comprised of Board members to assist in accomplishing its duties and
responsibilities. Once approved, the official minutes shall be filed for the public record with
the County and City Council within 10 days of approval.
Section 11. Term of Committee- Sunset Provision
The HAPN shall formally end within 3 years from the date of adoption of this Resolution
unless sooner terminated by a resolution or ordinance adopted by either the BoCC or City
Council, or otherwise extended by joint ordinance or resolution.
Section 12. Communications to the Board of County Commissioners and City Council
The Committee shall report to the Board of County Commissioners and Port Townsend City
Council at least semi-annually.
Section 13. Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses
Members of HAPN shall serve without compensation.
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County Resolullon _
Section 14. Staffing
Staffing for the HAPN shall be provided as a priority by the Board of County Commissioners
and City Council.
Section 15. Amending Rules
15.1 HAPN may recommend amendments to these rules at any meeting by a vote of the
majority of the entire membership, provided 5 days notice has been given to each
15.2 HAPN is a joint county/city committee and thus the two govermnent entities agree to
maintain consistency by processing any amendments hereto as "Joint Resolutions"
requiring approval by both entities.
This resolution shall become effective upon adoption by the Board of County Commissioners
and the City of Port Townsend.
day of April
Phil J oIfiison, Chairman
~t2-t&// ~
David Sullivan, Member
. . .
Approved as to form:
c;;rulie Ma es, DeputY Clerk of the Board
Jefferson County
~ M
David W. Alvarez, Chief Civi
Jefferson County
day of
City Resolution 08-008
County Resolution 28-08
Michelle Sandoval, Mayor
City of Port Townsend
Approved as to form:
~!~~ dv
Pamela Kolacy, C, City ClerkO
John P. Watts, City Attorney
City Resolution 08-008
County Resolution 28-08