Date: June 17, 2015 Time: 3:00 pm Location: City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room
Members Present: Charles Paul, Chair; Richard Berg; Marsha Moratti; Cate Comerford.
Members Excused: Don Schussler; Brent Davis; James Manier
Staff Present: John McDonagh, Senior Planner; Judy Surber, Planning Manager; Joanna Sanders, City Clerk
Guests: Angela Raymond of Cascadia PM representing Verizon; W.E. Mount.
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Approval of Minutes: May 5, 2015 Unanimous approval.
Appearance of Fairness: There were no disclosures.
GMA Periodic Comprehensive Plan Update: Judy Surber gave a presentation and
announced the June 24 Town Meeting. It was noted that Housing, Transportation and
Land Use elements are potential areas of the Comprehensive Plan that intersect with
the work of the HPC. Input would be appreciated related to any inconsistencies with
state regulations or potential gaps in regulations.
Mr. McDonagh responded to a question about the status of the historic structure
Correspondence: March/April issue of The Alliance.
HPC 15-012 Verizon Wireless formal application: John McDonagh reviewed other Appointment of subcommittee of Marsha
wireless facilities in the City as well as preferred and secondary locations. Moratti and Cate Comerford to review the
Requirements include a conditional use permit, height variance of 40 feet, and revised alternatives. Goals: design is different
possibly a minor critical areas permit. The project meets the minimal facility enough so that it does not look like the original
designation under wireless designations in PTMC 17.78. HPC considered whether the building design (with space between the
variance complies with Secretary of Interior guidelines outlined in PTMC 17.18.100. vertical elements); same or similar material
Ms. Raymond addressed questions about rooftop height, placement and ground was okay; two separate enclosures or one in
space noise concerns due to location of generator between buildings. It was noted the center to keep them away from the edge.
that the decibel rating would not exceed the state WAC. There were also questions
about flood plain; and a desire for a northern elevation. There was support for
reducing the size of the enclosure and moving it away from the building ledges.
Historic Structure/Demolition by Neglect cases: Mr. McDonagh noted a Request for a review of the process/steps for
comprehensive code enforcement strategy is under review by the City Manager. abatement due to the concerns about the
nuisances, potential fire hazard, and affordable
housing impacts.
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Lewis Building: An incomplete building permit was received and there have been no Request for Staff to work with the City Manager
conversations or follow up by the property owner in 3-4 weeks. to establish a deadline.
Lincoln Building: Once the SEPA application is complete, it would be brought Request to designate a representative to
forward to HPC. Demolition requires the applicant go through pre-app process. There participate in the Pre-App process.
were questions about the timeline.
Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for July 7, 2015
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 pm.