HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD96-069City of Port Townsend "°w""~""` core rownerM, w~ s Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 8 APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Catl 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 200 BATTERY WAY Parcel No: 101351001 Project: FORT WORDEN S Issued: B/17/96 Lot: Block: BLD96-00069 WASHINGTON STATE PARKS S RECREATION COMMISSION 7160 CLEANWATER LN KY-11 WNE WASHINGTON 8TATE PARKS i RECREATION COMMISSION 7150 CLEANWATER LN KY-11 Renovation of buildings #333, 334, 335 inGuding floor covering, painting, new bathrooms, electrical work, rot repair and' roofing City Conlaet: JAN i Conatructlon TypNOee Usa/Oa Load Type or work ALT ConWrudian Oa~ Y Type or use: MF Type 7: SN Group 1: R3 Load 1: Census Category: 434 Typa 7 Group 2: Load 2: Estimated Value: 5250.000.00 Type 3: Group 3: Load 3: Zorw~g: PUB SI Code: Type 4: Group 4: ~ Load 4: SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspectof Insp•See Special Conditions -Exhaust GROUNDWORK PLUMBING InspSee Special Conditions PLUMBING ~ ~ ~ FRAMING ' ~ ? -Rough-In (1 -Roof -Vents -Air Seal -Traps Insp-See Special Conditions -Drains INSULATION ~'+ -Clean-Outs -Fill Exposed Cavities -Water Supply DRYWALL NAILING 3 -Pipe Insulation -Walls Insp-See Special Conditions -Ceiling Ins See Special Condtions DRAINAGE ~ANICAL ~ ~ insp-See Special Conditions Call 48~hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 0l2 City of Port Townsend :"r w~~ Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 8 APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Ca1138S-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 200 BATTERY WAY Parcel No: 101361001 Project: FORT WORDEN 8 Inspection to Inspector FINAL ~'L 'f/ Insp-See Special Conditions Final-Building Final-Plumbirp Final-MechanicaUHeating Att: Smoke Detectors Througout FinaMFire Department Sign-off -Fire Extinguishers Issued: •117/91 Lot: Bock: BLD96-00069 SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS • 1 . Demolition materials shall be disposed of in areas off-site meeting all qualifications as set forth by state and local law and other government agencies. 2. PLUMBING: Refer to WAC 51-30 standards (not required) 3. PLUMBING: check water pressure for pressure reduction valve 4. MECHANICAL: 50 cfm spot fans required in baths; 100 dm fans required for kitchens 5. FRAMING: rot repair ~ window sills and deck ~ covered porch 8. DRAINAGE: see drainage plan 7. FINAL: tuck point chimney GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permtt is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any cortections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or ff no inspections have been made by the Buikting Department within one year. Cali for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. • Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-SSSS v.a.sws City of Port Townsend ~ w~seia Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 8 APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 200 BATTERY WAY Parcel No: 101351001 Project: FORT WORDEN S Issued: 6/17196 Lot: Block: BLD96-00069 WASHINGTON STATE PARKS ~ RECREATION COMMISSION 7150 CLEANWATER LN KY-11 WNE WASHINGTON 8TATE PARKS ~ RECREATION COMMISSION 7150 CLEANWATER LN KY-11 Renovation of buildings 11333, 334, 335 inGuding floor covering, painting, new bathrooms, electrical work, rot repair and roofing Cify Contact: JAN ~ Construetlon Typa/Oee UsalOee Load Type of work: ALT Corntruc0o n OuuPanaY Type of usa: MF Typa 1: 5N Group 1: R3 load 7: Census Category: 434 Type 2: Group 2: Load 2: EeUmated VaWe: 5250,000.00 Type 3: Group 3: Load 3: Zorwp: PUB SI Cade: Type 4: Group 4: ~ Load 4: SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspector Insp-See Special Conditions -Exhaust GROUNDWORK PLUMBING Insp-See Special Conditions PLUMBING~~ ~ FRAMING 2 ~~ -Rough-In -Roof -Vents -Air Seal -Traps insp-See Special Conditions -Drains INSULATION -Clean-Outs -Fill Exposed Cavities -Water Supply DRYWALL NAILING ~ " ~9 ! % -Pipe Insulation -Walls Insp-See Special Condition ~ ~ ~~ -Ceiling Ins See Special Conditions DRAINAGE iANICAL Insp-See Special Conditions Cai148 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 P,oe t a z City of Port Townsend :~ ,~a.>« Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD `-~ THIS CARD S APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 200 BATTERY WAY Parcel No: 101361001 Protect: FORT WORDEN 8 Inspection eta Inspector FINAL ~ Insp-See Special Conditions Final-Building Final-Plumbing Final-MechanicaUFleating Aft: Smoke Detectors Througout Final-Fire Department Sign-off -Fire Extinguishers SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS Issued: i/77/96 Lot: 1 . Demolition materials shall be disposed of in areas off-site meeting all qualifications as set forth by state and local law and other government agencies. 2. PLUMBING: Refer to WAC 51-30 standards (not required) 3. PLUMBING: check water pressure for pressure reduction valve 4. MECHANICAL: 50 cfm spot fans required in baths; 100 cfm fans required for kitchens 5. FRAMING: rot repair tJ$ window sills and deck ~ covered porch 8. DRAINAGE: see drainage plan 7. FINAL: tuck point chimney ~, GENERAL CONDITIONS t. A separete electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspedlons have been made by the Buikting Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your buidding permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. u Ca1148 hours before you dig for utility line locate= 9-800.424-5555 Block: BLD96-00069 wo.zaz Port Townsend, WA lRtii City of Port Townsend `"W'~$'"°` Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD • THIS CARD 8. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 200 BATTERY WAY Parcel No: 101351001 Projed: FORT WORDEN S Issued: W17/96 Ld: Block: ~LD96-00069 -CONTRACTOR/OWN WASHINGTON STATE PARKS I4 RECREATION COMMISSION 7150 CLEANWATER LN KY-11 WNE WASHINGTON STATE PARKS >E RECREATION COMMISSION 7150 CLEANWATER LN KY-11 Renovation of buildings/333, 334, 335 including floor covering, painting, new bathrooms, eledlical work, rot repair and roofing City Carbd: JAN Condructlon TypHOac UsdOee Load Type of work: ALT Canatrud'p n Occupancy Type of uae: MF Type t: SN Group 1: R3 Load 1: ~~ ~sDcrY 434 Typs 7 Group 2: Load 2: Estknatad Value: :250.000.00 Type 3: Group 3: Loed 3: Zomy: PUB SI Cads: Type 4: Grail 4: - Land 4: SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspector Insp-See Special Conditions -Exhaust GROUNDWORK PLUMBING Insp-See Special Conditions PLUMBING~^ ~! ry FRAMING ` ~, ~ -Rough-In 1 ~ ~ -Roof -Vents -Air Seal -Traps Insp-See Special Conditions -Drains INSULATION ~ ~, -Clean-Outs -Fill Exposed Cavities -Water Supply DRYWALL NAILING `~ r ~ -Pipe Insulation -Walls Insp-See Specal Conditions -Ceiling I See Special Conditions DRAINAGE #ANICAL Insp-See Specal Conditions Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-4245555 Pao.taz City of Port Townsend McY"''"a""t /artTownrrd, WAle3W Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD F"~ THIS CARD 3 APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 200 BATTERY WAY Parcel No: 1013x1001 Project: FORT WORDEN 8 Inspection ~Insp•See Spectal Conditions ~ I / ~ / BAR: Smoke Detectors Througout ~ F I / I Final-Fin: Department Sign-off ~ ~ ~ Extinguishere Issued: N1TWx L.ot o~w Block: BLD96-00069 ~~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 1. Demolition materials shall be disposed of in areas off-site meeting all qualifications as set forth by state and Iocai law arW other government agendas. 2. PLUMBING: Refer to WAC 51-30 standards (not required) 3. PLUMBING: check water pressure for pressure reduction valve 4. MECHANICAL: 50 ctm spot fans required in baths; 100 r•.frrr fans requlrad for kitchens 5. FRAMING: rot repair ~ window sills and deck ~ covered porch 8. DRAINAGE: sae drainage plan 7. FINAL: tuck point chimney GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any corrections aro compl~e. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. All building permits expire ff no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections have been made by the Building Department wkhin one year. Call for et least one inspection per yearto keep your building permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. I•J Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 ~.zorz