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The Port Townsend Planning Commission met in regular session on October 9, 2014 in
the Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.
by Chairperson Monica Mick-Hager.
Commissioners present at roll call were Monica Mick-Hager, Dwight Nicholson, Jack
Range, Nan Evans, Gee Heckscher, and Kirit Bhansali; with Douglas Frick excused.
Staff members present were Planning Manager/Senior Planner Judy Surber, and Deputy
City Clerk Kelly McLaughlin.
Motion: Kirit Bhansali moved to approve the agenda with no changes. Gee Heckscher
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
Motion: Gee Heckscher moved to approve the Minutes of August 27, 2014 and
September 18, 2014 Nan Evans seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
Continued Public Hearing: 2014 Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Chairperson Monica Mick Hager stated that tonight's meeting is a continuation of the
August 27, 2014 Hearing for the 2014 Comprehensive Plan Docket. Those
Commissioners who were not present at that hearing have had the opportunity to review
the meeting tape and ask staff clarifying questions. During the August 27 hearing, the
Commission heard from staff followed by public testimony on all six items on the docket,
the acting-chair closed public testimony and allowed for staff response. This evening, the
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Planning Commission may elect to take additional public testimony and will deliberate
and make a recommendation to Council on each of the items on the docket. She
recommended that the Commission reopen public testimony narrowly on the revisions as
presented by staff and/or new information, with no need to repeat testimony previously
provided. The Commission concurred. The rules for the hearing were read and
Commission members were asked to state whether they had any financial or property
interests to disclose in connection with the agenda items. Commissioner Heckscher
stated that nothing related to his role on the Fort Worden PDA would compromise his
position on the Fort Worden docket item. Planning Manager/Senior Planner Judy Surber
read the September 24, 2014 Staff Report regarding the 2014 Comprehensive Plan
Updates, identifying the revised findings, conclusions and recommendations developed
following the August 27 hearing. She also reported that citizen letters submitted to the
record are addressed in Exhibit J. — Public Comment - Issue Summary and Staff
1. Jefferson Transit Rezone (LUP 14-010)
Ms. Surber reported that subsequent to the August 27 hearing, City staff met with
the Jefferson Transit Authority to discuss required mitigation measures related to the re-
zoning of three acres from Public Infrastructure (P-1) to General Commercial (C-II). On
September 15, 2014, the JTA modified its application. A Revised Mitigated Determination
of Non Significance (MDNS) was issued on September 22, 2014. Staff concluded that the
modified proposal, in concert with the mitigation measures of the Revised MDNS, would
be consistent with adopted goals and policies intended to protect established
neighborhoods and critical areas, and Staff recommends approval with the modified
2. Kah Tai Laaoon Park Policy & Reassess Decatur Street Trail (LUP11 015)
3. Kah Tai Lagoon Park Policy Alternative Language & Reassess Decatur Trail (LUP11
Ms. Surber noted that there has been discussion about the compatibility of uses for public
access and wildlife habitat. The Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Board (NMTB)
recommended the removal of the Decatur Street trail, and adding the Garfield Street Trail.
Based on public input the addition of a Lawrence Street connector trail to terminate in a
wildlife viewing area was suggested. In planning uses within the Kah Tai Lagoon Park, it
is important to adhere to the terms of the Washington State Recreation and Conservation
Office (RCO) agreement with the City which emphasizes the preservation of wildlife. Staff
recommends the approval of the modified trail plan to eliminate the Decatur trail and add
Garfield and Lawrence Street trail sections with the addition of Policy 4.5.1 to the Land
Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, related to RCO requirements for use of the
4. Add Fort Worden Goal & Policy (LUP14-029)
Ms. Surber reported there has been significant concern from citizens regarding whether
the west gate of Fort Worden would be re-opened for public access. She emphasized that
opening the west gate is not included in the proposal and, further, that if a proposal came
forward to reopen the west gate, a complete site-specific environmental review process
would be required. It was also clarified that this amendment is only regarding the 90 acre
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site leased by the Fort Worden PDA. Based on comments received at the August 27
hearing, Staff developed proposed language to clarify references to the Fort Worden
Long Range Plan, Goal and Policy (Exhibit 4.6) within the Comprehensive Plan and
recommends approval.
5. Parkside Park Rezone (LUP14-027)
Ms. Surber said there have been no changes to this proposal and staff recommends
approval to redesignate this area as P/OS, existing park or open space.
6. Beech Street Property Rezone (LUP14-028) Ms. Surber said there have been no
changes to this proposal and staff recommends approval to redesignate this area as
P/OS, existing park or open space. A citizen letter from George Randels regarding this
amendment, received today, was not addressed in Staffs Exhibit J response to
comments but was provided to the Commission for review.
Commissioner Range asked whether residential uses were considered in the Jefferson
Transit amendments. Ms. Surber said residential options were discussed with Jefferson
Transit staff early in the process but the Jefferson Transit Authority Board did not include
residential in their submittal. Recent discussions were focused on mitigation measures.
Commissioner Heckscher referred to a letter asking where the Fort Worden west gate
opening idea originated. Ms. Surber responded that the concept had been one idea
discussed during the Washington State Parks review process for their 2008 Long Range
Plan. The concept was not accepted or incorporated into the Plan. Chairperson Mick-
Hager asked why the Fort Worden Long Range Plan needs included in the City's
Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Surber responded that by standard planning practices it makes
sense to include them. Commissioner Range noted the George Randels letter and
asked whether the Beech Street property was discussed as a surplus property, or for
affordable housing. Commissioners Heckscher and Bhansali commented that they
believe the Randels letter is stating concerns with the process and limited public benefits.
Robert Pittenger stated opposition to opening the west gate at Fort Worden.
Rick Jahnke, Alma Ann Parks, and Lon Louchard signed up to comment but each stated
that their questions had been answered and they did not wish to comment further.
Fayette Krause reiterated comments submitted from the Tree House Condominium
Association and requested Commission clarification to Council that the Fort Worden
Comprehensive Plan Amendment is limited to the 90 acre lease. Also, he requested that
the City withdraw its previous suggestion to State Parks that the west gate become the
primary entrance for the park.
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Ms. Surber repeated the purpose of the Fort Worden amendments and that there are no
plans to open the west gate. She recommended that Mr. Pittenger come in to meet with
City Planning Staff for further clarification, and she stated that all documents in the record
are available on the City's website or by contacting the City Clerk's office.
1. Jefferson Transit Rezone (LUP 14-010)
Motion: Dwight Nicholson moved to approve the Jefferson Transit Comprehensive Plan
Amendment and rezone as modified by the applicant (September 15, 2014) subject to the
revised conditions and direct staff to make commensurate revisions to the Land Use and
Zoning Maps as presented in Exhibit 1.1.A and Acreages in Table IV-2 of the Land Use
Element. Gee Heckscher seconded.
Vote: motion passed unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
2. Kah Tai Lagoon Park Policv & Reassess Decatur Street Trail (LUP11 015)
3. Kah Tai Lagoon Park Policv Alternative Language & Reassess Decatur Trail (LUP11
The trail options were reviewed and concerns for impacts to wildlife discussed.
Motion: Nan Evans moved to approve amending the NMTP to reflect elimination of the
Decatur Street Trail as recommended by the NMTP but not include the two trail additions
(Garfield and Lawrence Street) and, further, the Planning Commission recommends the
addition of Alternative Policy 4.5.1 as revised June 2014 to the Land Use Element of the
Comprehensive Plan. Dwight Nicholson seconded.
Vote: motion passed unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
4. Add Fort Worden Goal & Policy (LUP14-029
Ms. Surber stated for the record that the west gate is not in the plan.
Motion: Kirit Bhansali moved to approve the addition of the revised Fort Worden Goal &
Policy (Exhibit 4.6) to Section Vlll. Economic Development Element as Goal 8 Fort
Worden Long-range Plan (i.e., between Commercial Historic District Revitalization and
Telecommunications) and renumber the section accordingly. Gee Heckscher seconded.
Vote: motion passed unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
5. Parkside Park Rezone (LUP14-027)
Motion: Gee Heckscher moved to approve the proposal to re-designate Parkside Park as
P/OS on the City's Land Use and Zoning Maps and revise the acreages in Table IV-2 of
the Land Use Element accordingly. Kirit Bhansali seconded.
Vote: motion passed unanimously, 6-0 by voice vote.
6. _Beech Street Property Rezone (LUP14-028)
Staff's recommendation is to approve the rezone to P/OS parks/open space. The
Commission discussed the viability of affordable housing on the parcel, and the City's
surplus property process which could result in funds for housing if this parcel were
surplused. Also explored was a newly discussed concept to utilize a dual purpose
zoning, with an overlay of parks/open space that would exist as long as the City owns the
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property, and an underlayer of R-2 that would be in place if the City surplused the
property in the future. Retaining the existing zoning would allow for mixed public
infrastructure, but use as open space would likely continue.
Motion: Kirit Shansali moved to take no action on this amendment and retain the existing
zoning. Gee Heckscher seconded.
Vote: motion passed 5— 1 by voice vote.
Commissioners Range and Bhansali were designated to work with Staff to review the
Findings prior to final approval and forwarding to Council.
Upcoming Meetings: October 23 — 2016 GMA Comprehensive Plan and at that time the
November and December scheduling will be determined.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Planning Commission Ch
City Clerk's Office
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