Date: October 20, 2015 Time: 3:00 pm Location: City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room
Members Present: Charles Paul, Chair; Richard Berg; Marsha Moratti; Cate Comerford; Don Schussler; Brent Davis
Members Excused: James Manier
Staff Present: John McDonagh, Senior Planner; Joshua Stecker, Deputy City Clerk; Lance Bailey, Community Services Director
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Approval of Minutes: August 4, 2015 Unanimous approval.
Appearance of Fairness: There were no disclosures.
HPC15-024 Northwind Arts Center: Michael D'Alessandro presented an application The Committee unanimously voted to find the
to install an illuminated projecting sign with bracket. sign appropriate as submitted with provision of
regular maintenance, minimal light spillage,
adjustable brightness, and a cap on both ends
of the lighting fixture.
HPC15-012 Verizon Wireless Rooftop Facility on City Hall: Angela Raymond The Committee unanimously found appropriate
presented a revised application which altered the previously approved location and the revised location and configuration with a
height of the installation which would reach 47 feet in height (10 feet above existing simpler finish and paint color to match the
parapet). existing parapet.
HPC15-028: Rick Hiner presented plans for modification to the Clapp Building at 725
Water Street. Lance Bailey noted that they are seeking comments and
recommendations from the Committee for the preapproval process. Committee
members identified potential issues, including light well cutouts, roofline modifications
the addition of an enclosed floating staircase, fence design and perspective from the
water and Water/Adams Street.
Lance Bailey updated the committee on restoration work at the Lewis Building and the
potential for a new Code Enforcement position in the City.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for November 3, 2015
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.