HomeMy WebLinkAboutSimpson Logging Co - Deed (copy)COPY OF &DENTURE SIMPSON LOGGING 00 TO OITY OF PORT TOWNSEND THIS INDENTURE mada and antarad Into on the day and ysax hsToinaftm writton,by and batwaen the Simosan Logging 0% a corDaration OxEnnized and exieting undev and by virtue of ths laqe Of tho State Gf TanhinStnn,ax jarty of tin f0st parta and the City of PoTt TnwzSazdaa City of tis. a Third Glaosoin tho Oyanty of Cr' effereQn.Stato of WashinStwn.paxty of the Incond oart. W "NnNV;Lh Y^' for and in consideration of ths sun of Fiv,* Vaized sain of tha Vited wtntasothf,, nqw&A whereof ie haz9by othax hareinaftgr sot forth1the said Darty of tho first Part J KOO W titan aLo cozvvy to thR party of the socan d part the following described raal estate lyinS,bajLs F4nd situate in joffsTspn✓ wit; A Diecy of land oixtes, and ow half feet wida extending over aad acrnoe yartz of 0 QjAree (QoTan (10) and Elvvqn (!!),in Township AS North' &018D 2 West of the Willamst Uarldian acoording to T oi�ks",,­ lat f ile�,-,a b--,,,- said My in the County Auditors of ice, az in case of a 7=lanCa between this GascriDtian ind thi actual location of ,.'e My's 7ator Works .,'e Lin Lins,than hs actual location on the ground ahall cow trolsoaunting aight and one Kurth feet an sach side of the pjyv line-ag actually laid upon tha lands of ths y9rty of the first yart in 34d Sections. TO HAV7 AND TO HOLD unto the party of tha second part its succ5enoW ond act to thn following tarmn and conditions.viz; ARATha y1la l ne to ba laid along QN, Tinght .C_' way hereby convoyid shall bi burted nt lwast twG qfpst bolvw the surfa Of ths SroUnIaRnd in ....< the siY5 is not so buried the pan,'' Of th! first n. 1. herein ahall not ba liable for any damagg in-juTy ­`nich MY rasult to sail pipe line by reason of fallDnp Qk Kuber on adjacent lands acrags said right of way� BECOND;Tha pirty of thq first part reserves the right to conduct its logging operatlzps and to fall its timber avar and acroas the right of way hareby conveyed, and to construct and miintain logging railroads and skid rodds ovar and across the samygwith ha &Sht to arose and rocross said right of way for said lurgosas in a logaar like,sus tomary and workman like manner. THIRD;A Dart of the considgration hereof is saidthat the said oarty of the incond Dart -by ni thr and convaysto Zhe Par& K 09 first partathe right and Drivilage to build and maintain 1039igg,rallroids or skid roads over and across the WOrth fast Quart9r of Roation 9.Totnship 28 NsRang,­, 2 7ast;7rovidyd always thit thi party of the first Dart shall Varate itR Mid rollroada or skid roads across said in a Ount0navY31099mv like and CaTsful mRnnar,and thq said nasq- ment so granted by the patty of the second 7art to 03 pqrty of tha first Dart shall be 20 faet wid5 and shall cQntinue durinS thu time necusnary to ramovq tha timb9r oqnsd by Raid party of the first Dart FTURTH011 tinber on the righti of way hireby granted shall be and remain in thi jrooarty of the Waynative 7artles so Grantinz such riaht of wayanith th3 Drivilegi to the r1spactive Branters to cut and 201 the same so as to convenlinlam' use said right of wny,and anch Dirty shall Athin thirty (50) days aftar failing timbar an it3 rigit Of OaY slain up3burn and rn=5 all brush, toT,rutbish and any other inflamable matyrial rqsultlng fro�_ suat culting and faiiinZ of limo fir r,thq Zarty of the 9acond On& to :=rte clean up and vemoun the to_ea trugh and othav inflamabl,,�, matarial now alonS its K]ht of ony within tAirty days after the idalivery of the dead. -T-ponm 00 TO 01TV of POPT TOWNSEND, OOPY OP INPENTUM SAY"o-N KAMM th-190 witnes5 thereof who party Of the first OaTt his h%�� '' raunto Amad its namm and affiwl? it5 C000rata sea"V's sixth day s Log3lng n' n Attast, L.T.TarnmToSecretaiybj CumnTate seal) tflT ot zing Me C.',n the Ath d1Y Of MAP to me knQ*n RB 9orporation that P)--u�c Y MaRTed and Mad TyAbdons and 550vatarY Of the Avg and acknowledged the s` 4. a '1" 4 n and f aragoing instrnment u W, m - L 1V �> I I Ct an�". of, 104;�i -r, - to be tho free and voluntary a 1 1 V! um. it volt]: therein montioneodvanA on, ,&Won,far the usgs and st,15d that the, ,th0Tjjqd amacute said instrumed th- saal affixed 15 the 00WOr"te too 71ancia Rotch, n and for State in Seattle.