HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD96-116Poet TownwrM, WA 9i96t City of Port Townsend `"W""~`"r Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 8 APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 333 BENEDICT ST Parcel No: 948301003 Project: ENHANCED HAUL- PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND PO BOX 1180 PORT TOWNSEND, WA 983680980 Issued: 9/30/96 Lot: Block: PERMIT # BLD96-00116 WNE PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND PO BOX 1180 PORT TOWNSEND, WA 983680980 Pt. of Pt. Townsend Boat Haven, Enhanced Haul-out facility inGudes demolition, grading, starmwater controls, associated utility work and construction of haul-out pier, floats, boat ramp, ship yard enhancement, parking, etc. City ContacC JLZ Conatruttion Typeroee UselOee Load Type of work: NEW Construetbn OxePa~Y Type of use: PU6 Type L• Group 1: Load t: Census Category: 329 Type 2: Group 2: Load 2: Estimated VaWe: 54,647,000.00 Type 3: Group 3: Load 3: Zoning: I SI Code: Type 4: Group 4: Load 4: SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspector Insp-See Special Conditions -Drive Off Mat Insp-See Special Conditions -Tire Wash tnsp-See Special Condftions -Sweep Paved Surtaces Insp-See Special Conditions DEMOLITION Insp-See Special Conditions Insp-See Special Conditions insp-See Special Conditions Insp-See Special Conditions Insp-See Special Conditions DREDGING Insp-See Special Conditions Insp-See Special Conditions TEMP EROSION & SDMT CON Insp-See Special Conditions Insp-See Special Conditions Insp-See Special Conditions insp-See Special Conditions GRADING/FILL ee Special Conditions Insp-See Special Conditions Fence Insp-See Special Conditions Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Papa 1 of 6 City of Port Towihsend ~ W~>~ Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 3 APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTK)N TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 333 BENEDICT ST Issued: 8/50/86 Parcel No: 848501005 Lot: Block: Project: ENHANCED HAUL- PERMIT # BLD96-00116 Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspector Insp-See Special Conditions Insp•See Special Conditions Insp-See Special Conditions Insp-See Spacial Conditions DRAINAGE ~ Insp-See Special Conditbns Insp-See Special Conditions Insp~See Specal Condtions Insp•See Special Conditions Insp•See Special Conditions Insp-See Special Conditions Final-Building -Catch Basin Per Apprvd Pln Final-Public Works Sign-Off -Stormwater Design Control Final-Bartier Free Access -Engineered Plan Final-Fire Dept. Sign-Off PARKING LANDSCAPING insp-See Special Conditions LIGHTING insp-See Special Conditions STREETS SANITARY SEWER Insp-See Special Conditions Insp-See Specal Condtions WATER LINE Insp-See Special Conditions insp•See Special Conditions Insp-See Specal Conditions Insp•See Special Condtions HYDRANTS insp-See Special Conditions InspSee Special Conditions FINAL Ca1148 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Py~ 2 of 8 City a'~-Port Townsend PortTownsnM,WAY6788 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 8~ APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 333 BENEDICT ST Issued: 9/30/96 Parcel No: 948301003 Lot: BIoGc: Project: ENHANCED HAUL- PERM IT ~ ~LD96-0®116 SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 1 . Port of Port Townsend (Owner) and .Owners Agent (contrector) shall review and oversee correction of any and all defitaencies ncted by required spetaal inspections. Spectal inspection agenctes and inspectors must be listed in the WABO register of certification. 2. Extreme care shall be taken to prevent any petroleum products, chemicals, or other toxic or deleterious materials from entering the water. If an oil sheen or distressed or dying fish are observed in the project area, the contractor shall cease immediately and notify the Department of Ecology and Department of Wildlife and Fisheries immediately. 3. To mitigate adverse air impacts due to dust during dry weather, construction areas shall be watered as necessary to suppress dust. Soils caned out of the censtrvdion area shall be minimized by wheel washing. In order to avoid potential surface water contamination, • chemical dust suppressants shall not be used. To mitigate impacts to fish and fish habitat, work below the ordinary high waterline shall not occur from March 15 through June 15 of any year. 5. To mitigate noise impacts on adjacent properties, construction activities and pile driving shall occur only between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and prohibited an national holidays, unless advance approval is given by the Director of BCD for spetaal circumstances. 6. The Part shall limit sandblast operations to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. If noise complaints are received by the City, the Port shall be required to install or establish screening or vegetative buffers to minimize noise impacts or reduce operation hours from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 7. A plan shall be developed for the deposit and use of dredge material resulting from removal of Benedict Spit. All dredged materials shall be assessed for fuel contaminated soils and any such soils shall be remediated at a location approved by the Director of BCD or at an approved regional treatment fatality. The Port shall submit a separate Gearing and greding permit application and plans for dredging and remediation prior to dredging proposed under Phase II. 8. Separate building permits shall be obtained for reloceticn of permanent structures (e.g., Lee Shore Marine and Port Maintenance Shop) 9. TESC: No grading shall occur on private properties wtthout permission from the property owners. Construction and sift fencing should be installed during construction where possible, while allowing access to private property, along the boundaries of private property. 10. TESC: Wetland buffer limits must be surveyed and flagged prior to installation of the construction and sift fentang to ensure that these fences do not extend into the buffer. 11 . TESL: Contractor is required to maintain construction entrances and wash fataltties to prevent tracking of mud and debris onto public roadways. DEMOLITION: All construction and demolition debris shall be properly disposed of on land in such a manner that tt cannot enter into the waterway or cause water quality degradation to L State waters. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 ___ l Paps 3 of 6 City of Port Townsend ~1~«~aawAapsa Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD i THI_$ CARD 8 APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION $ITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 333 BENEDICT ST Issued: 9l3o>se Parcel No: 948301003 Lot: Block: Project: ENHANCED HAUL- PERMIT # BLD96-00116 SPECIAL CONDITIONS I RESTRICTIONS 13. DEMOLITION: Creosote pilings and other debris resulting from the construction of the project shall be removed and disposed of on upland areas so such debris does not enter waters of Port Townsend Bay. 14. DREDGING: Any additional water quality permits required by the Department of Ecology shall be copied to the City prior to dredging to ensure that the City's files are complete and the City is made aware of any other pertnR conditions. 15. DREDGING: As the Marine Sediment Sample Results report indicated elevated levels of some semivolatile organic compounds and metals in the samples collected near the existing boat launch and the marina entrance, additional testing will be required during dewatering of , the dredged materials in order to confirm handling requirements for the loll and verify its suitablity for use as fill. The Port has submitted a dredging plan but not a remediation plan. The specifications (Section 02480, 1.04 A) require the contractor to submit a plan for dredging, dewatenng and disposal procedures for review within 3 weeks of award of the contract. The City will review and comment on those procedures. 16. DREDGING: Phase II (removal of Benedict Spit) dredging and remediation requires submittal • of a separate Gearing and grading permit application and accompanying plans. 17. GRAOINGlFILL: Imaccordance with Shoreline Master Program Policy 5.100.1, fill material shall be of a quality and so placed and contained that it does not cause water quality degredation and shall be restricted to soil, sand, rock or gravel. The Marine Sediment Sample Results report dated Deptember 12, 1996 indicates the presence of abundant shell fragments from the sample collected near the boat launch ramp; these do not meet the fill material criteria described above. 18. GRADING/FILL: Due to the flndings of the Sediment Sample report, additional testing is required during dewatering of the dredged materials in order to confirm handling requirements for the soil and verify its suitabitRy for use as fill. The specifications (Ser~ion 02480, 1.04 A) require the contractor to submit a plan far dredging, dewatering and disposal procedures for review and comment by the City within 3 weeks of award of the contract. 19. GRADING/FILL: The recommendations cited In the Geotechnical Engineering Services report dated August 16, 1996 (Section 4.2) related to handling and treatment and notification of authorities related to contaminated soils and general grading recommendations shall be followed with the modification that the Cily be kept informed regarding plans for contaminated soils. 20. GRADING/FtLL: Soil sterilization will not be allowed at the site {delete from specifications Section 02510, 2.01 and Section 02505, 3.04 and any other references.) 21 . DRAINAGE: Very Gear sigmage is required at the wash down facility in order to ensure that personnel close the valve to the stormwater outtall prior to bringing in a boat for washdown. The pressure washer should not operate unit) this valve is Gosed in order that wastrdowm water will not go through the stortnwater management system and outfall. The Port's engineer shall look into this issue as private individuals or contractors will be washing vessels; the Port must ensure that these people cannot change the valve settings. Call 48 hours before you dig for utiNty line locates 1-800-424-5555 Paps 4 of 6 Port Townw~d, w/! r>t9p City of Port Townsend "°""~'~'" Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 8~ APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Cail 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 333 BENEDICT ST Issued: 9130/96 Parcel No: 948301003 Lot: Block: Project: ENHANCED HAUL- PERMIT ~ BLD96-00116 SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 22. DRAINAGE: As the bilge water treatment unit is positioned to discharge directly into the washdown pad valve vault, ft is critical that the valve to the stortnwater system is shut and the valve to the treatment facility is open. The City would prefer to have the bilge water treatment system discharge directly to the wastewater collection vault. 23. LANDSCAPING: See attached plan dated 8!28196 24. LIGHTING: Lighting in the western portion of the enhanced haulout work area shall be kept minimal, and use hooded, directional, beamed lights. In addition, the new maintenance building shall have anon-reflective exterior finish to avoid light and glare impacts to neighboring properties on the bluff above 25. SANITARY SEWER: The City may choose to sample treated wastewater being discharged to the sanitary sewer for complance with applicable discharge limitations. 26. SANITARY SEWER: The City must have access to sewer mains at alt times. WATER LINES: Water service is revised to have the new 2-inch water line extended as far down Washington Street as "D" dock to serve all buildings off of this line. The Port's engineer shall verify the adequacy of the 2-inch meter and 2-inch water line serving the additional structures proposed with this revision. 28. WATER LINE: The water line down the linear dock shall be removed and the 2-inch meter could potentially be used as the meter specified as Meter M-2. 29. WATER LINE: A backflow preventer is required at the new meter (M-3) near the restroom in order to prevent contaminants from entering the City's water system. 30. WATER LINE: The City must have access to water mains at all times 31. HYDRANTS: All yard hydrants need hose bibb backflow prevention devices. 32. HYDRANTS: A 1-inch tap is required for sampling purposes at each fire hydrant. The tap shalt be {orated in a meter box next to the hydrant. A tie rod is required between the Mega-lugs on the fire hydrants. 33. FINAL: The Port shall execute a consWction maintenance and operation agreement with Jefferson County prior to final inspection approval 34. FINAL: Lighting at the work area shall be directed downward and shielded on top and sides to prevent direct Tight or glare from reaching the Urban Wetland or bluff areas. All lighting will be the minimum required to meet safety standards and will be turned off when not needed. 35. FINAL: Washdown facility signage to ensure that personnel Gose the valve to the startnwater autfall prior to bringing in a boat for washdown. Pressure washer should not operate until this valve is closed. 36. FINAL: Bilge water treatment system shall discharge directly to the wastewater collection vauR 37. FINAL: Public Works shall review and approve a maintenance plan for stonnwater facilities. • Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 5 of 8 City of Port Townsend Building and Community Development sw waar sm..t Port TowowW, WA lf7li BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THI$ CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Cai1385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 333 BENEDICT ST issued: tuaoroe Parcel No: 91ES0100S Lot: Block: Proect: EN4tAMCtcD HA°~- PERMIT # BLD96-00116 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate elerxrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any corections are complete. 3. Final inspections and approvals aro required prior to occupancy. 4. All bulktin0 permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no Inspections have been made by the Buikiirt0 Department within one year. Call for at least one inspadwn per year to keep your buildin0 permit alive. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. ~. - Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-6555 P.a.eore