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City of Port TownsendwA
Meeting Minutes
Parks, Recreation and Trees Advisory Board (PRTAB)
Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 4:33 PM—5:45 PM
Meeting called to order at 4:33 PM by Chair, Rosemary Sikes.
Members present: Debbie Jahnke, and Ron Sikes
Also present City Planner, Judy Surber
Approval of Agenda
Motion to accept agenda was approved unanimously.
Approval of 2-25-2014 minutes
Debbie noted some typos and some corrections about the tree walls and said she would send Rosemary the
changes. She moved for approval with changes and it passed unanimously.
Old Business
Arbor Day Celebrations:
• Debbie accepted the Arbor Day Proclamation from Mayor David King during the April 21" City
Council Meeting.
• The 22 April Bishop Park Tree walls was attended by seven people including 3 PRT board members.
Debbie had advertised the walls with a picture in the Peninsula Daily News.
• April 26th, Ron will lead a "Significant Tree" walk at Fort Worden at 9 am. Sara Fairbanks will lead a
walls starting at Chetzamoka through the uptown district at 11 am. At 12:30 pm there will be a tree
planting at the Bobby McGarraugh Park. Ron will deliver the pine tree and dig the hole near the picnic
shelter where it can be watered.
Sunday, April 27th from 9 am to noon there is a work party to remove invasive weeds and pick up garbage at
Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Park.
Debbie said the Mayor and the City Manager were favorable regarding software to record hours and other
information about volunteers. She said it will take some time for staff to implement such software to the City's
website. She said the Kitsap County Recreation Department has used the software successfully to manage all of
their volunteer activity information.
Debbie gave an update on grants for parks and recreation. Since the proposed project to place a bridge and
gravel trails in a wetland, at the 35th Street Park, complicated the application for the WWRP grant there is
insufficient time to make the May 1st deadline. Rosemary said she would contact Dixie Llewellin regarding the
cost to delineate the 35 Street area wetland affected by trail improvements.
Debbie said there was not enough time for the County to prepare for a grant to repair Memorial Field. However
there may still be time to apply for the WA Recreation Commission Office Trails grant due in July. The grant
would purchase equipment and material for trail improvement in undeveloped lands within the City.
New Business
Judy Surber suggested developing a matrix to prioritize grant proposals, show what is required in matching
funds, qualifying projects, deadline dates, etc.
She recently met with City Engineers to discuss the updated Parks, Recreation, and Trees Functional Plan. Hard
copies have been supplied to the Carnegie Library and City Public Works Department. Debbie offered to have
a copy printed for use by the PRT board.
Debbie asked about a map of city property. Judy said she did not think it was accessible to the public but she
would provide one to the PRT board. Debbie wants to research possible lands for a Dog Park. Judy said she has
approached the library about creating a public information search engine for city documents. Debbie said the
City may have a suitable location for a dog park on existing City property. Also she said the dog park could be
temporarily located on city property. Rosemary said during the 22 April Tree walk the group viewed the
Parkside Drive right of way between 9th and 10th Streets as a possible site. It has a tree buffer from the
neighborhoods and an open area of tall grasses and snowberry.
Regarding lands for a dog park, Judy recommended developing criteria for a new dog park. This would provide
such information as desirable components, size, cost, location, etc.
Judy said there will be a temporary addition to the Park Staff for the summer. Debbie said she would lobby for
the position to be permanent.
Regarding updating the functional plan, Rosemary recommended making the item part of the monthly PRT
board minutes. This information would be summarized in the January minutes. This information would include
items like the location of lands zoned as open space such as the three parcels near the eagle nest just east of the
Manressa Castle.
Debbie said a portion of the public survey found in the appendix of the new functional plan had to be omitted
has the ranking of importance was not defined as to whether 1 or 5 was most important.
Debbie brought a map found in documents related to planning for the Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Park. It shows
plans for a crosswalk and flashing light at the Benedict Street entrance. Also there were plans for a wheelchair
suitable path across the nursing care facility and not down in the wetland.
Volunteer for Parks Report
Rosemary reported Sarah Fairbanks has sent the City and PRT board notice of her resignation.
Faith Morgan has sent notice of her interest in joining but as of yet has not submitted an application to join the
PRT board.
A volunteer group has formed to remove ivy from Sather Park. They work for 2 hours 1 to 3 pm twice a week.
Debbie said she would like to encourage the group to apply for an Adopt a Park agreement with the city. She
would like to advertise their work parties.
There were no visitor's from the public for comment.
Motion to adjourn was unanimous at 5:45 PM. The next PRT board meeting is scheduled May 27th 4:30 PM at
City Hall, first floor.