HomeMy WebLinkAboutSimpson Logging Company - Right of WayThis Indenture* mde and entered into on the day and year
hereinafter written., by and between the SinTzon Logging Conpany
a corporation orgadized and existing under and by virtue of, the
14ws sof the State of Washington,, as party <of the first parte and
the City sof part Tovmsendo a City of the Third Class, in the County
of Sefferson, State of Washington, ington, party of the second part#
Witness th'* That for and in consideration of the payment of
the sumofDollar the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, the said party of the first wart does by
these presents$ grant to thearty of the second part# the right#
privilege and authority of a right of ways for the purpose of
constructing, layin.gt mintaining and using a pips: 1.44.Xia for the
conveyanoe of water; over and across the following described
rem estate, = i-ag, being 'awad WGa.te
of Washinatons to -wit"*
.A piece of land five feet wide extending over and across the
Souk half of the South-east quarter of Section Three 'Township'
Twenty-eight North,, Rauge Two Weofs starting at a point about
'feat' ry � �' North of
2 feet,, of the 1/16 corner (which is about 1294 feet
c er to Sections 21 3f '10 and 11, Township Twenty-eight Xorth
Range Two fest) $ where a stream of water flowing through and
over said crosses the J 6 'line# thence in. a South-easterly
direction. along suciistream to a, `pt on the 01 is Gravity Mater
System pipe line abount 100 feet West of the Section line between
Sections 2 and 31, To7rm hip T enty-eight North,, Range Two l est
and: in case of a variance between this deactiptron aad the actual
location of I such pipe line, then the actual location the ground
controls cowiting two and. a Yga f feet from and on each. side of
the pips; Line as actually Laid upon, the l ds above described, and ,
L and, to the stream above referred toy
rat the righty privilege and authority of the right of way
hereby granteds shall continue and be in full force and effect,
so long as the second.party shag, use and maintain said pipe line
thereon for the purpOse of the conveyance of 'eater as a part of
the ®lis Gravity 'Fater' System;
and that upon demand the said
second #arty shaU. pay to the first partyt ` the suzm of Two and ata' 00
2,at�) Dollars per t ous nd. for all merchantable timber," cr
destroyed$ if anyj in constructing, laying, maintaining and ` using
said. pip
on such rift of It beinghere understood that
said second party shall got ua �r a troy a� � timer upon such
right of way$ Nvithout first giving notice to said first party° of
its intention of so doing.
The party of the first wart reserves the right to conduct
its logging operations s a .d fall its t3 .er over and across the
Tight of way hereby granted, and to construct andmaintain logging
railroads and skid roads ever and across the same, with the right
to cruse and recross said right of way for said purposes in logger
Like, custompry and workmenlike ner$ and shall not be liable
to said second warty for any damage to said pipe line by reason
of such logging operations,0 or by f ir ee
x�rj%TZSS ��EFE07 the party of ' the first Bart ha reuntc
signed its name and affixed its corporate seal,) this it day Of
Augusts A. D., 1918
At t e stl
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