HomeMy WebLinkAboutLittle Quilcene Access Road - Right-of-Way Easement - Forest ServiceOf _
Little v l `J enS.{ Access .1. L
1 e ' KM NEIN_11_�.x3,PRESEITSO that
utti2 CITY OF F (D 9 T 6iT T M
Je e r` z;1:1n k,'z t7,q Ahsh,.ng; onp hereinafter tae r ca;.'i.led the to GRAN s O "$ does
herebygrant ana convey to theUNITED STATES }I
J,11'.K,11'11Ct5,s o 1.13.,r`».� by
^T D STAnrforthe "?Pd'Lt .27
AGRIGULTURE, an& assignsp hereinafter called the all
oasament ankh 7'itig11 ,-o -u,- zy, inc uc`�ings but of 1L,3 .t d to., the rights
privilege mad anthovity to locatoo relocate, construct, maintains
at offand rep ir aroadway overs upon,, along
log an across tho following
r7cY3.real property
s27iaivd :n the MVL«4y of jeffqrsonp State
of FLCyLngso pto—wit;
A strip o !and sixty-six (66) Feet In width traversinxg the
following described real property:
The said strip being 33 feet in width an each, side of Center
line of a r oadoc ted and to bconstructed t. cted he with as
m-tch additional width as required for adequate protection of oats
and fillsq said center line
more partIcularly described as
�" old. a��� s being
CammenciT.` g at c point o?t':t the east bu Com,c'i '��3 o Section w �,g T. �2 No
Iry 2 Wes
� ::I ^ 11 feet
e !, €"f E t 5" "� i',s J & 7° from
s y; fi . ^' .� �*.^t corner
y f"�@ � F'i a x)^ o o
3L $� Z if%7 a; � :u. � .:: 3: � � L,209 � 1J �..+ v%✓ i,J.«. �.t:.+..i,. .�«. �.,Jd.tb V:i�i �:: v✓� �.a �F ..$. t.J b.i. t..: wt'.�.�ti:3:. .4^ 4..✓ �1:. e. wM 4d *..3
e>ioi.% s 28,
8q 3 and 34,
4, ,encx ..n n Luraa 3 a.ray *; o n t i o n ^ p >r x
421 feet; thence southerly over and across the :iso' hesas
of said Section 33 a da..;.s anoo o '� bra ox
� e$z & � 1i, 3.�.` 0 ^'`'�.� a`" r P k'3 ?3i
f o'�««yf�1 ,.t � o i E 9 ,� line
`y ry ..'s o�§ f✓'E the
3 t<f o .`Y,�i: i C'� s t �`. 5o� f�" sM W�.i.} �� Motion 3 3 which ,'+�.+'o
Yd+.i-.� the '.:d _»G:....'. ^�g,^,4f^++' Vh6. eda..LU .. w''.t +a",:..i.�G�uY.7..d l✓..1. "«t,�wb.
a _
tears Sauth 430 dwi 1 e.s Yd «,i .i,R.r''�a �3 o the .section r'cammlloyl
to Sections
s..i '"37
o 260 d P,
i.%. s o beginning av Station 136 f1 a point on acur,{ e. ofh
Little Quil..i`>#✓ne Access _',`oad point bearz ScR 4 t 20 - 101 ;;gat s
690 feet ti3t J.P. o.; or losafrom 4s_..e Nartheastcorner
a aaid Section �,.
%'Fst��# �' � .':. �,.>•�. ?� < �in;m �. €.� ;.� « :��. �i.�y� �.,..� p w�' in�o- e✓ Laia.%� center
;��,.'r ?. the Snow i.�`� �::� ek load, �t`,r r 1 i" o e in Northeasterly direction
x.>a ^, wiz.. ra
approximately 50 � feet t a point on the North erection line i.�;s. said
Section -33, 290 feet Nesterly from the section corner caumon to
Sections 27P 23, 33 and 34,
Thz easement supersedes right—of-way
° h"—Cf-iy esesCt previously
?s�l'.. granted
the United 7rios Forest Service .or said roads across
Section , To 3 N.0 Re 2 W e s We ..`s. s o dated eue 15y. 1932 and all
' 'ramt R:' d thereunder are hereby t orm.ina".7`"re dand revert er to "int +
holder of theree title on the grounds of abandonment and replaced
by Qe above easement,
Togethar with reazonablea° ;,bt s of ingresso oSraas and reoress
to and f"r cm said land for the ur s s designated,
The ri. tip privileges and authorities herein granted are for
tall use and enjoyment y the Government for any and all purpose
.2aes a:yor desirable in connection with the controls m'nage—
Q[Lt and almWas raio 4f the National
� o i33'l fo te ~.to = thEres vroNa z there-
e -
d insofar ar %.�s b �2if�ric`�,�rs..�: le �i C?e:C' witho use by the general public.
'.a.'he exercise axed eajoyment of he rigbtss privilegos and authorities
herein grai3:tf:d may be
deferred e d ."ice. oo, r a period not to exceed ten
years ._rar ti—l.,+ date.'i.'are:of and aferaft::wshall continue as long as
used for the purposes granted butif for w w�;�`rio of three CA years
134,:1er such exercise and onjoyment ca�s�.'.u`J.i�".e`nccs t.1:xe *.3'�..'v.. rzio .:.t shall
oease to use t,`t`3,4 :ice s p privileges �y� , ¢ authorities �''{.�'r the p3;yi;�'pos
,��? � mitt. � � �� � � .,_
granted or shall abandon the use of the easement herein grcaa to w- teens,
In any such Gti ents 8 the Cit7 may terminate this eGna unt and
rights hereunder shm1l revert to the holder oma the foe title of the
IN WITNESS VIERBOFs the Grantor has caused this instrument to
be executed this 7th day of February 1956.
-1—r. T -Z C L T y
On this nth day of February 19560 before me$ a Notary Public
in.and, for said county and states personally appeared GEORGE BANGERTER�
Mayor and JOSEPH G. RYANs City Clerk, to me known to be the Hayar,,
and Clerk rezpectivelyp of the City of Part Townsend that exeauted
the within ark foregoing instrument and each on oath acknowledged
to me t,1mt said City executed the same as its free and voluntary
act and deed far the uses and purposes therein mentionedg ark that
he was authDrized to execute said instrument on behalf of the City
by authority of its Mayor and City Council and that the seal affixed
is the corporate seal of said City.
IN UITEES S HHEREOP, I have hereunto sel, my hand and official
seal the day and year last above mentioned.
HT tart' TPu7bo 1: 1 o I E 7 for the
State of ,gash ingtom
Residing at Port Tounsendo
My commission expires N, 14th
-1—r. T -Z C L T y
On this nth day of February 19560 before me$ a Notary Public
in.and, for said county and states personally appeared GEORGE BANGERTER�
Mayor and JOSEPH G. RYANs City Clerk, to me known to be the Hayar,,
and Clerk rezpectivelyp of the City of Part Townsend that exeauted
the within ark foregoing instrument and each on oath acknowledged
to me t,1mt said City executed the same as its free and voluntary
act and deed far the uses and purposes therein mentionedg ark that
he was authDrized to execute said instrument on behalf of the City
by authority of its Mayor and City Council and that the seal affixed
is the corporate seal of said City.
IN UITEES S HHEREOP, I have hereunto sel, my hand and official
seal the day and year last above mentioned.
HT tart' TPu7bo 1: 1 o I E 7 for the
State of ,gash ingtom
Residing at Port Tounsendo
My commission expires N, 14th
FORT 1hA-,3111NGTCXo TO SIG' ',,:ADZ BY T*11-rE.�
Copy of Section 23o Chapter 134, Session Laws of 19115
of the State of Was hin8ton,
"See. 23. The Mayor and mayor pro tempore shall have powir
to administer oaths and affirraaftionsp and take affidavits$
and certify the see under their hands, The yna:yor or in the
aserene of the mayor the maTor pro tenpore Wil sign all
conveyances made by sald city, and all instrumonts which shall
require the sell of the city, and shall have power to adnin-
ister oaths and affirmationsp take affidavits and certify the
same under their handVT
1840 Copy of part of section 25)* of above mBntionzd Chapter
"Sec. 25. The it clerk shall keep a fullp true record of
every act and proceeding of the city council;
He shall be custodian. ofthe weal of said city and shall
Wwo power to acknowledge the execution of all instrumento
by said it uhich.require to be acknowledged. He shall
perform su&hother duties as this actp the state lauz and.
the ordinances of the city shall require,"
COPY Of Proceedings of the City Council of the 01ty of Port Toate send$
Wash.ingtonp aathorizing the mayor and city clerk to siSn and execute
a certain right of way eauanant across soctibia 33,, Turp. 28 N.p a. a W,$
w., 11*
"Port Tounsendo Washingtonp February- 7s 19519
TEE CITY CGU NCIL of the City of Port Townsend-' 011ashingtons not
in regular session this nth day of February, 1956 aeb 3 o'clock P, M,.,
in the council chi bur of thz city hall$ Major George BanZerter
CEL CALL: Up= P011 calls QW0 were present Mayor Georg
Bangerter, City Attorney Claud o E. SteyensCity Clark Joseph G,
Ryan, and Councilman Joe B. Steve, Roy Lindseyp John H. Siebenbaump
Edna Averyp Ellisp George F. 1lueller,, Dem-.1is Ouilivan.,
TO FOREST SERVICE: Taking up the request of the Forest
Supervisor for a right of way easement through the property owned by
the City along Lords Lake, and it appearing from tho reports of the
City Attorney and the City Wgineer that no rQhts or privileges
which t city now awns would be forfeitedp it was moved by Council"
man Jbhn H, Siebenbaum and seconded by Councilman George F, 14lueller
that the said request for right of way easement be granted and that
W mayor and the city clerk be authorized to sign and oxeauto the
said easement. open Roll C 1 all seven caunoilmen present voted
in the affirmative Viand motion was declared carried.''
11 JQzeph G. Rjani the dalT electedo qqalified and acting
City Clerk of t1s City of Port Townsend, Washington$ do hereby
certify that tbz foregoing excerpt from the m1nutes of the
pro-eeedings of the City Counoil of said oity relating to 01011D
granting of an eas�rie'nt to the U0 S, Forestry Departinqv�ntp is true
and correct; as the same appears of recand on page 621 et seq#
Jburna1_"j"j records of the ecuncil proceedings o7"Ad city,
IN WITNESS WHERE&O I have hereunto set ny hand and affixed -
the official Seal of the said city this Oth day of February, 1256.
Little Quilcene
Access Road
Jbfferson. Countyp Washington, hereinafte, called the "GRANTOR", does
hereby grant and convey to the UNITED STATESOF AMERICA, acting by
AGRICULTURE, and assigns$ hereinafter called the "GOVERNMENT", an
easement and right -of -spy, including but ,rpt ii Ited too the rights
privilege and authority to locate, relocalb, oonstructp maintain,
patrol and repair a roadway over, upon, albag and across the following
described real property situated in the CojAVy of Jbfferson, State
of Washington$ to -wit: 1)
A strip of land sixty-six (66) feet in Qdth traversing the
f ollowing described real property:
Northeast I of Section 33s T. 28 X.,Re 2 W., We Me
The said strip being 33 feat in width on each -side of center
line of a road located and to be constructed on the' groando with as
much additional width as required for adequate protection of cuts
and filia$ said center line being more particularly described as
Commencing at a point on the east boundary of SecQion 33, T. 28 N.0
R. 2 W.0 We Me 429 Net so therly from the section colner common to
Sections 27, 26, 33 and 34s thenci in a westerly direction approxi-
mately 421 feet; thence southerly over and across the northebt
of said section 33 a distance of approximately 3100 febtAp a point
on the south line of the Northeast I of said section 33 whicpoint
bears South L30 - 15t West, 3621 feet to the section cor-mer cormion
to Sections 27, 2^4 33 and 34 -
Also beginning at Station 186 + 002 a point on a curve of the,
Little Quilolne Access Road AT ch point bears South 520 - 1Q1 Westp
690 feet more or less from the Northeast corner of said Section 33.,
thence Northwesterly approximately 193 feet to a point on the center
line of the Snow Creek Road, thence in a northeasterly direction.
approximately 515 feet to a point on the east Section line of said
Section 33, 290 feet northerly from the section corner Common to
Sections 27, 28p 33 and 34,
This easement supersedes right-Of-waY easement previously granted
the United States Forest Service for said roads across the Northeast
W 1 Section 33, A 28 Neg Re 2 e We Me$ dated June 15, 1932 and all
rights granted hhereunder are hereby terminated and revert to the
holder of the free title on the gnounds of abamdonment and replaced
by the above easement.
Together with reasonable rights of ingress, egress and regress
to and from said land for the purposes designated, '
The rightso Privileges and withorities herein Granted are for
full use and enjoyment by the Government .for any and All purposes
deamed necessary or desirable in connection tith the control, manage-
ment and administration of the national forest, or the resources there-
of, and insofar as compatible therewith, use by the general public.
The exercise and enjoyment of the ri2htsp privileges and authorities
herein granted may be deferred for aoperiod not to exceed ten (10)
years from the date hereof and thereafter shall continue as long as
used for the purposes granted but if for a period of three (3) fears
after such exercise and enjoyment coraaences the Government shall
Cease to use the riShtsp privileges and authorities foo the purposes
granted or shall abandon the use of the easement herein graated. then,
in any such events, the City may terminate this easement and all
rights hereunder shall revert to the holder of the fee title of the