DATE: November 13, 2014 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall, Conference Room 3
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Sandoval (Chair), Sherri Hanke, Jake Beattie, Janette Force, Denise Winter, Dave
Robison, Nathan Barnett
MEMBER(S) EXCUSED: Will O'Donnell, Robert Birman, Cindy Hill Finnie, Sue McIntire, Xoe Hufman, William Roney
OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager David Timmons, Marketing Director Christina Pivarnik, Deputy City Clerk Kelly McLaughlin
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Approval of Minutes: October 14, 2014 Consideration of the Minutes were
postponed to the next meeting.
LTAC Draft Budget for 2015: David Timmons reported that the draft budgeted revenue for
2015 is $360,000, the same as 2014, with budgeted expenditures to not exceed budgeted
revenue. Year-to-date revenues are currently running behind 2013 but may be due to a
reporting/coding discrepancy that should be resolved by the end of the year. There is currently a
$118,000 lodging tax fund reserve. He suggested that a reasonable reserve could be re-
established as low as 10% of the budget ($36,000 for 2015) if authorized by LTAC action.
Fort Worden PDA Proposal: Dave Robison summarized the proposed use of LTAC funds to Unanimous approval to budget for
improve the promotion of Fort Worden lodging options in 2015. $37,500 from LTAC fund reserves to
support continued efforts to
Mr. Timmons reported that in order to include the Fort Worden PDA proposal at a cost of restore/increase lodging taxes at Fort
$44,185 in the 2015 budget, funds would need to be allocated from reserves. LTAC members Worden with performance incentives
discussed, but did not recommend, a reduction of funds to the Visitor Information Center in order for occupancy growth at Fort Worden,
to allocate funds to Fort Worden within the draft budget of$360,000. A correction was identified and all lodging entities as a group, to
to the funds requested, eliminating a duplicated cost of$6,500 for co-op advertising between be developed by staff and reviewed
Fort Worden and the City as indicated in the City's draft 2015 Marketing & Promotion budget. by legal counsel.
LTAC Members stated support for continuing these efforts that were implemented in 2014, and
suggested the need to develop performance incentives for occupancy increases at Fort Worden,
and all Port Townsend lodging entities as a group.
CP Communications Proposal: Christina Pivarnik left for the remainder of the meeting due to Unanimous approval of the CP
the scheduled discussion of her proposed 2015 Scope of Services. Communications contract for services
in 2015 for $60,000 plus up to $1,500
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Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
LTAC members stated strong support for the services provided by Ms. Pivarnik/CP in travel expenses.
Communications. It was suggested that a report on the results of all the advertisement and
promotional efforts would be useful in establishing performance measurements for LTAC.
General Discussion: Ms. Sandoval suggested that appointing the Main Street Program
Executive Director to a position on the LTAC would be a positive move for future collaboration.
2015 Budget Recommendation from LTAC: Following the earlier motion to budget $37,500 Unanimous approval to recommend to
from LTAC fund reserves, the 2015 Budget request to City Council totals $397,500. City Council a total 2015 LTAC budget
amount of$397,500.
Next Meeting: January13, 2015
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
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