Date: March 3, 2015 Time: 3:00 pm Location: City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room
Members Present: Charles Paul, Chair; Don Schussler; Richard Berg; Marsha Moratti; Cate Comerford; Brent Davis
Members Excused: James Manier
Staff Present: David Timmons, City Manager; Steve Gross, City Attorney; John McDonagh, Senior Planner; Joshua Stecker, Deputy City Clerk
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Approval of Minutes: February 3, 2015 Unanimous approval.
City Manager David Timmons addressed the committee over concerns about Marsha Moratti will contact East Jefferson Fire
demolition by neglect of historic homes in the city. City Attorney Steve Gross clarified Rescue about the property at 830 Taylor
that the City code allows for intervention but the City lacks resources for enforcement. Street. John McDonagh will prioritize the Taylor
The committee could prioritize specific properties for staff to focus on. Street property for code enforcement
The possibility of establishing a Public Development Authority for historic housing and
workforce housing was discussed, possibly as a part of the Comprehensive Plan
David Timmons noted that the Fire Department needed to identify hazards before the
City could take action to address them.
USDA Rural Development Agency Funding was mentioned as a potential funding
source to make homeowners aware of.
Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for April 7, 2015
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.