HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3131 Exhibit A Proclamation by the Governor - 072015 Ordinance 3131 Exhibit A Page I of 2 JAY INSIA! ......... Governoll SIAl'E 01!!!!!�WASH 1 I4GI`0I14 Office of the Governor PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR 15-11 WHERIHAS,Rine 2015 has been significantly drier than noralal with above average temperatures; and Current and projected weather conditions through September 2015, in conjunction with existing arid projected fire ftiel conditions, present a continuing high risk. Z�' of severe wildfires throughout the state of Washington; and WHEREAS, rnoist conditions in May SpUrred significant vegetation growth, and abnort-nally dry conditions followed in June, leading to the early development of high-risk fire fuel conditions throughout the State-, and WHEREAS, current National Weather Service forecasts predict record to near-record temperatures with an increased threat of localized hghtning and windy conditions statewide over the next two weeks, and seasonal weather forecasting models project warmer arid drier conditions than normal through Septernber, which, when cornbined with the existing high- C, risk fire fuel COnditiOTIS, SUpport an active burning environment capable of producing multiple large wildfires requiring the need for additional inns-nediate response in any area.of the State; and WHEREAS, the State has already experienced rnultiple wildfires over the first three weeks of June, requiring response by our limited State arid local firefighting resources, and in the past week, new wildfires have required as responsive commitment of these limited resources in Asotin, Chelan, Clark, Cowlitz, Feffy, Garfield, Grant, Grays Flarbor, Jefferson, Kittitas, Klickitat, L,incoln, Mason, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Spokane, Stevens, Thurston, Walla Walla, and Yakirna counties; and WHEREAS, the threat to life and property from . wildfires is significant and may cause extensive darnage to homes, businesses, arid public facilities, resources, infrastructure and utilities, impacting the life and hea.1th of our citizens throughout the State; this threat may affect life, hea.1th, Property, or the putflic peace, and is as public disaster dernariding inunediate action; arid WHEREAS, firefighting resources throughout the State arid western United States are limited and may already be committed to other wildfire preparation and response activities, due to existing and projected fire conditions thrOUghout tfle region; arid WHEREAS, because available firefighting resources rnay not be adequate to address the outbreak of additional and simultaneous wildfires resulting from the above rioted conditions, the Washington National Guard and State Guard may be needed to assist local jurisdictions arid state agencies throughout Washington in responding to this public disaster; arid F',0, Ba( 012*(DPympi�:il,Wua.uN°q kn m p185014-DN)2-(360) 902 1 P11 11 1111,vvmv,govennorwa golv 4% Ordinance 3131 Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 WIIEREAS, the Washington Mfliwry Department has activated rhe Stal , Emergency C) erfi paons Center, implemented response proeedures, is coordinating resources tO Support state and local officials in alleviating the irnmediate social and c.cononlic impacts to peop e, property, and infrastructi.ire, and is confinuing to assess the wildfire danger resulting from existing high risk weather and fire fuel conditions. NOW, "I'll-MIMFORE, 1, Jay hisk.-e, C-3mlernor ofthe state of Wash i ng ton, zis as result of'the above noted situation, an(I urider C.;"hapters 38.0 8, 38.5 2, and 43.06 R(M, do hereby proclairn ffiat an State ofEn-wrgency exists in all of Washington's 39 counfies and direct that the plat-is and procedures of the Washin,!,1pn State Comprehensh,e 1°mea°ge ncy Manageinew Plan be irnplernented. State agencies and departments are directed to rifilize state resources 'And to do everything reasonably possible to assist affected political subdivisions ill, an effort to respond to and recover ftom the incideras. As a result of this event, I also hereby order into active state service the oroanized milifia of Washinoton State to inch.ide the National t� Cl Guard and the State Guard, or such part the reef as may be necessary in the opinion of the AdJutant General, to perform such duties as directed by competent authority of the Washington Military is in addressing this event. Additionally, the Washington State Emergency Operations Center is instructed to coordinate a.11 incident rehited assistance to the affected areas, Signed. and sealed with the official seal of the state of Washingi'o it I hi, 26th day of,Jtme, AD, "I'wo '"I'housand and Fifteen at Olympia, Washinjgtori,,,� 010, B 00000 le J ay over Ir BY THE GOVERNOR: 17� Sec ary of State