HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD96-159City of Port Townsend PortyTownsendtWA 98368 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 635 WATER ST Parcel No: 989704013 Project: WATER STREET CORP. 635 WATER STREET PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Issued: 8!8197 Lot: _ ,-, Block: IT WATER STREET CORP. 635 WATER STREET PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 -YKVJtI.I UCJIi RIr 11VIV Commercial -Revision No 1 to BLD96-00159. Re-open existing set of stairs allowing two exits from basement. City Contact: RNS Construction Type/Occ Usellxc Load Type of work: ALT Construction Occupancy Type of use: COM Type 1: SN Group t: S-2 Load 1: 15 Census Category: 437 Type Z: Group 2: Load 2: Estimated Value: $8,000.00 Type 3: Group 3: Load 3: Zoning: C3 Type 4: Group 4: Load 4: SI Code: - SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ~spection Date Inspector ;Insp-See Special Conditions FINAL ,Insp-See Special Conditions SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 1 . PRIOR to any work on stairs, provide Development Engineer with proof of Notice to Title filed re: stairs in ROW. 2. FINAL: See approved plans for stair details. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page t of 2 City of Port Townsend Port ownsendtWA 98368 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 635 WATER ST Issued: 8/8!97 Parcel No: 989704013 Lo ~ Block: Project: ~lT ~ BLD96/59R1 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required pricrto occupancy. 4. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections have been made by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per yearto keep your building permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 2 of 2 PoR Townsend, WA 88768 City of Port Townsend ~°W""$`r"` Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 635 WATER ST Issued: 12/23/96 Parcel No: 989704013 Lot: Block: Project: e-.r'r-1• ^~r ~, BLD96-00159 -CONTRACTOR/OWNE WATER STREET CORP. 63b WATER STREET PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98388 WATER STREET CORP. 635 WATER STREET PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 KVJtG I Ut5GK1Y I IV Commercial - Atterationfimprovement to 4,500 sq ft of storage (basement) space. Cily Contact: JLZ Construction TypelOcc Userocc Load Type of wok: ALT Construction Occupancy Type of use: COM Type 1: SN Group t: S-2 Load 1: 15 Cenaus Category: 437 Type 2: Group 2: Load 2: EsBrnMed VaWe: Sa,000.00 Type 3: Group 3: Load 3: Zoning: C3 SI Coda: Type 4: Group 4: Load 4: ~~ R ~~~ `~ j ti _ .1•. ~~ ~,,~ ~ N ~ C'a SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspector Insp-See Special Conditions DEMOLfTION GROUNDWORK PLUMBING Insp-See Special Conditions FOOTINGS (- ?~. Q ~~ DRAINAGE Insp-See Special Conditions Insp•See Special Conditions `Footings FINAL -Reinforcement Insp-See Special Conditions SLAB Final-Building PLUMBING Final-Plumbing Insp•See Special Conditions Final-Fire Dept. Sign-Off -Rough-In -Fire Extinguishers DRYWALL NAILING _ ~/ ,"~ 14v ~Insp-See Special Conditions ~ ~~ - /~ 6~ ~'~i n'~,r~` `4`"` `~ - t"==, ilt; L,~~ {~~-~ttlhj, Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates P-- c~ (D•Z$•y7 1-800-424-5555 *'~ ~ ~ ® Page 1 of 2 City of Port Townsend P~o~eww~msa Building and Community Development , BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 388-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 635 WATER ST Issued: 1?J23/96 Parcel No: 988704016 Lot: Block: Proed: PERMIT # BLD96-00159 SPECIAL CONDITIONS !RESTRICTIONS 1. FOOTINGS: See attached architectural drawings dated 12/13!98 for wail and footing reinforcement. Z. PLUMBING: iJtitity/Digging permit application and plan shall be submitted for approval for connection of sump pump to City's stomiwater system. 3. DRYWALLINAILING: 5/8' Type X GWB required for lid. 4. DEMOLITION: Demolition materials shall be disposed of in areas off-site meeting all qualifications as sel forth by state and local law and other governmental agencies. 5. DRAINAGE: No final inspection approval until connection to City's stormwater system is approved. 8. FINAL: Accessible route of travel nd required for aKered space which is not an area of primary use (1994 UBC Section 1112.1.2 exception ft1). 7. Quincy Street access not part of this pertnft; revision required. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspedions are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. Ail building permits expire rt no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections have been made by the Building Department within one year. Cali for at least one inspection per year to keep your building pernil alive. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Ca1148 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 • Pays 2 of 2