Business Meeting 6:30 p.m. January 20, 2015
I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Changes to the Agenda
IV. Special Presentation
A. Library Digital Skills Grant Update
V. Comments from the Public (re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda) (Each person has 3 min. to comment – City Clerk will signal at 2 min. 30 sec.)
A. Public comment
B. City staff response
VI. Consent Agenda Action: Motion to adopt the consent agenda or request to remove any individual
item from the consent agenda.
A. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants B. Appointment of Hendrick Taatgen to the Non-motorized Transportation Advisory Board (Position 4, Term Expires May 1, 2018)
C. Resolution 15-006, Authorizing Execution of Documents and Disbursement
Funds for a Loan of Community Development Block Grant Funds Pursuant to
Resolution 15-001 to Applicant Teresa Hoffmann, Mano Wai, LLC D. Resolution 15-007, Authorizing Execution of Documents and Disbursement of Funds for a Loan of Community Development Block Grant Funds Pursuant to
Resolution 15-001 to Applicant Jefferson Community School
E. Resolution 15-008 Authorizing the City Manager to Submit Grant Applications to
the Washington State Department of Health for City Water System Projects
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Ordinance 3125 Amending Chapter 5.04A (Business and Occupation Tax)
of the Port Townsend Municipal Code and Establishing an Exemption for
New Businesses Locating in the City Action: Move to approve Ordinance 3125 Amending Chapter 5.04A
(Business and Occupation Tax) of the Port Townsend Municipal Code and
Establishing an Exemption for New Businesses Locating in the City
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action
VIII. New Business A. Presentation of the 60% Design Concept for the Howard Street Extension I Project
Action: Move to approve 60% design concept and recommend staff to move forward with the design of the Howard Street Extension I Project. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
B. Resolution 15-009 Establishing Project Acquisition Policies, and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate Agreements and Execute Documents Necessary to Acquire Property Related to City Project 1012, Howard Street Extension Project
Action: Move to approve Resolution 15-009 Establishing Project Acquisition Policies, and Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate Agreements and Execute Documents Necessary to Acquire Property Related to City Project 1012, Howard Street Extension Project
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action C. Water Project Update – Project Status and Financing Plan 1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action D. Ordinance 3126 Relating to the Fort Worden Lifelong Learning Center Public Development Authority; Increasing the Number of Possible Board
Members, and Approving an Amended and Restated Charter Action: Move to approve first reading of Ordinance 3126 Relating to the Fort Worden Lifelong Learning Center Public Development Authority; Increasing the Number of Possible Board Members, and Approving an Amended and
Restated Charter
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action
E. 2016 Growth Management Act Periodic Update – Recommended population
projections and revisions to County-wide Planning Policies (CWPPs) Action: Move to adopt the recommendations as presented in the Memorandum from staff dated January 13 2015 as the city’s position on the population projection and allocation for the new planning horizon and direct the
Joint Growth Management Steering Committee representatives and DSD staff to
present the city s position to the Board of County Commissioners.
Action: Move to direct the Joint Growth Management Steering Committee representatives and DSD staff to collaborate with the JGMSC, BoCC, and County staff on necessary revisions to the Countywide Planning Policies (CWPP).
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action IX. Presiding Officer’s Report
X. City Manager’s Report
A. 2016 Comprehensive Plan Stakeholder Groups B. Out-of-State Travel Authorization – Portland, OR
XI. Suggestions for next or future agenda, regular meeting and/or study session
XII. Comments from Council
XIII. Executive Session
XIV. Adjourn Americans with Disabilities Act
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodation for this meeting should notify the City Clerk’s Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5045.