HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpring Valley Water Company - Bill of Sale 271PAY7 XT, MEN PY THESE RRESENTS:
That the Spring Valley Water rry-1p�-In7 of Port Townsend Washington,a
corporation,the party of the firit partJor anA in consideration of thl
sum of Two Dollarnto it in hand paiA by the City of Port Townsenq,in
Coiznty of Jerferson,State of NAshi7qton,the partr of the senond part�
and other ;oal an! sufficient norsideration the said party of the first
part oereim moven j,Aoas ny these presents Irant,hargain,sell and non -
T, As successors anA assigns,
vey unto the sail party if the seconoi par'
all of the f0lowin; MY6.S,privilejes ant franchis*5,
to -wit:
(1) All the riShts.proparty and estate anquiral by the said Brim
Vallay 1?atnr Cornpany�unrjer an.A by virtqe of that certain instrtnent
iVrlinh airport s to he a notice of appropriation of WAter by said Spriq-,�
Valley 77ater (:,,)n-krpanyas, t"ne appears reaon3el in V1,.1.1;Lne Fif'tY-f0U,,r
co"nennin, at page one hqnAral and slaven,of the renorqs of Deeds of
the County Awfitirls Ofeice of the County of Jefferson,Stats of tans h-
irqtnn,w!1oK 0 hereby referral to and male a part hereof,
(2) .kji_ the right s,aro perty and estate of the Spring Valley EtterCo-mi-
panyvin qnA to that certain franchise or instr!,rrient crran"r,4VE. br t.IrLe
Boarl or County Conor issioners of sail Jeffarson County to said SprK7,
Valley Tat' r Company,as the SMO XgPn=5 On t%v relOr&5 Of slid hcar,�
of County Co-misq,.1.oners of sail County in Volome "H,2,comen4-in,,', It,
pat�q Ninety-two,in the Countly Aurlltor'i Offitel of sai! CountyqNhinh 0,
hereby refarreA t,-) an,! a part hereof,
(31 All the r1vhtS,Pr0P1r#7 ant Mate ;rantwl by Orjinanoe Number
Six Hqrlrel anA F4ty Two of said City or Fort Townsent,passed on th3
ON !ay of U,01901;anl by Orlinatnnn Six Hqndred and SevontY-01710
or l city passel on the 2Dth jar no jarnaryt!903;and by OrAinanis
1� ir
m7ner Two H-unlrel ant january 18thv1889;anQ hy Or-
Karie TvAher Two HunArel ant SLxt.'yfrp
-OQ,ss& November 2A 089,All, of
which Orlinanne3 are hereby reforrK to andamtale a part hereRf,anrl.
which are on file and of rmnorl in the Office Of the City Clerk of na&
City of XAMFort Townsonl.
(4) rOLJ the pip es,mains and otherappqrtanannes, except the pumpinrr
station,pertaining to the water wotks systmn now operated in.said Cit",r
of Fort Townsent.by sail Spring Valley WAter Company,
To have ant to holl esti-te 5,rne an'to the sail party of the semornfl.
part it's sunnassors arl assigns Jorever,
Anq saiA party of the firit part aoen for itselftits sucOessOrs
an! asOInsJovenant and a7rne to and with the sail party of the secoY.
part,its sqnnessors an! alQqnshto warrant and sefeno the sale of saint
pro perty,rig hts and maletIntO the sail party of the
ssnon,l part.its suonessprs and assignss,jainst all and every person lannaft
pernons Wtynsoever lawfqlly ajaininS or to claim the same*
In Wltness Whereof,the sail party of the first part has hereqnto
set its corporate name ant seaj,at Port Tnwn5a73.Q,WAshinjtan,this 29t1a
lay of June, .D,,1904.
Spring Valley W ter Ca mpany, ,
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