HomeMy WebLinkAbout051415 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND
The Port Townsend Planning Commission met in regular session on May 14,
2015, in the Port of Port Townsend Commission Building at 333 Benedict
Street. Chair Mick-Hager called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
Commissioners present at roll call were Kirit Bhansali, Nan Evans, Douglas
Frick, Rick Jahnke, Monica Mick-Hager, and Dwight Nicholson with Jack
Range excused.
Staff members present were Planning Director Lance Bailey, Planning
Manager/Senior Planner Judy Surber, City Clerk Joanna Sanders, and Deputy
Clerk Amber Long.
Commissioners agreed to change the wording of the line item under VII.B. from
"refine" to "discuss and refine." Staff clarified that the intention is to determine
topics for the breakout tables at the Town Meeting, not to recommend a scope
of work.
Motion: Kirit Bhansali moved to approve the agenda as amended. Dwight
Nicholson seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
Motion: Douglas Frick moved to approve the minutes of April 23, 2015, with
modifications as follows:
- Page 2, 1st paragraph: "memorandum by Eric Toews would beseme provide
a background for the Commission's assessment"
- Page 2, 3rd paragraph: "Mr. Frick left the meeting at 8:11"moved to the next
page before "At 8:15 p.m., the meeting resumed."
- Page 2, 6th paragraph: for Q 1 and Q2, "(top three five)."Dwight Nicholson
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
There was no public comment.
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Amendments to PTMC Chapter 17.32
Chair Mick-Hager read the public hearing script. No Commissioners had a
financial or property interest to disclose.
Planning Director Lance Bailey gave the staff presentation. On April 9th,
the Planning Commission directed staff to bring back specific code
language. Mr. Bailey provided a revised Exhibit 2 at the meeting,
correcting the chapter designation in the heading and making language
more consistent regarding the additional commercial/manufacturing uses.
On page 2 ("17.32.020 Scope"), staff changed formatting and added
language regarding permitted uses. The goal is to allow the PUD process
to expand the uses within certain parameters. Mr. Bailey clarified that
split-zone properties would have to be under single ownership. He
gave background information for the addition on page 3, allowing a
modification to maximum floor area ratios. Design must be consistent with
surrounding area, and staff would have some discretion in allowing the
modification. Discussion of staffs findings and conclusions was deferred
until after public testimony and discussion by Commission.
The Commission had the following suggestions and questions regarding
Exhibit 2:
- Page 1, Purpose, "City's economic strategy" and "City's economic
development strategy" should be made consistent with what is used in the
Comprehensive Plan.
- Page 1, D, change first word ("permit") to "allow."
- Page 1, D (2), make the following change: "which are seppartive Of
consistent with and supported by the City's economic development
- Page 1, D (3), there was general agreement that the statement is
confusing. After discussion, it was agreed to delete (3) entirely.
- Page 1, D, suggestion that "and" between (1) and (2) should be changed
to "and/or." It was ultimately decided to retain "and," because the
statement is about what is allowed, not what is required.
- Page 2, B (1), "Planned uwa+p unit development"
- Page 2, B, staff clarified that residential use would be allowed in a
commercial zone only if the building is mixed-use.
- Page 2, C, staff clarified that "development" generally means there is
some kind of structure.
There was no public testimony following the staff presentation. The
following public comment was made after the Commission's discussion of
the proposed language and before the discussion of the findings and
conclusions: Margaret Lee, who lives in a C-II/MU area, spoke about the
proposed changes to maximum floor area ratio standards. She is
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concerned that the changes will alter the whole intent of the C-II/MU area
and the desires of the people in the past.
Staff response to public testimony was requested. Staff clarified that the
maximum floor area ratio is not a ratio of commercial to residential use, but
rather of lot size to square footage of development. The proposed change
would potentially allow for more flexibility in larger-scale commercial
development, as long as all requirements of the PUD process are
met. The change would not preclude anyone from doing
residential/commercial development. The Commission discussed other
areas of the city, besides Howard Street, that could be affected by the
proposed changes. In response to a question from the Commission, staff
stated that the environmental review process is not yet completed; the
comment period closes on May 24th or 25th.
The Commission discussed staffs proposed findings and conclusions. It
was suggested that staff amend the document to direct City Council to
address the other areas, besides Howard Street, that will be affected by
the proposed changes. At the bottom of page 1, the parenthesis at the
start of the last line should be moved before "Mixed" on the second-to-last
line. Under "Location," staff needs to add the C-II/MU zone. Staff stated
that June 18th is likely the earliest that the issue would be on the City
Council agenda for a public hearing.
Motion: Nan Evans moved to approve the findings and conclusions as
amended and to forward the proposed code language to City Council as
amended. Douglas Frick seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
2016 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update - Summary of Workgroup
and Advisory Committee Meetings
Planning Manager/Senior Planner Judy Surber stated that the City is
generally tracking quite well with the original timeline for the Comprehensive
Plan update. The shading on Exhibit 6 (Milestones) should have gone further
down on first page and onto second page; more work has been completed
than it appears from the document. Staff has been trying to confirm
population projections and will work with the County to set a date for the
Joint Growth Management Steering Committee. An electronic survey and
the City's SpeakUp site should be available in June. Staff will be providing
information about SpeakUp and the Comprehensive Plan webpage in
business card format for distribution to the community.
Ms. Surber recapped what happened at the workgroups. Common themes
and comments brought up by the workgroups are outlined in her
memorandum. In response to a question, staff stated that code enforcement
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crosses a number of departments and is complaint-driven. The City
is formulating a better overall policy and more consistent process for dealing
with code enforcement, for example illegal rental housing and demolition by
neglect of historical residences. The Community Development and Land
Use (CDLU) subcommittee is currently discussing illegal vacation rentals;
if CDLU decides there must be a Comprehensive Plan amendment, then it
will have to be addressed before the scope of work is adopted.
Commission members gave summaries of the workgroups they attended:
Transportation: Policies in the transportation element are good, but the
wording is too geared toward cars; it needs to be reworked to represent who
we are as a community. Suggestions were made by the Commission to add
transportation to key issues and to reword "alternative transportation" to
"improved transportation options." A minor change to the transportation
workgroup minutes was requested.
Housing: So many people want to live in the City, but cannot afford or
cannot find housing here. The issue is related to jobs and transportation. In
the next version of themes, the Commission suggested leaving out what is
not legal or what the City cannot affect.
Land Use. There was general agreement that Howard Street and mixed-use
centers are not key themes. The workgroup had discussions about climate
change, moving toward being more local, and how the policies of the
Comprehensive Plan may be clear and laudable, but the leadership role of
the City is not.
Capital Facilities & Utilities: The City is in good shape, because growth is
pretty flat and not what was anticipated There was discussion about how to
pay for street upkeep and for water pipeline repair.
Economic Development: The biggest outcome of the workgroup was a new
optional theme--simplifying code (streamline policies and processes so
people know what they can do without having to guess). The workgroup
discussed providing infrastructure to promote economic development (e.g.,
broadband) and more public/private partnerships.
The Commission made the following suggestions regarding the staff
Page 5, first bullet under (2) Jobs-Housing Balance: "eenversatie
conversion of large homes. . ."
Page 3, italicized section should be reformatted to clarify that it is a quotation
from Rick Sepler's memorandum.
2016 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update - Refine Key Issues for Town
Ms. Surber described the structure of the Town Meeting. She stated that
what actually gets in the scope of work has a lot to do with public input,
trends, and resources available. Commissioners agreed with staff that "key
issues" should be the terminology used at the Town Meeting, rather than
"optional themes." The Commission decided on the following key issues
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(and subsets) for the breakout tables:
- Jobs (mixed-use centers, Howard Street, code audit, business-friendly)
- Housing (code audit, barriers to affordable housing)
- Quality of life for all ages (park &rec, vibrant community, spaces to meet
and mingle)
- Improve transportation options
- Resilience
It was suggested that a reminder for the public about mandatory updates
should either be included in the staff presentation at the Town Meeting or
made into a poster. Staff noted that the City has looked into providing
childcare for the Town Meeting, but insurance requirements would not allow
it. The City also looked into the issue of transit, but buses to all locations that
could accommodate a Town Meeting stop running around 6:30 p.m.
Individual Commissioners volunteered to "man" tables during the Town
Meeting. Staff proposed creating a color-coordinated chart, showing
Councilmembers and listing all the committees they are involved in to
encourage public awareness and involvement. In response to a question,
staff stated that the City is hoping that attendance at the Town Meeting will
be at least equal to prior Town Meetings (average 70-100 people).
Motion: Kirit Bhansali moved to approve and recommend to City Council key
issues for upcoming Town Meeting. Rick Jahnke seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
2016 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update - Draft Scope of Work -
Mandatory Updates.
Planning Manager/Senior Planner Judy Surber described the draft scope of
work matrix. Staff was asked if a "bookmarking" process could be
established for items that the City does not have time to address for the 2016
update, but would like to address in the next few years. Staff responded that
there are two ways: (1) include new goals or policies in the Comprehensive
Plan, worded to indicate future work (for example, "explore increased
flexibility in land use tables"), or (2) list items in the work program for 2017,
2018, etc. or list by priority level with no specific date.
The next scheduled meeting is May 28, 2015.
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There was no discussion of the public comment report included in the packet.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:44 p.m.
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