HomeMy WebLinkAboutThompson, Emma - easement-Ws indenture Witnesseto, That whereas, 4nna n. Thomja6n, the
duly appointed, qualified and acting administratrix pf the estate of
Marshall R. dece: sed, in Probate No, 313, in the Qlarlyr
Court cf the State of Washington Or Affeyll n, Too on the Eth 0 a,;
of 11rch, 1922, by order cf tho judge of said court mr her pstitiyr
made 7ofiled in spid estate, was duly authnAzed, in a cartair
suit pending in saY w.!ercin the City cf lnrt T,wrseLd, a
municipal OaYporation,' is petitioner, an,6. jf said dece: 3acl,
coo the res1,,,nts, -,,,v,1-,ere1n it A awcught by spid City - to ecndeml
and alpropriate certain lands belonging t3 the said state, for th-
purpoze of yetmitting sgid City to operate rnd maintain its water
pipe line over the Ina de hereinafter described, as ouch-adodnistratrix
of eaid edtate; nn behrlf nf the heirs of said eatFte to execute tt,
sold City of Port Townsend, a perpetuai ersemant frsuch UnK, uror
=11ppent by the said City to said administratrL,". -,f Fifty
W C',
H07� THerefore, ir and for the considerFOon f the joynont
tin zur mf fifty Alirrb; by the o7V City V-11nt T-onsend, a
nunichni cnrlor-tion, to Wid 7mms 7. lhrrTson, as Euoh adminAtratri x
of Mil WOW the ;Wnent if soid eum-ls hereby adInnyledgee by
said administratrix, d -es hereby y^. to saY City pf Tnrt Awneend,
a perpetual easement Q pperate Pnd maintain itu water lp"ia One over
the lands, described ss fol>Ne, ti -wit. _VA
trpct nf lqnd in the 5. 1/2
nore pPrticulary described rz 0111ws: hoilAYet a soint in�
,the Cast line of Tox No. 5 7ectinn 16 T -T, 30 7.2. 1 �wnt, nhich Vs
8-1/ 2 -feet Asterly, fror, end ne-sured at right PrEins to the center,
line f the City Of Fort Townzerols Gravity Ater supyly line
row constructed aer-sa 6aid T%x No. E; tLence in a Southerly diiectin-r.,
jn a line B-1/1 feet, Testerly from Frd parpilel to the center line
of sRid 7ater supyly line, , 51stance f 320 feet, O,re r jesE. V -
a joiAt in the Couth line of sais Tax Nn. Z; thence in a desterly
directinn aicng the ncuth line of said Tun Fc, 1 tn pi,,at io
26-3/4 feet Vasterly from and veroured. at right an6les to the center
line of said wcOY zvyhly line; thence in x Nor theakfarly direction
alnnga line 23-Z/4 At'$ Qztezly from wa-yarallel to Foid center
Tine of said water supply 1fre, a distance of 360 fect, nors-or icss
to a point in the 7ast line cf said Trn Yq, 5; thurce in a Southerly
directi6n along the 7ast line nf said Tax 70, Z to tne-t f,begin_
nirg, cirtairing o.14 aprez, wre or lees. in Jeffermcn County, State
Of Trshinzton. _4
7a ted th i c day nf p7il, 1020
V the 7state of
L t e n f s1r :,. n
Cgunty qf Jeffersnr4)
7 A.Henry Packard
, 2 a Notary 2ublic A,-,
Yr? for the said SOO, do hereby cortify that on - this 15th, 'day nf
Qr 192-D, personally appeared before me
Z_ Rnqwr to be the HOWRYal jwzcribed in -rd wto exesoted the within
instrument, a "s c7� m i n i s t r a t r i x 0 f th In e s ta t e0 f 1V? 1-31h, 4.........e , 1 . -1,
decersed, and acknowledged that Vo nQnda rnd exncnted Ovij instlu-
mart aT here fraE end 71!Untary aCt on! Qed, for the UoeS -nd ;UrjqseF
OcrEir nenWoncd,
7r latreEz hererf, 1 have hurvarto zet :V V nd 7rd af f Aw,1
bEflcial the day and year in this ceptificate firsol—Voyve nrlttsrg
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