HomeMy WebLinkAboutWorthington, Norman P. - Release of LienR, - 7 1, 1 jb. 11 ..—, —, I LJEN T(): The "ity of Port Townsend I T"Inds is L -o certify that th.e ciati-xi of Norn,-ian P7, Ovortlhiqp"ton for all alleged wespa-ss Jby T',,el Guzzi Constructio, Cot-npwny and john F. ",,"irner in connection -�,vlth the construction of the Port "rownsemod Water I -Ano has been fuilly settled. You are herell)y authorized to release to John F. Kirrier the c1heck- wbickh you are holdiiin.; as security for the settle i-ne-int rx" this clair"n?. Dated this , �Iay Of jiuly, 1961. vfi A 1,,i -i, r)i A Q I -T G TCX-,!, Cm tEri-s, day Brei sonca.11y appeared. before Me N,,)rrnan F, orthington, to MIC, 1 -mown to be the in.dividual who -executed the foregoing I elease of 11, ien and acNno,,,vled­ed that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for Oie uses and purposes therein stated. q G -liven under --my hand and official seal dills � —day of July, 1961. 2, _Vbf�t�PUD T IC In 5 ro-r-I!Z� ta. v residi-no- at Oly-mipia 0 1- P. O. BOX 591 Ded-Gizzi Cmtruction, Inc. . GwmtAL cwmcrom 1020 EAST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON PHONE GL 7-8536 July IL., 1IQ59 City Clerk Pox -t send, 19h. Re: Port Toiiinsend Tt, Tater Line project Dear Sir: Enclosed please find a certified .Heck in -the amount of This check is the amount of the suit �Pforthington has against us. Positively do not pay until -the above mentioned suit has been set- ;Leda JD-jc Encl. (1) check Sincerely., -0-1,MGUZZ1 001118TRUCT1014 MC. by: J. DELGUZZI Olympia, Washington july 12p 1 959 M, Gale I. Youngblood City Cle,' Port Townsend,'Kashington Dear,Sir: - Attached is lion in the amount Of $500-00 against Del Guzzi Constr- uction Company for materials furnished in cons9tUtiOn of the City of Port Townsend water supply pipKine'' I would appreciate advice from you that this lien has been received and of its acceptance by the City® cc: united Pacific Insurance Co. Tacoma, Wash, Yours very tru Norman or -thin o hO8 East 27th Aye. Olympiao Wash., City Clerk City of Port Townsend$ rush® To the of the &aaCecx)fx&kKkWmg0o= NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned Norman P. 'vTorthlunfrton. has a claim in the sum (claimant) of five -hundred MOOeOO) dollars against Del Guzzi Construction Co. 1020 EA. Front St,,,, Port An edab.against the bond (contractor) taken from United Paci?ic Insurance Co. Tacanta, "Td lash. for the work of (surety) -Renonstruction of the Ciy of Port Townsend water supply pipeline G (description of work for which bond was taken) Said claim is for gravel and t:bnber (If for work or labor state nature thereof; if for material or supplies furnished state generally what material or supplies were furnished). In event the above claim is not settled and paid without an action in the courts to enforce the same, in addition to above item, undersigned claims the sum of Qno hundred .iiiW — dollars as an Attorneys fee, and the sum of twenty--- dollars to defray costs of said ac -tion., UT 408 East 27th Ave. Address 0 ly mpia, Iffash Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of July 19 _meq NotW, � Public in and for he Stat - e of I ' ' Washing–t-o'n, residing at '/­�� Cit 01�r Pt Tow and . Vlasho, Filed In the office of Washington. 11-26-58 July 200 3969 Norman P, �Vorthington 408 East 27th ,Ave. Olympia$, Washington Dean i This is to advise you that yoiw liar in the aunt o 0500*00 has been received at this office. Del Guzzi d4nstr- uction Company has been notified along; with the Cit , ineer and the City Attorney. truly your s.0 oqd— city Clerk j .. yo-`.....