HomeMy WebLinkAboutState Highway Department - PermitDEED RECORD—No. 98 JEFF'IRSON COUNTY. WASHINGTON STATE ;:t-.S%IINOTOS STATS iiI�HC1AY D�P,1R;1 : T Vo. 205 Dis6!•ict i:o. 3 P "ii1.iIT Subject t•o r,ll the terns, conditions, and o rovisions written or • -.,i.n.te,i '.;elow: or on any n; rt of this form Pr !jISSI0j, IS H�R''TBY GRA?'.'t�D TO City of Port Townsend, Port Tnennend, `.'i'r'on ;ton ;to construct n nine line ecross State '40"I•TO' 9 et Stn tion 111 2n to Lot ', Section Township 29 lc)pTorth, Rnnre 1 `;!est, C(. in Jefferr'on County. A lu inch steel overflawr nine from the City Lnke to '"e nlnced under Strte Rood. t.`o. 9, r :ainirrlura of feet under t:ie surface of the roed,•rr•: \:•itil tile sate corer on both sloneS• The nine to be encased in :aini::rti of S incises of 1-?-? r,-:r:cr.ete, ..^c'"ill to ^e t -::•>cd, rear rtin e xrvel surf^cine ,rola the nr.te i; l •i.; -r;, IOY O^Oitf111, . nd - enl; cill £uch -ravel s:zrfr.ci:,: t'ae too l,yer o ;)a.ekfIll . T':e pine sa.l_. •oP l: in on one-nrlf of ti:e ro❑dr:r•r nt ti::;e or i' necesrr:;•7 elle trench _ ritcll e id:.ed in neer thr t will not interrere with or inte'•rstt trrf_ to ci iri� the n ui" clans with red f1r; ..uric, iao,.t'=s a.`. d; rI_ nasi red `:i,^c:n ' of t'•:, oine line. `3n; .. } lis .,ts d1r:r.;_''iutx_e of drrknecr.. shnll be nl,ced 300 feet in erch direction ,IurIn. con- .,I: rad if considered necessrrY t`..e District „ineer or :iis,renrer,entr6ives s'stall be provided by the city of ?ort Townsend in order to nronerly safe;;uard traffic. After tae construction of the nine lire the bridr-'e is to be removed, ,nd tae :,ac'c fi11 smoothed un in such a runner ,,s dill ineure in smooth rtdinr; surface. All clones cut siwall be s:<toothed un and the ro'dray ditches clerned out to Insure �rooer drr,tn,re. It is_.reed 'ch: t ^ny drta,•;: e to the road, : y and r -acnes thro+arh en'<n;-;e or ler c ;P d•arir. or nater the construction of this nine line, shall be rep iced m ;-,y tae State ^nd the cos.. thereof All �e nroantly `-)rid by City of Port Tor•nsenr, aeon cIntns t.:erPfor belr:r'� s+.i^'.titer:d. f It is ,lso a:'reed to ^.t my ^16 .ration In ::e nine li..e rennired thrn•.ach w:i e;ir... �- tiiC ror.^.wry or ^I:1tte".ir.;- of clones in tae f,_,turr 10"the S_ 6e ";ill -.m :!:en c -re of 'o'! t. -hen requested, ^t the P>:sense of ;:he cit;r of Port io n^e::d. Tiie constructi?n to confor„ to tha plans nttad:ied ae:e6o. iso •,.orl: shall 'oe done under this ner:ait until the party or nnrties to v:horn it is ,_.rart- __..._ �.�.. fr�n �-n. Leo L: Coulter, e ed shall h,ve co::crunic^ted v.itis r.nd received instlartlons ..•_ Sunrv., Port Townsend, Vasnin;ton. blePr Vnir par:hit shall be void unless the w:o2k herein contenmlr:ed s'•r-1_l =• ve i •Meted before Dried at 01Y,101n this 1761 d' :)ff October 192 . t STATS :iI;::'iiA•i .... %I\EyR By Jrs. A. Dnvir r District Tn^ir.eer _ ?i).ed for Re cozy' rt tileRemteet of City Cler% on the '.r:; dry _)f '."r ch, 1 . ',n t k 2:45 P. M. rnd recorded in Volu:ae 3ti of Deeds, Po;;e 195, F7.ecorr's of Jeffeanor. Coanty, 's Yln.rhlnr^ton. :•1!'. !l. E. hnde.rr*on, Coi.tnt? Aud-itor F �3y ,A�c�.-��J Deputy Part Towns,end., Washinaton. -1 90.2u, ........... aiiy part of to"abtstruct-a pipe line across State Road No.'9 at Station 111+20 in Lot 2, See ionsjjQqth$ Range I West, W.H., in Jefferson County. A 16 inch steel overflow pipe from the City lake to be placed under State Road Yo, 9, a minimum of 3 feet under the surface of the roadway with the same cover on both slopes. The pipe to be encased in a minimum of 6 inches of 1-2-4 concrete, backfill -to be tamped, separating the gravel surfacing from the material used for backfill, and replacingsuch gravel surfacing as the top layer of backfill,, The pipe shall be laid on one-half of the roadway at a time or if necess- ary the trench shall be bridged in a manner that will not interfere with or interrupt traffic during the placing of the pipe line. Warning signs with red flag z during hours of daylight and red lights during hours of darkness shall be placed 300 feet in each direction Luring construction and if consider - el necessary by the District Engineer at his representative flagmen shall be provided by the City of Fort Townsend in order to properly safeguard. traffic. After the construction of the pipe line the bridge is to be removed) and the backfill smoothed up in such a `larder as will insure a smooth riaing, surface. All slopes cut shall be smoothed up and the roadway ditches cleaned - out to insure proper drainage. It is agreed that any damage to the roadway and slopas through breakage or leakage Luring or after the construction of this pipe line, shall be re- paired by the State and the cost thereof shall be promptly paid by the City of Fort Townsend upon claims therefor being submitte&. It is also agreed that any alteration in the pipe line required through widening of the roadway or flattening of slopes in the future by the State will be taken care of by the City of Port Tow send, when requested, at the expense of the City of Port Townsend. The construction to conform to the plans attached hereto. fe CHAPTMR 309, LAWE� OF 1927 Section 48 "It AN be, unlawful for any person, firm'or corporation t '°`b4ild, 'erect, establish; operate, maintain or conduct al'6ngslde any of the public highways of this state, any platform, box, stand or any other telnp6iary-oT permanent de7fceor structure� to 'he used for the purpose of receiving from or delivery "to any :vehicle; mail, milk cans, vegkables, 'fruits, merchandise, e produce 'or person,, firm or corporation to" build, `erect, establish, operate, al6jitw-__ vegetables, fruits, merebandise, 'prod duce, �r y"It shah be unlawful for any p any platform, box stand or any other tempdra� or german ht device °r stritcturu e, e any of the public highways of this state, vehicle; mail, 'milk cans, used for the purpose o£ receiving from or delivery to any m O ; r`luu1jul c!/ auks ea c�,®£t pO '114 , a O Fi go £r p ¢' Fes+ y w N cOf. .. - 41 w q0•i O n a2Gt y .k-� rcdk Pa Fd., O 'cS C' y .tOy' '' d �. s0, r3 v�+r Lt �.i -__ ... w, w.. +' . + �I y O W ac a) o m zy y v cd O cd Pcd cd R.. Ccdn c3 m 'Id,' ,q U2 +.+ v .Or O..� O m a3 m a cd O g Q p s3 b w to M m 1 w Gk Gi C o ? o y bypo ul viCJ m O w ra02 WN A w O bA + U2N..ul Cd y �. �' .. O US m o 0 Cd m. p it p : N _ m O Aa. 'cs: m R.-. mw P N (D Cd E a3 H So 0)°"' •�: A ++... .cd A ci m m d112 o .O U p m sti ' d +.�. a� cid A O w �... M ,-� a3 m o P o v o p m w o aPi m �OOi- bin' �, �c'y F., a� ami. a� a) s. �: P G :. m ,� f� -� i91:.,.. N m m F, R O q bA �vcdi r� t3 O O 93 n, GI +�: O 2 4 .O . � "' a� 'O c��d �..`o �I �. W ;-. r' OE, �b�A EI O " W td O o a.a. O U2 m .. (D w o��yy .P O ^' FS 'o �.. •H +r4- (1)� *''Q. F•7... +til N. rlj q F °P+ 2i P 'u .O ,. F•+ G7 „ br, R ca v ca 0 "O y �.. •U2 a n -7 a0 m ca o c c3 +, o :m�.1 +O zs P .m m acs W �� y + o r" -N m c0a o .CS :.+-• .O :m o m.. "C! to cd 9 cd a3 o bn b m o Q• -�; cd c1 P O G P ti A `: d, to(1)i o +b U� a) � Fp bA � ow g o ��' y a p 'r, p m p cocy a N c m 4 O t3 G P OUl O02 H XI 4 4 'o Ul aw o zn w� O �k zNbo Q — n a s .O N o 'a m a v P 4 n m R o m m m N m U r� O Cd U cd G cd o^ m m 2s s~ v +' o' s 0 d bA a bA .W o ba 'C m sw o z g m U p .cd o �' m o +> m o q q ar, m o• o i c! v =., m cd o n ami o pN , q Cd bA m P $ o 02 0 N o N o ca 'y 0 0 q .b r O a p m A o o -.ocd w k .m u p o 'g.. o R m. fiS R , j o' u2 Z n .. q 'o ..� bA ^"; ;+ ^' 'O O cd +-�... U R y m R. P cd O d Id b P. a a n G1 m.'Ci cad m n2 o +� cf ,� 25 m o a .. F; o +� cd m v2 Ul N, �s R m 02 v m 02 � m p aP� d , y '� cd ,cA cdC,3 U2ofda, U 4vd �Q ,bi) 'o Cw O 'n r O W �I; P O.� O c3 n •v..: O �....� O Q2 ,� Sd S+ F"....m p m d U. CJ r41 . ..,d ,a �� O ; �,, '>� O, 4 -:-� y'. P "YG.' L7 ' k 0 q N `.-sem N ..°"'- O o Cd W N 'O .. � p bA V2 -a� c3 m .. >., 'spa '� m ca m c` •c' '.-a U2 p o '~ .. 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P 4 m P vs N cd b N p o c2 o ¢ ° `w y .q a :p o d m .o bB o'r �3' # F •+ sw zm sS s y �MbiA s� so bp oo 0A cd. ,. ¢, '� 62 ,4 1c, TS .LZ F7 W : ': Mv� y, u , - F m a o'o,��v.,o� m*o' p-� °� mm.4; a�d`dp moops a �• m ,g " o bA o ao2 v w f� p a O o as m Pi P' m o w iJl p c�a �� A o S �! 0 o rm TJ R cd p N O cd "m + m ci U y o o m *' p a r m# m m c A PN3H 2 H m g o. # N •� o o H p g A q amo i q s, cg o w o o c s cd R cd cd, s, t7 0 a w Q Cil o d F3 o c ; r`luu1jul c!/ auks ea c�,®£t a j ¢• , . ¢' U24 .� O r3 v�+r Lt �.i -__ •-f1.L sic tJ ... w, w.. +' v m O Ccdn 02 " U2 cd m '5.1. a cd O s3 b w bA m r. ra02 + y p bA cPd cid cd c3 m N (D Cd E a3 H So 0)°"' 0 A m