Date: April 15, 2014 Time: 3:00 pm Location: City Hall, First Floor Conference Room
Members Present: Charles Paul, Chair; Don Schussler; Cate Comerford; James Manier; Richard Berg; Marsha Moratti; Rosalind Russell
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: John McDonagh, Senior Planner; Joshua Stecker, Deputy City Clerk
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Approval of Minutes: March 18, 2014 Unanimous approval of minutes as
Report from Subcommittee on Hardscaping within City: Ms. Comerford detailed Two new subcommittees will bring
the hardscaping sub-committee's findings on areas that HPC could look to provide forward draft hardscaping policies at the
oversight including approved materials, aggregate terrace height, and setback from May 20th special meeting
city right-of-way. Some suggestions may already trigger reviews by SEPA or DSD.
Mr. Paul suggested the goal of the hardscaping discussion is to help the City
formulate a policy that will give HPC oversight on hardscaping within historic districts.
Mr. McDonagh related that Community Services Director Rick Sepler would like the
HPC to help craft a policy that would be broader than just hardscaping and
encompass a wider spectrum of aesthetic issues. Preserving historic "setting" can be
as important as preserving structures. There could be potential administrative
problems if too many activities trigger HPC involvement. HPC should focus on
aesthetic and not engineering issues. City oversight is currently triggered by either a
Street Development Permit (SDP) or a Minor Improvement Permit (MIP). HPC
concerns could be attached to those permit processes.
Mr. Paul and Mr. McDonagh suggested that the hardscaping policy should be applied
to Historic Districts and not just Historic Homes. HPC felt that high importance should
be placed on the type of materials allowed for use. Discussion over whether it would
be better to create a list of approve materials or a list of disapproved materials was
Mr. McDonagh stressed that City Council would likely consider a ban on specific
materials and he encouraged HPC to draft a policy using language emphasizing what
the HPC doesn't want to see. Councilmembers will be interested in the perspective of
the HPC. The policy should be specific and restrictive but provide an easy path to
HPC Minutes Page 1 of 2 April 15, 2014
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Two subcommittees were formed to draft proposals. Mr. Manier, Ms. Russell and Ms.
Moratti formed on sub-committee. The remaining members formed the other. Both
subcommittees will bring forward drafts at the May 20th special meeting and the two
drafts will be merged into a final proposal this summer.
Continued discussion on building lighting fixtures in the Downtown Historic Mr. McDonagh will bring examples of
District: HPC is working on a policy for uniformity of exterior lighting on downtown acceptable lighting fixtures to the May
buildings. In general, lighting should be downward facing and shielded. Mr. 20th special meeting.
McDonagh will bring examples of acceptable styles to the May 20th special meeting.
Selection of Recycling Bins in the Downtown Historic District: Mr. McDonagh Mr. McDonagh will keep HPC informed
has spoken with Public Works Director Ken Clow about placing recycling bins on the process of installing recycling
downtown. The location and style of the bins is yet to be determined. Public Works is bins.
working on a contract with DM Disposal. Mr. McDonagh will let HPC know as
decisions are made.
Next Meeting: The regular meeting scheduled for May 6th is cancelled. The next
meeting will be a Special Meeting on May 20th
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 4:25pm
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