HomeMy WebLinkAboutHoffman, Lisa & Jay Simerka - Easement for sewer line 500013 Page: 1 of 3 06/28/2005 01:08P Jefferson County; WA LISA HOFFMANN EASE 21.00 Return/\ddn'til nvv(al - - -- - - -- NO REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX REQUIRED - t JEFFERSON COUNTY TREASURER BY: 11a 21 r EASEMENT hulsual!mfin maGuu n•quir.d he the 1Vashiu}pnu Scar Auditor's/Re(unless Olii(..IRCW 36.18 and RIM li&.(b1)I/97: (plea".pant laa n:nur 1-0 0 ReIvIellce 11 (Ifapplicahle): -(2) _Addl'.nn 1)g---- - ----(L)- -- -- --- - Addl'.un ISR- __ Legal _ - Legal Uescriplion(ahhreviated):,------- — _ --_--_--Addl'. legal is on lit;—__ Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Il el Foravaluableconsicaerill ion.receipt ofwhichisherelyacknowledged,illeCtatdor(s), grant__ and convey—to the Glantee(s). U o t _--- --- SLI(T ssnlS and assigoS. the 119111- 10 CO]VIII I.R.I.if 1)provv.I vpml al ill 11 mi I Itilif I ight loconsuttcl.if1)provv.Ivpmrandnlaintain �t �lta = _-- _-- — -'' ---- - ae10.Ss,over and upon �G,S+v _�� feet to the following land, located in COLloW. SIAH' Of _ Ll..`c_ { —.-- to-evil: !: 1p v2lm, - ({ ( ,e pb-� -tr i 2 s oto 1�j CA+� of pol t' `Fawns n d , a.S pw c-Ca✓cLa 5 nti eve �,✓ 1,� l�c-r� o C�o� < <3 toL° c{ P C) The Grantors)shall slake oo use of-the land OCcupied by said except for ------- -. --- •ercising the rights herein granted, the Grantee(s), —h_ successors and assigns--lay--17n-! iiT tcl>ass over said _ m�- and may cul and remove ivush•Nees and other obsl c�t+c=)res�iuc•I)intheopinionUflhe(,1<tntee(s)interfcre(s)wilt) — -__ "���---- _ .�_ � __.�..__. ( utynenl . "11'ashingpm Legal ISlank.1u( •ksmivah.1/'A Fonn No.1 10/96 -s• AIA'I'I•:IZIAI.\IA)'NOT illi IZlil'IZODUCGU IN WIIOLE OIZ IN PART IN ANY FORM 11'HAI SOWER. telhtonus.cnm 500013, Page: 2 of 3 06/28/2005 01:08P Jefferson County, WA LISA HOFFMANN EASE 21.00 Fill, coveuanls harein contained shall run With (he land and are Minding upon all suMsequcnt owners thereof. In Wi(twss Wlk(,reol:the said Grantor(s) liexecuted this instrument this clay w I A I V OI-\Vl\Sl IING FON SS. (INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLBDGEMI--NT) I certify that I I:now or have satisfaciory evidence that _(�/__:awfi � 3 _----__---------is III('parson �chU ap eared before nte.and said pei_son acknnevledgctl Ihat ?signed Ibis inslrunlent and acknowledged it to he Iree and voluntary art for the Uses and purposes mentioned in the instruuwiu. Ihtted 1111 day of `����W1LLIgti1/asje Prim Name------- - m a- �i---- �� �©UR),. •��a Notaty PuMlir in and for the State of —.�. \!� 7 �.jyEC;.4,� .� N4V appoinUnerll expires: -------- ----- 'N�. AUBv,G.� - - Ofi IVB NS,�\�� 50@013 Page: 3 of 3 06/28/2005 01:08P Jefferson County, WA LISA HOFFMANN EASE 21.00 I'br ruvrotanl� Iteiein <nnlained %IlLdl rtll tt•itlt the lan(1 an[1 :ti(� I)indinh upon all Stlb.tiecµa•at ottmers Ilu•reol. !n bViuu ss Wlterrnl,the sait((;r:uuor(st.--�executer)Il:is instrunrcctu tLis.._ ._clay of_____cJ ✓L _ ._.._. /-L---4 NA I S.S. (INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLHDC:I:Mii-NT) f'nunlc of /� 1<rrtif�'Iltat I irnuu ur Irtt•[•sUislarrort'et'irlc•nrr Iit:Pl Mayj �citc)al tlx;nr•d hei<n'e ate%atxl said In•ition ac'knutrled nrl tlou ...._.._ / ..__ `� _.._.___-_-�—is tilt lx•rutn free•and N-1)It nlat}'If-1 fnr Ilse usc�and Ix�•rlros'S nrelttioneel in fiirrinSU'ulntrnl'ul mid ae•kuntt'Iodi;[•d it to hr )� I>:rrr•tllltie da�•trf y( P Nm w Not;IlY 11ublit. in:nal Itn'III,Slate of ft9v altiwinluu nl rxltirrs; pue OFFICIAL SEAL Ya FLEURD L ,,c„ ELIZ V. ORENZO NOTARY PUE3LtC- ALASKA MY COMMISSION EXPIREALASKA S:March 9, 29,2006