HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD00-089watennan & Katz Building le ~ Quiner swe, su;~ 301 Port Tonnuend, WA 98368 Phone: (760)379.3208 Fax: (360)383-7673 `~ CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Ca11385-2294 for Inspection Permit Number: BLDOO-O89R-~ Issued: 8/23100 Parcel Number; 991403205 Job Address: 2611 Sims Wav Zoning: CC=II Type: II-N/V-N Occupancy: S-3; M & B Total Occupant Load: 50 Nature of Work: Construct 2936 sa. ft. car wash (refer to 00.089R-1 for fueling island canooy and 00-089 for convenience store) Owner: MEK Corporation, Mr. Ramin Forghani Contractor: NYD -State contractor' s license and City business license repaired GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED: Electrical -Contact Labor & Industries @ 360-4I7--2702 Mechanical -See Sheet 1 of plansfor information Plumbing -See Sheet 1 of plans for information • Street & Utility Development Permit -See also attached memo dated 8/4/00 Sign Permit -contact Carol Wilson @ 360-379-5082 NOTE: Special inspection required for masonry units per engineer, Sheet BSI. Special Inspector shall be a Washington licensed engineer or ICBO certified inspector. ICBO certified inspector to either be listed in the current edition of WABO AQency and Inspector Register or present credentials to the Building Department prior to performing inspections. Required Special inspection Reports shall indicate compliance with the plans and specifications and shall be copied to the Building Department in a timely manner. Permit Holder or Permit Holder's Agent shall review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies'noted by required special inspections. All welding to be done by WABO certified welders. Credentials shall be presented to the Building Department. TEMPORARY EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL Temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be installed on-site per civil plans. Inspection of silt fencing and construction entrance required prior to concrete inspection Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates I-800-424-5555 Page I of 5 Pamit gBLD00-089R-2 ' REQUIRED INSPF,('TIONS APPRnVF'17mATF FOOTINGS Refer to Sheets CWSI & CWS2 for details Setbacks Footings Forms Reinforcement UFER FOUNDATION Refer to Sheets CWSI &CWSI for details CMLJ Walls Brick Walls Reinforcement Anchor Bolts MONOLITHIC SLAB Refer to Sheets CWSI & CWS2 for details. Setbacks for entire site Front: 0 ;Sides: S'; Rear: IO' Forms Slab Reinforcement -grade 60 Trench Drain Floor Drain Q Cashier's Office PLUMBING: Deferred Submittal Barrier-Free Required MECHANICAL Deferred Submittal for heating and ventilation and equipment ' Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 2 of 5 iiJ • RF.OiTTR1N',il iNSPECTION5 APPROVED/DATE Permit #BLD00-089R-2 FRAMING- Street and Utility Development Permit required prior to framing inspection Walls Reinforcement for CMU and Brick Roof Window Safety Glazing Window U-factor -per NREC mechanical deferred submittal for heated cashier's space Doors Air Seal Roof/Wall Positive Connection Fire Blocking Draft Stop INSULATION Per NREC deferred submittal for heated cashier's o, ffice Vapor Barrier required DRYWALL if applicable @ cashier's office Walls Ceiling LIGHTING See approved plans and NREC Lighting Summary Exterior Lighting per NREC Exterior Lighting per SEPA - refer to attached memo dated 8/17/00 - contact Je, ff Randall @ 379-5081 for approval PARKING See convenience store permit #BLD00-089 ' LANDSCAPING See convenience store permit #BLD00-089 DRAINAGE Per approved stormwater plan; contact the Publrc Works Department @ 385-2294 for inspection Ca1148 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 3 of 5 Pmnil /BLD00.089R-2 s FINAL Property address posted Public Works Department Sign-Off Fire Department Sign-Off Electrical Sign-off (L & I) Barrier Free access Plumbing -Barrier Free Required Mechanical Restroom wall and floor covering per UBC 807 Door panic hazdware Main exit may have key locking device with sign at exit: "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS" with I" high letters on contrasting background Exit Signage/Illumination Final - C-II Design Standards compliance required; contact JohnMcDonagh Q 379-5085 for inspection Final -Building GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Contractors working on this projeM are required to have a Labor & Industries contractor's reeistration number and a City business license. Failure to provide proof of this documentation prior to work may result in job shut down while this is accomplished. 2. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures shall be installed on-site and inspected prior to beginning construction; ca11385-2294, press 3. Measures shall include installation of silt fencing and graveled construction entrance (see attached details). Adjacent rights-of--way shall be kept free of dirt debris. Soils exposed during construction shall be temporarily stabilized with mulching, plastic sheeting, etc. Soils shall be permanently stabilized with seeding, plantings, sodding, etc. once construction is complete. Applicant is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. 3. All elements of engineering including nailing, holdowns, sheathing, and alternate braced wall panels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. Owner or owner's agent shall review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies noted by required inspections. 5. Re-inspection is required after inspection report corrections are completed. Ca1148 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 4 of 5 ~.: Permit i<BLD W-089R-2 6. The Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For Public Works inspection call 385-2294, press 3. A 7. Final Inspections are required prior to occupancy; A Certificate of Occupancy is required fora non- residential project. 8. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections are done by the Building Department within one year. Call far at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 9. Revisions require submittal & approval prior to making changes in the Feld. Contact the Building Department @ 379-3208 prior to making changes to the approved plans. 10. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. r~ ~J Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 5 of 5 ~~ City of Port Townsend 181 Quincy S4eet Suite 30l PM TownvenQ WA 98368 Phone (360) 379-3208 Faz (360) 385-7675 • CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND BUII.,DER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MiJST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call 385-2294 for Inspection Permit Number: BLDOO-089R-1 Parcel Number: 991403205 Issued: 08/21/00 Job Address: 2611 Sims Wav Zoning: CC=11 Occupancy: S-3. M & B Nature of Work: Construct fueline island canopy Type of Construction: Canoov: II-N Owner: MEK Coraoration, Mr. Ramin Forahani Contractor: NYD -State Contractor's License and City Business License required GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE SEPARATE PER1ViITS REQUIRED: (see also permit #BLD00-089) ELECTRICAL (WA State Labor and Industries) (360)-417-2702 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS • J APPROVED/DATE CONTAMINATED SOIL In the event contaminated soil is found, all work shall cease. The contractor shall contact the City Building Department and request a site visit by the Building Official. No contaminated soil may be removed prior to the visit by the Building Official. In the event, contaminated soil isfound, a remediation plan shall be submitted jor approval to the Building Offcral regarding method of disposal, stockpiling ojcontaminant and appropriate clean-up practices All activities shall be consistent with City ordinances and DOE standardsjor removes! and disposes! ojcontaminated soils. TEMPORARY EROSION/SEDIMENT CONTROL Construction dust shall be kept to a minimum to avoid impacts to neighboring properties. If dirt and debris are tracked onto adjacent rights-of-way, contractor shall immediately install sediment control measures that may include installation oja construction drive-off mat, fire wash and/or sweeping ojpaved surfaces. Refer to approved plan details aflached to demolition permit NMIS00-OI3. DEMOLITION Materialsjrom demolition shall be disposed of in areas off-site mee8ng al! qualifications as set forth by state and Ioca! taw and othergovernmentagencies. , Ca1148 hours before you dig for utility locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 of 3 Building Permit tIBLD00-089R-I RE UIRED INSPECTIONS APPROVED/DATE FOUNDATION Dispenser Islands Guard Post Details Canopy Footings per engineering, Sheet CS-2 Reinforcement -grade 60 per engineering, Sheet CS-2 Anchor Bolts per engineering, Sheet CS-2 PLUMBING -pressure test required for gas lines FRAMING -per engineering -Canopy connection details, Sheets CS-1 and CS-2 LIGHTING - see attached plans and memo FINAL Final - C-1 design standards compliance; contact John McDonagh @ 379-5085 Final -Fire Department Sign-Off Final -Electrical. (L & n Plumbing Final-Building GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Re-inspections are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required. 4. All Building Permits expire if no progress has been made within six months or, if no inspections have been made by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your permit active. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility locates 1-800-424-SSSS • • Page 2 of 3 Building Permit HBLD00-089R-1 5. Revisions require review and approval prior to making changes in the field. Contact the Building Department at 379-3208 prior to making changes to the approved plans. 6. POST THIS PERMIT ON-STfE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. 7. A final inspection and Certificate of Occupancy is required prior to occupancy. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 3 of 3 Waterman & KetzBuilding 181 Quinry Street, Swlc 301 Port Towreend, WA 98368 Phone: (360) 379-3208 Fan: (360) 385-7675 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Ca11385-2294 for Inspection Permit Number: BLDOO-O89 Issued: 8123/00 Parcel Number: 991403205 Job Address: 2611 Sims Wav Zoning: CC_II Type: II-N/V-N Occupancy: S-3: M & B Total Occupant Load: 50 Nature of Work: Construct 2494 sg. ft. convenience store (refer to 00-089R-1 for fueline island canopy and 00-089R-2 for car wash) Owner: MEK Corporation. Mr. Ramin Forahani Contractor: NYD -State contractor' s license and Citv business license required GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE SEPARATE PERMTTS REOUHZED: Electrical -Contact Labor & Industries @ 360-4I7-2702 Mechanical -See Sheet I ofplansfor information Plumbing -See Sheet I of plansfor information Street & Utility Development Permit -See also attached memo dated 8/4/00 Sign Permit -contact Carol Wilson @ 360-379-5082 NOTE: All welding to be done by WABO certifted welders. Credentials shall be presented to the Building Department. RE UIRED INSPECTIONS APPROVED/DATE TEMPORARY EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL Temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be installed on-site per civil plans. Inspection of silt fencing and construction entrance required prior to concrete inspection FOOTINGS Yard Light Footing Trash Enclosure/CMII Wall Call 48 hours before you dig for utility tine locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 of 4 RF.C)TTTRF.D TNSPECTIONS APPROVED/DATE Permit NBI,DW~089 MONOLITHIC. SLAB FOUNDATION -per Sheet BS2 Setbacks-Front: 0'; Sides: 5'; Rear: 10' Forms Monolithic Slab Foundation Reinforcement -grade 60 Anchor Bolts - 5/8"x 12" Engineered Holdowns Slab/Footings @ walk-in freezer R-19 rigid @ walk-in freezer UFER PLUMBING: Deferred Submittal Barcier-Free Required MECHANICAL Deferred Submittal NREC/WSVIAQ compliance as deferred submittal FRAMING- Street and Utility Development Permit required prior to framing inspection Refer to `B "sheets including BSI and BS 2; # 1 members speed @ certain locations Walls ' Engineered Shear Walls Roof -Engineered truss plan to be on-site at time of inspection Window Safety Glazing Window U-factor -per NREC mechanical deferred submittal Doors Air Seal Roof TrussJWall Positive Connection Fire Blocking Draft Stop Weather Resistive Barcier INSULATION Per NREC deferred submittal Vapor Barrier DRYWALL Walls Ceiling Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800.424-5555 Page 2 of 4 J ~,,.~ ~ ~ ~- W « -.. ~c -mow. s~~ ~ ~.. ~_ . ... a • C REQUIRED INSPECTIONS APPROVED/DATE Permit ttBLD00-089 SUSPENDED CEILING Frame and supports/Seismic Bracing Inspect prior to ceiling file installation LIGHTING See approved plans and NREC Lighting Summary Daylight zones Exterior Lighting per NREC Exterior Lighting per SEPA - refer to attached memo dated 8/17/00 - contact JefjRandall @ 379-5081 for approval PARKING Per Sheet P-1 1 Barrier Free, Van Accessible space required LANDSCAPING Per approved sheets Ll & L2 -contact John McDonagh @ 379-5085 for inspection DRAINAGE Per approved stormwater plan; contact the Public Works Deparlment @ 385-2294 for inspection FINAL Property address posted Public Works Department Sign-Oft' Fire Department Sign-Off Electrical Sign-off (L & I) Barrier Free access Plumbing -Barrier Free Required Mechanical Restroom wall and floor covering per UBC 807 Door panic hardwaze Main exit may have key locking device with sign at exit: "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS" with 1" high letters on contrasting background Exit Signage/Illumination Final - C-II Design Standards compliance required,• contact John McDonagh @ 379-5085 for inspection Final -Building Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates I-800-424-5555 Page 3 of 4 Pvmi[ gHLD00-089 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Contractors working on this project are required to have a Labor & Industries contraMor's registration number and a City business license. Failure to provide proof of this documentation prior to work may result in job shut down while this is accomplished. 2. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures shall be installed on-site and inspected prior to beginning construction; call 385-2294, press 3. Measures shall include installation of silt fencing and graveled construction entrance (see attached details). Adjacent rights-of--way shall be kept free of-dirt debris. Soils exposed during construction shall be temporarily stabilized with mulching, plastic sheeting, etc. Soils shall be permanently stabilized with seeding, plantings, sodding, etc. once construction is complete. Applicant is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. 3. All elements of engineering including nailing, holdowns, sheathing, and alternate braced wall panels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. Owner or owner's agent shall review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies noted by required inspections. 5. Re-inspection is required after inspection report corrections are completed. 6. The Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For Public Works inspection call 385-2294, press 3. A minimum of twenty-four hours notice is required Public Works anoroval must be received nrior to scheduling the Building Department's final inspection. 7. Final Inspections are required prior to occupancy; A Certificate of Occupancy is required fora non- residential project. 8. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections are done by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 9. Revisions require submittal & approval prior to making changes in the field. Contact the Building Department Q 379-3208 prior to making changes to the approved plans. 10. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Ca1148 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 4 of 4 ._= -~,~