HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD02-083 e . , . Watennan and Katz BuiJcting ISI Quincy Street Suite 301 Port Townsend, W A 98368 Phone (360) 379-3208 Fax (360) 385-7675 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call 385-2294 for Inspection Permit Number: BLD02-083R-2 Issued: 08/29/02 Parcel Number: 958-500-104 Job Address: 2044 McNeil Street Zoning: R-Il Type: V-N Occupancy: U-l Total Occupant Load: N/C Nature of Work: Revise carnort ner enl!ineerinl! Owners: Crail! Johnson Contractor: Owners GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY - SEE LAST PAGE SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED: Electrical- Contact Labor & Industries @ 360-417-2702 REOlITREDINSPECTIONS APPROVED/DATE FOOTINGS Setbacks - no change rwfa~rf Footings - width of 2' with stem wall located 3" back from outside face to leave 15" heel inside the wall Forms Reinforcement - per engineering with 3 horizontal bars; 90 bend to tie footing & wall steel Pier Footings - under posts with a minimum depth of 12" Sonatube Footings 24" @ front carport; 12" @ rear reinforcement - positive connection footing to sonotube: 2 lengths of bar post base@top of tube footing for column at midspan on back wall FOUNDATION r~/ff2-tf Stem Wall- should be constructed to return 2' at the Ends Reinforcement - one (1) horizontal bar within 10" of top of wall; vertical steel every 16" - 18" with a 90 bend to I tie to footing steel Post brackets to support columns at each end placed at time of pour Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 of3 , ". Bllilcting Pormit #BLD02ol183R-2 RE UIRED INSPECTIONS FRAMING: 4 x 4 post lag bolted to house wall to support north/south carport beams per engineer's letter Beam 4 x 4 posts (2 places) with (3) W' x 6" lag bolts into existing 4-stud column Post/beam cap to tie header & post together Roof Blocking Positive Connections APPROVED/DATE FINAL See original inspection record GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Contractors working on this project are required to have a Labor & Industries contractor's rel!istration number and a City business license. Failure to provide proof of this documentation prior to work may result in job shut down while this is accomplished. 2. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures shall be installed on-site and inspected .- prior to bellinninll construction; call 385-2294. Measures shall include installation of silt fencinll and graveled construction entrance (see attacbed details). Adjacent rillbts-of way sball be kept free of dirt and debris. Soils exposed during construction shall be temporarily stabilized witb mulching, plastic sheeting, etc. Soils shall be permanently stabilized with seeding, plantings, sodding, etc. once construction is complete. Applicant is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. 3. All elements of engineerinll including nailing, holdowns, sheathing, and alternate braced wall panels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. Owner or owner's agent shall review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies noted by required inspections. 5. Re-inspection is required after any corrections are completed. 6. Tbe Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Publje Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For Public Works inspection call 385-2294; a minimum of twenty-four hours notice is required. Public Works approval must be received prior to scheduling the Building Department's final inspection. 7. Final Inspections and Certificate of Occupancy are required PRIOR to occupancy. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 2 of2 , - . - . Building Permit #BLD02ol1S3R-2 8. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections are done by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 9. Revisions require review and approval Drior to making changes in the field. Contact the Building Department at 379-5086 Drior to making cbanges to the approved plans. 10. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 3 of2 .'""7'. .. .. . ., , . . . WalerIDID and Katz BuiJcting 181 Quincy Street Suite 30 I Put Tcmmend, W A 9836S Phooe (360) 379-3208 Fax (360) 385-7675 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call 385-2294 for Inspection Permit Number: BLD02-083R-l Issued: 06/25/02 Parcel Number: 958-500-104 Job Address: 2044 McNeil Street Zoning: R-I1 Type: V-N Occupancy: R-3/U-l Total Occupant Load: 4/2 Nature of Work: Build modular home with caroort. entry Dorcb and side deck. Owner: Crail! Johnson Contractor: Crail! Johnson Construction - CRAIGJC992N2 GENERAL CONDmONS APPLY - SEE BEWW SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED: Electrical- Contact Labor & Industries @ 360-417-2702 For other inspections, see Foundation Permit BLD02-083 REOUIRED INSPECTIONS APPROVED/DATE FOOTINGS Setbacks Forms Reinforcement Carport Pier Footings - 24" x 24" x 16" Porch Pier Footings - sono tube 18" deep Deck Pier Footings - sono tube, 12" deep FRAMING: t(zcfjo2-f{ Positive Connection post-to-footing - Simpson CB66 f6bL{)()uPs Positive Connection post-to-beam - PC66 or EPC66 Treated Wood to Concrete Knee Bracing - per engineering Pressure Treated Wood, or wood of natural resistance to decay required for stairs and deck framing members. - f/i5/0~ rf Nailing for Ledger & Sheathing c (0/1: s.e:woe: Walls J Beam- 3-118" x 12" GLB D{;JU8u)"'J f/lo/m- rf Rafters Roof i Blocking Rafter Positive Connection Weather Resistive Barrier Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 of2 RE UIRED INSPECTIONS FRAMJNG- PORCH/DECK Steps Handrail Pressure-Treated loists Posts, Beams, Headers Positive Connections Roof Building Permit #BLD02'()83R-1 APPROVEDIDA TE FINAL Public Works Sign-Off Electrical (L & J) Sign-Off . House Number - 5" numbers FmaI- Building GENERAL CONDmONS 1. Contractors working on this project are required to have a Labor & Industries contractor's rel!istration number and a Citv business license. Failure to provide proof of this documentation prior to work may result in job shut down while this is accomplisbed. 2. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures sbaII be insta1led on-site and inspected prior to beginninll construction; call 38S-2294. Measures sball include insta1lation of silt fencinl and llraveled construction entrance (see attached details). Adjacent rigbts-of way sha1l be kept free of dirt and debris. Soils exposed during construction sha1l be temporarily stabilized with mulcbinl, plastic sheetinl, etc. Soils sba1l be permanently stabilized with seeding, pIantinp, sodding, etc. once construction is complete. AppliCllllt is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. . 3. All elements of engineerinll including nailing, holdowns, sheatbinll, and alternate braced wall panels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. Owner or owner's agent sba1l review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies noted by required inspections. 5. Re-inspection is required after any corrections are completed. 6. The Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For Public Works inspection call 385-2294; a minimum of twenty-four hours notice is required. Public Works approval mnst be received prior to scheelulinl the Building Department'. fina1 inspection. 7. FmaI Inspections and Certificate of Occupancy are required PRIOR to occupancy. 8. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections are done by the Buildinl Department within one year. Call for at Ieast one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 9. Revisions require rmew and approval Drior to making changes in the field. Contact the Building Department at 379-5086 Drior to makinl changes to the approved plans. 10. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. . Call 48 hours before you dig for utility lioe locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 2 of2 r Waterman &: KatzBuiJding 181 Quincy Street. Suite 301 Port Townsend. WA 98361 Phone:: (360) 319-3208 Fax: (360) 385-7675 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call 385-2294 for Inspection . Permit Number: BLD02-083 Issued: OS/23/02 Parcel Number: 958500104 Job Address: 2044 McNeil Street Zoning: R-II Type: V-N Occupancy: R-3 Nature of Work: Construct foundation for future bome Occupant Load: NA Owner: Crail! Jobnson Contractor: Same as Owner GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY - SEE LAST PAGE NOTE: FOUNDATION PERMIT ONLY RE UIRED INSPECTIONS TEMPORARY EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL See General Condition No.2 - install on-site as needed during construction to prevent sediment from leaving the site and to eliminate tracking of soil onto the street; see also SUDP #02-011 APPROVEDIDA TE 1tALJ11/) -!:;UDWALc h/13/ZJp. ~/9/0 2-- /f FOOTINGS Setbacks Footings Forms Reinforcement Interior Footings UFER ~~ FOUNDATION Stem Wall Forms Reinforcement Anchor Bolts w/2" x 2" x 3/16" square washers Vents Crawl space access Positive Connections Treated Wood to Concrete 6 mil black poly Foundation Cripple Wall . Call 48 bours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 of2 Permit # BLD02.o13 RE UIRED INSPECTIONS FINAL House number - check for 5" numbers Final- building APPROVEDIDATE 0.\(:-,' n Rh _~fN'iUb G- II GENERALCONDITJONS 1. Contractors workinll on this project are required to have a Labor & Industries contractor's rellistration number and a Citv business license. Failure to provide proof of tbis documentation prior to work may result in job shut down while this is accomplished. 2. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures sball be installed on-site and inspected prior to beginning construction; call 385-2294. Measures shall include installation of silt fencing and graveled construction entrance. Adjacent rights-of-way shall be kept free of dirt & debris. Soils exposed during construction sball be temporarily stabilized with mulching, plastic sheeting, etc. Soils shall be permanently stabilized witb seeding, plantings, sodding, etc. once construction is complete. App6cant is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. 3. Ail elements of engineering including nailing, boldowns, sheathing, and alternate braced wall panels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. ~wner.or owner's agent shall review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies noted by required. mspectlons. S. Re-inspection is required after inspection report corrections are completed. 6. The Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For Public Works inspection call 385-2294. A minimum oftwentv-four hours notice is reauired. Public Works aooroval must be received orior to scbeduliDl!' the Buildinll! Deoartment's final insoection. 7. Final Inspections are required prior to occupancy. A Certificate of Occupancy is required for a non- residential project. 8. Ail building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections are done by tbe Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 9. Revisions require review and approval prior to making chanlles in the field. Contact the Building Department at 379-3208 prior to making changes to the approved plans. 10. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Call 48 bours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 2 of2 .