HomeMy WebLinkAbout082714 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 27, 2014 CALL TO ORDER The Port Townsend Planning Commission met in special session on August 27, 2014 in the Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Vice-Chairman Jack Range. ROLL CALL Commissioners present at roll call were Nan Evans, Gee Heckscher, Dwight Nicholson, and Jack Range with Kirit Bhansali, Douglas Frick, and Monica Mick-Hager excused. Staff members present were Community Services Director Rick Sepler, Planning Manager/Senior Planner Judy Surber, and City Clerk Joanna Sanders. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA (NO NEW ITEMS CAN BE ADDED) Motion: Gee Heckscher moved to approve the agenda as written. Nan Evans seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 4-0 by voice vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JUNE 26, 2014 Motion: Gee Heckscher moved to approve Minutes of June 26, 2014. Dwight Nicholson seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 4-0 by voice vote. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES PER PERSON. PLEASE BEGIN BY STATING YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS. COMMENTS MADE DURING THIS TIME WILL NOT BE PART OF THE HEARING RECORD) Todd Wexman urged the Commission to use a measure of independence related to the Comprehensive Plan Updates. NEW BUSINESS Public Hearing: 2014 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Vice Chair Jack Range read the rules of procedure for the public hearing. Planning Commission Special Meeting August 27, 2014 Page 1 of 7 Mr. Heckscher disclosed he is a Fort Worden Public Development Authority Board member. He has consulted with the City Attorney on this matter and feels he can participate impartially in the discussion. Senior Planner Judy Surber gave the staff presentation, giving a briefing on this amendment process and how approval of each Item 1 through 6 would be handled. She reviewed the map showing locations of all amendments and explained the City's amendment review process, consistent with City plans and policies, including environmental review (under SEPA). Following an explanation of the findings and conclusions criteria for review and the quasi- judicial nature of these amendments, Ms. Surber pointed out that in response to Commission questions, the packet contained a table of land use acreages within each land use district and a listing of the proposed increases/decreases should the rezones be approved. 1. Jefferson Transit Rezone (LUP 14-010): The Jefferson Transit request is to change land use to leave the area encumbered by the ravine (critical areas) as P-1 and then change the remaining three acres from P-1 to C-11. Ms. Surber reviewed the packet material provided. 2. Kah Tai Lagoon Park Policy & Reassess Decatur Street Trail (LUP11- 015) and 3. Kah Tai Lagoon Park Policy Alternative Language & Reassess Decatur Street Trail (LUP11-055): Ms. Surber then reviewed materials provided and decision options. She noted that Exhibit 2.19 contains modified amendment language that reflects federal protections and clearer ownership conditions that now exist. The proposed amendments include elimination of the Decatur Street Trail between Clay and Garfield Streets and the addition of two short trail segments between Kearney and Decatur on Garfield (multi-purpose) and Lawrence (connector). Ms. Surber explained the packet material provided and decision options. 4. Add Fort Worden Goal & Policy (LUP14-029): Community Services Director Rick Sepler explained this City-proposed amendment supports the adaptive reuse of historic buildings at Fort Worden. Due to the reference to the Washington State Parks' Fort Worden master plan (now called the long-range plan), there was public confusion on a number of issues. He attempted to clarify the confusion regarding the west entrance by reading the portion of the September 25, 2008 document by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission (Attachment 4.2 of the packet, page 3, paragraph 5). An alternate entrance is not part of the Fort's long-range -plan, but if it were proposed, an environmental review would be needed. A second concern in public comment was about the campground and Mr. Sepler deferred that issue to the Fort Worden Public Development Authority Executive Director to address later during public comment. Ms. Surber then reviewed concerns raised in several public comments, most of which were addressed in the MDNS review in Exhibit H of the packet. Planning Commission Special Meeting August 27, 2014 Page 2 of 7 5. Parkside Park Rezone (LUP14-027): This amendment would change the land use designation and zoning of approximately 0.5 acres of land from R-II (single-family residential) to P/OS (Existing Parks and Open Space). 6. Beech Street Property Rezone (LUP14-028): This amendment proposes changing the land use designation from P/OS(B) (Mixed Public Infrastructure/Open Space) to P/OS (Existing Parks and Open Space). Ms. Surber noted City Council's review of this property at one time for affordable housing. The findings and conclusions reflect the desire for this to remain as open space. Public Comment on Jefferson Transit Rezone (LUP 14-010): Rick Jahnke spoke in support of the re-zone of Block 261 and the Sims Way frontage. He spoke in opposition to interior blocks being rezoned to commercial (due to Comp. Plan Land Use Policy 9.14 discouraging the conversion of residential areas to non-residential uses) and disagreed with the expansion of the Gateway Commercial Corridor (Policy 10.4). David Sullivan, Jefferson Transit Board President and Jefferson County Commissioner, spoke about Transit's efforts and desire to stabilize transit services for the community. Transit might object to additional conditions such as additional access improvements. Tammi Rubert, General Manager of Jefferson Transit and proponent of this amendment, expressed concern about limiting access off Hancock Street and asked that this not be a condition. She also asked about removing Condition #4 as written in the staff report. Craig Miller, Attorney for Jefferson Transit, spoke about his concerns to conditions 2, 3, and 4, which he believes are impractical and improper and might be a future legal issue. Todd Wexman spoke in favor of Rick Jahnke's comments and expressed concern if the entire site is rezoned as commercial. Dave Robison, who helped author the Gateway Plan and as a former City staff member, reviewed the legislative history on this particular property to make it a commercial corridor due to other limited space for commercial purposes. Public Comment Kah Tai Lagoon Park Policy & Reassess Decatur Street Trail (LUP11-015) and Kah Tai Lagoon Park Policy & Reassess Decatur Street Trail (LUP11-055): Ron Sikes spoke in favor of eliminating the Decatur Street trail and in opposition to the Non-motorized Transportation Plan (NMTP) recommendation for a Lawrence Street trail addition. He distributed photos of shorebirds that use that area and urged reconsideration of a trail due to the Planning Commission Special Meeting August 27, 2014 Page 3 of 7 sensitive nature of that site. He is in support of the revised Kah Tai policy amendment. Rosemary Sikes spoke in favor of eliminating the Decatur Street trail, however she expressed concern over opening the Lawrence Street trail due to shore birds use of this area and urged keeping the eastern and northern shore closed. On Kah Tai policy, she spoke in favor of the revised alternative policy as written in Exhibit 2.19. Margaret Lee spoke in favor of eliminating the Decatur Street Trail, but does not think the Lawrence street portion should be developed due to concerns over wildlife disturbance and safety. Jim Todd spoke in support of the policy amendment (particularly use of the word "compatible"). He agrees with keeping wild areas of the nature park wild and is opposed to both trail additions. Rick Jahnke spoke in support of revised alternative policy 4.5.1 which is staffs recommendation. Public Comment Add Fort Worden Goal & Policy (LUP14-029): At 8:02 p.m., the Planning Commission meeting recessed for the purposes of a break. At 8:09 p.m., the meeting was reconvened. Dave Robison, Executive Director of Fort Worden Public Development Authority (FWPDA) spoke in favor of the amendments. He proposed additional language amendments (distributed) as follows: the name of the plan document to the Long-Range Plan and also under Policies 2, 3, and 4 consistent with the City charter when it established the FWPDA. At Staffs request, Mr. Robison reiterated that the West Entrance was part of the 2004- 2008 Fort Worden State Park planning process but it was removed. Currently, neither State Parks nor the FWPDA have plans to open that entrance. If a plan were to come forward, it would be a site-specific project that would come before the City separately and go under additional environmental review. Campground expansion, while listed in the Long- Range Plan, is not in the ten-year capital plan. If and when it is proposed, a state park's budget appropriation would be needed. It would also be considered a site-specific project with environmental review. Fayette Krause asked for clarification on whether the recommendation in the September 25, 2008 document to move the main park entrance would be rescinded. He also asked Mr. Robison for clarification about his reference to there being "no immediate plans by the park." Al Bergstein spoke of his concerns about the request to have the lease supercede the plan and asked whether the lease makes any reference to Planning Commission Special Meeting August 27, 2014 Page 4 of 7 altering entrances and exits to the Fort. He also asked about general public notice for this hearing. He is only aware of the 300-foot notice to property owners which included the Tree House Development. Public Comment Beech Street Property Rezone (LUP14-028): Barbara Mericle noted the citizen petition with 200 signatures summarizes the support for this amendment. Jim Todd spoke in favor of the Beech Street rezone. Public Comment Parkside Park Rezone (LUP14-027): Rosemary Sikes spoke in favor of the rezone of Parkside Park from residential to parks and open space. Rick Jahnke spoke in favor of the Parkside Park amendment. Jim Todd spoke in favor of the Parkside Park rezone. Staff response to Public Comment: Given the testimony at the meeting, Staff recommended the public hearing be continued. Staff would meet with Jefferson Transit to better understand their concerns since they did not make their appeal as part of the SEPA process. Staff noted that consolidating access is appropriate. in terms of zoning history and transition to the neighborhood, it is the Commission's role to recommend what the best transition should be. Staff recommended a buffer, but noted that a residential transition on land use could be considered. Staff explained the difference between setbacks and buffers and explained that financial benefit cannot be tied to the Planning Commission decision exclusively, but instead must focus on the best land use in terms of compatibility and future use of the site. On the trails in Kah Tai, staff said they deferred to the recommendations of the Non-motorized Transportation Advisory Board related to providing and facilitating access, but the Commission could discuss the best way to protect the land. Regarding Fort Worden, at one time the City's suggestion was to move the main gate as part of street and sidewalk improvements on San Juan Avenue, but this project has not been a part of the City's capital facilities plan, nor is it shown in its transportation plan. This matter of rescinding the recommendation on moving the gate would need to be addressed with the City Manager and Council. Staff outlined the public notice procedures followed for these amendments. Vice Chair Range suggested the Commission reserve its questions and deliberation when there is a fuller Planning Commission body present. Staff urged the Commission to request additional information from staff if desired. Some discussion ensued about the schedule for recommendations on the proposed amendments. Planning Commission Special Meeting August 27, 2014 Page 5 of 7 Staff agreed to gather additional information about implications for denying the rezone or changing P-1 zoning on Transit to residential and to clarify how the SEPA process related and how additional changes would impact the amendment. Regarding Kah Tai amendments, the Commission also asked to be reminded of the compatibility of uses and relevant background or precedent for this amendment. Motion: Dwight Nicholson moved to approve continuing the Public Hearing on the 2014 Comprehensive Plan Amendments to September 25, 2014. (The date was changed later, in the meeting, in another motion.) Gee Heckscher seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 4-0 by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS Howard Street Update Mr. Sepler reported on the $45K grant application through the Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) to fund a feasibility study on the interim artisan manufacturing zoning district for Howard Street. If granted on September 18, a second grant application would seek funding for stormwater infrastructure allowing greater intensity of development. Mt. Townsend Creamery has entered into a contract for a production facility/retail component fronting Howard Street. Further Planning Commission discussion on Howard Street would likely be postponed until the end of economic study. With right of way construction in early spring, staff expects to return to the Commission on this topic in the fall. Staff responded to questions about alternatives if the feasibility study and stormwater infrastructure is not funded and about Mt. Townsend Creamery's construction plan. OTHER BUSINESS - NONE UPCOMING MEETINGS (SEE CALENDAR ON BACK OF AGENDA) Staff noted there would be a September workshop meeting to introduce the 20- year Comprehensive Planning process. Motion: Dwight Nicholson moved to approve amending the date in the prior motion to continue the Public Hearing on the 2014 Comprehensive Plan Amendments to October 9 rather than September 25. Gee Heckscher seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 4-0 by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS Planning Commission Special Meeting August 27, 2014 Page 6 of 7 There were no additional communications. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Attest: r Planning Commission it City Clerk's Office Planning Commission Special Meeting August 27, 2014 Page 7 of 7