HomeMy WebLinkAboutJefferson County - EasementJEFFERSON COUNTY, a municipal sub -division of the State of
Uashington, GRAINTTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of -night and
no/100 Dollars ( 8. ".1) in hard by the "ity of Fort To- nend; a
municipal corporation of tine third ass o the F, tate of ',7a sh �- n g t o r . GIZAN, TEE,
gives and grants to said Cite Of Port To--, sf-nda -,perpet-,-�aj
to construct, d
_ : 11 a cuix.�%,, p -�,pe line over Lhru
and across the !Eines and iI-11E.: ciAbed as
i o I o S , bo --v*,ii t:
Parcel NO. 71 - a strip of land 3U feet -'-In :in Lande:_:'Uend`ng lb feet
on each side of the center -line of the VJaer su�&j -
U , �:Ly line for tkIe
City Of Port Toe inzend as now loc��.ted and staked out across Lot 4, and the
SE- Of the Si4 of Se ot i on. 17, Township �9 L,%To rth, 1-ta I I ge 1`01 e S t, said
center line beir16 more pajticujarly cLesorik,,ed as fOjlQVVs:
Beginning at a point in tkie south line of said Section 17, -vV'x1ich is
east 395 feet iiloxe Or less distant fromi ti.'� e soutjrj�est corner of said
Section 17; thence in a noxtheasterl.y diiection alor,6 a curve to the
right, having a radius of 573.69 feet thxu an apC_,le of 22 degrees 13
minutes a. distance of 222.2 feet to a ljo-nt of tangent; thence north 60
degrees one m,inute east a distar
.Lce of 1273.9 feet to a point of curve;
thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 573.69 feet through, an
angle of 23 degrees 42 minuted a distance of 237 feet to a point of
tangent; thence north 36 degrees 19 Minutes east a distance of 470 feet
more or less to a point in the north line of the SE-,7� of said Section
17; saving and ex-cepting therefrom all that pert of the ri gh t of -7Tay
granted for the Port To7nisend gravity system. by-",Tefferson
County on February 9/05 and cortaired 7,Tithin the 30 foot strip
described as above; the net area to be, .�cqui-_red by this 4-rstru,iicnt being
1.51-:1 acres more or less; -'
-Parcel !To. 89 strip!
of land 31 ft.. in -7idth :end eterdr,- -:,2, 15 -eeu4-
each side of V e center ine �fcosec r sun- IY 1 4-,r) e -"`or the
Cit;of Fort Toena
rsd P�� n0" I o c - t e d U, C12 OSS "IC IT 7
Of the S.V- of Fection I -, 7.- rsshi-o 2,7, o -I t h T-
st �7a`d center
2E 0
line being more part,icularly d c"s I � Ing a t, adint
' 4
in the north 1._'_rje of .'ilc S 7! Of�C Ctn ch o int is 2180 feet
eet Iore
or less westerlycorner "betzTeen Section
a 1 71, 98 Nllorth
Range 2 West, and Sect -,-on 6, Townshi ,,4 -.Test; -4 -,
P ,;Aerice. south
62 degrees 58 Ellinutes a dis-'ance of 5,j�) feet, et-_
Lj _11i 0 a: e or _Less, to a
point in the line o-* t.�je 6 GlOn containing Q.64
I I I �
acres, LJ.ore or less.
Parcel 1;Q. 128 - a strip
OI land 6U feet Jn idtzl aliu tsndirig
15 feet
on each side of the center line of +�.LF_ proposed -��,,atL-r sa j L
UZI. _L v p�Ay line for the
City of Port Townsend as no-�j ioo&.,ted z;�rju ��-Gc ULj across
d t the of
the W -y of the Eli Of tae Of t1le SE: of Section 21, Township 27
Itioxth, mange 2 West. , said center line be ii'ig :yore particularly described
as follows: Beginning at a point in the -viest line 0 f the S
2 of the of
the Ez o the SW of the BE-', Section
21, Tot,vnshi:,p 27 North, Range ;L t Est,
which point is 180 feet, more or less, north and 660 feet more or less
east of -the j section corner between sections 21 and 28, To-,,,:,nship 27
North of Range 2 West, -thence in a southeasterly direction 200 feet
more or less to a point in the S-1- of the of the E' of the Mhof the
SE -.11- of Section 21, Township 27 Forth, R,.ange 2 'est, containing 0.14
acres, more or less.
Parcel 7 -,To 17 -- al -I 1'.1i.at "Poi,t z- or, of I of 1.1- of 71, o ck, c? of 'Ph -j. 'I, ins lay'
7'iew Addition to the Cit -y- of
?ort, T.o---nscnd ltn, J c? fa s :,! i th- in s -11-, r i -n
of land 18.5 feet in ,-,ddth Iy-Jng 8.25 feet -'1,,'-ester-7.y- f --on, and -naral.lel
to the center line of the Cite of Po --rt To nsrnd's Wavity ri,,ater sup -ply
line, as now constructed across said Phil'i-ots .''ay ViEw to
the City of Port '.1o7;.7nsend.
All of the foregoin&, ti,acts or parcels of land situate, lying and - De ing
in Jefferson countyy, 'dashinLton.
IN 'ii'IT14ESS `Vfd!�RIOF we have hereunto signed our names 'na
caused the official seal of said county to be affixed this daof
July, 1929.
Chairman, Board of County Commissioners,
Jefferson county, Washington.
Clerk of said Board
State of '17ashinvton)
County of Jefferson)
This is to c erti'fl,r t',!at on this day of 7uly 71,.'? 9,
1persc�nally axe -eared before me jdx±x Fart. Oratnan Fnd 7.7. '
An d r- rs on,
to rn.e known to be the Chaiyr�ar o -f the 76"rd of Cour.1-ty Co
SC, ^.,je
r S
fox, Jefferson county, 7.'a-sh-ingtor. ar-id H.7. Arde-.--son cr1c sa-L
Board, res pecti-v-e1y, a at E-IECI]Ld 1nc olego stru-:.tent and
acknowledged the said Instrument to be t.',Iie free am-' vo?.unt-ary act
and deed of said Jefferson county, for the uses and O-urposes therein
mentioned, and that -diey were authorized so to do and that the seal
affixed is the official seal of said Jefferson county.
In witness tvrhereof I have hereunto signed ay name and
affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first a -hove
Notary P-d-bli c in and/ for the State of
gashington, residlin8 at Port To-V,nsend.
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