HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupplemental Abstract of Title - S.W. Peach & SonS. W. PEACH & SON
0#1r �brstr�tttrxs
The South :fast quarter of the North East quarter of section nineteen (19)
in TownshipTwenty-nine (29 ) Northt of Range one (l) West of the Willam-
ette M
iiie t eridi n, in Jefferson Countyt Washington, containing 40 acres,
more or less. Excepting therefrom the Easement of the Olympic power
Company, as shorn at item No. 10, herein.
pure 3,
I t err 70 . 3 .
j. HPeterson, TreaDurar of B
Jefferson. County, 'Tashin -ton, )
Dated ,august 8th, 1903
Filed for record. august 8th, 1903
0 } Recordod in book 55of deads, pa7e 117
Consideration $50.00
E. N . Large �
7,rn, e s� at ;;ublic sale of x tial estatin, held o�, August 8th, 1903,
I:ursuanit to an- order of. t-- 'hoard of Cnu itY,Y Co aassifl �r3 cf Jci'f:rsc�ra
Count`;, duly mads ,?gid entered, and aft 3r ha ori 7 f irs � � �?:1 due notice
of the ti'xle$ 'rerl"i,s cu d IZ ace of said salo.) "L IC eR1 .,, ',,caasl in pi7rsu: nc o
th � said Order of t-, said `Board of Gountl Col-M.ni ssionsrs nd. of Vle
1a.rs of tb -� State of `Irashin.tori, 1 ha %r, this day sold. fol «o,ain
d3scrib'ed. real estat.--, a. cx ,. �c. said. re,.alJest ate 5 't ae j.ro- ert;y of
j af.farson Co ntJ, and ti7hich is described as 'foll'oJs, tO-,, it: -
The South East quarter of the North E,,;,,,,-t quarter of Section 19,
in Township 29 North, Range 1 �11est of IiVillaz-ette eridian, and- lying
and being in Jefferson County, Washington.
CiW `..he-refore in consideration of t? e Ii,`,Y';?mi.ses and 1J,; virtue
of tt =e statutes of tie Sta- .. of *��.rashin�ton � � do h:vr .ebur- Grant a,:ld
Convey '� � t71e said real estate �1er' 1';a2fnr^ doscribe- �S fully and
cozy; l Celt' s t': ,s said JCNS t-7 of — first 1 a.rt can, b�- virtu-- of t1.e
,remises, co{1vair 11-11-e Same n
Gi 3-n under my hand and seal of office
J. H. Peterson,
(seal) County =Treasurer.
Ackno..-led�.ed on August 8th, 1903, before James W. B.
(seal) Scott, Clark of th,.; Su;, erior Court of Jefferson.
county, Wdashing.- on
page 5.
item No. 5.
E, N. Large d his wife7, GNI RSL W A RRANTY D'EIM .
Dated November 7th, 1907
Filed for record Jaruary 21st, 1948
To Recorded in bock 63 of deeds, page 426
Consideration $500.00
�jp ele n 3Gardner
By these presents d
Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey the following described premises,
situ.3t e, lyin nrt be ar i z the C unt of ffe 3C ,- State of Washington,
The South East quarter of th e i\vcrth . t quarter of Section 19, in
Township 29 North of Range 3 West of the Vjililette . eridian and bring
and being in 'eff r n County, State of %,lash ing tol,'I.
Witness our hods and setalls
In presence of) E. N. Large (seal)
One tra>e nidi e Large (seal)
Actino l eiged on November 7th, 1347, before L. Lapham,
justice of the Peace in and -for the County of Cowlitz
and State of 7,qashington.
P age.
item NO. 6.
Nellie A. Gardner, wife cif BAR lei` DEED.
Napo;,eon B. Gardner,
Dated June 14th, 1903
} riiied for record June 27th,1908
To Recorded in bock 64 of deeds, page 101
Consider . ion1,000,.04
Napoleon B . Gardner
-By these presents does
Grant, Bargain, Sell. aid Convey the following described premises,
situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson, State of Washing-
ain -ton, to-wit:-
o- i ;The South East quarter of the North Last quarter of Section '19 in
Township 29 North, of Range 1 West of the Willamette eridi.an.
(Arid other rands here described.)
This deed is to convey. all zriy ri. ht, title, interest and estate
and p rtic.ul.arly all my community interest in the above land, with the
right of the grantee to hold, transfer and convey the said above de-
scribed land as his separate and ind.ivudual pro erty-, hereby waivinr
all community interest in and to the said land.
Witness :gay hand and ser.l
In presence of)
`arc witnesses} Nellie A. Gardner (seal)
Acknowledged on June 10th, 1908, > before A. L. !,Ul ler,
(,s e'al !�Ic a,ry public in and for the State of Washington, re-
siding at Vancouver, in Clarke County.
gage 7.
Napoleon B. Gardner - -) GBIERAL VARRANTY DEED.
.ted June 28th, 1911
To Filed for record August 8th, ' lSll
}Recorded in book 68 of deeds, page 625
Consideration tion $1500.00
l i a col aver
Draw by these resects
Grant, Bargain, Sell, C o v y and Confirm the following described
tracts or parcels of land, situated, lying and being in. the County of
Jefferson, State of WaKin ton,, to-wit:-
o- it: -'the South East quarter of tie North East quarter of Section '19,
in Township 29 North of Range 1 latest of the Willamette lierid .
(Axid c tier lands here described.)
In Fitness Whereof has hereunto set his hand and seal
:n presence of
one itnes`s NapoleonB. Gardner (seal)
Acknowledged on dune 28th, 1911, before F. A. aeeker,
(seal) Notary Pubic, in and for the State of Washington, re-
siding at Port Townsend.
`Item N 8.
wif e, Gertrude F., .ted June 2Sth, 1911
Piled for renord Jane 28th.# 1911
, ded bo o 1 oma" mortgages, page 389
21 Consideration 1600.0
Napoleon B. Gardner
Do by these presents
Grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey and Confirm the following described
reats or parcels of land, lying d. being in the County of Jefferson,
State of washin ton, to -wit: -
The South East quarter of the North East quarter of Section 19,'
in Township 29 North of Range 1 West of Willamette a e idi .
(And rather'lands here described.
( See Satisfpztion at Item No. 9, herein).
aFe r, r„r r, fr:
p< age
item No, 9.
Dated. Jule 1 th,19.
To ) Filed for record February 21st,; 1914
Recorded i book 24 of ' mortgages, page 482
Alvin B,e,Woola7er and Gerto ;
' rude Y. Woola er ,
Do hereby certify that a certain mortgage bearing date the 28th
day of June, 1911, recorded � �' on page 389 of volume 1 of mortgage
records of Jefferson County, State of Washington,made and executed. by
Alvin B. 's oola er and Gertrude F; Woolaver to Napoleon B. Gardner ,
mortgaging the Following described property, situate, lying and
being in the County of` Jefferson, State of Washington, to -wit:
The South East quarter° of the North east quarter of erection 1
in Township 29 North of Range 1; West of the Willamette Meridian, (arid
ether lands here described, vhich, together with the promissory note
and interest due thereon, secured thereby, is Fully paid and redeemed,
and is hereby satisfied and discharged.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal
in presence of) Napoleon B. Gardner (seal)
One witness)
Acknowledged on July 16th, 1912, before Geo. W. Rowan,
( seal) Notary Public, in an for the State of Washington, re-
siding at Castle Rock, in Cowlitz County.
page 10.
Item NO. 10.
Alvin B. Wcclav er and his B A S E M E N
wife, fe, Gertrude F., party of
Dated September lot l; 1911
the second. part,
Filed for record December 16th, 1911
Recorded in book 74 of deeds, page 634
To Considtration $5,00 per pole
Clym i.c power Company, party`
of th e first art .
Party of the second part does hereby grant to the said party of
the first part, a perpetual easement to erect ad maintain such poles,
towers or structures as May be necessary to support the transmission
lines of the party of tray:, First part over and across a tract of land
belonging to the _party of the second part, which may e described as
Scute East Quart r Of North Fest quarter of Section 19, Tp.
N., R. I W., j ffers CO** Wn. It is autuaily agreed that the
distance from any wire of the transmission: line to tiv ground shall ,n t
be less :than 0 feet * that the party Of the first part shall have
ccdsto its , 1 es, towers ( etc) ., the purpose Of inspecting, Of
making necessary tests or r psi.rs, and to tri.m trees and clear under-
nde -b s ,
Alvin B. Woolaver ( seal)
Gertrude F. Woolaver ( seal)
Ac noviedged. on September 14th, 1911, before Frank .1li-
seal) van, Nota Y Public, in and for the State of. Wgshington,
residing at Port Angelea,
The Tax R0118 of Jef - ferson County, show that all taxes
to and includ-
wp. 29 Not R- 1
assessed against the SE -1- Nmig sec. 19, L -
917, have been paid and discharged. Taxes
ing tile taxes for the year 11.91.8,1.91.8, payable an the fi . rst Yonday in Peb-
against said land for the year
-rua-ry, 1919,amount to $5.00.
We here -by certify that tile Items herein, numbered from 1 to 10, in -
elusive, are full, true and correct Abstracts of all Deeds, 1,1ortgages,
Releases, Judgments, Liens and (or) other instruments of writing that
have been filed for record in the Office of the Audi -Cor of Jefferson
County, Washington, touching or affecting the title to the SFJ Of NEli- Of
sec. 19, Twpo 29 No, R. 1 W., Fxcepting right of Way of C) . lympic power Co.,
shown at Item ITT. 10, herein, since January lith, 1903.
We further certify that there are no unsatisfied judgments app
Docket In the Superior Court Of the
ing on the judgment and Execu4�V
State of Washington, for Jefferson county, against the present or Prior
owners of the above describe
We further certify teatmd lande
the Tax State cent' at --,the top Of this sheet
is true and correct®
Dated at port Townsend, Washingtont this 30th day of Decerdber, 1918,
st one Otclock,
Title Abstracters.